All For a Good Cause {darkest_fate&rahatingt}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The charity was relatively unknown. Relatively, because in its short lifespan, it had already generated a lot of buzz. Nearly every celebrity, singer, activist, and heiress had heard of the company. Its mission was one that literally everyone could get behind: gathering funds for children suffering under repressive regimes. What made it all the more appealing was that it already had a stellar record and several important backers. A modeling campaign had gone out already, all the proceeds being donated to charity. Not simply part, which was traditional, but literally all proceeds.

Naturally, this company garnished the attention of the younger stars, those still rising. In particular, the ever charitable Miss Emma Watson had heard of the company. She'd instructed her agents to contact the heads of the company, and connections were made. It turned out to be perfect timing: the company was planning a charity based photoshoot. The photos would be collected into various memorabilia, and these would be sold online. All proceeds would, of course, go to the charitable causes.

Being a model of some acclaim herself, Emma had naturally volunteered to be among the models listed. She'd even used some of her pull to help pay for the shooting itself. Still, she'd been surprised when her contact had suggested a location she'd never heard of before. Apparently the studio wanted the utmost discretion. Since this was something Emma could certainly get behind, she'd agreed.

Thus the pretty model was walking toward the mostly abandoned office building. Already Emma's shorn hair had been styled: done in that semi-messy look that gave her a tomboyish charm. She'd gone light on the makeup, nothing more than base, as was usual for a shoot. A light dress and a pair of simple sandals were all she wore, figuring that the director of the shoot would likely be the one selecting her true outfit. Thus the pretty girl entered, looking around and calling out, hoping that her driver had gotten the address correct.
Josh Black was literally Black. A renowned photographer who had been slowly rising up the ramp and now a known enough person to shoot for the high end magazine's some of the times. He was also a shrewed businessman investing his earing from the photography carefully and making enough connections to made a tidy empire for himself.

But more than anything it was his newest charity venture that had increased his profile in the world of A class celebrities. Not everything about the photoshoot was public or black and white but the money going to the charity was real and significant and the secrecy surrounding it was secret enough for him to get one after another celebrity in the lens of his camera. The charity was profiling high enough for Ms. Watson to even come forward herself. A lot of the photoshoot really went as what the public knows, that helped with the credibility and protection against any rumor if something went messy somewhere. But Josh knew that with Ms. Emma Watson even if there wasn't external demand he himself would push it through to some hot creamy conclusion. He felt the tightening of his groin as he set things up for the shoot.

Josh was quite tall at six feet. He was dressed in a casual jeans and shirt. The man was nearing forty, the expensive looking camera hung on a strap on his slightly thick belly. The place inside was quite bit and was painted white and looked good despite the abandoned look outside. Deep soft rug covered the floors and the black leather sofa, huge and comfortable setup the backdrop nice. One side had a huge oak desk, simple yet very elegant looking. There were other furnitures to help make different poses. It even had a very beautiful classy four posture bed with white satin sheet. He had big plans for most everything in the place. There was a door on one end to the private dressing room, filled with dresses and makeup and another door to some private part of the building for Josh to use and contained quite a few surprise for Ms. Watson.

There was also of course fixtures for light and fan and he hand quite a few cameras and lens lying in one worktable. He was fully ready and was looking forward to the shoot when the bell chimed announcing her arrival. Josh opened the door and smiled warmly toward the beautiful looking petite young woman. Looking at the watch he softly laugh in his deep voice, "Its very nice to see you right on schedule Ms. Watson, come on in. I hope you hadn't have any problem finding the place", he ushered her in as he was talking. "It was very nice of you to wanting to help with the charity and even footing the bill for the shoot. I appreciate it very much. I'm Josh Black .. the photographer and one of the mastermind for the charity", he introduced himself as he took her inside and let her see the place ready for the shoot. Tasteful and elegant, the place was inviting and warm, made to make the woman relax and not worry about the location or absence of staff.

"I am ready for you whenever you are Ms. Watson. Before we do anything special, dress you up in fineries, I just want to take some random shot. You look beautiful and natural enough in the dress you are in. So just pose yourself, however and wherever you want. Get us comfortable working with each other, let us get a feel of how each other work before we do something serious. You would also look very casual and comfortable and for a charity shot that might go real well. Stand in front of a black wall, sit comfortably in one those ornate chairs (high arm, wooden a little vintage style) or just get comfy on the sofa, whatever works."
Mr. Black's appearance was hardly surprising for Miss Emma Watson. She'd grown used to encountering all sorts of people throughout her career. It seemed that just about anyone was willing to get behind a camera lens and capturing bits and pieces of reality. True, Emma found that the photographers were usually a more... "artsy" sort, but that didn't necessarily mean that they all were. What was far more surprising to the girl was that she'd never heard of this particular photographer before.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Black," she said, the very model of manners. "I'm afraid you have the advantage on me. I haven't quite heard of any of your work, though I do hope that this shoot goes excellently. After all, we are doing it for a good cause."

Emma punctuated her remark with the type of smile that generally won awards and covered magazines. The flash of pearly whites lit up her face, making the already beautiful girl all the more striking. She let it slide as Mr. Black escorted her inside. The girl's gaze took in the set, wanting to familiarize herself with the various details. Experience had taught her that it was always best to be familiar with ones surroundings. That and the scenery could generally give away what kind of shoot you were entering. This looked to be quite relaxed, with a casual atmosphere that looked quite professional and classy. In short, it was the kind of set that put Emma at ease.

Mr. Black then explained what he wanted, and Emma turned to him. "You really want pictures of me in this?" she asked, gesturing at the relatively simple dress. "I have to admit, you're going to make me quite camera shy..."

