"Population Control" is an idea I have for not only an RP but a book I'm writing. But because of my rut I've been in I've been unable to come up with some good characters for my book I have taken my book idea and turned it into a group RP idea. So this is when I thought "Hey let me turn my book idea into an RP and use the ideas I get here to drive my book forward." Of course everyone that enters the RP and get used in my book will be given created in my book ^^. Let the fun and Idea began.
Race-(Human unless you talk to me first please)
Short History- (Should have what you character's life before the virus, how they got to the resort and what happened when they got to the resort before getting locked in there room)
Mall/Hotel/Medical (Hotel-30 Levels, Mall-4 levels)
Farm ((Located in the back of the Resort))
Fruit Trees ((Located in the back of the Resort))
Animal Farm ((Located in the back of the Resort))
Green Houses ((Located in the back of the Resort))
Golf ((Located next to the Park))
Park ((Located in the middle of the resort))
Housing ((Located next to the park))
~~Male Character Ideas~~ ((Will be played as NPC until someone grabs them up))
D and S ((Army Brothers))
Clayton ((Anna's right hand Man))
Zik ((Sheik Techno))
~~Female Character Ideas~~ (Will be played as NPC until someone grabs them up))
Abby ((Sheik Clairvoyance who foresaw what the Doctor was doing and warned Anna.))
Name- Anna
Age- 21
Race-Sheik ((Dreamer))
Job- Jack of all Trades
Skills- ((Dreamer))
Weapon- Twin Hand Guns
Personalty- Cocky, Sarcastic, Arrogantâ?¦.all good words to describe this foolish girl, shocking most to find out she is quite intelligent and having a knack for getting herself out of problems. Despite her age she is still somewhat learning about herself and what she really wants in life. Although she can come off as a cold hearted bitch, Anna can be rather kind natured to those she really cares about. Finding herself to be outgoing and fun loving if the time and place is right. Enjoying long walks or runs, horse back riding and maybe a good book or songâ?¦.maybe even the company of another.
Short History- Anna was hired by Dr. Varick because of her rare blood type, knowing that she could become one the virus was entered into her system and she did not disappointing. Becoming the "Dreamer" of "Nevaeh Gardens". However, once she got wind of what was about to happen and what Dr. Varick was planning Anna and the people she trusted put there rescue mission into work. Doing there best to save as many people as they could after no one listened to there warning. Getting the information she needed Anna sent out random invitations in the forms of prizes, conventions and balls in hopes to save as many people as she could. Anna's idea worked, and in only a months time almost filled the 25 resorts, including "Nevaeh Gardens", she had power over. But now with the gates sealed its time for Anna to meet the people of "Nevaeh Gardens" and explain whats going on.
Time- Sometime in the near Future.
Place- Somewhere in the North US. (Portage IN)
Population- 6,000 (Most NPC)
Dr. VARICK, owner of one of the largest Medical Companies and a group of Five stars Resorts around the world, has been plotting the start of his new race for years. His plan...to build his Resorts, invite groups of people that he thinks should be saved to stay in them...then when all is good unleash a deadly virus that his Company has been working on for the better part of the new century. A virus that will spread quickly and bring hell to the world outside the safety of his Resorts large walls.
Our story takes place in the "Nevaeh Gardens" a 20 square mile resort outside the small town of Portage IN. Guarded by its large castle like walls "Nevaeh Gardens" new residents are save from the hell going on outside. After all its been only two days sense the virus has been unleashed. However, unknowing to Dr. Varick his plan has back fired in most of the resorts after a group of people he trusted took it into there own hands to save as many people as they could. Sending out invitations to groups of random people for a so called "Fully Payed Vacation for them and there families" using the the Doctor's own company to pay for the rescue mission.
Kidnapped, locked in their hotel rooms for the past week....the people of "Nevaeh Gardens" now face a new life in this so called grand resorts. Making a new life within its walls with people from all political, racial and religious backgrounds....and the new race that saved them all.
Sheik- A new race made by the viruse. Because of there rare blood type the virus affected this group of humans differently. They are human in all sense of the word....well besides for there red and gold eyes.....and the gifts they now hold. Gifts: Dreamers, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Psychokinesis, "Green Thumb", "Techno" and "Guardians."
((Dreamers- They hold a gift that is keeping the Resort alive. It is unsure what it is...but let it be known that there is only one Sheik Dreamer in each resort. They are also the only sub-race of Sheik that was given a sub name.))
Stitches- What happens to humans that come in touch with the virus and do not become Sheik. They are also called Zombies or Undead by most.
Humans- They are well human. Most have gotten the anti-virus when they came to the resort...an anti-virus made from the blood of Sheik.
