Rate the Avatar above you...

25. Ten for each eye and a bonus five points for finally showing them!
It looks like the our avatars have had the same thought and for that it gets a "are you thinking what I'm thinking" 10
SeductiveKitsune said:
Hm... A new one... -pulls out clipboard to mark aviator down-

I'll give you a nine, but a ten if it is final fantasy...

It is Zell from FFVIII ^_^

Hmm and a valuation of the above avatar I'd have to give a 10 to such a seductive kitty, who wouldn't right!?
SeductiveKitsune said:
Knew it. Oh... By the way, I am a fox, not a kitty. To elaborate I am a kitsune, a fox demon adapt in magic and illusions. And they often take the form of humans to seduce men.

You earned this dime!

Thank you for the enlightenment foxy lady... Yeah I'll just bump myself back down to a 9 after that joke -_-;
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