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Edgewood Academy

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Feb 5, 2012
Name: Owen 'O' Nash
Stereotype:popular kid that runs the school and plays sports yet is a bad boy.
School Activities interested in: Football, basketball
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Quick Biography of life so far: Owen's parents are wealthy successful business people in the community. His family is well respected and everyone in the community expects Owen to succeed in academics and sports. He was the best at everything he did and even popular with the ladies. His parents were never home but sent him off to the private school. He at first hated it but now he ruled the school and finally felt as if he belonged somewhere other than a lonely mansion. Owen though had secrets of his own. He had many friends but never let anyone too close, especially the girls.
Sexual orientation (straight,gay, bi): straight
RE: Edgewood Acedmy

Name: Willow Jones
Stereotype:a book worm also is sometimes called a nerd
School Activities interested in: the book club,Year book staff
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Quick Biography of life so far: Willow was born to a family were the dad owns the local newspaper company and willows mom is a stay at home mom who is highly into Witchcraft. People think her mom is too weird to hang around willow. They are not rich but have Enoch money to get their daughter the things she needs and sometimes wants. They both are strongly for the good grades and sense willow loves to please her parents she joined the book club and year book for extra credit. she helps out other clubs with things like decorating or ideas on how the meeting should go. she is not popular in fact she gets picked on a lot. Willow name is known thought the school but not in a good way.
Sexual orientation (straight,gay, bi): straight but bi carious
Name: Abigale Wilson
Gender: Female
Stereotype: Trouble Maker
School Activities interested in: Swim Team and Track
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Quick Biography of life so far: Abigale is the daughter of Military obsessed parents who take any chance they can to be shipped off to other countries instead of stay with their children. Abigale lives with her older sister who works two jobs in order to keep them in the house, unless they get a miracle check from their parents, which is rare. Due to her abandonment issues, Abigale has resorted to hardly trying at all to keep her grades up like she used too and she rarely ever makes an attempt at her social life.
Sexual orientation: Straight
Name: Eron Betancourt
Gender: Male
Stereotype: Ghetto or 'hood'
School Activities interested in: Football, Basketball.
Quick Description or Photo:

Quick Bio: Eron Betancourt grew up in Brooklyn, New York with his grandparents. The son of two Puerto Ricans who abandoned him as a child, Eron quickly began doing drugs and grew up in the harsh realities of the world and places without money. He moved away to try and become an active member of society, and a good one at that; but, we'll see how that goes.
Name: Mikhail
Gender: Male
Stereotype: Player(bi)
School Activities Interested In: Soccer, Basketball, and Photography(secretly)
Bio: Mikhail is half German and half British so he has both the German and British accent. He uses mostly his British accent to get the ladies and occasionally, men. He is the son of a CEO militaey seargant and wedding disigner therefore, he has loads of money. All the ladies love/worship him and all the men are jealous/worship him. He also doesn't believe in emotional love only physical.
Name: Allison Bishop or Ali
Stereotype:Slutty Cheerleader
School Activities interested in: Cheerleading
Quick Description or Photo:

Quick Biography of life so far: Ali is the typical rich spoiled little brat. Daddy buys her everything when he or her mother can't be around to make everything better. She is a bit of a ditz when it comes to academics but when it comes to romance she knows exactly what to do. All the guys want her and she's slept with most of them. If she hasn't, she will soon enough. There is nothing that Ali wants that she can't get. No woman's boyfriend is safe from her seduction. Now she is beginning to find a curioiusness in women.
Sexual orientation (straight,gay, bi): straight bi curious
Name: Leo "The Lion" Johnson
Stereotype: Sports all-star and flirt
School Activities interested in: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Lacrosse, Swim Team, and Track
Quick Description or Photo:

Quick Biography of life so far: Leo grew up in a family of sports somebody played something. Some got famous some stayed in the 'normal life'. Leo is the son to a professional football player and comes from a wealthy family. His father is planning to retire at the end of the year and its up to Leo to take up a sport. But he can't decide on which one he likes the most his grades are good and he's got a few scouts looking for him already. But right now he doesn't want to worry about that instead he wants to enjoy the many women walking around campus. Flirting is his own personal sport which usually results in him getting some girl into his bed.
Sexual orientation (straight,gay, bi): straight
Name: Daniel "Danny" Cole
Gender: Male
Stereotype: Nerd
School Activities interested in: Chess club, Computer Club, Anime and manga club
Quick Description or photo:

