Welcome To the Human Race (Warlock & Snape)

"Alright ya big baby" ,she teased after he mentioned not liking needles. She opened her package of food and began to eat it, "Mm fucking gourmet cuisine for a soldier eh Plissken?" ,she joked again in reference to the food. "After you're done with that I got some pudding and there's fresh water in the canteens to wash it all down". Kasey was starting to see the benefits of having the guy around he was good at what he did and would definitely be able to help her out if he chose to.
"You can call me Snake" He said as she spoke to him having called him Plisskin. Ballbusting mainly. "Thanks" he said as she mentioned something to wash it down with. "So, how many mission have you been on" Snake asked just trying to make small talk conversation with the women. "and i'm at a loss here i can't remember if you told me your name yet you know mine and well i can't fucking remember if you even mentioned yours or not."
"Kasey I've been on quite a bit of missions more so after I became a mercenary though, hell I get paid better now then I ever did in the marines under the United States control aka the president's control" ,She stated in response. After she finished making the fire she sat down in front of Snake with a first aid kit, "I'm gonna fix you up now and get it over with in case we have to leave here suddenly I don't think we will but just in case".
Leaning back listening to her he nodded every so often so she knew he was payin attention. He took a gun and started to dismantle it and wipe the insides clean with a cloth while she began to stitch him up. "err" he grunted out as she began " Where did you learn to sew someone up at a Parkinsens convention steady your hands that hurt" he said with a laugh . he wasn't serious she was doing fine but he was trying to joke and keep him mind off of the needle dipping in and out of his skin.
"Stop being such a baby" ,Kasey joked back. "I learned how to stitch someone up from my mother who was a doctor thank you very much" ,she knew he was joking but she wanted to let him know he was in good hands when it came to cleaning and stitching wounds. "I'm surprised you didn't squirm around when I pried the bullet out just before I started stitching". After Kasey finished up she cleaned her hands of with some of the wipes she had packed in the backpack.
"A docter really, and you decided to go the complete opposet route and be a trained killer huh Ma sure must be proud." He said in responce to her telling him her mother was a docter. He was glad to hear however that she did really know what she was doing. When she finished he sighed "at last the job is done." he said with a very slight grin. It was good having the wound cleaned and stiched he would be able to travel easier now without worrying about tearing it wider and lossing to much blood. Thinking back to a little earlier to when she had told him her name. "So KC huh is it like K -C or C-a-s-e-y-, or like some other spelling setup? " he didn't really have a need to know how she spelled her name he was passing time mearly. It wasn't like he was ever going to need to spell her name for any reason. Snake pulled his way back to his feet and walked a little further up "we got anything to use for a trip wire to put up there?" He asked while pointing to the top of the hill (continued in next post)
"Not so much to trip anyone up but more or less something to alert us if someone is comeing ya know the old bottle or cans tied off on a line so that if the line is broken or moved the cans or bottles make a noise to alert us?" looking around at the area "And what is our if someone does come ? aint no way i'm heading back up that hill in a hurry so we would have to either fight off anyone OR head out in the opposite direction what are your thoughts?"
"Ma is dead but if she is watching down on me then she's probably proud of what I'm doing" ,Kasey stated in response to the man. He had brought up a sore subject but she wasn't going to show any emotion over it, she was trained not too be emotional no matter what the reason. "If anyone comes by then they die it's as simple as that, you don't need to be running on that leg and if anyone finds us it's not gonna be a large group at most two to five that's easy enough to handle".
"Well lets start getting our rest and taking turns on look out i suppose it's about that time. The sooner we rest the sooner we can be packing up and on the move again." Snake said . It would go back and forth through the night with them taking turns watching out with no problems which Snake thought was a very good thing. as the sun began to come up on one of Snakes turns keeping a watch out he looked to the distance trying to think of how things would go for the coming day. "well looks like it will be nice out at least." he said mostly to himself but loud enough to where if Kasey was up she would also hear him.
Kasey heard him and she sighed with relief the last thing they needed was to get rained on while traveling, wet clothes weighed a person down and with the heavy backpacks they were carrying and the tent they really didn't need anymore weight on them. She crawled out of the tent then lit a cigarette before packing the ten up and getting everything set to leave. When she was all finished she looked to Snake, "You ready to go? On a plus note we don't have to climb back up that hill I made sure we would be facing south when I led you down the thing, guess I just wanted to make sure you didn't put too much pressure on your leg it's habit I usually look out for my men and make sure they don't get hurt unfortunately sometimes we can't control it" ,she told him as she put her backpack on and got ready to move.
The skies were very clear and that was good for the fact that they wouldn't have to walk in wet mud or anything which could cause Snake to slip and further hurt his leg but it did also mean spotting them would be easier if they encountered anyone during the day. " Yeah i'm set to move out" SNake responded as he took a drag from a cig that he had lit a few moments earlier then tossing it to the ground stomping it out as he walked over to the women. "How much did your team recon the area befor your mission" Snake asked as he hoped she knew the area fairly well "Ya see i didn't travel here myself or by choice for that matter and i can't say i know the area all to well so you might be in charge of directions for now." when they brought Snake in the windows were tinted it was late at night and he hadn't even got a clue of the looks of the roads forget about off road areas .
"We spent nearly three months looking over the area and the surrounding areas and got used to it all, I make sure I'm thorough with everything I do" ,she stated in response to his question. Kasey then began walking as she finished up her cigarette, when it was done she threw it down and stepped on it. "We can rest at nightfall again, there's a river that connects to a lake about ten miles from here if we can make it then we can have fish for dinner instead of military cuisine" ,she told him.
"Well shit what are we waiting for Fish for diner sounds great. " Snake said starting to walk quicker. He was glad she had said she had surveyed the area so well it made him feel much more comfortable about the situation they were in. They were wanted and on the run, Something he was more or less used to but being Injured and on the run and with out his usual setup of supplies or vehical he was a little concerned. Being arrested and dumped into hell's like NY and LA was getting old and Snake had no intention of becoming a pawn in the games of the government any longer. He was now walking at a good pace with only a slight limp to his walk but he was starting to think putting all this pressure on his leg was starting to be a bad idea for the long run of there journey. he started looking around for something to take the pressure off and seen a large tree branch . "perfect" he said with a deep growl of a voice. He picked it up and began to use it as a walking stick offsetting some of the weight (2 B continued...)

