Fallout: New Vegas - Good Guy (RP with Wveth and X3sexxxi)

"The Legion attack was nearly a year ago," she said, still a bit troubled by the images burned into her mind, "It was...terrible. It was like the whole world had suddenly gone to hell, with the fire, the stacks of corpses and the...the men nailed to wooden crosses..."

She shudders at the memory and looks up at him. "I don't know exactly what is happening with the Legion as a whole, but it was a fairly large group keeping camp not all that far from New Vegas.
"I'm sorry that had to happen... but... maybe you'll be happy to know that the man responsible for all those campaigns of conquest is dead." He nodded, putting his hand on her shoulder. "The Legion has done terrible things throughout... hell, any place east of here." He sighed. "The NCR, well... they steal things a little more slowly and less violently. But people lose what they have all the same."
"NCR? I...I think they were supposed to be protecting us," she says with a furrowed brow and a thought filled lower-lip bite, "But...they never came."

Her knowledge of the two factions is limited, as she had been a vault dweller for most of her life, but she already has a very negative opinion of the two already.
He looked at her, and brought his hand up, removing his sunglasses. Under them were eyes that were exhausted. There were black bags under them, and they were slightly bloodshot. Past all that, one could see that he had very stunning bright blue eyes, that had a very gentle and kind look to them. Finally, he set down his rifle on the table next to the computers.

"Jessica, I worry about so many things in this place, and I don't... I haven't had..." He stopped and shook his head. "No, I'm sorry, never mind."
With a gentle smile, Jessica closed the distance between them. She placed a hand gingerly on his chest and said, "Go on, tell me. What can I do for you?"
He closed his eyes briefly, and blurted out: "I haven't been with a woman in... a very long time. I refuse to pay for it since, well, it's still dangerous. I won't stop women from doing it because it's their lives, but... anyway." He sighed, realizing he was babbling. "I didn't ask because this is just as bad. Taking advantage of your need to repay me isn't right and I shouldn't ask. It was just a ... momentary slip-up from being a bit deprived." He smiled slightly, actually looking a little embarrassed.
"Well," she thinks to herself, "It's not like I didn't see this coming."

Jessica leans in and plants a soft kiss on his lips before retreating, looking to see his reaction. "You're not taking advantage of me, you don't have to pay, and you don't even have to ask. Just do what comes naturally..." she trails off, a smile on her face.
He looked into her eyes, and he looked distant, sad. He smiled then, just barely, as his hands grabbed on to her wrists and pulled her closer to him. It was undeniable that he wanted her, that he wanted sex, and that it had been ages since he had last done it. Taking a step forward, he pushed her so the backs of her hips touched an empty table. His eyes looked down over her, and his hands slid up her arms.

"I can get a little rough," he warned.
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