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Aftermath (Razgriz x Lustfull_Sin)

She watched him carefully, seeing that look in eyes. The disgust in them. He still didn’t like her, even after so much they had done, he didn’t want her near. His hand reached up and his fingers wrapped around her wrist, but there was no strength in him as he tried to push her away. Looking at him, she frowned. Monster, monster, monster. That’s all she will ever be to his eyes. Would a monster have taken him back to their home and nurse them back to health. No. He would have been dead the minute his body passed the door. Pulling her hand away from his forehead, she stared at him and frowned even more. Sighing in irritation. She was getting sick and tired of this. She spent two or so days helping in getting his strength back and not even a thank you.

Hands placed on her hips, her face showing her annoyance towards him. If he didn’t appreciate the help he was getting, then perhaps best to tell him something else. Maybe if she told him doing this was more a nuisance, then perhaps his attitude will change. “Look, we’re only helping you because the last thing we want to see is your dead carcass rotting in the forest whenever we go and pick fruit. You think yourself special well guess what, you’re not. You’re more of a hinder to us than a blessing. We may be desperate for a male, but we wouldn’t want one who keeps calling us a monster.” She hmphed and pushed his hand away from her wrist, soaked the rag and wrung it out and wipe his forehead again, though this time, not so gently. “You, you, you. You think everything is all about you. What about us. Here we are, wasting our time, helping a human who doesn’t appreciate a little charity. Humans. Hah. Never appreciated anything. As for that…..armor….or whatever you call it. You personally took yourself out of it, we didn’t do anything. We removed that other piece of clothing off you, since that last thing we want is to smell the stink of your sweat and also have you stinking up the sheets. Your body isn’t that great to gaze at.” It actually was, but she had to stick with the lie. “Once your well and full of some strength, your ugly ass is being tossed out on it and you can go about and live the way you’ve always have. Running.” She snorted and threw the rag in the bucket, splashing water. “ Oh and don’t worry. We’re not going to do anything. It isn’t fun torturing something that can’t fight back. And you have no fight in you. Besides, it’ll only waste our time trying to figure out the best method of doing whatever to you.” She shrugged her shoulders and turned away. “You seem strong enough to feed yourself though. So just sit there while I go and get you some soup alright.” And with that, she left, not even glancing over her shoulder. Punff was very irritated. Honesty! He didn’t even say ‘Oh hey, thanks so much for taking good care of me I appreciate it.’ No instead, he goes and calls her that ugly word. A monster! He’s the monster here, not her.

“Stupid human! Not even a thank you. Doesn’t even care.”She said grabbing a bowl, filling it up with the still hot soup. She grabbed a mug and filled that with cool water from a large clay jar. She set everything on a wooden tray, placing a wooden spoon beside the bowl. She even placed a few slices of bread for him. Still complaining, she entered the room again and placed the tray on the small tabled next to the bed. “Here. And don’t make a mess, because the last thing I want to do is pick up after you.”She grumbled and walked out, not even bothering to help him sit up or anything.
Jackson's eyes narrowed as she began chewing him out, acting like he was the trouble; of course, it may have behooved him to at least show a little appreciation for their efforts in restoring him. But being on his own for so long clouded his mind, made him not trust anyone. Or anything that he came across; even the tech he'd had to scrounge for was subject to three different inspections. Machine or organic, nothing got any love from him, but that's what kept him alive up until now. And who was he to go against basic knowledge? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" applied here in spades, and he wasn't likely to change his mind any time soon. Even for those that had as of yet proven not to be a threat. Her statement about desperation for a male went unnoticed by him, as he had no care in most of what she was saying. She was the monster, he was the survivor. Whatever tricks she tried to pull on him would not work. He tried to struggle as she rubbed the wet rag over his forehead, trying to twist his neck as she roughly cleaned the skin. "" was all he could say weakly, inaudible for Punff to hear clearly. Her words, however, certainly made him pause; he removed himself from the armor? Why the hell would he do that? She was obviously lying......Unless......No, even in that situation he wouldn't have done such a thing to make himself vulnerable. Her words about letting him go and not doing anything to him also caught him off guard; he wanted to believe that was true, but maybe....she was trying to make him lower his guard. Yeah, that had to be it; these damned monsters thought they were so smart. Even in his weakened state, she wouldn't break him.

As she left, he tried to sit up with great difficulty; he had to get out of here. Find his armor and gun and just go, that was his new objective. The pistol he could do without, but he needed his rifle and armor if he was going to survive. Staying here too long would further jeopardize him. Eventually he would be able to rest his back against the headboard, watching as the Weresheep came back in and dropped off his "food" before storming back out. He just glared at her back as she disappeared from view; no way in hell was he going to eat this. However, his nostrils flooded with the delightful scent of home-cooked food, and his stomach growled. It had been some time since he had a proper meal....Maybe...No, she must have done something to it. His stomach growled again, this time a bit louder, as if insisting he eat the food sitting so very close to him. Grumbling in defeat, he resolved to eat the dish; if he was going to die, he may as well do so on a full stomach.

With slightly trembling hands, he managed to pick up the wooden bowl, feeling the comforting heat radiate through his fingers. "Tc..not even any meat. Now I've been reduced to a dead hippie" the young man grumbled as he set the bowl in his lap, reaching for the spoon. After fumbling a couple of times, he managed to grasp it and bring shakily to the liquid dish. At least this would be relatively easy to eat; his jaw still couldn't open that wide, so no strenuous chewing would be necessary. Lifting it to his lips, a few drops spilling from the divot due to the shaking of his hand, the hot liquid touched his lips and slid down his gullet. Holy crap, that was good! It hit his stomach, spreading warmth and energy into his body and making him feel a lot better. Even if there was no meat, whatever was in there certainly tasted like....steak, oddly enough. Jackson didn't know it, but this soup would significantly speed up his healing, even more so than just the broth itself. He had enough energy to reach over and grab a slice of the bread, dunking it in the delicious liquid and swallowing it. When he was done, he felt...satisfied. And most of all, he felt more alive than he'd ever felt running. Maybe even strong enough to find his equipment and get the hell out. However, as he tried to move, he found his body was still largely unresponsive; he felt good, but his body was still suffering moderate internal injury. "God damn it......" he mumbled; well, at least he could speak now with an audible volume.
Okay, so she couldn’t just turn her back and ignore him. Punff had stopped and peeked inside, making sure he didn’t notice her. She nibbled her lower lip a few times, watching as he struggled in trying to feed himself. She felt so guilty, but…but he deserved it. Calling her a monster and treating her like dirt. Deserved it, but even so. Watching him struggle, his hands shaky and some soup spilling onto the blankets. Punff’s heart sank. “oh…m-maybe I should….no. He called you a monster Punff. Don’t give in.” She told herself and continued to watched. He seemed to finally get the hang of it and began to drink down the soup. Bread was soaked and soon enough, he finished everything, even the fresh water. She couldn’t help, but smile though that was short lived. He struggled to get up, but still couldn’t.

Hmm, perhaps she ought to make him feel less manly now. Waiting a moment, Punff took a breathed and made her face look annoyed again. Entering the room, she walked up to him, looked at the bowl, then at the blankets. “Hmph, can’t even eat properly. Humans as so disgusting.” She grabbed the bowl from his hand and practically tossed it on the tray. “Now that you’ve had a meal, no doubt you’re strong enough to get up and leave. I won’t stop you.” She turned away and walked out, chin raised as if she were a princess who had just spoken to some servant. “And thanks so much for ruining my blankets.”She called back, reaching the kitchen and purposely slammed the tray on the table hoping he would hear. After a few second, she covered her mouth and laughed in her palm. Oh, she felt awful, but she beat it in her mind that he deserved it.

