Welcome To the Human Race (Warlock & Snape)


Dec 31, 2011
Northeast USA (New England area)

"Welcome to the human race" Snake said as he walked away knowing he had just plunged the world into darkness. Trees surrounded the area in front of Snake and that is exactly where he was heading. Snake was thinking about what the President was thinking at this very moment He chuckled a little at the thought of it and also wondered what would become of Utopia now that there was no power to fry her. It didn't overly matter to him if she lived or died he had gave her a fighting chance and that is all he felt he owed her it was out of his hands now and there was no way he was going back for her.

Snake found a small shack next to a river in the woods he peeked through the windows and seen no one was there. Snake went to open the door but it was locked so he went back over to the window and smashed it open with his elbow. Making his way inside the building he found it was full of different supplies, rummaging through he found a few things that would be useful such as a backpack which he filled with a few tools and he also found a canteen some candles and a few other worth while items which he put all into the backpack with the exception of the canteen which he kept out. He left the building and walked over to the river and unscrewed the top of the canteen. Filling the canteen with water and then replacing the cap he then put it down beside himself and splashed a little water onto his face then taking a look around he stood back up and began walking off. Nearby he found a number of large bushes were he set himself up hidden between them and putting some large branches over the area from bush to bush with some leaves and other things across the top to form a little bit of cover over his head. He laid down and drifted off to sleep sleeping very lightly waking to any sound of movement around him.

When the sun began to come up Snake looked through his backpack to remind himself what supplies he had gathered the night before and then began to repack the bag and then pulling down any evidence that he had slept there he then sat for a moment looking around trying to plan for what he would do next. The sun was hardly up yet and most everything was still pretty dark especially in a wooded area such as where he was.
Kasey was hidden in the woods with her team, they were hired by an unknown client to assassinate the U.S President and they were going to strike at a time they felt was perfect. The president had his hands full with Snake Plissken so he and his team's focus would be on the man who just escaped LA and no one would expect an assassination to take place. The team was positioned in the woods near where the president was giving his little speech, every word he spoke made Kasey grit her teeth in anger the man was a scumbag and he deserved everything he was about to get. He had ruined the united states and turned it into a country full of hate and prejudice and he needed to die to fix it all.

With a flash of blue light everything went dark, Kasey looked over at one of her men and smirked, "Looks like we're headed back into the dark ages, Plissken just took out the power" ,she stated. The woman was trained to survive with or without electricity so the fact the the world's power had just been cut didn't faze her one bit in fact she was kinda glad Snake did it, it was about time the president got a wake up call. Too bad for him that his wake up call would be followed by his death.

Kasey signaled for her team to fire while the president and his people were distracted. All out war had begun and bodies were dropping like flies, the bastards had some how gotten the president out of there and to safety while everything was happening. At the end of it all Kasey had lost her whole team and they had only lowered the numbers of the USPF and although that was a good thing they hadn't accomplished what they had wanted to and that was to kill the president.

Finding her way back to the hummer the team had rode in on Kasey got into the back and sat down. Even though she couldn't drive the thing it had a lot of supplies that would come in handy like first aid kits, weapons, food, and other things that would prove useful to her now that the power was out and she could crash in there for the night as well.

When Kasey woke up the next morning she got out of the truck and looked around. There was no one in sight and the woods were quiet then again she was well hidden deep in the woods and not too many people would venture that deep into the woods so she figured she'd be safe for a while. She decided to take a walk and look around to get some fire wood and also get to know the area just in case she was stuck there for a while. Kasey made her way down to a river that was a few miles away from where her vehicle was parked. She looked into the water to see if there were any fish in there when she noticed that there was she made a mental note that she could fish there before sitting down. Kasey reached into her pocket and grabbed a pack of smokes out, she had gotten them in France while on a mission. Seeing as France still allowed smoking she stocked up before returning to the U.S. She pulled a cigarette from the pack and lit it before leaning back, propping herself on her elbow as she looked out at the river.
Snake was ready to move on it was time to head out as far from this area as possible The USPF was sure to be on the look out for Snake and searching the area by now. He may have taken out there electronics which was sure to slow them down without any of there usual tracking instruments working.

