Rate the Avatar above you...

i would say an 8... maybe take off the shirt and put the papers down and it might be a 10. maybe a good shave too... no offense
8 - Mysterious, although I'm not quite sure if that is a bird or some angelic being with the wing. The pic is too blurred for me to really get it entirely, but I will score it an 8 just the same. ;)
The image itself gets an eight. It's a nice way to cut it, and it shows a lot of expression even though we only get to see the chin. And the blood is a big bonus. However there is a minus five penalty for animation since it is disturbing when you try to read the posts.

Here's a larger version of mine. And if you want more from the same artist, check out the link in my signature.
Mr. Edwardson gets extra credit for providing an enlargement to what is an extremely colorful, but very "busy" avatar. It appears to show Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden at the point of doing what got their asses run off for. Where the red teddy came from is problematic, but I am neither a theologian nor an art critic. If you look at it for too long, you get to seeing things which are difficult to fathom, such as the ground hog at the upper left edge watching the flying shark move across the top of the frame. I need some serious coffee. Fortunately, I have some. Strictly "winging it" at this point, I give the effort an eight.
Ten for ten. Simply because I enjoy seeing It. However, I kinds want a change Xxtra.... Not your fault, mine....

XXtraPrince said:
Mr. Edwardson gets extra credit for providing an enlargement to what is an extremely colorful, but very "busy" avatar. It appears to show Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden at the point of doing what got their asses run off for. Where the red teddy came from is problematic, but I am neither a theologian nor an art critic. If you look at it for too long, you get to seeing things which are difficult to fathom, such as the ground hog at the upper left edge watching the flying shark move across the top of the frame. I need some serious coffee. Fortunately, I have some. Strictly "winging it" at this point, I give the effort an eight.

Also, Adam and Eve were not run off because of having sex. God gave them a commandment to be fruitful and become many... Only one way to do that! :D
10 - But, I "kinds agree with KB"...change is a good thing, right? ;) *Kisses*
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