Falling Behind: An X-Men RP (Snape & Tcleo90)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island

Professor Darius Pruette walked down the halls of the school before classes started for the day. He was a new teacher hired by Xavier to help students learn to control their powers. As the man walked through the halls he was greeted by a few of the other teachers, Ms. Jean Grey gave him a kind wave and a smile then wished him luck on his first day and showed him the way to Xavier's office so that he could meet with the man before his classes started.

Before Darius could knock on the door a voice from inside yelled, "Come in"! A smile came across Darius' face and he opened the door and walked inside. "Ah Professor Pruette you made it, I trust that your travels went well" ,Xavier stated with a smile. "I think you probably already know how my travels went Professor X" ,Darius stated in response. Both men shared a laugh after Darius' statement, the two knew each other well seeing that Xavier had taught Darius when he was younger and took him in when everyone else thought him to be a freak.

"Mm Darius I know you are going to be a great addition to our staff and I do look forward to seeing how you work with the students here I see so much potential within this school and I know with someone like you teaching our students they will reach their potential and then some" ,Xavier continued. Darius gave the man a smile and a nod he was glad to finally be back in the school and able to give back.

When their meeting was over and Xavier gave Darius the key to his classroom and the key to his quarters he shook his hand then left the man's office. Darius made his way into his classroom and began setting up while he waited for his first class to show up. As soon as the students began to come in he greeted them all with a smile and motioned for them to take their seats. "Good morning everyone I'm Professor Darius Pruette but you can all call me by my first name if you want, I'm here to teach you all how to control and better your powers, now I want everyone in here to tell me what their power or powers are then we can work from there" ,he stated looking around the classroom. "We'll start with you" ,he said pointing at one of the students in the room.

Viper Sunders raised an eyebrow from the back of the room. Wanting to start off quickly does he? Holding back a witty and venoumus comment that would have shown him why her X-name was Viper, she shrugged and went for a more harmless approach. "Names Viper, I don't like being reffered to as you...sir. But as for my power," with a smirk she raised her hand and created a ball of flame.

Perfectly contained, she help the fire within her grasp until she got bored with its shape and began weilding the fire to her will. If that didn't impress the new 'teach' she didn't know what will. Keeping her bored facial expression, she lowered her hand again.

"That enough for you sir? Or would you like us to share our sob stories as well? Alot of us have some whoppers." She rolled her eyes as some of the students began complaining under their breathes about the no ask no tell policy around here. "Oh shove it you guys, everyone in here knows its true." Viper turned her attetnion back to the man waiting infront of the classroom, and raised an eyebrow again. What? Could the guy not speak or something? And why was he giving her that weird look?
Darius let out a small laugh at the young woman's slight attitude, "Ah well Ms. Viper I'll be sure to call you by name next time as for sob stories I don't need you guys to tell me them I knew exactly who everyone was as soon as they walked into this room" ,he stated. He made his way to the front of his desk and sat on top of it, "You see Ms.Viper people can't hide things from me because like your headmaster professor X I'm telepathic" ,he stated. Darius then looked towards the bookshelf in the corner of the room and made a book float into his hands, "I'm also telekinetic, now you seem to be a rather angry young woman can you tell me why you came off so strong with me, did I upset you in any way that deserved the attitude I was given?" ,he asked while crossing his arms.
Knowing now that he could read her mind if he so wished, Viper tried to keep her thoughts about the way he looked to herself. Sure he was hot, but he didn't need to know she already pictured him naked. But rather, she focused in on what he was asking her and she shurgged. "Don't take it to personal, I treat everyone the same. I am a firm believer of equal opertunitiy you see," she smirked, liking her answer and she yawned before continuing, "but really, if it seemed harsh, It's probably because I didn't get much sleep last night. I had...other engagements."

Viper smiled wickedly and looked over at a boy in the corner whose bedroom she was holed up in all night. She gave him a quick wink and settled back into her bored state, seemingly finished with the conversation.
He wanted so badly to just let everything all out in the open about what he had read in her mind, nothing personal of course just the things about him but instead he just looked at her and gave her a smirk that said he knew. "Don't worry I don't mind" ,he stated in response. Darius paused for a moment to let her think about exactly what he meant by he didn't mind. "We all have long nights even if they're not that great" ,Darius said letting out a small laugh. "Alright class moving on let's get down to the basics shall we". Darius then moved the desks in the classroom out of the way, with the students sitting in them he then put a large target in the middle of the room. "We're going to be practicing our powers today on this target, don't worry it's fire proof, water proof and any other proof you can think of, I want everyone to form a line and when it's your turn I want you all to do your best to hit this target dead on" ,he told the class before stepping out of the way.
Viper caught his double meaning almost instantly and smirked. She hadn't meant for him to see those thoughts, but now that he had she might as well have fun with it. Now she was determined to try and distract him for the remainder of the period.

As she took her spot in line, she made eye contact with him, thinking the kinkiest thoughts about him as she could. And she even went as far as seeing herself naked, picturing it in her head so he could see it. She wanted him to react in some way and so she watched. Waited her turn in line and watched carefully until she was the next one up.