Suddenly, the kitchen door opened and Lanthe appeared, an axe in her hand. “Oh! “ She looked at Punff, then at the tray. “He is awake?”

“Awake as can be and as rude as ever. Hmph. The human didn’t even say thank you or anything.”She said, nice and loud, looking at Lanthe.

Lanthe raised a brow. “Is he in pain?”

“Hah. Pain? No. Just has a bad case of rudeness.” She said loud and looked at Lanthe with a smile. “The human is rude, irritating. He dirtied the blankets and didn’t even say thank you for the meal. I can’t wait until he leaves Lanthe and gets out of our hair.” She winked and Lanthe finally got it.

It seemed that something happened that was making Punff purposely act this way. “Well. If he’s better, then I guess I can finally have my bed back. I can’t stand sleeping on the floor anymore.” Setting the axe near the door, Lanthe went down the hall and entered the room the human was in. “No kidding. You are messy. Well now that you’re awake, it seems that you can leave now. I have some of my husband’s old shirts and pants, though they might be a bit too small, but with the way you look, they should fit nicely.” She crossed her arms under her breasts, raising them a bit unpurposely of course. “So. How long before you can leave. Its rather annoying having to cook for an extra mouth.”
Jackson grimaced as Punff criticized him for his sloppy eating; he tried to be careful, it wasn't his damn fault he couldn't keep his hands steady. How dare she act so high and mighty; his hands clenched, but his somewhat wounded pride from being essentially at her mercy made him hold his tongue. Though he was close to bursting with rage as she huffed off, carrying his dishes with her. Did she honestly think he enjoyed being stuck here? "I didn't ruin them....." Jackson mumbled; there were only a few spots. Spots which could be easily washed out, even someone like him knew that much.

The words that followed from the two girls downstairs just pissed him off more and more; if he was such a damn bother, why didn't just throw him out? It was here that it clicked.....They were fucking with him to try and get a rise out of him. To force him to try and attack, knowing that he wasn't in a position to do so given the state of his body. Well, if they wanted to play mind games, he could very well do the same; maybe he could trick them into revealing where his armor and weapon were so that he really could leave. But how to approach this.....They clearly didn't care whether he lived or died, that much he could live with. And maybe he could use that against them.....

"You should have just left me to die...then......if I'm such a fucking burden" Jackson grunted as he sat up some more, "I didn't ask for your help, and in case your friend didn't get the message, I don't particularly care for being at the mercy of that which I've been trying to avoid". He threw the blanket off of him, revealing the totality of his well-formed body still riddled with scars from his past encounters. "I've told you once before, and I've...." he paused to throw his legs over the side of the bed, seeming barely able to do even that much, before continued, "said that all I need is my armor and weapon, WHICH YOU STOLE, and I'll be gone. So, I don't need your damn husband's clothes, freak......." He then gave a final push off the bed and stumbled hard into the wall, his chest heaving with the exertion. Even with his body incapable of holding itself up, he was still trying to force himself to move. He managed to steady his naked form, uncaring that he was indecent before a woman, and added, "And I'll be damned if I have to stay here with the likes of you any longer. Forget what I said, I'll find my armor myself..."
Lanthe stood there, arms still crossed as she listened to him. She said nothing, neither did she do anything as he shifted on the bed, throwing the blankets off his naked body and persisted in pushing himself off the bed, which wasn’t so graceful. She had that sudden urge to just grab him, put him back in bed and sooth him, but no, she couldn’t. His attitude wasn’t going to change so she had to change her’s a bit. “ Seeing or smelling your body rotting in the forest where we pick fresh fruit would be a turn off. We love the fresh smell of the fruit.” Sighing, she moved away from the door frame and shook her head. “We didn’t necessarily steal anything from you. You removed yourself from that…armor thing and we just hid it for our safety purposes as well as hid your weapons for-once again- our own safety.” Lanthe was rather surprised that he was still standing, then again, he was holding onto the wall a bit as if it were a security blanket. Perhaps she ought to just give him his armor and weapons, but then what would happen after. He would kill her and Punff then be off only to die as well. No. He may be rude and inconsiderate, but she couldn’t simply let that happen.

“Look…..we saved you because it isn’t in our nature to leave someone wounded. My kind as well as Weresheeps….were not like the other female creatures that roam this planet. We don’t seek confrontation nor do we wish to harm.” Raising her hands, she moved closer to him. “We are not going to hurt you. Punff and I were only joking. You are not a nuisance. You are…more of a blessing to us than anything and we wish to protect you, to shelter you. If we had wanted to hurt you we would have done so already or like you had said, left you back at that forest to die, but we didn’t.” As Lanthe tried to calm him down and get him to relax, Punff appeared with a change of clothes that had belonged to her ex-husband.

“Lanthe I brought the clothes for the-“ She stopped when she saw the human standing and trembling as he tried to keep his balance. Her façade at being upset and annoyed of him vanished and a mask of worry and fear shown on her face. “What do you think you’re doing!?!”She yelled, dropping the clothes and rushing past Lanthe to get to him. “Are you stupid as well as stubborn and rude. You aren’t even healthy yet to be moving.” Taking his wrist, she hauled him with ease and little effort back to the bed. “I’m getting real tired of your he-man attitude. You humans are all the same. You think you’re all strong, but you need to learn to face the fact that when you’re weak you need help in some way.” Punff meant well, she honestly did, but this human had rattled her patience so much she had barely a thin little string of it left.

Shoving him not so daintily back on the bed, she pushed his legs up on it as well and pulled the blanket from under him and spread it back over his naked body. “We didn’t mean all the things we said. We said it because you were getting on my nerves. Do you honestly think all creatures would wish a human to die. We aren’t like that. Lanthe and I would never wish that on someone.”Huffing, she placed her hands on her hips and looked down at him. “If you wanna go off and die, then that’s your problem, but we’re not going to simply stand there and watch as throw your life away.”

“Alright Punff, that’s enough.”

“But Lanthe, he-“

“You’ve proven your point. I doubt he will go anywhere anymore.” She said and moved closer to the bed. “We won’t keep you against your will, but seeing as you could barely stand let alone walk I think it’s safe to say that you can stay here for a bit longer until you have regained your strength. Once you’re able to move about and feel confident in yourself you may leave-“

“But Lanthe-“

“We will even give you your armor and weapons so long as you agree not to use then against us. Do we have an agreement?” She asked waiting for his response. What else could be said? What else could he do?

Punff looked at him, her eyes wide, innocent and expectant.
Jackson wearily glared up at the cow-woman as she tried to tell him that he wasn't going to be harmed; yeah, like that was believable. "Yeah-huh, and I'm the richest man in the world" he spat back sarcastically as she called him a blessing; it was fairly obvious that despite her best efforts, it was still going to be a little bit before his resistance to their gentleness and tender care would finally break. Though she did have a point; even the thought of having to haul his heavy ass back here didn't make much sense. They had quite a while to do things to him, too, especially when he was weakened and even more so when he was unconscious. Still, he was wary; maybe she was just trying to soften him up. No, even he could see that there was a hint of truth in her words, at least when it came to not wanting to hurt him. The whole deal with wanting to protect and shelter him wasn't too convincing, though.