The girl hesitated, biting her lip. She'd come onto the set half expecting this to be a little more risque than her usual shoots. It was quite likely that they'd raise more money and appeal to a wider audience if the shots were of a more.. sensual manner, after all. So really, Mr. Black was only trying to make her more comfortable.

"Well, I suppose it can't hurt," she finally conceded. The smile returned for a moment, though not quite as confident. "Just make sure you get my good side."

With that, Emma moved to stand before the black wall. She would pose there, a quite natural stance again with that familiar smile. In fact, Emma would prove to be something of a photographer's dream: remarkably photogenic, quick to take suggestions and compromise, while still thinking somewhat on her own. That the girl looked splendid was an added bonus. She'd easily do the various shots Black wanted for the time...
Ms. Watson impressed Josh as he started snapping picture after picture of the woman in her simple casual dress. Even dressed as she was with the bare minimum of makeup she was stunning. Her smile lit up not just her face but the surrounding. Josh was sure that the photos he would take would raise huge amount of money for the charity. But even as she posed and smiled his mind thought of the more special photos that he would take. He could image her beautiful face turning a shade crimson in blush, her mouth half open in pleasure as he pushed her into more and more risquer poses and actions. His body tightened with need as his mind flashed those fantasies and his tongue came out to wet his lips in anticipation.

Josh was also impressed at how casual and easy she was to work with. She tried helping him make the best of the shoot, following his guiding quite well and improvising only to make it better. She was very nice to work with despite being one of the most famous of celebrities. And Josh had shot enough A-list in recent times to see how arrogant and bitchy some of them might be. Though there was some fun in playing the extra special game with the bitchy one's he thought with a restrained smile.

He dropped the camera of his hand finally, letting it hang by the straps as he moved toward her. "Those were some nice shots. Simple dress or not, your smile makes for some very charming photos. I am sure as we shoot and more with some more specific dresses and poses things would come out even more beautifully. They are gonna sell really well and raise a lot of money for the charity."

He politely offered her a hand to guide her to the dressing room. "Lets pick a change of dress for you and see what we can do. I will just help you pick the dress and let you change and setup however you like. I believe mostly being natural and free form letting the woman come out as it would". As he opened the door a beautiful dressing room open up, mirrors and sitting arrangement and makeups in one side while the other part holds a huge number of beautiful dresses of all categories. There were classy looking gowns, floral dresses, shots, t-shits, beautiful lingeries, nightgowns, bikinis and footwear ranging from flip flops to high heel leather boots.

Josh waved his hands to show her before pulling out one dress. "How about this Ms. Watson? Mmm .. would it be alright to call you Emma? That might make it a more relaxing shoot", he asked with a smile. The dress was sensual and elegant to be truthful but very alluring. The short hem would only go halfway to her thing, had a deep cleavage and clearly was meant to wear braless. It was thin and darker in color and would let glimpse of her body to see through if barely and under proper lighting.

"Why don't you come out getting dressed. You can choose whatever lingerie you like ... whatever you wear would be a gift for you, so have fun with it", he was hoping to get her completely nude inside the changing room for the camera there. Smiling he left her inside to get ready while planning for what was coming. It would start getting very dirty very soon if things go according to plan.
The pictures were easy enough, and Mr. Black was proving to be quite easy to work with. Emma could only hope that the shots were half as good as he seemed to think they were. of course, she had no idea what thoughts were going through his mind, or perhaps she would have headed for the exit then and there, charity or no.

Thankfully, Emma didn't possess mind reading powers. She could only work with what Mr. Black said, and what he said was flattery. "Thank you! I mean, I do try, but it's nice to hear it every once in a while," another of those smiles, this one a quick flash. The girl smoothed out her dress, ironing out imaginary wrinkles. Somehow she doubted that just pictures of her smiling in a simple dress would sell well. Maybe they were going to be autographed by her? She certainly wouldn't mind.

Mr. Black led Emma into the dressing room, and again the model looked at things with a critical eye. The variety of clothes was somewhat surprising: Emma had figured this shot would be a little more focused than that. Still, she admired the taste of the wardrobe consultant, and had to admit that whoever had laid dresses out certainly knew how to compliment her. Some outfits simply didn't look good when you had Emma's fair complexion and deep brown eyes.

"By all means, Mr. Black," she said, gesturing magnanimously, "call me Emma. And your selection seems... striking.'

She nodded, taking the dress from him and studying it. She'd worn more revealing outfits before, that was certain. The hem was a little higher then usual, and the cleavage perhaps a little deeper, but it was all within boundaries. "Oh, thank you, but I really couldn't," said Emma, flashing another smile. "but I will go ahead and get dressed..."

And she'd wait till Mr. Black was gone. Emma spent a few moments studying the dress, considering, before heading to look at the various bits of lingerie. As Emma had expected, the lingerie ventured more into sensual, downright sexy areas. She knew full well that she couldn't wear a bra with the current dress, but she definitely needed panties of a kind. She selected a lacy pair that were fairly translucent. First though, she shucked out of her old dress. The girl's body had the lean look most models craved, with pale, flawless skin. Her breasts were on the smaller side, just about small handfuls. But as she released them from the bra, they proved perky enough. Emma soon slid her panties down as well, revealing a neatly trimmed bush of light brown hair. It was clear that Emma took some time to make certain she looked good everywhere. The light hairs there weren't the full bush of untamed growth, but obviously the sign of dedication and care. It added a little color to her pale white. Yet still, the slope of her thighs seemed to point toward her slit. It was hard to see Emma's sex from where she stood, as it was little more than a slit, but it was pink, snug, and nearly virginal.