As he walked down through the woods he heard someone up ahead near the water he found a nearby tree to duck behind and take a look from around it to see who was out there. She looked trained but she didn't appear to be a USPF but still Snake intended on taking precaution.

He watched as she took the cigarette out of her pack and knew for sure now that she in fact was not with the USPF but it still left the question in his head WHO WAS SHE. He didn't move but rather leaned back against the tree thinking things over. His injuries from within LA were taking there toll on him he needed to take care of them which meant First Aid supplies one of the things he did not find in the shack the night before. He did notice the person at the water looked like they may be able to help but with bringing himself into the view of this person he didn't know how it would result. The time to take a risk was upon him but still how would he approach it was a thought that he would have to sit on for another few moments at least.

talking lightly to himself "Come on Snake what are you so worried about?"
She sat there and thought about everything that had happened the night before, she wondered if anyone had seen her face and if they'd be looking for her at all. Even if they weren't she needed to get out of the area until she figured out her next move against the president and the USPF. Kasey continued to puff on the cigarette she held in her hand as she thought through all possible ideas. When she was finished with the cigarette she stood up and stomped it out then made her way back towards the woods. Just as she was about to reach the trees she stopped feeling as if someone was watching her. Kasey lifted her gun and looked around for any signs of movement.
Watching the women Snake was thinking about when to make his move, When he seen her walking towards the woods he noticed her weapon. He would make his move but he was going to be as careful as possible. He pulled his gun to his side and slowly leaned around the side of the tree as she looked off to another part of the woods. "No quick moves and we wont have any problems" Snake said as he leaned around the corner. He wanted to make her know he wasn't messing around but at the same time he wasn't looking for another fight he had his fair share of that while in LA "I need some medical supplies, Can you help me out or not?" He asked with a stern tone to his voice. Walking slowly towards the women with his weapon still pointed up but not directly pointed at her.
When she heard the man's voice she turned slowly and let out a small laugh, "You look like shit I don't see you giving me much of a 'problem' to be honest, drop the tough guy attitude and maybe I'll consider helping you out" ,she stated in response to him. She lowered her weapon and just gave Snake a look that told him she wasn't looking for trouble but if he gave her r trouble she'd kick his ass. "Follow me I have a truck hidden a few miles into the woods I have some supplies". Kasey then began to walk off in the direction towards her truck not really looking back to see if Snake followed or not. When she got to the hummer she unlocked it and opened up the back then grabbed one of the first aid kits and threw it towards Snake.
Snake laughed when she responded to him "Well you aint looking so hot yourself" He said back to her and followed her back to her vehicle. When she tossed him the first aid kit he put it on the ground and sat down with his leg extended as he opened up the kit. "Thanks" he muttered out while tearing a section of his pants away to get full access to the injury in his leg. Taking some gauze pads out of the pack and some peroxide. He poured the peroxide on the wound and then quickly covered it with the gauze. pulling out medical tape he taped down the gauze cutting the tape with his blade and then slipping the blade back into his belt. "So what kind of hell have you walked out of?" Snake said looking up at the women. "And where are you heading?" he pulled himself up to his feet trying not to overly bend his leg. He limped his way over to where the women was and looked at her waiting for her response.
"You might wanna stitch that wound up pal you don't need to get it infected" ,she stated noticing he had only taped it up. When he asked what kind of hell she had walked out of she laughed, "An assassination attempt....on the president, my team was killed by the USPF and the slimeball got away again" ,Kasey told him. She lit another cigarette then tossed him the pack, "As for where I'm heading I don't know yet I figured I'd stay here for a few days and plan things out before making any moves, where are you heading?" ,Kasey asked in return before taking a drag off of her cigarette.
"I'll stitch it up once i get time." he replied and then looked over at the lady as she told him what had went down. "To bad ya didn't take him down and sorry about your team. " That was one thing he actually could truly mean he knew what it was like to lose people on a team with you in combat all to well. Not the people he lost on scams or robberies or anything like that but back when he was in the military with good men. "I'm heading as far from here as possible and as fast as i can. I suggest you do the same between your assassination attempt and what i did they will be bringing in every available USPF scumbag they can as soon as they can get the word out. With the power down it may slow them down enough to give us time to get out of here but once they got there shit together this place is going to be crawling with every agent they have. Now is the time to make your move i'm making mine either way."