(Everyone is allowed up to 4 characters
(Everyone is allowed up to 4 characters
Race-(Human unless you talk to me first please)
Short History- (Should have what you character's life before the virus, how they got to the resort and what happened when they got to the resort before getting locked in there room)
~Places in the Resort~
Mall/Hotel/Medical (Hotel-30 Levels, Mall-4 levels)
Farm ((Located in the back of the Resort))
Fruit Trees ((Located in the back of the Resort))
Animal Farm ((Located in the back of the Resort))
Green Houses ((Located in the back of the Resort))
Golf ((Located next to the Park))
Park ((Located in the middle of the resort))
Housing ((Located next to the park))
~~Male Character Ideas~~ ((Will be played as NPC until someone grabs them up))
D and S ((Army Brothers))
Clayton ((Anna's right hand Man))
Zik ((Sheik Techno))
~~Female Character Ideas~~ (Will be played as NPC until someone grabs them up))
Abby ((Sheik Clairvoyance who foresaw what the Doctor was doing and warned Anna.))
Name- Anna
Age- 21
Race-Sheik ((Dreamer))
Job- Jack of all Trades
Skills- ((Dreamer))
Weapon- Twin Hand Guns
Personalty- Cocky, Sarcastic, Arrogantâ?¦.all good words to describe this foolish girl, shocking most to find out she is quite intelligent and having a knack for getting herself out of problems. Despite her age she is still somewhat learning about herself and what she really wants in life. Although she can come off as a cold hearted bitch, Anna can be rather kind natured to those she really cares about. Finding herself to be outgoing and fun loving if the time and place is right. Enjoying long walks or runs, horse back riding and maybe a good book or songâ?¦.maybe even the company of another.

Short History- Anna was hired by Dr. Varick because of her rare blood type, knowing that she could become one the virus was entered into her system and she did not disappointing. Becoming the "Dreamer" of "Nevaeh Gardens". However, once she got wind of what was about to happen and what Dr. Varick was planning Anna and the people she trusted put there rescue mission into work. Doing there best to save as many people as they could after no one listened to there warning. Getting the information she needed Anna sent out random invitations in the forms of prizes, conventions and balls in hopes to save as many people as she could. Anna's idea worked, and in only a months time almost filled the 25 resorts, including "Nevaeh Gardens", she had power over. But now with the gates sealed its time for Anna to meet the people of "Nevaeh Gardens" and explain whats going on.
ArcturusV said:Name- Deacon Brent Cooper
~Age- 27
~Race- Human
~Job- Contractor
~Skills- Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Masonry, Cement work, and general "Handyman" skills in both maintenance, refurbishing and construction.
~Weapon- If pressed, anything on his workbench he can jam into someone's skull. Hammers, crowbars, utility knives, nail guns, hammer tackers, drills, skill saws, etc.
~Personality- He's very informal, prefering to be called D.B., with a healthy sense of humor in most situations. He's able to laugh off most misfortunes or twists of fate. He's quite dependable, doing what is needed to be done, often showing up where people hardly expect him to fix things that most people didn't even know was on the verge of breaking. He tends to do things on his own, almost never asking others for a hand unless it's absolutely needed, though he is more than willing to jump in if anyone else seems to have trouble. Beneath his surface he's quite a bitter person however, usually grumbling about something or other, almost always angry or frustrated but never acting upon it.
~Appearance- 6'3" tall, weighing in around 215 lbs. He has a fairly blocky build, wide shoulders and torso, arms and legs just a little longer than they should be. He usually has poor posture, slumped over quite a bit due to his bad back. His work keeps him fit enough, though it does not tone and shape his muscles, and he never hits the gym to rectify that. His hair is dark brown, his eyes blue, and his skin is often tan to sunburnt in the summers. He usually keeps himself fairly shaggy, his hair about 4 inchs long, and only occasionally shaving, giving him a scruffy appearance at most times. Typically he dresses for utility, jeans, long sleeved shirts kept fairly well fitting, steel toed boots, work belt or harnesses as needed.
~Short History- D.B. was spending most of his young life bumming around. He drifted quite a bit, getting part time work where he could, doing what he could, often in construction or repair where he showed a particularly stubborn knack if nothing else. He merely lucked out to come across Nevaeh Gardens during its construction phase. He was hired on for dirt cheap, working from almost the first foundation poored up to the finishing touches in the resort. As the resort was finished up, he applied to be hired on to run maintenance. He knew the building inside and out, having worked over most projects within. While they were waiting to determine to hire him on full time, the virus hit. He was working fixing a clogged line to one of the houses, getting water back in when the gates locked, and he found himself trapped in this prison he helped construct.
Asuarah Garretson said:Name- Aleena
Age- 20
Race- Human
Job- Hacker, security monitor
Skills- Techno
Weapon- one hand gun with Silencer 9mm
Personalty- Calm and silent, this girl will speak out if needed. while her stance doesnt command attention, her Skills are what command attention.
Short History- Hired by Dr. Varick along with Anna for the same purpose.. Aleena and Anna's history went far back.. Aleena often thought of anna like a big sister.. someone she trusted. Aleena would Follow Anna if the descision was sound. Ever sicne they were infected and Aleena has Stuck close to anna as she could, but became somewhat withdrawn to all but her. She is a skilled Hacker and Does her job as a Security Monitor very well.
