She was able to hold it all in until she saw him agian. Tears began to rund down her cheek for the first time in a while. She didn't pull away from him, nor did she aknowlege that he was there. She never could fully grasp what was going on. The pain in her cheek was going away and she lifted her head for the first time since she had laid it down. She stood up and left to the large mirror to see herself. Her face was a bit red, but nothing major was there her eyes looked shiny from the salty tears, it was pretty. She walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "Why did you- what happened th- Why?" She tried to come up with different sentances, but they always ended in her choking on her words. She was done crying, but it didn't mean that she wasn't still in shock.
{I have to go}