Fallout: New Vegas - Good Guy (RP with Wveth and X3sexxxi)



((ooc: click the hotlinks to see pictures of what the Courier is wearing/holding ^_^))

Freeside was much as it had been since the Courier's victory almost a month ago. There were more people now, and they tended to look healthier. The differences were a bit more subtle: buildings looked a touch cleaner, people were wearing nicer clothes. Corpses had been cleaned up. Even the Old Mormon Fort had actual wooden buildings inside it now. They were still fairly primitive, but now they were able to bring it more medical technology and workers, originally needed to help them cope with the flood of injured people in the wake of the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.

There he was, walking down the middle of Freeside, wearing an eye-catching duster outfit. He had short, messy black hair and a thick goatee. Combined with his sunglasses and bandana, he certainly stood out amongst the poor neighboorhood. His confident gait, the purpose with which he moved, and the polished black assault rifle (with a silver metal, polished receiver) gave him an air of authority. Most people who walked around simply ignored him, though some pointed and whispered in hushed tones as he passed. He didn't seem to fit the descriptions of the travellers and citizens, of "Courier Six", whose real name nobody seemed to know. He was supposed to be kind and giving and... well, this man looked dangerous. Badass, one might say, as he patrolled the streets.
After her escape, Jessica realized that there was only he place that she could go and find any amount of safety: New Vegas. Fully protected by the enigmatic 'Courier' and his army of securitrons, it was inaccessible to Caesers Legion, the group tha had enslaved her for nearly a year.

She didn't have the caps to get into the Strip. That much is for sure. The Securitrons had turned her away immediately. However, she had heard rumors about the kind hearted Courier and his tendency to patrol the City himself - even the slums of Freeside.

For days, Jessica worked and survived in Freeside, doing anything for some caps or even a hot meal. All the while however, she kept an eye and ear out for any news of her potential savior. Luck was on her side, as word spread that the Courier was out and about, keeping safe the streets of Freeside. She flew from the seedy bar she had been frequenting in search of the Courier.

His regal presence and the deference with which everyone treated him with left no doubt in her mind that the simply dressed and armed gentleman strolling down the street was the mysterious man she had been seeking. After a calming breath, she ran up to him, completely ready to recite the speech she had already prepared, providing a level headed and logical proposal as to how she could be useful to him if he allowed her to stay in the strip, despite her poverty. However, to her dismay, when she opened her mouth what came out was: "Looking for a good time tonight, sir?"
The Courier stopped and regarded her. His large sunglasses made his expression invisible, but a small smile appeared on his face regardless.

"Thank you, miss, but I don't need anything like that today." The voice that came from him was utterly different that his image would suggest: it was calm, kind and soft, and completely belied his far tougher exterior.
She suppressed a gasp at her own words, and settled for a deep blush. Closing her eyes and shaking her head, as if to literally shake the nerves away, she looks back up at the Courier and says, "I- No, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that," nervously, she runs a hand through the tangles in her knotted hair and continues, "I just...I have a proposal for you."

She looks rather defeated as she thinks to herself what a failure she is. It is clear that she is on the verge of tears, but is holding them back. As much as she tries to be strong, and as much as life in the Wasteland has hardened her, she is still not as jaded as she would lead people to believe.
He frowned at her actions, seeing how she was clearly very upset. He took a step closer and hesitantly touched her shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright. Just calm down, think before you answer. What's wrong?"
Biting her lip, she nervously glances around as if to ensure she isn't being followed. She calms down a bit and continues, "I- I'm Jessica. My town was destroyed by Caesar's Legion a few months ago, and I have no where to go. There's no place for me in Freeside, but I haven't got the caps or a passport to get into the strip. I just want a safe place to live and work," after a second she remembers who she is speaking to and adds, "sir."
The Courier sighed, glancing down and shaking his head. It wasn't the first time someone had come to him to personally ask for assistance. That was his reputation. He had never outright refused anyone at all, but lately, he simply directed people to others who could help them. Although the automated systems of the Lucky 38 ensured that he did not have to spend much time ruling the Mojave, he would have no time at all to eat or sleep if he personally helped everyone who requested it.

"Jessica... you'll be treated fairly here, of course." He smiled a little. "Are you hurt? The Followers of the Apocalypse in the Old Mormon Fort..." he pointed at the large Old-World fort near them. "They'll help you with your wounds, either physical or emotional."
With a determined look in her eye, she made firm eye contact with the Courier...or at least, she thought she did. His sunglasses were very mirrored. "I'm no refugee or charity case, sir. I want to work. I want to work on the strip, where I can really make a living."

