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Katsaurs' FxF/HxF Roleplay Compendium

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Sep 11, 2012
Hello fellow Rpers!

I thought I'd best make myself a thread here to see if there's anyone out there who would be willing to start up an RP; but first things first, just a few little things I'd like to go over. All I ask is if you take into account the following and I'm sure we'll get along just peachy!

  • I only roleplay Female x Female and, on the off chance, Herm x Female; no Male x Male or Male x Female- they're just not my thing.
  • I enjoy romance in my roleplay so incorporating that is a big thing. Doesn't necessarily need to be the sappy tooth rotting kind, just something that works for the characters e.g two characters who butt heads and bicker often, but the way they do so is almost like 'foreplay' to them.
  • Please, please have some of your own ideas and plots before contacting me, I hate having to do all the work to construct a world only to have you go "That's fine, I have nothing to add- I'm up for anything." Also, please don't leave it up to me every time to advance the roleplay plot or come up with twists, pull your own weight; I don't want to have to hand hold you all the way through as it's not fair to me, nor is it fun. Though in saying that...
  • Communicate! I enjoy talking with my RP partners OOC so we can try and come up with new ideas and plot threads to incorporate into the RP; I like hearing your input and suggestions! Seriously, I have no problems at all sitting down and ironing out some details before we even start the roleplay- in fact this is a must!
  • I will only roleplay over PMs for now. I would say forum posting too but I have a knack of forgetting to check threads when I'm online, plus PMs get my attention a lot quicker.
  • I love quality over quantity, however one liners and very brief responses are a sure fire way of making me bored; so please try and refrain from using them if you can- I know some scenes may require short responses, but please make it count. By that, I mean don't write a smidgen of text and then at the end have nothing for my character to properly react or respond to, or doesn't advance the plot.
  • I'm the sort of RPer who has a habit of making novel length responses often, who likes to explore description & detail about how my character thinks/reacts, what things do to their senses, what they sees etc and have no problems knocking out 3-5 medium/strong paragraphs. While I don't expect you to match them or outdo them, I would really appreciate it if you could put some effort and thought into your own replies. I roleplay as if I'm writing a story and love having partners who can do the same!
  • I prefer long term roleplays that have a goal/plot to loosely follow, however I am more than willing to do a few small term roleplays also; even the short-term ones can have a decent little plot to tie the smut together.
  • I would prefer my RP partners to be literate; I'm not expecting you to be an Adonis of word play or anything like that nor am I a grammar nazi, but I would like you to be able to string a decent enough sentence together and fill your responses with detail and description. If you're the sort that writes actions with *s then, no disrespect to yourself, please don't contact me.
  • I'm a laid back person and I fully understand that life responsibilities come first,but please try and make at least 1 response to the RP a day! If you suddenly find yourself with writers block then tell me- let me know you're struggling to find ways of responding/coming up with ideas- that way I may be able to help you in what ways I can! However, if for whatever reason you find that the RP is starting to bore you, or something just isn't working then tell me. I'd rather you tell me what the issue is so we can look for ways to spice up the plot, or try out new ideas to breathe fresh air into things instead of having you up and leave me hanging without a word.
  • I am much more comfortable RPing in third person perspective and would greatly appreciate it if you did too.
  • Sometimes, depending on the actual roleplay, support characters may be necessary to help bring the world to life and to advance the plot; in such a case I would be very happy if my RP partners are able to take on board additional minor characters along with myself.
Still with me? Yes? Good good, well if that's the case then let's go on to the meat of things; the actual list of categories I like to RP.


Roleplay – Kinks, Genres, Categories & Pairings

Much like everyone here I too have my own preferences of what I like and what I won't touch with a 10ft barge pole. To make things much easier for yourselves I created a page over on F-List, so If I were you I'd go check it out to get an idea of what I'm prepared to do.

A quick note about my listed kinks: 

Faves: Use anything in this list and I will have your children. Well. Not really.
Yes: Sure, anything listed here is fine to crop up in the RP though feel free to ask if you're unsure. 
Maybe: I have to be in the right mood to agree to a kink listed here or it has to have some meaning to the story, but assume for now that these are no go's. 
No: Not in a million years, sorry- it's on that list for a reason folks. 
Unlisted: Usually I don't list things that I feel aren't applicable, though by all means feel free to run it by me and I'll be able to say yay or nay for you :) 

In terms of genres I have an interest in, these are mostly applicable to original RP rather than anything fandom related, though that's not to say you can't apply any of the below to fandom if you'd like to. Some key genres that I'd like to do are:

  • Fantasy
  • Sci – Fi/Futuristic
  • Steampunk
  • Medieval
  • Alternate Universe (Fandom Related)
  • Mystery/Crime
  • Western/Wild West setting
  • Slice of Life

Most of the above can be mixed and match which works for me more often than not, such as Steampunk Fantasy, Slice of Life Western etc.


So now we go onto the categories and the pairings which I will layout in the following manner: Current Cravings, Original, Fandom – Anime & Fandom – Video Games. Simply click on the spoiler tag to see what I've listed under each heading and to see what pairings I have in mind too. Should I have an idea for any sort of plots pertaining a certain pairing I will also list it beneath the said pairing for ease of navigation.

Be sure to check out my current cravings often- when I change them I'll make sure to actually add a date in there to keep prospective partners informed!

Bold and coloured pairings are the most craved at the moment.