However, before he could event try to mount a response, the sheep-woman returned holding a bundle of clothes. Her initial words made Jackson realize that the cow-woman - apparently named "Lanthe" from what he'd caught - wasn't lying about wanting to give him clothes. He quickly found himself being forced back into bed, his body welcoming the relief from the strain but his mind making him resist, however non-existent it might seem to be. "Lemme go...Dugh.." he mumbled as she worked to put him back down and make him save his strength. He could only glare at her as she scolded him, essentially calling him weak; though her remark about them not letting him just throw his life away caught him off-guard.

His eyes would travel back and forth between the two as they discussed what to do, ending with the sheepwoman looking at him with such an innocent expression. His eyes narrowed at the two of them as she agreed to return his armor and weapons on the condition he wouldn't kill them. "All that talk about not giving it back, and now you just magically switch sides? Make up your mind, woman". The "woman" bit was a Freudian slip, but a well-reasoned one at that; not much of her was too animal-like, truth be told. Even their legs, despite ending in hooves and being covered in that which covered their namesake, were human in shape. "You'll have to forgive me if I don't believe you" he replied in a snarky tone before sitting up again; the blanket which had covered his torso slipped to his waist, revealing a particularly long - albeit significantly healed - gash that extended from his left shoulder to just above his right hip.
“It’s simply compromising and insuring our safety. We have not harmed you and wish the same that you do not harm us.” Lanthe moved away from the door frame, eyes looking at Punff. “Punff, stay with him. I will be right back. Bring him more food as well as the milk that had been boiled earlier.” Turning away, she left. Perhaps if she returned that suit looking thing he had worn under that armor would help in easing some of his worries. She had sewed it up as best she could, but unfortunately, the suit was made by a fabric unknown to her and the thread she used to stick up some of the rips was not of the same stuff, but at least it looked a bit better than before. Heading to her room, she went in and closed the door. Going to the small closet, she bent down and moved a few floor boards, revealing the armor wrapped in cloth as well as the suit and his weapons. She made sure none were damaged as she stowed them away. He would never know the location of his things.

Taking the folded suit, she placed the boards back in place and walked away.

Punff had gone and left Jackson right after Lanthe left. If she said to feed him, then feed him she will or else she would get in trouble. Preparing another bowl, water and some of Lanthe’s milk, she set everything on a tray and brought it back to him. Setting the tray on his lap, she looked at him as she dragged a chair next to the bed. “Need some help in feeding?”She asked innocently. It wasn’t a stab at his manly pride or anything, she was just being kind.

Lanthe returned within a few moments and smiled a bit when she saw the food that Punff brought. Walking over to him, she set the nicely folded cloth covered suit near his tray. “Your….uh…suit was badly damaged. The material is unknown to me..and..well….it might look a bit weird since I had to use thread meant to mend sheets and clothing.” She blushed as if she was nervous to know what he thought about her mending his under suit. Would he appreciate the gesture? Thank her? Why was she even caring for a reply? She shouldn’t care.

“Lanthe spent a whole day fixing it. Her fingers were sore once she finished.” Punff chimed in cheerily.
Jackson just watched as Lanthe turned and walked out, hearing her clop down the stairs of this strange, strange house. It wasn't long before Punff left as well, purportedly to get more food for him to eat, leaving the human male alone to his thoughts and concerns. He had to admit, they were much different from the ones he'd met; though his experiences still made him keep his guard up, his resistance towards their efforts would decrease a little. "These two.......What is their deal?" the young man thought to himself, trying to decipher what he could about their actions; his preconceived notions did nothing to aid him in this respect. Maybe they were telling the truth.......No, there had to be an ulterior motive.

When the sheep-woman would return, her question was met with a pointed glare by Jackson; even if she was truthful in her intent to aid him, the way the question was posed made it an insult. Though he said not a word, the look in his eyes was more than enough to convey the sentiments he felt. But that washed away as Lanthe returned, carrying a cloth package. Upon claiming it was the bodysuit he wore, his hands worked to unravel the cloth covering, revealing the black nanotech fabric beneath. It was far from professionally mended, but she did a good job closing up the holes riddling its surface.

At this, Jackson felt a little twinge of guilt; even if he'd acted the way he had in self-defense and because of his own predicament. His eyes wandered the suit, showing Lanthe the genuine surprise of her even bothering to fix something that belonged to him. "I....don't know what to say....Thanks, I imagine is a good start.....But why do through all this trouble?" he then muttered, turning his gaze to look up at his two caretakers, the edginess in his voice having dropped a little.

(And so the resistance begins to crumble XD)
Lanthe blushed and looked away. She tried to act casual, hoping to give a white lie about the reason as to why she mended it. “I assumed you would have preferred it more intact for when you left.” She said.

“I thought it was because it would get you some attention and have you been seen so wifely Lanthe.” Punff piped in seeing Lanthe blush red.

“T-That is not true. I did it out of the goodness of my heart. No person should wander about with tattered clothing.” It was the mild truth. She thought that if he mended his clothes and helped in his healing that she would gain his attention in more ways than one. Even if she had been married before and she had loved her husband dearly, but no female could simply ignore when there was a male around, especially someone like him. And if was in her nature to do things that would please a male for the thought usually lead to a pleasurable way of being thanked.

“I helped a little.” Punff said, taking one of the sleeves and showing her jagged, crooked work. She was still learning. Sewing wasn’t her best feature nor was it something he favored, but she wanted to impress him a little. “Perhaps once you’re done eating and feel up to strength, I can help you in bathing. I’m sure you would feel much better wearing your clothes after a bath instead of wearing them smelling like sweat and sickness?” And perhaps he would ask her to join him in that bath. The thought had her blushing and smiling sweetly. She’s never bathed with a male before. She’s only just seen them, either up close or hidden. The sight always made her blush as well as make her hot and horny. She could only bathe by herself, since her wool didn’t have a strong sleeping effect when it was wet. It had more of a slight relaxation effect. Her species always had to put males to sleep, gently rubbing into them and once they were asleep, they would continue to go ahead and pleasure them, mount them and wake them up while they were using them for their pleasure. It was rape yet it wasn’t. They weren’t given permission, thus considered rape, but when the male awoke, they would not protest, simply continue in the mating until both were satisfied.

Lanthe said nothing about Punff offering to help him in bathing. She would have offered too, but Lanthe wanted Punff to enjoy the male first. Punff had only mated once and that was with a male of the same species as her’s. She had still been young and when all the males died out, Punff never enjoyed a male’s touch even when the humans were here she had been too shy and rather scared of them. But Punff had taken to a liking of this male, so it was only fair that the Weresheep enjoy the human first. After all, Lanthe had been married and had enjoyed her human every single day. “I’m gonna go and tend to the garden alright.” Lanthe left, leaving her young friend and human by themselves. Funny that she hadn’t yet asked him for his name.