using his upper body and the walking stick to take pressure off of the leg. It felt far better and allowed him to keep a better pace. " You wouldn't happen to have maps of the area's we will be traveling in wpould you? and a idea of how we will get across the boarder into Mexico?"
She watched as he picked the stick up and knew that he was having some problems with his leg, "We can rest up when we get a little further" ,Kasey stated as they continued to walk. When he asked about a map she shook her head, "No I don't have a map but it is all memorized in my head so we'll be fine as for the border I know a few people over there that can get us in" ,she told him. Kasey was pretty well connected in a few different countries due to her job as a mercenary, she had worked for a lot of different important people over the three years that she had been killing for hire.
Snake gave her a smirk when she mentioned taking a rest "Nah i'd rather keep going i'm fine unless you need a rest" he said with a smile. With the help of the stick he would be able to go for a while without a break. "Glad you got it all memorized in your head but umm" he paused for a moment and slowed down to take a look at her " what if we get split up or you get dead..." he said with little emotion in his voice. "Just saying ya know shit happens.." He was glad that she had people at the boarder to help them get across but the same thought was in his head he had come toi trust her but did he really need more people toi deal with and know where he was. They might be friends to her but what about ratting someone like Snake Plisskin out... It was in the back of his head but not something worth making a big deal out of at this point. "I'll be able to get across the board to return down the line with or without you when the time comes right" Snake asked not sure how long the two would be together in there.....

travels and not wanting to get stuck in Mexico by himself if she decided to stay there longer then he wanted to.
"I'm invincible Plissken I don't get dead and even if I did you would be able to cross the border just look for a guy name James he's the only guy wearing camo over there mention my name and tell him the password which is ghost he'll help you out from there he knows the drill" ,she told him. Yeah her description was vague but it got to the point, if they were to be separated James was the only person that would help him cross the border and he needed to get out of the states for a little bit.
Snake thought to himself for a moment taking mental note of the things she had just told him. He thought she was a little crazy for giving him the info i mean he could just let her die or even kill her off himself if he was that type of guy at any point now. But Snake was a man of his word so that wasn't going to be a problem for her BUT she wouldn't have known that. It made him a little nervous about meetin gup with others because if she gave up info this easy to anyone there could be problems. " Alright good to know. Now at least i know no matter what happens we will be good. Now don't go getting to cocky Miss Invincible.. that's exactly how Invincible people tend to get well ya know." he said stopping for a second to pull out a pack of cigs pulling one from the pack and placing the rest back in his pocket after lighting the cig he started to walk again only taking a couple puffs from the cig before looking back to Kacey " How much further would ya say we got?" He continued to walk as he asked the question
"We should be there in about three more hours if we keep a good pace" ,she told him in response to his question. She too pulled a cigarette out and lit it, taking a nice long drag off of it as they walked. "If you need a rest at any point you just let me know alright Snake this terrain can get a bit rough and do a number on the human body and with you being injured I don't want you to push yourself too hard, lord knows you probably did that enough in LA" ,Kasey stated right before taking another drag from her cigarette.
"I'll be ok for now" Snake muttered as he continued along. " What do you think happened to the presidents daughter did you see or hear anything during your attack ?" Snake asked he then pulled his canteen up from around his neck and opened it to take a drink. then closed it and continued walking He had thought about offering some of the water to her but figured she was all set anyway.
"I didn't hear anything about her I was too focused on trying to put a bullet into the president's head" ,Kasey told him in response to his question. She too opened up her canteen to take a drink from it as they walked she had gotten a bit sweaty and hoped to be able to wash up soon it wasn't that she wasn't used to getting a little sweaty she just felt really gross whenever she got overly sweaty. After a few more hours Kasey finally stopped, "Alright we'll set up camp here for the night then we'll move again in the morning" ,she stated as she set her things down and went to grab the tent to set it up. "Why don't you get to work on the fire while I put the tent up"?
Snake pulled out a box of matches "yeah sure i'll get the fire going " he said as he tossed the box of matches on the ground next to where he would be setting up the fire. he then gathered some wood and made a bit of a teepee shape out of the wood he then gathered some dried out leaves and some little twigs and placed them in the center underneith the bigger peices and in between the cracks he then took the matches and set the leaves on fire which slowly spread to the twigs and it all burned just long enough to get the main peices of wood to catch fire and slowly grow into a nice size camp fire " there we go hope that's good enough for ya" he said looking into the flames. and then taking a seat not to far from the fire on a rock. "kinda makes ya think doesn't it?" he mumbled to himself.
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