"Trust me I know how they work we have a few days I don't plan on staying too long but I do need to pack up my shit and figure out a place to go, tonight I'm going to the closest town and getting some more supplies before even thinking about going anywhere I suggest yoy think about doing the same" ,she said in response. Kasey took a drag from her smoke then leaned up against the truck, "If you figure out somewhere to go I'll tag along if it's alright, you'll need the back up with that leg in case you get spotted then as soon as you've healed up we can go our separate ways, I know you like to work alone so I won't interfere with your plans for too long".
"You wanna keep me company. Hmmm..." Snake said in response to the women "Sure heck why not you may have some point but really i prefer not to hang around here all that long i'm sure they are already out searching the area with there dogs. I personally have no interest in having a chat with the USPF or the President any time soon. So let's do what you need to do and lets get moving." He didn't want to admit it but he knew he could use some extra help for the moment in his condition and having a vehicle to travel in would be very worth while to him for now. Snake climbed into the vehicle "Well whenever your ready."
"We can leave when ever but it ain't gonna be in that thing, or in case you don't remember some guy took away the world's power not too long ago the wiring in that truck is shot" ,Kasey stated in response. She raised an eyebrow at the man sitting in the vehicle she did her best not to laugh knowing he was probably tired and didn't feel too well. Kasey took one last drag from her cigarette before stomping it out and moving to the back of the truck to pack things into back packs.
Feeling a little stupid at not even thinking of the fact that the battery in the Vehical would be toast Snake tried to play it off "Oh yeah of course i mean just fooling around ya know. " the words in his head ringing a bit of a different tune (shit what a moron what was i thinking) He continued on as he stood back up " need any help with any of that?" he asked quickly trying to change the subject. He was thinking he may have got ahead of himself alittle with his earlier actions but he had to live with them now no way to just turn the power back on now what was done was done. "So why did you guys plan on killing such a stand up guy like the President?" Snake asked with a chuckle.
Kasey had been taking a sip of water from her canteen when Snake asked why they planned on killing the president, she nearly spit the water out before answering. "I just don't like the guy" ,she stated simply in response. She had her reasons but they didn't really have much time to discuss them. "As for help you can pack up another one o these backpacks with as much as you can fit in it I already got a tent so leave the other one behind there's no use in carrying two when we can fit into one" ,she said. "And don't take that as anything but an offer for a place to sleep bucko".
"Sure i'll help pack up and I can't say i am a huge fan of the guy either but hey what ya going to do" he said while starting to go through the things in the trunk his hand was on the tent when She made mention of not needing it , he took a look at it and tossed it to the side. "That's fine I come with my own tent that i can pop up at anytime Babe." He said with a chuckle giving the lady a look "Don't flatter youself i wasn't looking for a invitation anyway a place to sleep will be more then fair enough. Besides until we are fully clear of this area we may not want to sleep at the same time anyway , we should probably take turns at night keeping a look out." He picked up the backpack that he had put together "Well i think that should just about do it was there anything else in the front that you needed or are we good to go?" Snake asked as he limped towards the women trying to limp as little as possible but the pain was still there from the night before.
"I'm gonna kill him that's what I'm gonna do it'll take time seeing as the last attempt failed but I'm gonna do it eventually" ,she stated in response to his comment about the president. When she finished packing what she felt was needed she looked to the guy, "Good idea we can do shifts every two hours we switch up sound good?" ,she stated. Kasey made her way to the front of the truck and grabbed the two cartons of cigarettes she had up there and packed them into the bag. "Now I'm ready to go, we can head south and into Mexico for a little bit I know a few people there that can help us with a place to stay".
"That works. " Snake said when she asked abpout switching every two hours. Usually Snake wouldn't trust sleeping with someone else watching guard but what choice did he have in his current situation. He couldn't push to hard he was hurt and still dealing with some after effects of the Flu type virus they injected him with but that was already fading luckily. "Mexico. Great just great" Snake said with a sarcastic grin. There were a lot of places where people knew about Snake and he had enemy's all over and Mexico was no different but at the same time it really made no difference to him where they went as long as it was away from here. "Nice supply of smokes ya got there" Snake muttered at the women. He had no objection to the extra cigs being added to what they had to carry for two reasons , for one he knew they would be a supply that would continuely get smaller and smaller and secondly he figured he would be able to get a few along the way as long as he played his cards right.