((I wonder if he can resist or continue to resist the cute Weresheep's innocent personality and behavior XD))
The more he listened to them, the more Jackson was starting to see that these two weren't out to hurt him as far as he could tell; but his past experiences certainly made him believe otherwise. How else was he supposed to know better though? It wasn't like he'd had the paradise treatment on this planet; he was honestly surprised he'd even made it a tenth of how long he'd made it. He thought for sure he'd be a treat for the Mamono long before now; little did he realize that he was a treat, just not in the commonly accepted sense of being eaten. Though the Weresheep's comment about her being seen as wifely made him quirk a brow; what did that mean? Did they understand what that word meant?

When Punff revealed that she helped as well and offered to help him bathe, he felt his suspicions rise a little; something was weird here. It wasn't like they were trying to hurt him, but he got this nagging feeling they wanted something from him. But what? Still, he decided that he wasn't in any immediate danger, so he could afford to relax a little. He certainly seemed a lot less tense than before, but there was still an air of distrust that surrounded him. He wasn't trying to be a jerk on purpose, but he came across that way because survival necessitated it. He watched with narrowed eyes as the Holstaurus took her leave, hearing her footsteps slowly disappear.

He then looked down at the suit; it was far from professionally mended, but all the holes were sealed at the least. It looked to be a tight fit, but it would still work. He then gazed back at Punff, saying "I don't what you're trying to do..........The way you two talk is weird. First you want me gone, then you want to protect me. Now you're talking as if I'm going to leave" Which is what he planned on doing in the first place, but their roundabout way of discussing it was beginning to irk him a bit. Even if kindness was in their hearts, one of the less kind species could probably find him. And he didn't want to get caught, not while he was so vulnerable.
Punff blushed and looked away, nibbling her lip. “Err…well….you were acting so rude and so..well…why bother keeping someone like that around the house…right…and well….since you’re the only human male in this planet…well…uhh….even if you are rude, we can’t just let you go out there. You were so weak and who knows what would happen if you do decide to leave without fully recovering. Lanthe and I could never live with ourselves knowing we simply let you go like that. And well…we….we don’t want you to leave.”She blushed and looked at him, waving her hands. “I mean…t-that is to say…..we don’t want you t-to leave without being fully recovered and what not.” She was making a fool of herself now. In truth, she was a bit nervous being alone with him. What could she talk about with him?

Perhaps she should make herself useful and get his bath started. With her help, he can make it to the tub and she could help washing him. The thought of that made her blush more and Punff quickly got to her feet. “Oh..umm…I going to go..and….fill the tub for your bath alright. Go on and finish your meal.” She rushed to the door and called out to him. “Shout if you need anything alright.” Fortunately, the bathroom was simply next door. Since it was hard to run proper plumbing, the toilet was the only thing that had proper working pipes, so it flushed and such. Lanthe’s husband had placed a water pump by a copper tub that was large enough to fit two adults within, which Punff had figured Lanthe and her beloved shared many baths together. On the bottom, just under the tub on the floor, there was a patch with sand and rocks going around with some pieces of logs crossed over each other. Since it was an inconvenience to go back and forth with hot buckets of water, this helped in heating the water quicker. As she went about, lighting the logs underneath, getting a small flame going, she pulled away and went for the pump and began to fill the tub. It would take a while for the water to heat, so hopefully, while it heated, she could get to know the human a bit more…like learning what his name is.

“All this time and we never once asked what his name is.” She told herself, finishing in filling the tub. Checking the flames, she saw that the logs were burning well. Leaving the bathroom, she stepped back in the room where the human was, smiling. “The water will take a moment to heat up. Are you finished eating? Would you like some more?” Don’t ask too many questions. Stay cool. Keep calm. When he’s a bit more relaxed, she’ll ask for his name. He could choose to refuse in giving it and it was understandable, but she really wanted to know his name.
Her initial start of her telling him he was rude ticked off the young soldier, making his left eyebrow twitch in mild annoyance. Him? Rude? When they practically kidnapped him? He didn't ASK for them to come to his aid; this was his fight, his war to get off this godforsaken rock. If he died in the process, well, that's just what happened; one would think someone in Jackson's position would be more grateful that someone would help him when he clearly needed it, but it wasn't easy when the saviors were the ones the aforementioned party was trying to evade. The way he saw it, despite their kind advances, he was a prisoner. And every time that sheep-like woman got too close, he got drowsy and dozed off to sleep. However, as she continued, Punff would see the edginess disappear and be replaced with growing curiosity. He was the ONLY human male? What did that have to do with anything? And how did she know this?

And then there were her comments about how she and the one named Lanthe didn't want him to have; her awkward rephrasing didn't help her either. Before he could ask though, she was already scampering off to prepare a bath for him, saying he should finish his meal. Having regained some strength from his previous near-vegetative state, he leaned his nose down towards his armpit and gave it a whiff; dear god, was a bath needed. He'd only been able to rinse himself every now and again while he was running, given that the first time he tried to use a shower - as most of the buildings he visited had still-working plumbing - he was almost instantly discovered and attacked. So, needlessly to say, he wasn't exactly smelling daisy-fresh. But for now, he simply picked away at the vegetable stew and drank the milk in small sips; each morsel he consumed, he could feel a warmth spread through his body. It was comforting, soothing even, like it was the cure-all mankind had been searching for all this time.

When she came back to check up on him, his bowl and mug were both empty; surprisingly, he didn't spill as much this time around. He was still having problems holding onto things, but he was definitely at a greater capacity than he was before. "No....I'm full.....Thank you" he finally said for the first time; he didn't really think about it, but the grace he'd given was just something out of habit. And he found that he didn't have as much reason to fear or fight them right now, given that he was so vulnerable and they still hadn't done much to actually assault him. "But...You said I was the last male on this planet.......What does that have to do with anything?"
She blushed when he said thank you and actually looked away. Her hands reached up, holding her cheeks. “Oh…y-you’re welcome.”She said, slowly letting herself get lost in la la land. She was about to imagine him and her together, him telling her some sweet compliments and such, but before she could even let that little bubble grow, his question popped the image and she looked at him.

“Hmm?” She looked at him questionably. Punff stared at him for a moment, before saying, “You being the last human. It means just what I said. You’re the ONLY male human in this planet. Because of that, every female around will want you as a means to breed.” She bluntly said. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to be delicate in this subject or not? “You…didn’t know…did you?”She asked, slowly coming up to beside the bed. “During the time when all you humans came, that was during the time there weren’t any males of our kind. They all died from some sort of illness. We were never able to figure it out. We thought all was lost for us. Everyone was to the brink of madness, but then, when all of you came, we thought it a blessing from somewhere.” Punff frowned. “But some of the females had been afraid, thinking that perhaps you all were either going to get sick too or end up leaving. That’s why some of the females were all bent on getting rid of the female humans and keeping as many human males as possible, to better the chance of off springing more creatures, mostly males.” Punff sighed, but it wasn’t as much as a little huff, it was more like an actually bah sound, like a sheep would make. “Everyone left. We all thought everything was lost, but when Lanthe and I had heard that a human was still around, well…we didn’t know what to think. We had thought you had already been taken.” She smiled. “I guess we became the lucky ones.” Punff chuckled, reaching over and taking the tray.