Not that Emma took time to admire herself. She slid into the panties, snapped the dress on, and then spent more time preparing hair and makeup. In a few minutes, she'd be out and ready for the shoot, that smile once more lighting up her face.
Josh almost whistled as she came out wearing the short beautiful dress. He had been watching her change in one the tablet not that the small screen did her juice. But one strategically placed camera had let him view her flower and he could guess how snug and inexperience she was. The thought of his mammoth shaft sinking inch after inch up her snug depth, watching the pleasure mingled with hint of pain as he corrupts and addict her to his BBC had him straining against his slacks by the time she had returned. He put down the tablet and grabbed the camera.

"The dress suits you", he said with a smile, the deep cleavage of the dress showing of her smaller breasts to perfect. He let her sit on the sofa and took some quick shot. "Relax against the back and smile, let your chest thrust out slightly ... I need photos both your feet spread and legs crossed." He instructed as he moved around .. some straight shot, some from either side .. even kneeling down a little far, taking angled upward shots that capture her face, some of the closeup very nicely took notice of her cleavage.

"Let me help you a bit", he said after some of those shot and went behind the sofa and coming around the back put his hands on her shoulder to set her pose before his hand started sliding down, "don't feel alarmed .. I am just getting you ready for the pose", he said in a very courteous manner as his hands slid down her body to gently cup her breasts in his palms, weighting them before his thumb started working on her perky nipples through the flimsy dress. "You know how things go .. sensual and alluring that sells, that raises money for the charity. This dress will give hints of the nipples ... I have seen you in shots like this. Last time I asked the model to this herself, she got really embarrassed so just let me get you ready". Listening to him no one would guess what was going on in his mind. It was all said very factually even as his cock throb and leak and he imagines smearing her breast with his thick cum.

He came around after that with a very professional face even as lust lingered in his blood, loving the poking nipple and how sensual her embarrassment was making her look and started shooting as if everything was as normal and as casual as they could be.
"Thank you again," she said, giving the dress a slight lift and drop. "Whoever chose the wardrobe for the shoot did an excellent job. I'm almost glad you chose for me, or else we'd be here all day."

She flashed another smile, one that faded as they moved into their more professional capacities. Yet again, Emma obeyed the instructions given to her by the photographer. It did occur to Emma that they were purposefully highlighting the sensuality of her body, but again, this was more or less what she figured would come of the shoot. Besides, it was hardly the first time that the actress had utilized her looks in a more sexualized manner. So she played along with it, giving the camera sultry looks or pleasant smiles, all per instruction.

Mr. Black offered to help, and Emma paused. She'd seen photographers come forward for various details before, and she knew it was best to take as neutral a pose as possible. Still, her experiences didn't prepare her for what Black did. Emma gasped as his hands touched her breasts, stiffening. A hand went up, and she seriously thought about smacking away his questing digits. However, his words gave away his motives: this was for the shoot, it was all professional. the proceeds would go to children, and it wasn't as though people would know that the man had purposefully "fluffed" Emma. They'd just assume that it was cold or something.

"In the future, perhaps a little more warning would be appreciated," was all Emma said, giving Black a smile that was halfway between embarrassed and consternation. She did wonder if perhaps his fingers weren't enjoying seeking out her nipples a little too much. At least the actress took some solace in knowing that her nipples weren't quite as sensitive as some. true, the tiny pink buds needed a gentle hand, and Emma felt every caress, but at least she didn't moan like a whore. She did have to bite her lip and squirm a little.

"I bet this gets awkward with your male models," she said, turning to give Black another quick smile. "I'd hate to see you doing this to some of the actors I've worked with. They'd slap you rather hard."

Just as she was seriously considering doing herself...
Josh went back to shooting with a smile, enjoying her squirming knowing that it was likely that she was getting a bit damp, thinking back of the sensual lingerie she had chosen that only made his body coiled up more. He would need release soon if things kept moving like this, Josh thought.

He commented on her as from behind the camera. "I guess a warning could have been better. But framing these questions can get more awkward than the action themselves from my experience. So just going ahead and doing it seemed better. Thanks for taking all these so professionally. I mean you and I both have to do what sells whether its natural or not, whether its really portray you truthfully or not. Please don't get offended or anything."

He kept shooting and adding instruction, posting this or that what, making the dress strain and showing off those erect nipples more prominently, body angling to present a more sinew alluring curves for the camera. Then it was time to up the ante a bit. "I want you to slowly lick your lips, wet them for the camera .. I will take some shot of the licking itself and slightly open lips glazed and glistening", he called from behind the camera as if he wasn't enjoying every moment of the delicious sensuality and simply doing a job of photographing.

But that wasn't even anything special as he hung the camera loose after those shots were done. "You had a shade of crimson I posed you the last time. That made you really striking and alluring. It could sort of make people wonder what made you blush, what are you thinking, wondering, fantasizing. You know how those kind of thing gets into a male head. I think you blushing would really be good for the shoot. He raised the camera one hand and his slid down his body casually to unbutton his slack. His thick monstrous black cock uncoiled and sprung like a snake, half of it simply exploding out of the restrained and pulled free, the slacks opening and dropping a bit but not yet exposing himself completely. He snapped away at her shocked crimson face, moving and snapping .. wondering if he had gone too far for him to lock her up or she would buy her excuse for the moment. As he moved the slacks kept sliding down until the whole cock became free, rising like a mast, huge and veiny, the thick dark knob leaking and throbbing angrily, promising unfathomable pleasure and satisfaction.
"Oh no, no, I'm not offended at all," insisted Emma, shaking her head. She quite nearly raised her hands to add another gesture to the refusal. "You just caught me off guard, that was all."

