The Escort Mission ((Juggar82 and I))


Mar 4, 2012
TenTen was walking towards the Fifth Hokage's office. She had heard that there was a new mission for her, and that her teammates would be already there waiting for her. Sighing, this opportunity did give her the chance to work with others instead of her same team all the time. the experience and new battle types could help her further to be a Great Kunoichi like the Fifth. Walking up the steps she entered the building and proceeded to the Hokage's office knocking on it she entered.
"Lady Fifth I was told to report to you."
"Yes, TenTen, I called for you. I have a new task for you to complete."
By now, Nathan would walk into the office with crossed arms. "Well? What did you call me for, Lady Hokage?" He questioned before seeing Tenten and raising an eyebrow. "Well now...I see you've finally come to your senses and paired me up with someone interesting. She needs bigger breasts though." He shrugged, his attitude was smug but it would quickly change later as he would get to know her. "What is the mission this time?"
TeenTen noticed the smug hothead enter the office.
"ou can't talk to the Hokage like that1 what is wrong with you?" TenTen defended.
-How rude talking of a woman's breast like that as if its normal.- she thought to herself.
"TenTen its quiet fine, besides shouldn't you say hi to your new partner? For this mission?"
She ignored what the boy said earlier about pair up because she thought he was a joke. But hearing it from the Hogake was a different story.
-She can't be serious pairing me up with this smug wash out?- tenTen judged.
"Yes, Lady Hokage." TenTen submitted before listening to the briefing.
"Okay listen up, you two escort some very valuable merchandise to a merchant in the land of grass. Yes, it is a ways from here but that is precisely why it needs a escort. People might already caught wind of this and might want to take it. Guard it with all the contents still inside and intact and get them to the merchant. Understand?"
Yes m'am" they said in unison.
-I can't believe it..of all people why this rude person?-
"Oh come now, flat chest. There is no need to speak of me like that. I may be rude, but I'm very reliable." He shrugged off her comment and crossed his arms once more. "I'm sure once you get to know'll want more of me." He winked at her and smiled that smug smile of his. His lightning jutsus were well known in the village and people often called him Lightning itself. "So then...lets hurry up and meet the caravan thats ready to go. I would like to have some...alone time with you eventually." HE said with a snicker before turning to leave and meet her and the caravan at the gate leading out of the village.
TenTen almost physically growled at his smugness. It took what she had to not blow a chance to make this mission successful if she fired a bunch of weapons at him. She then, thought he was a total perv for even saying the things he did. Walking out of the Hokage's office she exited the building and headed for the front gates to meet the caravan. When she made it there she had some what killed her annoyance. She would try to get to know him before passing more judgement. although she said try she didn't say for how long.
When she would arrive, he would be sitting atop of a cart that transported people along as well, though he was on the roof rather than inside of it. "Bout time you showed up. Alright we're pulling out of here!" He said and the caravan began to move. He hopped down to join Tenten and pointed to the front. "We need to stay about twenty feet ahead of them to clear out anything in the way. They have three guards in the back to make sure nothing happens. Lets go." With that, he began to dart off to the front of the caravan, twenty feet ahead, give or take a few feet.
Tenten's eyebrow twitched. Then she heard what he said soon after he told the caravan that they were ready to go.
'Wait, who put him in charge?' darting up to the twenty feet mark she kept herself ready for anything to happen. Although they had guards she still looked back to check on them.
(Hey...don't forget about our Bleach RP D: )

"Good. You're finally up here. Took you a while." He said as his arms were crossed behind his head. "So then...Tenten...tell me about yourself. What kind of ninja are you, fighting wise? What kind of person are you usually teamed up with? Who were your old squad? Whats your breast size? What do you think will be on this mission? Stuff like that. Something to pass the time." He suggested with a shrug of his hsoulders.
TenTen ignored his earlier comment, and focused on what he was saying about introductions. Then stopped listening when he said bra size. She then started thinking to herself as her eye twitched.