“Umm….please….don’t assume that me and Lanthe will take advantage of you or anything. In truth, we had envisioned being with the human, all three of us and making lots of babies to keep us company. We weren’t going to keep him against his will….just long enough to give us what we wanted.” She said, hoping that reassured him a bit. “I’ll go and put this in the kitchen. The bath should be hot enough alright.” Turning away, Punff left and headed for the kitchen. Setting the tray down, she headed back, but went straight to the bath instead and saw the water steaming a bit. “Oh good.” Off to the side was a sack filled with soft sand. Using a cup, she grabbed some and went towards the bath and leaned down and dumped the sand over the fire to put it out. With that done, she went back to the room, stopping next to the human. “Alright, the bath is ready.” Crud, she forgot to ask for his name. Blushing, she looked down at her feet. “I’m sorry if this is sudden…and...Well….If you don’t want to tell me, that’s okay. Umm...but…uhh...w-what’s….what’s your name.”She asked blushing more. “I-I-I’m Punff in case you didn’t know...though since you already heard my name, you know it, b-but...I wanted to tell you personally. It makes it more special.” Oh man, she was messing this up already.
Jackson's head tilted a little as the Weresheep began to act all jittery and shy, almost like a stereotypical schoolgirl meeting her crush or something. Was it because he said thanks? He didn't really have time to process it because she then answered his question. Her first statement was a bit of a shock; he was the ONLY human male on this planet? Did that mean there were human females as well? When she approached the bed where he laid, Jackson leaned away from her; he didn't need to feel drowsy now, not when a good portion of his energy had returned to him. "How could I have known? I didn't exactly have time to do a headcount...." he replied blankly, his eyes narrowing a bit. The next revelation was definitely another surprise; all their males had died out?

However, Punff's next addition would serve as a potential dealbreaker; his hands clenched a little, feeling a growing rage welling up within him. So....that's why this war happened. Because these 'things' were trying to take male humans as nothing more than sperm banks to help make more offspring. And thinking back to the snake-woman who had assaulted him in his high-rise base of operations, her words now had context. She saw as the means to reproduce, to make more creatures like her. Now the evacuation seemed like more the right thing to do; but to think, that so much suffering was because of these Mamono and their desire to find a means to bring males of their own species back. Jackson didn't say a word as she took the tray and went about her business; his mind was trying to mull over everything she'd just told him.

Jackson just stared into his lap, his teeth gritting weakly together as her words rang in his head, "In truth, we had envisioned being with the human, all three of us and making lots of babies to keep us company. We weren’t going to keep him against his will….just long enough to give us what we wanted”. So....Now everything to him was clear. They didn't rescue him out of the kindness of their hearts; they were just helping him heal so that he could give them offspring of their own. And that was why all those other beasts, like the snake-woman and four giant women on that fateful day, were hunting him: They didn't want to kill him, just capture him and get pregnant by him. As Punff came back and informed him that the bath was ready, his gaze slowly went from his lap to glare at her as she gazed at her feet. Did she really think she could tell him that and pretend like it wasn't a huge deal?

His voice started off low, but would progressively get louder and noticeably more agitated, "You really think.....that I give a damn who you are? What you are? You mean to tell me......That the reason the war was started, the reason YOUR KIND began attacking our cities and abducting our citizens, abducting my brothers and sisters-in-arms, was all because you wanted to get FUCKING LAID!?" Jackson felt a twinge in his chest at that last bellow, but he didn't care; and if it weren't for the fact that every time he got too close to her he was put to sleep, he'd be on her, strangling that skinny throat of hers.

(Lol, me thinks Punff messed up XD)
She didn't expect to see or hear such a reaction. Was it something she had said? Thinking back, perhaps it had been all that she revealed, but she didn't think that would get him so upset. Taking a step back, she bit her lower lip and looked at him with sheer innocence and fear. “W-We weren't..really attacking..just....umm..” Was there another word she could that sounded a bit nicer. She nibbled her lip even more and had to defend herself in some way as well as defend Lanthe. “You don't understand. We've lived decades....centuries without any males to keep us company and give us what we wanted and longed for. When you humans began to appear, we thought it a blessing. We had given up hope. We had all gone crazy. Attacking each other, killing, forcing pleasure from one another, but it wasn't the same. We aren't as different than you. Humans seek each other out for pleasure, right? You males long for females. Long to have a family. To be with someone forever. That's all we ever wanted.” She was trembling from having to fight back the tears that wanted to fall down her cheeks.

“ And you're wrong about why we rescued you..I mean.....okay, yes...we were hoping to mate with you, but that wasn't the first thing that crossed our minds when we rescued you. We couldn't just leave you there for you to die. It isn't in our nature for our species to turn away when one is suffering. We have loving hearts whether you believe it or not.” Thanks to her nature and what she is, she couldn't get upset or angry for real only for play, so it was hard for her to be really upset with him.

“I can't say anything about the way the other females acted. Abducting you all and using you for their pleasure and purpose. Like I said. We have all been hungry for male attention and longing to mate and...when they say you all and saw how many were arriving, they couldn't help themselves. Lanthe's husband came across her when she was grazing and fell in love with her in that moment. They found me a few months after and..well...adopted me in a sense, though...I was too shy to approach any humans so I never mated with any. Those females can't be accused...but Lanthe and I in the with them.” Rubbing her arm, she looked down to her feet for a moment. “The bath is just down the hall to your right. I'll leave you alone so you can bathe yourself without having to worry me taking advantage of you or anything. If you need either Lanthe or I.” Needing to get away quickly, she left the room without saying another word.

Punff rushed out to the kitchen and to the back door where she ran out and headed for Lanthe, sniffling as she threw her arms around the woman and informed her on what had happened inside with she and the human.

((Poor Punff))
"Yeah, maybe in that respect we aren't different; hell, I knew people that got PEACEFULLY married to the Mamono. But we don't start abducting people for mates. We're not barbarians" Jackson growled; of course, there were always exceptions to that statement. There WERE those who abducted women to try and make them their spouses, but overall it was a very rare occurrence. Even still, how dare she try to play it off like they weren't attacking. Onyx Town, Jacinto, Evugid City and countless others were places that he and his former squadmates had defended from Mamono invasion. A lot of times, Delta Force would emerge victorious; nearly every town they defended, all Delta Force units managed to at least buy enough time to get the civilians and themselves out. Other times, they could actually push the enemy back entirely.

However, there were instances when Delta Force and the UNSC military troops had to pull back because they were in over their heads. Some of these monsters couldn't be killed with anything short of a nuclear strike; more times than he cared to admit, he saw that fateful mushroom cloud and felt the heated wind push against him. Eventually, the Mamono began overrunning them, somehow finding holes in their defenses and picking entire settlements clean of both male and female citizens, which would inevitably lead to the exodus of the human populace from the planet.

He was broken out of his thoughts as the Weresheep informed of where the bath was, before she left the room in an apparent hurry; Jackson just grimaced after her. He couldn't believe this: This whole fucking war, the reason so many people were abducted and so many towns picked clean, so many families torn apart, was because there was no one stuffing these monsters' pipes. "Unbelievable...Un-fucking-believable" he grunted before throwing the thick covers off of himself, his strength still heavily depleted as he pushed himself up and out of bed, having to hang on to the wall like a lifeline just to even keep himself standing. Each time he tried to put his full weight on his own feet, he could feel his legs start to shake; right before they might buckle, he would fall back against the wall. His chest heaved from the exertion; after having been so physically active and forced to slumber for an extended timeframe, his body just seemed to lose all its ability to move.

