I swear that it seems I have yet to beat the record of more than two days home before getting into an argument with my mom, and I'm absolutely sick of it. Let me explain something please...
I don't need you to tell me that I've gained weight. I'm perfectly well aware of it and you constantly reminding me that I need to lose it. I'm capable of doing that without your help.
Also, I don't know if you're aware of it, but if you start working out extraneously after a long period of time without it, you're going to be sore for the first few days, and maybe it's kind of hard to do anything in that state. How about fucking understanding that instead of just harping on how I've already fucking given up on it? Yeah, that kind of support is WONDERFUL from you.
Plus, despite what you may think, my personal opinion of myself does not come from what you just think of me. Just because you would theoretically say that I have no problems, doesn't mean that I would think that exact same thing. If you took the time to pay attention, maybe you'd realize that I have some serious self-conscious issues regardless of what you ever say or think of me.
I don't need to go to church to make "Korean friends" as you say. You both say you're so concerned with me having Korean friends, but I don't see why I need them. I have friends, great ones who I'd trust my lives with, but you're both still so stuck in the mental crutch of having those same types of friends from before, that you can't get past it.
I can't stand this shit so much right now.