Not naturally so bold, she blushed a bit but continued, "I am a hard worker, a quick learner and I'm willing to do just about anything if it means making it into the strip. There must be a place for me somewhere."
He did indeed look into her eyes when she spoke, and maybe he saw something of himself there. Something he had been after rising from his shallow grave in Goodsprings, different from what he had been. His brain scrambled by the bullets, he had awoken as a very different person. Before, he was content to work and travel as a courier, but when he woke up that day, he found himself unable to leave anything alone; he had to do what was right. There was no other choice. Soon he was made more firm, more confident... and that was what he saw in her.

"You are a refugee... there's nothing wrong with that. It isn't your fault." He sighed softly. "Freeside has changed in the last month. It's stable, it isn't violent. Most people work. The only reason I haven't torn down the gate to the Strip is because the Three Families are worried of reprisal, and rightfully so. Someday soon, I will have that gate down." He paused for a moment. "Fine. Come with me, we'll talk about what you can do. What are you good at? What are you interested in?" He turned slightly and began walking towards the gate to the other section of Freeside, with the Atomic Wrangler and the gate to the Strip, beckoning her along.
Her feet seem to move before her mind grasps what's happening, causing her to trip a bit before continuing after the Courier. She thinks for a second before speaking - a new habit - before answering, "What am I good at? Well, my work experience is...limited. I've been told I'm likable though, so maybe I could...work in one of the hotels? I also know some first aid, so maybe...someone needs a nurse? I'm a hard worker and I'm not picky, I promise. Any job, really, should be ok."
The Courier wasn't quite buying that, as he caught her when she tripped and straightened her back up before continuing to walk.

"You know you could've gotten work here or elsewhere without my help..."

They passed through the makeshift gate to the other part of Freeside; through the abandoned subway car, to be greeted to the sounds of lively music and the shining KING'S sign to their left, the signpost of the King's School of Impersonation.
She bites her lip and nervously extricates herself from his arms after he catches her. Not wanting to reveal her true purpose in finding a way to live on the strip, she stutters out a quick, nervous response. "I- Well, I didn't want to work out here in Freeside. I wanted the...glitz and the glamour of the Strip!"

In reality, Jessica craves only the promise of security and protection from Caesar's Legion in case they should send someone after her. The relatively unprotected areas of Freeside offered her little peace of mind.
The Courier knew she wasn't telling him the whole story [PER 7 (8 with bandana bonus) XD], but he also figured that she'd be more inclined to speak truly if she wasn't in public. It was understandable that she'd want to be somewhere secure, but Freeside was definitely a secure location. She had probably heard the older stories of it. The wall around New Vegas itself was something to begin with, but with the upgraded Securitron Mk. II robots patrolling all throughout the city (not to mention several scouts along key places in the Mojave), it would be difficult for any real threat to enter the area without his knowing about it. If anything strange was noticed, the information would immediately be sent to his Pip-Boy. Still, he supposed it was possible for someone in disguise to get in... or maybe a small group in disguise, if they did it well enough.

Soon they came closer to the gate to the Strip, and one of the Securitrons rolled up as it always did, ignoring the Courier but fixating on Jessica.

"Submit to a credit check, or present a valid passport to enter."

"She's with me," the Courier said.

"Thank you!" said the creepily polite robot. "Please head on in."
A shiver ran down her spine as they walked past the Securitrons. She thought about how powerful they were, and how they could not be reasoned with as a human could. That, for her, was the scariest thought. They made their way into the Strip, and Jessica could not help but gawk a bit. Everyone seemed so wealthy and self important and clearly thought themselves very important. The buildings that seemed so insignificant from a distance now dwarfed her and made her feel even smaller. She turned back to the Courier after about 15 seconds and said happily, "Thank you! You've done me such a kindness. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"
The Courier led her to the gates of the Lucky 38; the massive red and black blast doors squealed as they slid to the sides, revealing a more conventional front door. The steps of the casino lit up back and forth as they walked over them and he led her inside.

It was the casino. Two Securitrons guarded it - one on either side, "looking" at them from behind the soldier caricature that was displayed on their screens.