Eventually, he would make it to the bathroom; a thick cloud of warm steam hung in front of him. After a bit of a struggle, he managed to find the tub and clamber inside; some of the water splashed out due to the clunkiness of his movements, but soon enough he was resting with his back against one of the ends of the tubs. His broad torso rose up and out rather dramatically as he deeply inhaled, letting out a pronounced sigh as the soothing effects of the water washed over his skin. This bathtub was enormous, easily big enough for two, maybe three people. It was so comforting, so warm, he felt like he could just fall asleep. As the minutes ticked by, he slowly started to drift off before waking himself back up again in a start; no way was he going to get caught like this. "Alright, Jackson...Come on, get clean and get out. You can do this" the exhausted soldier said to himself; getting clean wasn't the hard part, but as he would find out, it was getting back out of the tub. His arms tried to push his body up, but he just didn't have the strength to do so; no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't overcome even this simple obstacle. He was about to call out to have someone help him, but then remembered what he'd said; no way Punff would help him. And he figured she already told her friend, so she was out, which left him stuck; letting out another sigh, he slunk back down, letting the now-lukewarm water rest at his squared chin as he tried to figure a way to get out without letting either of them know what happened.
Lanthe soothed the Weresheep, running her hand over Punff's hair. “There, there. Its alright. What else could be done. He should learn the truth about the situation.” She said, hearing the Weresheep cry even harder. “Best for him to know Punff. Eventually he'll see that we aren't like the other females.” Looking down, she saw Punff crying against her chest, her face pressed full on against her breasts. “Now stop crying. Beautiful creatures like yourself look ugly when they cry.” And thus Punff stopped crying.

“He's....s-so mean.” She said, wiping her eyes.

“Yes dear. He is. But even he is such, we shouldn't stop helping him.”

“No. I guess your right Lanthe. He's so weak. He needs a lot of-” Stopping. Punff realized something. She ran out before helping him to the bath. He had gotten her so upset that she didn't want to see him. Biting her lip, Punff pulled away fromLanthe and looked down at the floor.

“Punff? What's wrong? Did something happen?”

She hesitated. “I....I... ran out before I helped him to the bath.”

“Punff!?! Honestly. What if he got hurt?”

The Weresheep cringed and looked away. “I'm sorry.”

“Go back in there and help him alright. Perhaps he's still in the tub. Poor thing deserves it. See if he needs help washing or anything.”

Nodding, Punff regained her composure, even though her face was still a little flushed and went back towards the house, stepping inside and making her way to the bath chamber. When she peeked him, she saw the human resting against the tub, seeing that the water was no longer steaming. “Oh!....Um.” She wasn't sure what to say. “ D-Did you need help with anything?” She asked, half her face appearing from one side of the door frame. He looked like he was comfortable, as if he didn't want to get out. Perhaps the bath was truly something he needed and he was enjoying it as much as he could before the water got too cold. Maybe she ought to give him a few more hours or so until he called out for help.

“I'm...sorry for running off. I should have helped.”She said, stepping inside the bath chambers. Her hands were claspsed behind her back, eyes glued to the floor. “I'm glad you were able to get to the bath. I'm sure it was a struggle and I'm sorry. Should I wash your hair? Your back? Anything? Or perhaps you need help out of the tub?” Finally, she looked up, her big eyes focused on him. Since the water was simply luke warm and the suds were slowly disappearing, Punff could almost see his nakedness from within the water. She concentrated hard, keeping her eyes from looking at his naked flesh and concentrated on his face.

((Finally. I'm back. and I feel as if my posts are going to be shitty, ugh.))
(Welcome back; though I wouldn't worry about the quality of your posts, my friend. They've been nothing short of spectacular so far.)

As Punff and Lanthe discussed Jackson's rather unsavory behavior towards them - justified as it may be given the circumstances - the young man in question continued to lounge in the slowly-cooling tub, his head lolling slightly to his left and his cranium resting on the wall of the tub itself. His long wet brown locks were plastered to his face, his eyelids partially closed as the warmth of the water soothed him from his recent attempt to vacate the water. He hated feeling like this: So physically drained, so mentally exhausted, just tired of this whole damned situation.

Eventually he would be able to rouse himself once more; his strong-looking hands - the skin pruned from the prolonged soak - weakly grasped the edge of the bathtub and his weakened muscles flexed within him, the remainder of his strength working to lift him out of the tub. He grit his teeth and pushed, his strongly defined form slowly lifting itself from the water's relaxing grip; beads of water dripped over his taut flesh and slight sloshing sounds could be heard as he managed to get his hips nearly above the water level before his arms gave out once more, water splashing out over the sides and lowering the level even further. "God damn it all" the tired soldier mumbled weakly, his weary eyes looking up at the wooden ceiling as he leaned his head back once more.

His attention was soon diverted as the sounds of footsteps could be heard; great, the cow-woman was probably coming up to chastise him for hurting her friend or some stupid shit like that. "I so don't need this crap....." Jackson thought to himself; the first words spoken were missed, but when the identity of the speaker was revealed it took him a second to recognize her. To his surprise, it was actually Punff who'd come back to offer a willing hand of assistance.

However, the jaded young man would not even consider the angle she was trying to approach from, thinking that she was only trying to rape him. Given what he'd gone through, it was no surprise that Jackson treated even the friendliest of the Mamono as hostile. "Like you actually....fucking care, freak. You....and all the others like you......All I am is a walking sperm bank, right? Well......If you want to fuck me so bad, I'll tell you right now that this is your best chance. But good luck getting me up, hehehehe". Jackson paused and coughed, small grunts of pain escaping his lips from the burst of exertion. When it subsided, he then added, "Once I get my strength back...You won't be getting a single fucking drop out of me". If he had to, he'd chop the damn thing off; it wasn't like he was going to be rescued, at least not in his mind. They wanted a real threat of extinction, he'd certainly give it to them.

(Oh, Jackson....You, sir, need to just wake up and smell the roses, haha)
He was inviting her....or..more or less, daring her to take him there and now. He was weak, she could see and he even admitted without really saying that he was weak. His words stung so much, an ache was building in her chest. He honestly thought Lanthe and her vile. They weren't. “We....we do care..”She said and sniffled a bit, a big fat tear collecting at the corners of her eyes. “W-Why....why do you have to be so mean to us. W-We're just...t-trying to help you, big mean idiot.” She sniffled once more, wiping her eyes with her woolen wrists.

“You really think...I-I would...r-rape you. I...I would never....n-not...not without..c-consent.” She said and was now hiccuping a bit. “Why do humans have to be so mean? Why? I've never done anything to them.” And thus did she let those fat tears roll down her cheeks. “I-I'll...n-n-never know....w-what...a..h-h-human..feels...l-like....” Suddenly, as Punff cried, she let out little baah sounds.

“I..I hate you....I hate you.” Punff fell to her knees, hands settled between her them and her eyes closed. Why was she having such bad luck. She finds a human, the ONLY human in existence here on her planet and here she thought she would be able to mate happily, have a family and everything. But instead, she picked had Lanthe's husband said one time about this one male human? Oh asshole. Here was an asshole. A mean asshole who didn't care. All he cared about was to make her miserable and make her cry and everything. She was tired of being picked on.