Those words would come back to haunt Emma, and very soon at that. For now, she had poses to do. And do them she did, again showing herself to be the consummate professional. Emma would arch her back, forming that bowed shape that often drew the idea. Her chest became thrust out, pulling the fabric tight and emphasizing her already erect nipples more. There was even a shot with Emma's head tilted back, her mouth partway open while her eyes closed. The nipples seemed cooperative as well, remaining rock hard throughout all the movements. It certainly helped that each shift dragged the fabric across the sensitive tips. It all had a nice side effect of sending tingles throughout Emma's body, tingles that she'd grown used to ignoring.

Another pause, and another command. This too wasn't unexpected: it fit perfectly with the sensual nature of the shoot. In fact, Emma was almost surprised that they hadn't asked her to do something along those lines sooner. her pink tongue left her mouth then, circling slowly, sensually, across her plump, pink lips. The slowness was intentional: to give Black time to get the shots he wanted. It also left her lips shimmering with saliva, reflecting the light beautifully. Emma parted them per command, managing a look that was sultry at the same time.

Said look vanished at the next action. For Emma found herself staring, quite openly, as the photographer reached for his zipper. "Now, I don't think that will be--" she began. The words died in her throat as his member peeked through. The slight glimpse made Emma's throat stick, and her thoughts jumbled together. Her lips moved in an attempt to form words, but it failed her for some time. Then, at least, Black shifted, and the cock bounded completely free.

It dwarfed the few that Emma had seen in person. In fact, it made the others seem almost comically small, as though they'd belonged on children instead of the men that Emma had willingly taken to her bed. The actress couldn't help but stare for several heartbeats, her deep brown eyes riveted on the sight.

Then, she shook her head, regaining control. "Mr. Black," her voice had an edge to it now, "I don't think that's very appropriate behavior. Would you please," she gestured, "zip that up and put it away. I may be forced to leave if you continue..."

And she found she didn't want to. For the charity, of course. This was simply too good an opportunity to let pass. Clearly Black just let himself get carried away. Yes, that made sense.
The expression on her face was priceless as Josh exposed himself. The shocked starring only inflamed him, making his cock bob on its own. He could see her loose her voice, he could feel even looking through the lens her comparing him against the men of her life and finding them wanting.

Her eyes were riveted on him and despite her proteset and threat for leaving he could see her struggling for control, her gaze on him. He let his belly muscle work tot let the cock throb, the fat knob leaking slowly making the precum glisten the knob, making for mouth watering appetizer.

Josh started making excuces for her, giving her a way to stay and see that fabulously fat shat a little more. "I know this is a little awkward and unconventional", he said hiding his face behind the camera still snapping away at her shocked face, taking the priceless snaps knowing the video cameras were taking in everything in crystal HD.

"But look at it this way. No one's here, the photos would catpure your pure expression, no one needs to know what happend behind the camera. And I'm not making a move on you, just doing what would get the desired flushed eager expression in your face. You know it would make the sell skyrocket for the charity. Just look and your face, body react naturally .... imagine about your boyfriend and let me just help".

He made excuses mostly for her, to give herself an excuse to stay even as the throbbing leaking shaft did it's best to tempt her, not to mention the grapefruit size big black balls hanging between his thing proudly promising messy creamy conclusions in future. He let the words play, knowing that no way she would think of her boyfriend's cock ... there was only one cock in her mind right now.

[ooc: so far 3 times I think I lost more than half a writing :(, just this thread. Hence the delays and maybe some loss of quality.]
The cock actually bobbed. Emma couldn't recall quite seeing a cock bob and throb like that. He must have amazing control over his lower body. Either that or she was turning him on to such a degree that he was literally throbbing. Either explanation had a decidedly sexual bent to it, and neither was one that Emma wanted to focus on.

She tore her gaze from the throbbing cock, instead staring directly at the man. The flush still showed upon her skin; Emma was far, far too fair to dismiss the shock that quickly. Black provided an explanation, one that almost sounded believable. Emma found herself licking her lips again, convincing herself that she did it merely to help herself think.

"That's rather unconventional," she said. Her eyes flicked down for a moment, before locking on to the man again. Unconventional, yes, but hardly illogical. Emma could understand the drive to make this successful to some degree. Still...

"I understand, really I do, but I'd still greatly appreciate it if you'd put that away," she said, waving toward his crotch yet again. Emma was seriously considering leaving at this point, at least retiring to her dressing room till Black pulled himself together. She certainly wasn't thinking of her nonexistent boyfriend at the time. Hard to think of any cock but that monster before her; it seemed almost inhuman...

{yeah, that's happened to me a few times. I started writing my posts in a notepad and copy-pasting them just so I don't lose them anymore.}
Josh could see him loosing her. He had enough to keep her between the dressing room video and her in the presence of naked black man but he wanted her co-operation at this moment. The coercive moments were for the most depraved of his desire when things would be totally in the open. He wanted to tease, arouse and corrupt her to start with and her wanting to leave wasn't good for that.

He pulled the camera strap over his head and walked toward her, letting the throbbing cock lead the way before sitting beside her in a half naked fashion. The cock throbbed and heat seemed to ooze of it as he half turned to face her making the proximity unavoidable to ignore while taking one of her hand to hold her in place.

"I'm sorry if I have offended you or make things awkward. I thought you would be slightly embarrassed and blushed but not so awkward. You are a beautiful, sensual woman. I would have thought enough male attention and lover would make you a little .... didn't thought you would be this shy about it."

