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Seeking Dom (M/M, M/F, M/F; craving M/M)

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Apr 26, 2010
So here's the thing: I've had a lot of Human/Human RPs and Furry/Furry RPs, but very little Human/Furry. I think that should change. <3 Basically, I'm looking for something romantic, Human/Furry preferred (though for some, Human/Human or Human/Neko is acceptable).

The first one is basically this: the (un)popular student (anthro in human school, or vice versa) becoming friends with the new kid in a town where humans and furres don't get along. And friendship becomes love, as happens in these sorts of things. However, given the environment, they must date in secret. (If you choose popular student, it puts your social status at risk, which would justify the secrecy.) Kind of a "forbidden romance" sort of thing. This is a human/furry plot only.

The second one is a Best Friend/Best Friend kind of thing, also a school-based plot. These two have been friends since childhood, and were practically inseparable up until high school, where they started to drift apart: the boy becomes a sort of "bad boy," caring very little about school and more about enjoying life. The other boy/girl, meanwhile, has practically dedicated his/her life to schoolwork, having no social life outside of Leadership, and destined for [insert college here]. In their final weeks of high school, the bad boy wants to be his/her friend again, and invites him/her to his house to divert him/her from school work and loosen up some. Wether or not it works is up to you, but in the end, the bad boy admits that he loves him/her and always has, and wants him/her to stay with him. Not only does he/she agree... but he/she turns out to be quite a bit more dominant when they're alone. This can be Human/Furry or Human/Human.

The third is mainly a smutty sort of thing, though, if we like, it can evolve into something else. Simply put: a few miles from a small town, there is a natural hot spring, frequented at various times throughout the year and by two people, whom have never once encountered one another... until one night, when they're both looking for some warmth on a cold night. A pleasant surprise becomes friendly conversation, and from there... well, you can guess. Also Human/Furry or Human/Human.

Fourth: The frontman for a popular heavy metal band has been living a pampered life for the past three years. For one month, off-tour, he'll be staying with his cousin, who lives in the country. Of course, said frontman is practically miserable in a town of maybe 5,000, little more than a village. Then he meets his cousin's friend, a real farmgirl who spends most of her time working. Surprisingly, the two hit it off, and their relationship becomes a more intimate one. Human/Furry preferred, M/F only.

I would prefer someone who can type at least more than a line (über-long posts aren't a must; I don't mind being casual, just no one-liners), and I will accept brief smut or a long plot. PMs only, unfortunately. Message me if interested, and we'll talk. Hope to hear from you~
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