Fandom – Harvest Moon
  • F!Farmer/Claire x Elli <--- Biggest Crave
    Plot Idea – In which the city girl retreats to the small country village after having obtained land in her grandparent's will, and makes a fresh start in life by taking up farming. A slice of life roleplay based on F!Famer/Claire's struggles to fit in with a life she isn't accustomed to while trying to get to grips with the eccentric bunch of villagers that live there; and eventually meeting with the village's resident nurse Elli. Whether or not the two get along to begin with is up to you, but it would be nice if eventually the pair do end up together.

    The plot would take into account the various festivals that happen throughout the year in game, and as this would be a slice of life RP we can add in some additional mini plots. With it being a remote village gossip travels fast, would the pair be comfortable with the building attraction based on the social norms/views of the village? Is it something forbidden, or something they or one of them tries their very best not to acknowledge for fear of backlash? And what about the other villagers themselves?

    Perhaps there are things going on in their lives which would affect both Elli and F!Farmer/Claire. Perhaps Doctor Trent is a secret alcoholic who drinks on the job- something that Elli knows about but is unable to say or act upon it for fear of losing her own job, perhaps Doug the tavern keeper has been having an illicit affair with one of his daughter's friends/the other bachelorettes? All is not as it seems in the quiet village town and anything is possible- suggestions/ideas are more than welcome.

Fandom – Final Fantasy
  • Fang x Vanille <--- Biggest Crave

    Plot Idea – Something set pre game perhaps? Or an AU in which what they did at the end of XIII doesn't keep them imprisoned.
  • Lightning x Lebreau

    Plot Idea – Set after the first game with New Bodhum already up and running. Would prefer a sort of slice of life theme for the pair with Lightning trying to come to terms with a growing attraction towards Lebreau, while also feeling conflicted at the fact that Team Nora have been trying to recruit her ever since the Guardian Corps dissolved. I'm also happy to discuss additional suggestions and other possible plot ideas too!

  • Demon x Angel
  • Student x Student (Same or different schools/social misfit/possible disability a la katawa shoujo)

    Plot Idea – For most of these I prefer to come up with a bare bones plot that myself and my RP partner can contribute to.


Please note: Below are just original pairing ideas- in terms of actual races etc they don't necessarily have to be human; Dwarf, Elf, Orc, Halfling, Faun, Centaur, Succubus Crossbreeds etc are all viable, just let me know what you'd like to play as! Also note where student/best friend pairings are concerned, all characters will be 18+

Medieval/Steampunk/Fantasy Themed – Includes but not limited to:
  • Knight x Nobility/Royalty (Same or opposing factions)
  • Peasant x Nobility/Royalty
  • Pirate x Nobility/Royalty
  • Knight x Knight (Opposing factions)
  • Demon x Angel
  • Hunter x Demon
  • Adventurer/Monster Hunter/Explorer x Adventurer/Monster Hunter/Explorer
  • Suggestions Welcome

Slice of Life Themed – Includes but not limited to:
  • Student x Student (Same or different schools/social misfit/possible disability a la katawa shoujo)
  • Teacher x Student
  • Teacher x Teacher
  • Cop x Cop
  • Cop x Criminal
  • Mobster x Mobster (Opposing gangs)
  • Boss x Employee
  • Parent x Teacher
  • Parent x Offspring's best friend
  • Suggestions Welcome

Sci-fi/Futuristic Themed – Includes but not limited to:
  • Explorer x Alien life form (humanoid based)
  • Assassin x Assassin (Their target would be each other)
  • Tech. Advanced x Traditionalist (One character lives in a futuristic metropolis and another would live out in the natural, dangerous world without much tech)
  • Mercenary x Alien life form (humanoid based)
  • Suggestions Welcome

Western/Wild West Themed – Includes but not limited to:
  • Outlaw x Hostage
  • Outlaw x Outlaw
  • Rancher x Commoner
  • Suggestions Welcome


Please note: While all fandom based Rps would follow as much cannon as possible, we can still put said pairings into Alternate Universes to RP a 'What if' Scenario if you wish. That and the above original themes can be applied for the fandom characters too if you wanted to use them.

Tenchi Muyo
  • Ryoko x Ayeka
  • Kiyone x Mihoshi
  • Ayeka x Nagi
  • Ryoko x Nagi

Ah! My Goddess
  • Urd x Mara

Azumanga Daioh
  • Yukari x Minamo

Love Hina
  • Naru x Motoko
  • Motoko x Mitsune
  • Mutsumi x Naru

Final Fantasy Series
  • Celes x Terra
  • Tifa x Aerith
  • Tifa x Elena
  • Quistis x Fujin
  • Rinoa x Fujin
  • Quistis x Rinoa
  • Yuna x Lulu
  • Lulu x Rikku
  • Yuna x Paine
  • Penelo x Fran
  • Lightning x Lebreau
  • Fang x Vanille
  • Lightning x Vanille
  • Serah x Fang
  • Serah x Lightning

Harvest Moon (Back to Nature/Friends of Mineral Town)
  • F!Farmer/Claire x Elli
  • F!Farmer/Claire x Any of the other eligible bachelorettes
  • Elli x Karen
  • Ann x Karen
  • Mary x Karen

Phoenix Wright
  • Maya x Franziska
  • Lana x Ema
  • Mia x Lana

Star Ocean: The Second Story
  • Precis x Rena
  • Celine x Opera

Mass Effect
  • Tali x Liara
  • Liara x Ashley
  • F!Shep x Tali (Pref. Paragon Shep)
  • F!Shep x Liara


If you're at all interested in RPing with me and see something here that you're interested in, then the best way to get in touch is via PM- that way we can come up with some plot ideas to suit us both and come up with some further ideas so we're both happy.

And once more, all suggestions are welcome!

Thanks for taking the time to read this everyone!
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