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Forbidden Fruit said:
9/10, cute transformation.

if only it was colored..

Couldn't find one that I would be happy with and will adhere to the BMR rules.

Here's one I made to use on other sites (scaled down):
Erinye said:
Its... mesmerizing.
Artwork is pretty simple, but it works. Cant stop looking at it.

The artwork is not mine, but still it is quite the compliment coming from a person who lists gender transformation as a "no" on her F-list.

Bumping up to 9/10 because she grew on me.
09/10 for the sexy blonde girl.

Lurker gets a 08/10.

And a 08/10 for herorine.

As for my avatar...I had to shrink the picture because the original size was too big for this site.
7/10 - She is pretty, but I'm not really a fan of this style of drawing.

Oni-hime said:
I'll give it a 9, 'cause transformations are always cool.

Why thank you :)
They are cool, especially if you are lucky enough to find somebody that likes to transform you as much as you like being transformed by them.

Speaking of which (looks at Oni's thread) telepathic sex is cool too.
Ok, let's see...

07/10 Sexy, but I'd like to some change like a new pose or different costumes.

08/10 Nice gif you have there, pal.

09/10 Gorgeous!

08/10 Hot, but I hope that isn't a duckface...

10/10 I love the colors of your majestic fur!

09/10 She looks cute. And like an idol.

08/10 Wanna play some basketball with me?

I hope that I didn't mess this up somehow.
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