Quick Biography of life so far: Daniel is a black boy born in the harsh inner cites of D.C. only to move in the suburbs where he grew up. As of right now he is living with his upper middle class uncle and as aunt while his parents are still in D.C. Although he is black he sucks at sports and doesn't like hip-hop. In fact the only thing black about him is skin tone which is why everyone calls him danny-boy of danny. While he doesn't do well is physical thing he excel at academics and does well in the classroom. That not to say he was not the prime target for bullies but all in all he tend to make it through.
Sexual orientation: Straight
I was going to have her room with Abigale but I haven't heard from her so I say go ahead and have her with Ali.
Name: Zelda/Luna
Gender: Female
Stereotype: Mute
School activities interested in: Music (violin mostly) and poetry

Bio: No one knows why she is mute not even here parents. Her father is a music and movie director and her mother is of royal blood. Before hand she was Zelda an worldwide internet singer sensational. She has been mute since she was 15.
Sexual orientation-Asexual and straight.
Name: Dominic Lukas

Nicknames: Dom, Luke (rarely)

Gender: Male

Stereotype: Quiet, secretive guy that prefers brain over brawn but doesn't mind putting some muscle into a fight

School Activities: Reading fiction, writing fiction (novels and/or scripts).


Quick biography: Dom is a normal guy who found the urge to start reading books from a young age. Once he started a book, he was determined to finish and this developed his imagination as well as his mind, allowing him to absorb information at ease. Because he was not born with intelligence, his body went towards muscle and thus, he now is capable of strength and knowledge. Nevertheless, his reclusion originated from when his once love was gone from his life and he retreated into the haven of his mind to protect himself from heartbreak. He now only waits for her return, believing that only she is the one who will accept who he is.

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Name: Ashley Chase
Nicknames: Ash
Gender: Female
Stereotype: Outcast. Dark, gothic appearance. Bubbly personality.
School Activities: Photography, art club
Appearance: picture
Bio: A very artistic and creative girl who takes the time to see everything for what it truely is, not what it appears to be. She's imaginative, secretive, and tends to keep to herself. Not much is known about her background. She spend much of her childhood bouncing around from foster home to foster. She has great strength because of the experiences she was forced to face. She can often be found snapping pictures or sketching in her drawing book.
Sexual orientation: Straight
Name: Kate

Gender: Female

Stereotype: She’s outgoing but shy when first meeting someone, she’s basically known as “Scene”

School Activities interested in: Swimming

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Quick Biography of life so far: Kate's family wasn’t set financially so once her mother passed away her father quickly remarried, and they became wealthy. Her step-brother always tried to make passes on her, because she wasn’t like other girls in the community, especially her style when it came to clothing. Unlike the Cinderella story, her step-mom was actually really nice to her. She loved her family, besides the step brother issues she had. Her childhood wasn’t the greatest, and it wasn’t close to being decent either. Schoolmates would bully her, while her boyfriend at the time abused her mentally and physically. She became a loner until she met the few friends she has now. They convinced her to get rid of the abusive guy, and she did. She even started to stick up for herself during school hours.

Sexual orientation (straight,gay, bi): Straight
Name: Avrey stanfirson
School Activities interested in: drama club
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Quick Biography of life so far: Avery was born as a mistake but her parents loved her anyway they had problems and a few days after she turned 7 she was shoot in the leg accidently by her father. shes very rebelious but because of her small size and light weight shes quick on her feet and she is very hard to spot, or find so its nearly impossible for you to catch her. not only that but she can act as if she wasnt even their. Avery is a straight A+ student and she likes to be an over achiever but she has a social life. she is currently working on a scholor ship to harvard or even yale for fashion, acting, or designing but for now shes the cashier at burger king for extra cash she sings in the park
Sexual orientation (straight,gay, bi): straight
All of the characters in this thread need to have an age listed to ensure that everyone is following TOS. Since all of the characters appear to be at least in the late teens to early 20s, I assume they are of age, but I need it to be listed please. Thank you for cooperating.
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