He paused letting the word sink through as if this was a botched attempt and he didn't really tried pushing the boundaries. "I mean I can just do a very casual shot .. it would sell and after all you are paying for the shoot so there's no cost to recuperate. But it would sell average. But a really alluring, sensual yet classy shoot would sell 10 times more. The choice is really yours. And you will eventually do this risquer shots, more alluring scene in movies. You have already done some of that and starting to. I have heard how hard those have been for you and no wonder given how shy and awkward you seem to be. I can help you here ... just make you comfortable acting with a male, to be alluring and yet be in control (even though he planned the complete reverse). You can fumble in private with everything. Your next such shoot will involve tens of people looking at you awkwardly making it all the more tough for you.
Emma was surprised to find Black approaching her. She stiffened again, taking a posture not dissimiliar to a deer that looked about to make a break for it. However, he didn't do anything, at least, nothing overt. His cock did seem to lead him, and Emma could almost feel the heat coming off the throbbing member. It was nearly enough for her to take a step back, and she again thought of dashing for the dressing room.

His words, on the other hand, nearly stung. He made it sound as though she were a prude, a girl who'd never even seen a penis before, let alone experienced one. While Emma's sexual life might not be the sort of thing that made magazine covers, it was still alive. She opened her mouth to protest, only to again be silenced by his logic. She pursed her lips, trying to digest what he said.

"I still don't see why you have to expose yourself,' she protested. Her eyes again flicked to between his legs. strange, but he seemed even larger than before, nearly as big and thick as Emma's forearm. But that just had to be the distance playing tricks with her mind. "I still want to do the shoot," she said, straightening. "so let's just... let's just move on and forget this ever happened."

There, that should be a compromise, of sorts. Certainly enough to get them moving, and hopefully moving away from a position wherein one of them was half-naked.
He took her hand in both hand and turned fully toward her as soon as she looked at him, letting her see him fully. "You know why Emma. You can't even look at one just from a far. How are you gonna pose in a sensual sultry manner. You did good considering how inexperienced you are .. but do you wanna be mediocore or good. Do you wanna read reviews how Ms. Emma Watson tried for some sultry photoshoot and failed?"

He shook his head as if expecting for her to understand this already. "You have changed and grown up but you still have to change people's mindset about you. Everyone loved you as the cute, innocent, smart wizard girl but now they would expect a sexier and mature Emma Watson to come out. Someone to blind them, allure them ... someone to lust after. Thats the reality. They would love the younger cute Emma .. but for you they want a mature, sexy Ms. Watson".

He was a bit hard to her, going after her strong and confident to let her uncertainty about the situation bubble and fill her mind. He pulled at her hand suddenly and wrapped it around his fat leaking cock knob to her shock. "You wanna be taken as a grown up act like one Emma. I won't do anything ... you are gonna hold me until you are comfortable ... until it makes you wanna run. Its nothing scary and wired ... every man has a cock, its nothing to be intimidated off."

He kept talking, keeping her mind busy thinking on the word and not what he was doing hoping to tempt her with his cock, with her natural innate sensuality that he felt was just waiting to be awakened.
"Of course not, but surely we can--" began Emma. Black continued talking, and Emma wasn't at all surprised to find him continuing. He'd already turned her to face him, and she again struggled not to look down. She convinced herself it wasn't because she wanted to look at his throbbing member, but because something like that was far too easy to stare at.

Familiar words were flung at Emma now. The audience knew her, and now they needed to know that it was time for her to grow up. It was eerily similar to something she herself had said from time to time, usually referencing her desire to break free from the role that society had placed upon her. Still, hearing herself referred to as sexy certainly did make Emma feel a little better.

That feeling melted away as Black grabbed her hand. Emma gasped, and felt her body once more tense. Within moments, her pale white digits were touching his throbbing, black cock. She could feel its hardness, its girth, even the throbbing within. He claimed there was nothing to be intimidated by, that this was something fairly normal, yet his cock said a very different story.

"This is highly unprofessional," said Emma, snatching her hand away from him. she flushed again, her eyes flashing. "I suggest that you calm yourself down before we continue. I'm heading to my dressing room. If you decide you're willing to act like the professional I know you are, you'll know where to find me."
Josh stood up then, finding that other approach would be needed to get things working with her. His first idea about silk scarfs and blindfold seemed more of an intelligent approach at this point. The girl was pretty strong minded despite her innocent naivety.

Josh watched her flashing eyes and smiled. "Well it was mostly a professional gesture even if quite unconventional. I have never been about beating around the bushes. My apologies if I have offended you." He pulled up the slacks and zipped himself up as he talked. "Thats not to say I'm not attracted by you but that would be everyman out there so I don't think you should be surprised by you".

He looked a bit thoughtful, "well there's another option I see of making you look all sexy and grown up. I'm more for sensual looks and expression then revealing clothes but if you are more comfortable with that. Go in the dressing room, freshen up and choose whatever you would find most sexy. It can be a nightgown, a sexy lingerie, one piece bikini or whatever".

Josh knew now that he had to coerce her into doing things, arousing her and giving her no option. He needed to give her a distance, a more choice to let her relax before he made his move and have her more accessible so that he could be on her in flash before she could guess anything.
"Well, I'm offended," said Emma, her eyes again flashing. Offended, to be sure, but also quite flushed. There was a hint of erotic undertone to the whole display that left Emma feeling slightly buzzed. Not only that, but it seemed like she'd at last regained some control over the situation. At the very least, Black was putting away the club that he had in place of a normal sized penis.