Perhaps she should do as he says. Perhaps she will rape him. Maybe that would teach him a lesson. Slowing down in her crying until she stopped, Punff wiped her eyes furiously with her wrists and tried her best to give the human the most angriest glare she could muster up.......which wasn't that angry looking at all. One would think it looked cute, especially having cried and her cheeks, nose and eyes were red. “Y-You...want me to rape you...f-fine..I will.”She said and pushed to her feet. “You'll regret...asking for it.”She said and began tugging at the leather gloves from her hands. Tossing those onto the floor, she worked the buttons on her leather shirt located by her neck and pulled the leather piece of material over her head and to the floor. The wool that covered her breasts seemed to have lost its ability to stay in place, falling downward and exposing her rosy, pink nipples. They were full and natural looking, round, like melons almost. Her cheeks were flushed from frustration and slight arousal. She was getting front of a human...her first ever. The thought excited her and scared her a bit. He was so mean. But he asked for it.

Punff slipped her hands under her wool skirt and began to tug down the leather shorts. “Y-you're gonna..get it now. Once these come off, it'll be the beginning of your regret.”She said. She tried to keep her balance as she tried to work her legs out of the shorts. Usually she would be sitting down, but she didn't have time for that. Punff managed to get a foot out and almost lost her balance, until she slammed her foot down onto the ground and flailed her hands a bit to keep from face kissing the floor. Blushing, she worked her other foot and kicked her shorts off. Turning, she confronted him and instead of being all, high and mighty, she just stood there in all her woolen glory. Every bit of exposed skin was so clean and smooth. Her heart beat rose and her legs seemed to have locked in place, keeping her in her spot. “D-Don't be afraid Punff. You've mated before. It's easy. Just...just go over there...get in that tub and mount him. Just rub your wool and lull him into submission. That's all you need to do. Now....go......Go......come on....Go.” She didn't move and a moment ticked by until she began to tremble from over whelming nerves. “COME ON SHEEP! Take a step.” She took a stiff step forward. “Alright. Now another.” And thus another step, her body ram rod straight. Why was she so nervous. He couldn't do anything. B-But...what...what if he hurts her or something? What if he does push her away?

Punff was like this, taking stiff steps towards him, her lip sucked between her teeth lightly, until she finally made it, hands clasping the edge of the tub. She looked at him without saying or doing anything. Alright. Now all she had to do was get in the tub. She was going to do it...sometime today...before the day ended....before...Lanthe...showed up. Swallowing a harsh lump she gave a shaky smile, trying to be smug, but failing terribly. “A-Are you...r-ready? Because....I won't stop...e-even if you beg...okay?” I her mind, she threatened and scared him, in reality she was nervous, scared, overwhelmed.

((..................XD Oh Punff))
"Heh...Yeah right, because running me ragged is such a great way to show someone you care" Jackson half-snarled before adding heatedly, "Not to mention that you dragged me here while I was out cold". He never really did figure out how she was able to knock him out so easily; she never punched him, that much he knew. The only thing he remembered was her recent rubbing against his nose; was there a weak point there or something? He didn't know, but he also knew that he always got sleepy and foggy-headed whenever this woman got too close to him and he didn't like that one bit. When she started blubbering about how she'd never get the chance to feel a human's touch and how she hated him, he simply replied "Good....I want you to hate me. Give me a reason to kick the crap out of you". Jackson always was a mouthy one, even when it was painfully obvious he couldn't do anything to actually retaliate.

However, he found himself quite surprised when she then declared that she would rape him and started disrobing; however, the look on her face was too priceless to pass up. Letting out a weak chuckle and lolling his head back, his broad toned chest heaving up and down rapidly from the laughter. After a few moments he managed to get his wits back together and raised his head only to find himself at a loss for words. She was actually getting naked.....Still, even now he found himself thinking that she was hot. Her tits were perfect for her body, accenting her slim yet nonanorexic body; she basically had the body so many girls on Earth worked to achieve but simply couldn't. Even if she was a monster.....Damn if her body wasn't gorgeous to look at.

However, his little daze was stopped when she then started to remove the tight leather shorts she wore; Jackson couldn't help but chuckle when she nearly ate the floor for breakfast. When she finally exposed herself in full to him, Jackson's eyes wandered lazily, giving the young nubile Weresheep a rather neutral-appearance appraisal of her body. Truthfully, Jackson would be lying if he said he didn't think this girl was beautiful; still, it was a freaking Mamono, a monster. One of those damned things that kidnapped some of his fellow soldiers and left who knows how many families torn and destroyed. The thought of actually thinking she was pretty repulsed him, and the fact that he was doing so made him sick with himself.

As she stiffly walked towards him, Jackson - even in his compromised state - could still see enough to tell she was nervous. So when she grabbed the edge of the tub, telling him that he basically had nowhere to run and that this was going to happen, all he could was laugh. Weak as it was, he still laughed; when he finished, he gazed back at Punff and replied, "Honey, I've been running from monsters like you for years.....I don't know how long exactly it's been, but it's at least two years, I know that much. Your little stammering routine is cute and all, but it's a hell of a lot less threatening than what I've had to go through". He then just shrugged his shoulders, "But...If this is how I'm going out, then I guess I'll just die with a smile on my face, won't I?" In his mind, he fucked up and got caught; it wasn't like he was getting off this planet any time soon anyway, if ever. The evacuation order was absolute, and no return was permitted. By now, all hyperspace vectors to here likely had been locked out of the subspace drivers. He was alone on this strange new world, being hunted because he was the apparently the only man alive. It was a no-win situation, one he should have given up on overcoming long ago but forced to continue because of his military attitude.
This wasn't working. He isn't taking her seriously at all. All he was doing was laughing and it was discouraging, irritating and hurting her. She only did this sort of thing like one time, he would at least try and be nice or pretend to be nice. Biting her lip for a moment, she tried in giving the most meanest look she could muster, but it was mean at all....just...damn fucking cute. Her eyes wide and innocent, her cheeks puffed and lips pressed together. To adorable, and it wasn't helping her at all. “You won't die, I'll make sure of it.” She said and without so much as a care, she climbed into the tub and just as she felt the water wrap around her legs, she gasped from the sudden shock of how damn cold it was. She lost her balance and slipped, falling straight onto his lap and straddled him. Water splashed, wetting her and him all over. She shivered.

“C-c-c-c-c-coooold..”She shivered, her arms wrapping around herself, raising her breasts up a bit accidentally. “W-w-w-why didn't y-y-y-you tell m-m-meee it w-w-was cold.”She said, shivering badly. He had been in here with the water so cold and he didn't say anything. She could have added more logs underneath or something. She had assumed the water was still hot or at least warm. Why hadn't he gotten out..unless....unless he was still to weak and he wasn't able to. That was it. The idiot. He would have stayed in here and would have said nothing. Stubborn idiot. Stubborn, stubborn.

“ idiot....”She said, frowning at him. “W-Why didn't...y-you just..ask me to..h-help you o-out of the t-t-t-tub. Y-Your..s-still weak.” Shuddering, Punff rubbed her arms, her teeth lightly chattering. “I..I c-cant...e-even...r-r-rape you a-a-anymore. N-N-Not in this c-c-c-c-cold w-w-water.” Her nipples had hardened and since she was shivering, her breasts were slightly jiggling just a bit, not much though. “W-were getting o-out...and you..c-can't...c-complain about the help.....alright?” Punff stared at him, daring him to protest.

