The Escort Mission ((Juggar82 and I))

"I'm not in the same year as you. That was why. I may be older or younger than you by simply one or two years. Thats more than likely why." He grinned. "And you never know about whether this is true or not unless you ask a more veteran ninja or try for yourself." He moved to put his hand gently on the one that held her kunai and pressed it more into his body. "You go ahead though. Cut me. Lets see what happens then."
Tenten continued to listen to him. It would make sense if it was like that then. But, she didn't see him in the village before, yet an excuse for that would be she was training. She felt his hand on hers pressing the kunai in his own body. By, reflexes she loosened her grip and pulled back. Was he insane? Did he want to bleed to death, but then again what did he mean.
"Are you insane? You want to die?" Tenten fumed, why she had no idea, but if he was a leaf shinobi then the way he was acting now is stupid. At least she first.
"No. I simply know you wouldn't do it even if I was a threat. I knew you wouldn't cut me even if you wanted to." He grinned and laid his forehead down on the back of her head, listenign to the tales that the caravaneers were speaking of at their little bonfire. "It is a good life. Traveling around and meeting new people. Heheheh. It would be a great life to be a traveler."
"How would you know if I wouldn't cut you?" Tenten asked.
He acted like he knew her from somewhere. Although, he is hard to find out and she was going to find him out, before the mission ended.
"You make it sound like, you are a traveler." Tenten stated.
"You could say that...I'm not belonging to any particular village but the leaf village is and always will be my home." He said with a grin and held her with his arms. "So then...Do you really want to risk not knowing how to make your chakra just flow out much easier? Hm?"
Tenten was skeptic about what he was talking about. But, she did understand the part of the Leaf being his home. But, she was a little interested in what he was saying to see if it was true.
"I am pretty sure that I want to. After, all it might not even work."
"As old as you are, what, seventeen? Maybe more? I would have expected the ninja of this village to know more about this when they got older. If we had a sensei here we could just ask them ourselves. Do you want to try and see if it works, hm~?"
"Seventeen and yes there is no sensei that teaches what you are talking about." Tenten answered. She wasn't sure that what he was talking about even existed."I am not sure that what you are talking about even exists, but I won't know that until I try." Tenten confirmed.
"Then come now...Lets try and do it, shall we? Afterwards I'll leave let you try your chakra out on me, to see if it flows out much better after such a release. Think of it like this...If it does work, you'll manage to be able to defeat me much easier by attacking me with much more ease. If it doesn't work, well...That means I won't get the smooth chakra flow either and just leaves you more liable and capable to kicking my ass. A win-win situation, no?"
In a sense he was right. It was a win-win situation and what did he mean defeat easier? Did he think he was stronger? He probably was, after all she didn't know too much about him.
"Fine." Tenten said still not fully believing what he was saying.
But, nevertheless she would have to try in order to know.
"The guards alone would be able to protect the caravaneers from things like wolves or any other animals around. He picked her up into his arms and fell down the tree to land to the bottom, where they could be hidden. He grinned, wanting to humiliate Tenten the entire time. "Strip down first...And I'll go at the same pace at you. We'll go at your strip down and I'll strip...You masturbate, I'll masturbate...You want oral...I'll give you oral right back..."
Tenten wasn't at ease with what he said. And she was taken aback when he fell down the tree with her to the base. She then narrowed her eyes a little when she got the gist of what he was saying. No way, what did she agree to? She should have cut him with that blasted kunai when she had the chance. Besides, she didn't know how to masturbate to begin with. Well, she could still walk away from it right and if need be fight him. But, what if the commotion drew the travelers attention? Well, she didn't care. Tenten wasn't comfortable with others seeing her, especially without clothes and she wasn't going to start getting comfortable with it either. Turning around, slowly Tenten started to walk away from him.
"I can't and won't." Tenten called back.
"Well fine. Guess you will never know the true pleasure of sex and smooth chakra flow..." He grinned and threw a kunai infused with his chakra. It lit up the forest lightly as the kunai flew past her, illuminating the darkness lightly but not entirely. "See that? I can infused my chakra into that weapon...Its harder to do unless you're a jonin ranked ninja, but I practically did this one instantly. Don't you see what I'm talking about, Tenten? Don't you want the pleasure of having smooth chakra release...Among...OTHER releases?"
Tenten's eye twitched. What was this guys deal? There was no way that sex could help with Chakra. He was just gifted and lucky that's all. She continued to ignore him. Pulling out a Kunai "You see this? I can end your life and I am not a skilled jounin. Anyone could do what you did if they were gifted. Now I am going to go scouting." she said as she headed further in the area to scout some more.
Nathan ran up to her and shook his head. "I'm not gifted. Just been smoothing out my chakra. If you know what I mean." He nudged her playfully. "I still don't see why you won't let me just have some fun with you. How about this..." He stopped in front of her to stop her. "I'll do this. If you do this for me, and it turns out that I was right about your chakra, nothing happens except our chakra smoothes out. However, if it doesn't work, I'll let you kick my ass or do whatever you want. How bout that?"
"Oh really." Tenten stated as she listened to him. She felt him nudge her and immediately noted that he was referring to what he had said earlier. "Because, such things aren't for fun, and I am not your toy." Tenten stated fighting a blush trying to fight its way to the surface. Listening to his bargain, she really thought it was a good idea. She could kick his ass if he was wrong,....possibly near death. "Hmm..." but that didn't mean she was going to make it easy. " I don't know, whose to say I won't still kick your ass even if it works?" Tenten taunted as she walked around him. "Hmmmm, what to do...what to do.." "Well, I don't have much to loose do I? But, something I have been saving."
"You never know. You may have too much feelings for me afterwards to really leave me. You may even fall in love with me after we have this little fun. But hell...You know, you can still kick my ass even if it means that it works. Thats pretty much meaning you could kick my ass even if it works. All I require is a piece of your ass." He began to start rubbing her ass gently and squeezing it, holding it in his hand.
Tenten had her arms crossed over her chest. She was tempted to roll her eyes. He thought that she was that easy to fall for him after one mission and clearing advised help? Well, she wasn't saying that it will happen again after this one time. But, when he said that she can still kick his ass even if it works or doesn't that made ti worth for her. Although she had to restrain herself from smacking his hand when she felt it get to comfortable with her rear. "Don't think this will happen ever again." she said stretching and the ever.
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