A thoughtful look crossed Black's face then as Emma headed for her room. Another option, revealing clothing. Emma sighed, running her hand over her face and up through her hair. Of course there would be revealing clothing. At least that was more in lines of what she'd been expecting in the first place. He instructed her to head back to the dressing room, to freshen up, and to dress "sexy."

Emma nodded, refusing to say anything at this point. She returned to the dressing room,definitely needing a few minutes to herself. She could still see a flush upon her cheeks as she looked into the dressing room mirrors, and she could also tell that her nipples were still fairly hard. The girl mumbled some curses, wishing that she had some cool water to splash upon her face. Perhaps later. For now, she needed to select something "sexy."

The choices certainly were filled with that. Emma wrinkled her nose at a few of the outfits, not surprised at their presence but also certainly not wanting to immediately change into something so revealing, especially given what Black had just been doing. In the end, she found a lacy set of pajamas. It straddled the line between comfort and sensuality, giving her a soft look. Deep perfect fabric served as a base, while a lighter purple lacing ringed around the edges. Light, breezy, and with just enough sex appeal to surely please Black.

Emma thought about wearing underthings beneath, just to be cautious, but decided that was unnecessary. Black had learned, and he wouldn't try again. So off went the dress, and the panties, and on went the nightwear. Emma adjusted the nearly halter top dress, not surprised that it left a great deal of shoulder bared. It hung relatively loose around her, yet bared several inches of navel and skin before the tops of the bottoms showed. Said bottoms were tighter, not quite clinging to the girl but certainly not hanging loose. They were barely longer than a pair of panties, and Emma certainly felt a little... exposed. She went to the mirror to freshen up hair and makeup, before finally leaving the dressing room, returning to see what Black had set up, and what he had planned.
Josh had been thinking hard of what to do while he waited. All the while he watched he enjoyed watching her undress. That alluring beautiful body too hard to resist and he knew that he won't be resisting anymore.

Josh had a plan formed by the time she had returned specially after seeing how she had chosen to come back out without any underthing. She looked beautiful and for a natural shoot it was a very balanced and nice choice. And truthfully he was loving her in it.

He gave her a very natural fresh smile as if he had forgotten what had transpired just as she suggested. "You are looking rather sexy and innocent ... its quite a nice blending of how people see you now and how you want to see you in future. Very well done. You do know how to pick your dress Ms. Watson", he gave her an honest praised with just a hint of extra flattery to help her relax.

The poses he ask of her were natural and they showed of her long pale legs to perfect, or that deep sensual naval in her flat belly. One after another pose, all perfectly showing of her petite gorgeous figure to perfection, using the careful exposure of her body to present a bubbly yet sexy view of her, immersing her into a very traditional if sexy shoot.

So it was very natural when after a pose with her hands on her hip, one with one feet on the sofa she was asked to pose with her knees on the sofa and hands on the back of it with her watching her over her shoulder. More poses following with her smiling and mischievous, and one hand on her hip. He came closer, moving side to side taking her expression head on or from behind. He pulled the straps of his neck, holding the camera in both hand and snapping away until suddenly he put the camera away and grabbed both of her hands on her back.

She was forced kind of in an all four position, her face pressed against the soft back as he let his free hand roam over her body. "I'm sorry to have to hold you but this is for your own good. A gorgeous, sensual girl like you should learn to enjoy yourself", he whispered before the and slid down and into her pajama bottom to slowly pull it halfway down her thigh. He nestled between her thigh to find her beautiful snug pussy and the tiny virgin anus.

"mmmm so beautiful and so eager", he moaned before his mouth came down to her shock. His thick tongue came eagerly and he gave her a deep slow lick, scraping his tongue across her sensitive flesh going up into her anal crack, letting the tongue dip and lap depravedly at her anus. The motions continued, up and down the tongue kept licking her, arousing her, shocking her with the intimate and pleasurable caress of her tongue. The soft wet sound of licking and sucking mixed the with moans and gasps as Emma Watson found herself being held tight and pleasured.
"Why thank you, though again, you really should thank whoever set out your wardrobe. They did a magnificent job," said Emma. She smiled once again, though some of the confidence of the expression had waned. She could recall all too vividly the sight of his cock, throbbing at attention, not to mention his unwanted touches. Emma sincerely worried that he might take advantage of her now, even moreso when she was wearing decidedly less clothing.

Instead, things seemed to return back to some degree of normalcy. Emma's first few poses were slightly awkward, almost shy. The poses were traditional though, not unlike several that Emma had done in years past. There did seem to be a fair amount of stretching, but Emma guessed that was due to the erotic undertones they were layering upon everything.

Emma took the position instructed, fully relaxed, or at least back in her professional element. Her hands went to the top of the sofa, her head turning to look over her shoulder and give the camera a sultry look. The position made the lacy bottoms cling a little more to the tight ass, seeming almost to draw attention right where Black seemed most attentive. Emma easily moved from that pose to the next, smiling and mischievous, flirting with the camera and growing increasingly more comfortable with the situation again.

At first, she didn't even realize that Black had put away the camera. The quiet got her attention though, and the girl turned, giving Black a puzzled look. The bewilderment turned into shock as his hands returned. Her own went up, wrapping about his and attempting to pry him away. An empty apology rang in her ears, and Emma began to protest.

Then her bottoms parted. She gasped as she felt the kiss of the air upon her bared flesh. Her ass-cheeks seemed almost perfect: two spheres nestled atop luscious legs. A tiny bleached star showed just between them, hinting at the virginal anus that he wanted. Emma began to protest, her lips parting.

That protest turned into a high pitched squeak as his tongue dashed against her. She felt him sliding between the cheeks of her ass, dragging along the untouched, sensitive area. "Stop, you can't--!" Emma cried. She squirmed, jerked, tried to escape. Her body tightened and her arms pulled against his.