Knowing she was able to hit the target, she decided to have even more fun. Maybe if she could get some alone time with him, her thoughts could be turned into reality. So instead of hitting the target perfectly like everyone knew she was capable of, she veered the flame to the right of it, not even scorching it a little bit.
He watched as the students took their turns and his eyes kept meeting Viper's the whole time, the woman's thoughts had begun to work him up a bit and he had to place a rather large book in his lap, pretending to be interested in reading it. The book was really there to hide the affect the young woman was having on him. The man was only human and couldn't help but keep thinking about the young woman naked along with the other thoughts she had implanted in his mind, there was no doubt she was trying to tease the shit out of him on purpose. When it came Viper's turn to hit the target he watched as she missed then sighed, knowing full well the young woman was capable of hitting the target. "Looks like someone may need a little work, Would you like to meet up with me at the end of the day to work on your aim Viper?" ,he asked. Darius was pretty sure that was exactly what the young woman wanted. He knew it was wrong but for some reason found himself giving in to his urges.
Viper simply shrugged, showing no other interest in the fact that she had to do extra work now. "Sure...if you think you can handle me...training me that is." She smirked to herself and walked back to her desk, thinking those thoughts again in vivid deatil.

Even though she wasn't a fancy ass mind reader like he was, she could tell he was effected, and that exactly what she wanted. She knew it would though, she gets everything she wants.

Thats just a fact.
"I'm positive I can handle you I have been doing this for years now" ,he stated in response. A smirk came across his face after he made the statement knowing it could be taken in two different ways. He looked directly into her eyes as she continued to develop some very detailed thoughts in her mind. Darius knew exactly what was going to happen later on that day and he was sure that they wouldn't be in his classroom for too long 'training'.

When everyone was finished he handed out the homework for the night then dismissed the class, "Remember Ms. Viper I want to see you at the end of the day four o'clock don't be late" ,he stated. After everyone was gone he sat in his chair behind his desk and sighed, what was he thinking flirting with one of his students on the first day? He knew he couldn't take it back now so he was just going to have to live with it and he sure as hell hoped it was worth it.
She knew full and well that she had won and sauntered out of the room with pride. Not only had she not failed in her attempt to distract him, but she had also achieved her goal in getting him to desire her. She knew that he did, she could see the remaining traces of his boner by the end of class. How blind did a person have to be to not notice it?

But by the time 4 o'clock rolled around, Viper was at his door ready to knock. Why she had to be perfectly on time for this one occasion she didn't know. But she had a feeling it would be worth it so she wanted as much time as she could get with the man.

After all, he could read minds. To her that meant that he would know everything she wanted him to do without having to tell him. That could come in handy.
Darius got up knowing Viper was at the door, he made his way over and opened it then looked at her a smile came across his face when he seen her, "I knew it was you" ,he stated. He turned and walked back into his classroom and began to put everything away when he was finished he turned and looked at her again. "So you and I both know that you were more then capable of hitting that target earlier but you didn't and those thoughts you were having knowing I could read them told me exactly why you didn't hit that target, now you may be a bit younger then me but you know damn well what you were doing so what I want now is honesty, I don't want to read your mind I want to hear you tell me exactly what you want....with details, then maybe I can show you my room and I can guarantee it's a lot nicer then your little boyfriends and...." ,he paused for a second to walk up to the girl. He leaned into her ear, "I know I'm a bit more mature then him as well if you catch my drift" ,he whispered his breath going over her ear as he spoke. It was his turn to tease and he was going to take advantage of their alone time, of course he wouldn't mind her teasing him back as well.
Viper couldn't help but shiver as he whispered into her ear. Sure she had done things with teachers before, it was kinda her thing. But never had they played back as well as he was right now, they were normally all shy and nervous about it. He was different, and she liked it. Before starting to tell him what she wanted, she slid her hand down the front of his pants and smirked.

"Still excited I see? Good, because I'm going to need you to fuck me so hard. Is that alright with you...Professor?" Viper knew that being called professor was usually a large turn on for guys, even if they werent really titled as such. "I think its time we have an actual chat, dont you? I know you heard my thoughts today, you have on of these ealier," at this she lightly gripped him through his pants before continuing, "and I just thought we should have a nice little chat about where you want that to head."
He smirked at Viper's response he definitely liked her straight forwardness and knew damn well if things went the way he wanted they would be in for a long and very eventful night. "Isn't that the idea? For me to fuck you" ,he stated in response to her first question. When she put her hand on his cock and continued to question him he reached around and gripped her ass firmly in return, "I agree I do think it's time for a little chat, I did read your thoughts earlier and I liked what I saw but I think it was a little less rough then I would've pictured it myself to be honest, as for where I want this to head how about we go somewhere a little more discreet, as much as I would love to bend you over my desk and shove my cock inside you there are way too many people still roaming those halls and quite frankly once we start I'm not gonna wanna stop for anything" ,he told her in response to her other questions. His hand still had a firm hold on her ass for a moment after he finished talking before he let go and waited for her response.
Viper's eyes darted to the desk longingly and sighed. "Perhaps another time then, but for now? I do enjoy that whole, shoving your cock inside of me part. It sounded quite promising." She smiled and looked back up at him. Sure she wouldn't get her 'I fucked a teacher right on his desk moment' but it sure would be speical to go to his room. So she could live with it.