Maybe, this was for the best. She didn't have to go through in being humiliated in raping him. And she forgot that when her wool was wet, the sleep effect it had wasn't as strong. He would be relaxed, but not dulled or tired,which would have helped her a lot.
Jackson just let out a chuckle as Punff clearly tried to be menacing; still, it was cute when she was mad. Hell, she was cute just being herself; it was here that he caught himself. Why was he thinking like this? Before he could even think of an answer, the downtrodden man let out a pained gasp as the shock of the cold water washed over him, about a second before a slightly pained 'Oomph!' escaped his lips as Punff landed on top of him; was it really that damn freezing? He'd been sitting here for so long his body had acclimated to the chilling water, so it wasn't like he could tell the difference. His broad, toned chest heaved from the unwanted wave that Punff had given him, his head leaned back and not really hearing Punff's first question as he tried to calm himself down. Shit, this wasn't just cold, it was freezing!

However, he did manage to catch Punff's second question; upon raising his heavy-feeling cranium once more to answer, he found himself face-to-face with Punff', 'twins'. She really had some nice ones, the way they jiggled and glistened from the water, a few drops running off the hardened buds at their peaks. Strangely enough, he felt a slightly warming relaxation course through him, the potent sleep magic diluting in the bath water to calm Jackson down and help break down the barriers of hatred and contempt, if only temporarily. It was here that he also felt another warmth; her womanhood, now devoid of protective wool upon losing her shorts, was pressing up against his flaccid length and washing it with her radiant heat. And he was starting to swell a little down there, his shaft rising up and pressing little by little into Punff's folds, the tip just starting to touch the underside of her buttcheeks.

And then Jackson said something that would definitely catch Punff off-guard, albeit in a slightly drunken manner from the relaxation effect of Punff's water-saturated wool, "You know, Punff.....Maybe I was wrong about you. Seeing you up close, you're pretty damned cute". He didn't really seem to care that she actually got in the tub, intent on carrying out his dare; though whether this was an acceptance of his fate or merely the effect of the wool remained to be see
Biting her lip, she wondered how best to get out of this tub and to have him accept her help. Beings above was it cold in here. He would get even more sick if he stayed here and she as well if they didn't get out soon. He was ignoring her, something she shouldn't be surprised. Frowning, Punff wad about to get up, but when he straightened and lifted his head, he was looking straight at her breasts. She blushed, the attention making her nipples harden even more it seemed. Did he like them? Were they the perfect size or too small? She wanted to know, then again, was a bit scared to know. Punff suddenly felt something pressing against her womanly folds, twitching almost and poking at the line of her dainty little rear.

He was getting hard and it was because of her...or perhaps her breasts, maybe it was her wool. She got her answer when he spoke, his voice so gently and sincere, it made her blush more and smile. Definitely the wool and thanks to the Being above, it was affecting him. “My notorious for being too cute for their own good.” She said, biting back the awful feel of the cold water, she rested her hands against his shoulders, she leaned, adjusting herself so her breasts pressed against his chest. “We're also....great companions.” Smiling warmly, Punff gently rubbed herself against him, wanting him to be even more relaxed. Maybe she can coax a few things out of him, like his name finally. “It..isn't fair that you know my name and I don't know yours. Will you please tell me?” Pouting, she gave him the most sweetest of looks, eyes big and begging.

Her hands began to rub at his shoulders, massaging him, making him feel relaxed and safe. She wouldn't hurt him. Never. She'll do anything and everything to earn his thrust. Punff didn't like the fact that he hated both Lanthe and her. He could hate all the other creatures, but not them. She'll win his heart and so far, this should help. Hands moving from his shoulders and down his arms, fingers gently squeezing, getting his muscles to relax. “ I'm gonna take good care of you.” She cooed, her fingers skimming up and soon she massaged just where his neck and shoulders met, pressing and circling.
Jackson's manhood slowly swelled as her womanhood pressed against it, but would ultimately fail to harden fully due to a lack of use and energy to do so. Still, even with how little it had stiffened, the the slightly engorged tip was far away enough to reach the middle of her undoubtedly cute butt. Part of his mind started to wonder just how deep and tight her pussy was; not surprising, considering how long he'd gone without the touch of a female - Mamono or otherwise - to satiate the lusts and pleasures of the flesh. And given the rather relaxed state of his mind due to his own physical and mental exhaustion along with Punff's enchanted wool, he couldn't help but fall to her devices. Or was it more unlocking the doors which he'd kept tightly shut for so long? One could guess at the true reason Jackson underwent such a dramatic behavioral change.

"Well...I can definitely see why you have that reputation. You have what Earthlings would call 'puppy dog eyes', the kind that would melt even the coldest and hardest heart" was Jackson's simple yet oddly poetic reply to her statement; she really was a cute little thing. Everything about her was incredibly pure and innocent, it seemed almost impossible. Dreamlike, one might say. As she rubbed her nicely-sized breasts against him and pressed closer, the hardened buds scraping sensually against his own flesh, paled from weakness and general lack of sunlight. Still, his body had been partially restored in large part to her and Lanthe's efforts to get him back to his normal strength. Already a good portion of his muscle mass had returned, though it wasn't quite as developed as it had been due to lake of opportunity to exercise in the past few days. "Since you asked so nicely, how could I say no? My name's Jackson Whitelock, but just call me Jackson, beautiful".

And if her goal was to get him to loosen him, she'd largely succeeded so far; his body and mind had largely unwound, making him more like the man Punff had unspokenly dreamed of being with. Her touches were simply magic, making the tired beaten-down soldier feel truly safe and comfortable for the first time in a long time. Her soft nubile form felt great against him, her tender flesh and fluffy wool - the latter saturated with water but still soft - like velvet against his once sandpaper-like complexion. "You have been, Punff, but I'm sure you'll keep doing a great job" he then replied, his toned arms gently wrapping around her and pulling her closer, their groins meshing even more. He then leaned in and planted a gentle peck on her forehead, then another on the bridge of her nose and finally pushing their lips together, letting the Weresheep experience her first kiss from a human.
His words were so sweet. She blushed at them, pressing herself closer. Perhaps it was her wool that was relaxing him. In a way, she rather hated yet liked the fact he was like this. Hated because she wanted to earn his trust without having to addle his mind a bit. Liked it because his mind was addled and never once had he ever said anything nice to her, until now. Oh, she hoped that once they stepped out of this tub, he would still have the mind to trust her and to know that she would never hurt him no matter what.

When he finally revealed his name to her, she smiled. “Jackson Whitelock. Such a wonderful and interesting name.”She cooed, her hands gently inching upward, finger tips ruffling his semi-wet hair. “I'm happy to finally know your name. It made me feel bad just calling you human.” She could feel him getting harder, his member pressing even more against her folds. The head of his cock gently rubbing against the crease of her ass, teasing almost. It was so hard and hot, Punff had only felt this once in her life, but not from a human. His arms wrapped around her waist and Punff looked at him with wide surprised eyes as he kissed her forehead. “J-Jackson...”She said his name as a shaky whisper. His lips felt hot against her skin, touching at her nose until they pressed against her lips. She moaned like the wanton little thing she was. She had dreamed about this, wanted to have a moment like this with a human and she was now having it.

Punff parted her lips, her tongue gently slipping and touching his lower lip, then teased the seam of his lips until he opened and she entered. Her fingers ran through his hair, holding on as her hips gently began to move a bit, grinding against his member, wishing he was already inside and filling her. Will he be gentle with her and be rough? As of right now, she wouldn't care how he treated so long as he didn't stop touching her.
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