There was no way to break that steely grip, of course, and the struggles were likely to please him more than anything. Emma ended up moaning as she felt the tongue dip into her untouched hole, even tighter than her sex, though he didn't quite realize that. Sucking and licking began then, and Emma had to bite off adding her own moans and gasps.

"Please," she tried again, shifting to try and look at him, "you shouldn't be doing this. You'll ruin your career, and---and I don't want--"

She fought to suppress a shudder.
He pulled her bottom down even farther and spread her legs. Using one hand to spread apart her cheeks he hungrily started at the puckered rosebud, the tiny clenched hole glistening with his saliva begged for attention as she shuddered and moaned, trying to restraint them as much as possible.

"Mmmm ... you like my tongue. You didn't know that a tongue up your virgin anus could feel so good did you Emma." He moaned in his deep husky voice before his mouth descended upon her virgin anus ignoring her flaring wet pussy lips.

He moaned into her anus as he lapped at it hungrily, his tongue showing the expertise of many a rimming. He dug into the tiny hole, kept teasing the tight bundle of nerve and muscle, teasing it to open up and shove the tip of his tongue inside. He wiggled his tongue and moaned and drooled and tongue fucked her lewdly.

"mmmm such tasty ass ... you love my tongue up your ass ... go ahead and cum for me Emma, show me how a grown up naughty anal girl you are", his depraved lewd words teased her senses as he rubbed his face against those firm ass cheeks as he hungrily pleasured her anus hoping to shock and embarrass her into her first and wild anal orgasm.
Emma felt herself slide further. Hands spread her tight cheeks, seeming to expose her tiny hole to the air. She felt it, the coolness of the outside air, the hotness of Black's breath upon her trembling anal cavity. Emma trembled again, struggling against his grip, only to find that he'd somehow grown stronger, more determined.

Black fired more words at Emma, and she retaliated: "No!" Emma felt herself slide further. Hands spread her tight cheeks, seeming to expose her tiny hole to the air. She felt it, the coolness of the outside air, the hotness of Black's breath upon her trembling anal cavity. Emma trembled again, struggling against his grip, only to find that he'd somehow grown stronger, more determined.

Black fired more words at Emma, and she retaliated: "No! That's not--stop! Stop now! This is--uggh," a moan of pleasure punctuated the girl's protest. His tongue proved incredibly talented, teasing her tender hole with an expertise that would confound most. Even Emma could feel a familiar knot of tension forming just above her groin. She knew her pussy lips were dripping even before the man said anything. Loved it? Maybe so, maybe not, but Emma certainly was getting off on having her ass abused so, though she tried to deny it.

"Stop!" she tried again. Her struggles grew more fierce, as did her breathing. She thrashed against him, her legs kicking out. The bottoms pinned her legs, prevented her from any effective kicks, and his arms pinned her torso. Still, Emma thrashed against him.

Worse, his tongue lashing was having the effect he wanted. Emma bit her lip to cover another moan, trembling yet again as she fought to suppress her arousal. "Stop," she groaned, her voice throaty. "I don't--you're---this is---rape. Stop."

Yet she trembled again, sweat beginning to bead along her pale skin. Her breath came quick and hard, chest heaving. Erect nipples pushed against purple fabric, forming miniture tents, encampments of arousal. The girl squirmed again, trying and failing once more to break free of the oppressive grasp. Emma knew she didn't have much longer.

"You'll--you'll lose your---your job," she moaned. Another tremble, her ass tightening, vibrating with pleasure.
"Mmmm", he moaned into her puckered anus. Josh felt the tingling of her anus, the tightening with every lick, her whole body tremble with the unexpected pleasure even as she struggled in his grip. He knew he had her at least for this rimming bit.

He let go of her hands to grip her ass tightly, pushing her face against he back of the sofa, knowing even like this she wouldn't be able to break free. It allowed him to open up her cheeks farther and he watched her dripping pussy and utterly exposed anus with barely restrained hunger.

"You are dripping for all your big talk Emma", he purred as his fat black thumb teased her virgin opening, watching it respond to the coarse teasing. "You are a very naughty girl even if you don't want to say it out loud. I saw how you kept watching my cock. You are curious about a Big Black Cock .. you were comparing it with the tiny ones you saw before weren't you", he kept giving her anus long slow licks between the words keeping her unsettled and aroused throughout.

His word shattered through her pretense of it being all out rape despite the coercion. And he dug in with relish into her anus, leaving that aroused pussy trembling with the need for penetration as his tongue pushed open her anus and he felt the sucking tightness. The thought of his mammoth cock in that snug hole left him trembling as he quickly freed his straining cock and hungrily rimmed at her anus until she couldn't take it anymore and exploded. His tongue kept digging in her anus knowing that it would only arouse her farther and leave her pussy trembling with need despite the orgasm.

As she was still trembling from the shocking explosive anal orgasm Josh grabbed hold of her and turned them both swiftly so that he was sitting on the sofa with her on his lap, this thick leaking cock trapped between their bodies letting her feel its coiling thickness throbbing. He kissed her pale neck hungrily and moaned. His free hand finding a remote and pressing some buttons until the other wall exploded in projection of a split screen. One from the front showed Emma's lust filled flushed face as her head whipped around in pleasure as she gasped and moan and the other the depraved and wild rimming that he had subjected her to. The half moon of her ass spread and the black man lewdly pleasuring her tiny eager anus.