Skelace said:Name: Conner
Age: 23
Race: Human
Job: Farmer/Gardener/Handyman
Skills: Strong, Farming, Construction, Planting. The general farm boy.
Weapon: Anything he can get his hands on, and if nothing else his fists.
Personality: While most would think with his size he would bully everyone around he tends to be a big teddy bear. Always willing to give a helping hand and next to never complaining about it. He tends not to think things through, as he would normally have his 'little' twin brother, tell him what to do, he has had to start thinking for himself lately. He had always believed himself dumb due to his brother's constant picking on him, thus causing a low self esteem when coming to things of choice. He tends to speak his mind, and is openly outgoing, most would say he would die, if he was in seclusion for more than a day. While normally he is a very complacent, if chipped at to much, he has a temper that would rival most savage creatures. This is incredibly hard to reach though.
Appearance: 6'7" and 245 lbs of pure muscle. He is well built and defined, with long blonde hair coming down to his lower neck. He is seen often wearing some sort of shorts or sweat pants, with a plain white-t on, wearing a plaid button up short sleeve, and jeans on special occasions.
Short History: Him and his twin brother grew up on a farm, in the Midwest, working the farms. He grew to become very strong, and well built, through his work in the fields. He often did all the work, as his brother skipped out and found ways to avoid the work. As they grew, Conner's grades began to depend on his twin to help him, if not do the work for him, as a trade Conner would do all the yard work. Conner eventually joined the football team in high school, and became a star on the team, leading them to a state championship. This event nearly paid in for his trip to college, and he ended up going to the same, (at the displeasure of his brother), school. Upon entering Conner quickly excelled upon the team leading them to a bowl game victory, the year the virus would strike. He received a letter saying that going to the gardens was an award for doing so. Upon entering he heard about the virus that soon raged in the outside world, and was sent into a greatly depressed mood, once he heard he could not go to his brother's aid.
Tallow said:Name: Gabriel
Age: 25
Race: Human
Job: Intelligence officer, Soldier
Skill: Guns, Martial Arts, Tactics, Intelligence gathering and evaluation.
Weapon: Several handguns and knives concealed about person and in his satchel.
Personality: Sarcastic, cynical, depressed, alcoholic, quick to use violence. Places very little value on human life or the company of others. Quiet, and never gets angry, just gets violent. Loner. Very ruthless.
Apperance: 6ft, 80kg, pale skin and short brown hair, brown eyes. Not massively built but well defined and athletic. Generally wears white t-shirts, a black hooded jacket, jeans and combat boots.
Short History: Born on a housing estate outside London, Great Britain, Gabriel was a quiet young man, who grew up faar too quickly. He had very little schooling, but was very bright. When he joined the Army, initial tests showed that he fitted a certain category of "moral ambiguity", as well as being too clever to be a grunt. Normally he would have been signed up to one of the elite regiments, like the SAS, but after completing his training in 3rd Para Regiment he was quickly whisked away to be a combat intelligence officer for the Security Service, more commonly known as MI5. He was part of a black ops unit who kept the country secure by executing, torturing and hunting terrorists.
He was brought across to States by an investigation into Dr Varick, his unit believed that something was up (though they had no idea of the scale). After getting into the country under a flase passport, he retrieved some weapons which had come into the country in a diplomatic bag from the embassy, and set to work. He infiltrated the restort just before the virus was released, and watched clamly as he saw the human race begin to die. He knows that he was not invited, and hid during his stay.
Midnight said:Name- Damien Volkov
Age- 27
Race-Shiek (Subtype "Psych")
Job- Medical Technician
Skills- Psychokinetic powers, Trained in melee combat, Skilled in first aid and more advanced medicine.
Weapon- With Damien's powers, basically, anything that isn't bolted to the floor (and some things that are) can end up as projectiles or weapons. Damien also carries a silenced Beretta 9f2s, just in case he needs it. Generally he can rely on his little brother to take care of any unpleasant company.
Personalty- Calm, smooth, professional, dangerous.
Damien has a very calm and professional disposition, remaining cool under the most stressful of situations, he has very few buttons, but when pressed he can be quite dangerous. Damien is a healer, but he can still kill, his powers also take a toll on his personality, making him a tiny bit unstable. Damien's gentle disposition can often fool people into forgetting he is capable of ripping people limb from limb.
Short History- Damien and his brother came to the United states from russia, their father was a russian military officer and their mother was a local, when their mother died and their father moved to america, the two boys followed, their father died from lung cancer shortly afterwards, Damien was eighteen, and his brother was twelve, leaving Damien to look after his brother. The two lived together since then. Damien sought his education in medicine while his little brother began to to to college for Law enforcement training. One day the two brothers received an invatation to the resort, Unfortunately, Damien didn't realize he wasn't brought to the resort for his knowledge of medicine, or his brother's talents with keeping people safe, the "good doctor" wanted them both for their rare blood type, and when they were subjected to the virus, he tried to protect himself and his brother, though it was too late, they both developed inhuman abilities and had their eye colors change on them, luckily the elder brother gained the power his maturity allowed him to handle