"This is..." The Courier smiled and laughed softly. "My home, I suppose. Well, not this floor." He seemed to ignore her question.
The opulence of the lucky 38 was almost unbelievable to her as she walked up the steps and through the automatic doors. "Y-your home is lovely," she says, a bit thrown that he has not answered her question, "All of this is a bit surreal to me, I never imagined such palace could exist in the Mojave."
He couldn't help but grin a little at her comment, crossing his arms after hitting the button on the elevator. "You haven't seen anything yet." He wanted to show her the strip at night, the view from the top of the Lucky 38. She was the first person he'd brought in since... well, ever. He had no idea why, but he was unquestionably comfortable showing this to her.

Ding! The elevator doors opened. "Let me show you the penthouse."
Wveth said:
He couldn't help but grin a little at her comment, crossing his arms after hitting the button on the elevator. "You haven't seen anything yet." He wanted to show her the strip at night, the view from the top of the Lucky 38. She was the first person he'd brought in since... well, ever. He had no idea why, but he was unquestionably comfortable showing this to her.

Ding! The elevator doors opened. "Let me show you the penthouse."

With a stomach full of butterflies, Jessica boarded the elevator and avoided eye contact with the Courier by glancing around, anywhere but at him. When she spoke, she stared intently at the floor with a meek expression. "I notice you ignored my question, sir. Is there something I can do for you?"

Before he had time to answer, the elevator dinged and opened to reveal a magnificent penthouse. She gasped in awe, but turned to look at him before stepping out of the elevator, to see what he would do or say.
"I don't know. There are so many problems and so many things that could go wrong around here... I wouldn't even know where to start. But they're my problems. I don't want to burden anyone else with them." He stepped out into the penthouse, which was a large revolving cocktail lounge, or had been in its pre-war days. Everything was spotlessly clean. The room was shaped like a donut with the elevator shaft in the middle and the penthouse revolving slowly around it. The sides of the entire room were glass; one could see over the entire city of New Vegas and quite a bit out into the Mojave itself. To their left, through a curtained archway, was a massive computer with several large screens. That's where the Courier was headed.

"Just let one of the Securitrons know if you want a drink or something to eat. We've got... some of everything, here."
Jessica furrowed her brow in confusion for a bit after hearing his words. The Courier stalked through the curtains, and Jessica trotted up behind him to catch up. She grabbed his right hand and tugged a bit, getting him to turn so he would be looking at her. "The Wasteland is a lonely and terrible place," she says quietly, "you need not make it worse for yourself. Nobody should have to face all of this alone. Please, let me do something - anything - to repay you..." she trailed off at the end and bit her lower lip pensively.

Perhaps she was being a bit too forward? This was uncharted territory, having a man not want to take advantage of her or even collect his due. She didn't want any standing debt between them, but it was beginning to look as though the Courier wasn't going to let her pay off her repay him.
He turned and talked quickly and forcefully. His question was like a bullet. Still calm, but now it suited his rough exterior more than his normal voice.

He asked her: "Are you looking for me to take advantage of you? That's what you'd get in most places around here."
Startled by his sudden forceful reaction, she releases his hand and stumbles back away from him. "I- no, I just want to thank you for helping me. I have to at least try, don't I?"

Her eyes get a bit watery and she squeezes them shut, as if to prevent the tears from coming out. A habit she's had since childhood, Jessica would always cry when she was too tense or frustrated. "Don't cry!" she mentally commands herself, but most likely in vain.
His voice softened when he saw her shut her eyes so tight. He sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just not used to this. I don't need anything from you, Jessica... look around. I have everything I need, it's..."

He shook his head, looking suddenly defeated. Gesturing vaguely towards the window, he spoke much more quietly. "It's the people out there who don't. I'm trying to do what I can but it's not as easy as just giving things away. It's them who need your hard work, not me. I just try to do what I can, what someone else won't."
She opens her eyes and the pent up tears escape, spilling over her cheeks. She is not crying anymore, but the traitorous tears persist. "I'm sorry for being so persistent," she mutters, "I just wanted to repay your kindness. You've done a lot for New Vegas and its residents, I can tell. You shouldn't carry so much guilt! It can't be healthy."
He inhaled deeply when he saw her crying, turning his head away for a moment. When he spoke again, his voice was much more level again. "The only thing I can do is make sure the Mojave stays independent and run it as best I can. I can and will step in to personally solve when problems I can... and I have. I'm curious, though..." He sighed, knowing he was going to regret asking, "You said the Legion attacked your village, or town. When was this? With Caesar and Lanius dead, I always wondered what was happening to them. It was always Caesar's charisma that kept them together."
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