The implied threat of the exposure of the video went unsaid as he gently cupped her aroused, needy pussy. "Do you wanna choose what we do next or do I choose it for you Emma", he whispered, "you and I both know you are gonna do something naughty and wild", he promised.
A humming vibrated Emma's ass, adding a brand new sensation to the mixture already destroying her senses. That vibration excited her opening, making it spasm and jerk. It shot waves of pleasure straight through to the sex, moving as though a line of sheer feeling connected the two places. Just feeling it was enough for Emma's sex to tremble, bits of nectar gathering about her sex, dangling there and giving it a glistening look.

Emma felt her hands release, and she flailed for a few seconds. However, he'd pressed her down, her face shoved against the couch. Her pert ass went up into the air as the girl took a position just a little shy from "doggy style." She tried to flail and push, but in this position, she seemed almost to have less control. Worse still, she could feel his hands parting her ass further. The anal opening trembling as if winking, and the muscles tightened in anticipation.

Something pressed against it, and Emma gasped, jerking, trying to move upward. The finger teased her hole and it squeezed and moved against it. Yet the touch alone was not the sole assault: Emma heard words again ringing against her ears. Curious, comparing, all too true, and all too unsettling. Then, the tongue returned, and Emma cried out: a sharp, wordless cry.

Black attacked her with renewed fervor. The tongue lashed against her, pressed against muscles. Emma felt it slither within her virginal hole, pushing aside her clenched muscles as though they were noting. It sucked at his writhing muscle, and Emma felt her body actually draw him deeper within. The tongue continued to wiggle and writhe, dancing as no human rightly should.

Suddenly, the knot of tension snapped. Emma shoved her fist into her mouth, smothering most of the screams. Her body betrayed her, however. The muscles tightened: her ass squeezing tight along the intruder while her sex jerked and spasmed. Juices leaked from the girl, not quite a spray, but certainly enough. Indeed, Emma's interior danced and moved as never before. She felt pure pleasure coursing into her veins, stemming from her ass, to be sure, but quickly rocketing to her too tight nipples and her aching sex.

Her sex. It jerked and spasmed, grew molten hot, and yet felt decidedly unsatisfied. The orgasm had come and gone, leaving Emma a panting, disheveled wreck, and yet her sex still practically ached. Not the sore ache that came from too much action, but an empty one, one that demanded attention.

Hands grabbed a limp body, and Emma found herself facing the man who'd rimmed her ass. The girl's head lolled and she felt lips attacking her. The sensations felt like nothing to her trembling form. Emma was too busy struggling to regain her senses to feel much.

Then the screens erupted, and Emma's mind snapped to attention. She watched, gaping, as the image showed a beautiful British white girl jerking as a massive black man lashed at her ass with his tongue. To add further to her shock, Emma felt hands cupping her sex, touching the still trembling, soaking petals.

"Aren't--aren't we done here?" she tried, swallowing. Surely he'd get enough from those... photos, from the camera. But no, no they couldn't be. She closed her eyes, shaking her head. Emma might realize her situation, but she wasn't going to actively participate, not till she had to, at least.
He kept kissing her neck gently, inhaling her sweet frangrance and watched her shock, felt her tremble as the screen exploded with visions of their depravity. He moaned against her soft skin and felt the heat of her wet petal against his palms.

"You have a beautiful sultry body. A body that craves the passion and kinky fun that those cute lover boys of yours would never know how to give. There's no use in pretending is there Emma", his husky voice whispered as he breathed warmly in hear ear.

"Look at your anus, the virgin pucker trembling in need, opening up so eagerly for my tongue. You need a dirty man to play with your ass, your ass craves for my finger to penetrate you, to deflower you. I am going to make you beg for me to sink inch after inch of my thick shaft up your snug ass tube." He moaned even as his body trembled with the need those lewd words evoked.

His palm cupped her more eagerly before spreading her petals with his fingers to tease the flaring wet slit of his, feeling her pussy lips flared open eagerly, felt her juice coating his fingers. His thumb found and teased the eagerly trembling erect nub of her clit.

"You are going to do things now for me ... I will give you the choice. You were looking at me so greedily ... you wanna taste me Emma or do you want me to taste your sweet pussy ... or do you wanna masturbate while I shoot you ... and of course I'm have dreaming of sodomizing you on cam."
More words barraged Emma, penetrating her hazy senses yet again. The beautiful brunette shook her head, trying to deny him. She tried to shift, to break away, but the weakness of her body, her slim form still in that relaxed, post-coital state, prevented her from doing much. She could only gasp as talented digits played with her tight slit, pressing against petals.

"I don't," she breathed, trembling, trying to deny it. She swallowed. A dirty man, playing with her. She couldn't deny it hadn't felt good; the evidence was still upon her. Yet it felt... wrong. Too wrong. Emma couldn't agree to it; she couldn't. She just couldn't. She heard his moan and trembled, and she tried to continue to convince herself that it was out of sheer fear.

Another cupping touch. Emma arched, her hands pressing against Black's chest as if to provide distance. His fingers seemed to part her petals willingly, diving into her molten, moist sex. Her juices anointed him. The inner walls trembled, and that trembling only grew stronger as he pressed against a little nub, one which Emma hadn't had the pleasure of discovering for herself yet. The beautiful Brit yelped as she felt it touched; yelped and trembled. Again her hands went to him, trying to push away, even as she felt her temperature rising, her heart quickening.

Another shake of her head; Emma still tried to deny what was happening. "I can't--I don't want---" she stammered. She swallowed, then pushed. "You can't do this. I don't---" but it was getting harder to protest as he continued to play with her. "Just let me go. I don't--I don't want to taste..."

It was a choice, or more, an elimination of one. The girl trembled, trying to pull away from him yet again, desperate for her order to be restored.
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