"Now now professor, you will have to lead the way to your living courters. I may have been down that way myself a few times but the directions are a bit fuzzy if I have to admit." Her eyes lit up slowly, growing the color of a fire to show him she needed him...and soon.
"Well tomorrow I have a free period after my class so maybe I can squeeze in a quickie before you go to the class after mine, that is if you don't mind being a little late" ,he stated in response after noticing her eyes look over at his desk. The idea of fucking her on his desk was hot and just the thought of it turned him on.

Darius looked at her and smirked, "Well let's go then, my fucking pants are nearly digging into my waist they're so tight from this hard on you gave me, I can't wait to get them off" ,he stated right before leading the way out of the classroom and towards his quarters. Along the way he passed a few of the professors and gave them all friendly smiles and acted as if everything was normal. When they reached his quarters he opened the door and looked around before letting Viper inside.
Her face lit up at the thought and nodded, content with his answer. "I am the master of the quick fuck, you'll see." she smirked, "but don't get me wrong, I can last all night if you need me too." As soon as they were both inside his room, she shut the door quickly and pulled him by the shirt up against her, backing to the door. She felt his hard on press against her abdomen and smiled, before pulling him down to her level and kissing him hard.
As soon as the door shut and her lips met his he made quick work of getting his suit jacket off and threw it to the floor before placing his hands on the sides of her face, returning the kiss just as hard. He then lifted her up wrapping her legs around his waist and carried her to his bed and laid her down still kissing her lips. Darius pressed his hard on into her pussy through their clothes and after a few more seconds he broke the kiss for a few seconds, "All night sweetheart, you ready for that?" ,he breathed into her ear right before biting down on it.
Viper stared up at him lustfully, eyes even more red than before. "You have no idea how ready I am for it. Now quit this foreplay shit and just fuck me already. I havent had any cock since last night. Its time you showed me...how did you put it? What a "mature man" looked like?" She was ready for him to prove that teachers were always more fun. So viper squirmed under him and rubbed her legs together, creating some friction on her pussy.
As soon as she told him to fuck her he stood up and quickly took his shirt off revealing a perfectly toned torso with just a light bit of hair on his chest and a line leading into his pants. His hands reached down and undid his pants before sliding them off followed by his boxers, the man was well endowed and he was definitely not nervous at all to take his pants off in front of the girl. "Mature enough for you honey?" ,he asked with a smirk. "Now I took my clothes off it's your turn, let me see how wet your pussy is" ,he told her as he climbed back onto the bed.
her eyes widened slightly at the cock infront of him. It was massive! How could she not tell by feeling his pants? Shaking the surprise away, Viper sat up and pulled her shirt over her head quickly, showing him there was no need for a bra as her boobs were perky all on their own. "Would you like to do the honors with my skirt?...Professor" she added with a smirk and ran a finger down his chest slowly. She couldn't let him think that she was giving him this for absolutly no work involved.
He nodded right before grabbing her skirt and panties yanking them both off of her body and throwing them to his floor right next to his pile of clothes. He leaned forward and ran his tongue over her nipple while he began to finger her pussy to get her wet enough, this girl was definitely in for the night of her life and he wasn't going to hold anything back just because she was his student.
Viper couldnt help the moan that escaped her lips and she tilted her head back. Damn the man knew his way around a womans body that was for sure. And..what?! How did he know about the sweet spot on her chest, she gasped and arched her back off of the bed as he nibbled on a certain part of her skin around her nipple. She hadn't said anything about it, she must have thought it. "Fuck professor..." she trailed off, thinking that the mind reading thing could be really fun after all.
He knew she felt good after hearing the tone in her voice and he continued to slide his fingers in and out of her pussy as he sucked and licked on her nipple. After a few more moments he laid the girl down and removed his fingers from her and spread her legs, the tip of his cock grazing over her clit as he ran his hands down her thighs. Darius then grabbed his cock and pressed the tip of it at her entrance before slowly guiding himself inside her, a sigh of content escaping his lips as he did so.
her eyes opened wider and locked with his as he slid into her slowly. "You know I like it rough dont you? I bet you did, I had already thought it" she smiled and in on hand a small ball of flame appeared in her hand. Something that happens when shes really turned on or excited. She kept it small and controlled, focusing on his cock in her pussy and how amazing it felt to be streched that far.
"Oh I know you do but I wanted to tease you a little bit before I did something like this...." ,he stated before thrusting his cock into her hard. He noticed the flame in her hand and knew what it meant and it made him smirk even more, he thrust his cock into her as hard as he could making sure he shoved every inch of it into her. Viper was tight and her pussy gripped his cock perfectly he had a feeling that both of them would be cumming more then once tonight and that was definitely alright with him.
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