"Hey Mexico is better then here right now champ so let's get moving" ,she stated as she began to walk. When he mentioned the smokes she tossed a pack his way. "Consider this a gift, remember this when I need something from you" ,she said in response. "We can take our first rest when night falls, the USPF is less likely to be roaming around in the dark, I've got lanterns and a good supply of matches as well as a lighter so we can light a fire but only if we feel it's safe enough".
Catching the smokes he put them right into his pocket. "Thanks. And yeah i guess i'll owe ya one for these." Snake listened to what else she had to say it all sounded like a decent plan for now and he had no objections. "Yeah those pansies wont have many men out without flashlights to guide there way but still i wouldnt put it past there being a few still out searching. But i expect it to be just that a FEW." snake said singling out the word few. Mexico would be ok till the heat died down or at least that's what Snake kept telling himself in his head. "So dare i ask who your working for?" He asked while walking close behind the women.
"A few men are easy to handle I can do that on my own so if any of those fuckers cross our paths they're gonna end up dead" ,Kasey stated plainly as she continued to walk. "As for who I work for, the highest paying customer I'm a mercenary after the marines were taken over by the USPF I went rogue I didn't want anything to do with that corrupt team of morons". Kasey continued to walk not really chacking to see if Snake was still there mainly because she could hear his footsteps.
Snake listened as she spoke. Letting him know little details about herself. It helped Snake to trust her a little more but his trust would only go so far for a new person in his life he had after all been burned in far to many deals by people he thought he could trust in the past. But looking back everyone who ever turned on him got what was coming to them in the end. He decided although he wanted to give her more reason to trust him it at this time was better off not giving up to much info about himself. It was obvious she knew enough about who he was already anyway. He followed her a long distance before speaking up again. "So ,when do you want to stop and figure out something for food?" He asked it was as good a question as any of course and he was trying not to admit that he needed a break from walking. "I don't know about you but im starving."
"I have food packs in my backpack ya know that standard military crap, it's not the greatest but it's something" ,Kasey said in response. It had started to get a little darker and she herself was getting a little tired herself, "We can set up camp soon if you want let's just find a good hidden spot" ,she continued. She then lit herself a cigarette and continued walking until she found a good spot, it was down a hill and behind some rocks and she felt kinda bad making the man walk that with his hurt leg but then again she was no stranger to having to move around with a gunshot wound.
"Sounds good." Snake said as he continued to follow the women. when they came to the hill he struggled a little making his way down it but agreed it looked like a decent enough hidden spot. Once he got to the bottom he dumped everything he had been carrying into a pile and leaned against a tree and slowly slid his way onto the ground. "I think i wont be moving for a little bit just so ya know" it was true once he was down there wasn't much he felt like doing for the moment. "So toss me some military rations don't worry i don't mind them i know they suck but the taste kinda grows on ya if ya eat them enough." He spoke from experince he had lived on them on more then one occasion. "SO lets talk about objectives what are the plans for the comming hours and days for us?" He asked.
Kasey threw the man some of the military rations and laughed, "It's all I ever eat now a days" ,she stated. "You should let me stitch you up now that we have time, I'm good at it I've never had stitches pop out on me once and that's doing my own" ,she told him. Kasey began to set up the tent when Snake asked about objectives, "Well obviously if we get out of the country we're untouchable, the president can't do shit once we cross into Mexico we can start planning there where we're safe but for now we need to think about resting up for our trip tomorrow, on a good note I can probably get us some horses before we leave Mexico so we won't have to walk so much after wards" ,she told him. When she finished setting up the tent she cleared a spot and dug a hole in the ground so she could start a fire.
Snake opened the food and began to eat while listen to the women speak. "Sounds good. A horse wouldn't be such a bad idea. And when your done eating feel free to give it a go at stitching me up" he would usually only allow himself to do something like that but now wasn't the time to get picky. "I don't like needles though so give me one of the guns to clean while you work on stiching me up so my attention will be off of what your doing. But eat first we BOTH need our strength and rest for the journey we will be on."
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