"I use ninjutsu, and I and a all range type ninja. I am normally teamed with my original squad Rock Lee and Neji Hyuga. And the mission I do not know, I will just find out." she ended.
As she continued to look ahead and focus on the task at hand.
"You're not really talkative are you? And here I thought I'd have an interesting team member. So far the only thing interesting about you is how cute you are." He shrugged and continued to walk some moments. All was silent for some time before Nathan spoke up once more. "Its kind of...easy isn't it? This assignment? No attacks whatsoever...Almost as if fate has had a hand in making our lives easier for such a long trip."
She continued to ignore him. She normally talked but, that was with her old team or with other ninjas that she was familiar with in the village she did not know this one, a bit. So she was not going to talk to him until she found out more about him.
She sighed,
"Stop thinking like, that while our to busy relaxing they can take that as a chance of attack. Don't be so laid back and simple minded." she finally said.
"Yeah yeah...whatever..." He replied to her and saw that it was getting late. He stopped the caravan and ordered everyone to set up for the night. The caravan would make a circle with their carts and wagons and it looked like a generic little camp on the trail even with a bonfire in the middle. "Come on, we still need to stake out the area while the guards protect the citizens." He said as he hopped up into a tree.
Jumping up into a tree TenTen headed out to scout the area for any dangers nearby, she didn't bother waiting for her partner since he was obviously fast enough on his own. At the moment, she just wanted to have this mission succeed without any internal team troubles.
He would suddenly sneak up behind her, grabbing her from behind and grinned as he held her in his lap. "Stay silent..." He said gently as he made certain they were in the perfect spot to see the campfire. "Isn't it...interesting to watch from here? Come now...lets watch over the villagers by sitting here...What do you say, hm?" His hands went to her shoulders and began to massage them, wondering how easy this woman would be to get into the sack with.
Tenten was near going to turn and attack. When, she felt someone grab her from behind and set her in someone's lap. but, she heard the same voice that had her not wanting to go on this mission speak. She then felt her eyebrow twitch...and she listened as he began to talk.
"I guess it is." she said. Not thinking much of it then she felt her shoulders being messaged and she tried to ignore it.
He grinned deviously. "Tenten...You need to relax. You're too uptight...You should just relax, and I'm here to help you. Being so tense is bad for you and your beauty." He continued to massage her shoulders and really got into her pressure points to let her begin loosening some joints of hers.
Tenten didn't know what he was up to but, he was still right in a sense. She was to uptight, and needed to relax. Although, she did not want to but, when he hit a couple of pressure points she began to loosen up. Still keeping an eye out for enemies and of course him. Whatever he was up to she was going to stop it before it started. AEven though, it had already did and she did not know.
He grinned. "I hope that you're enjoying this little massage I'm giving you. I can feel your joints begin to loosen up..." He began to touch her bare neck now as he massaged her, massaging her gently as he wanted her to lull her head to the pleasure of her loosening joints in her neck. "How does that feel, hm? Does it feel better?"
Tenten thought of not answering him, but she had to give him a chance so she decided to get to know him.
"Y-yea I guess. Yea it feels a little better."
Although she still that he was up to something. And didn't fully let her guard down.
He grinned and leaned forward now, his lips going to her neck as he kissed up and down her neck gently, wondering just how easy Tenten was. He would have as much fun with this one as he could so long as they were on this mission together. His hands still massaged her lovingly as he kissed her neck.
When Tenten felt his lips on her neck she had a kunai at his waist in an instant.
"May, I remind you we are on a mission? And nothing else." she said glancing back at him.
She thought he was up to something, but she still somewhat didn't know what it was. But, she did get a gist of it and she was going to stop it from happening. Although this was a long mission.
When he felt her kunai on his waist, he grinned and moved his lips away from her. "Oh come now. What good is a mission without relaxation? And what better relaxation than sexual temptation, hm?" He smiled and resumed massaging her shoulders. "So tell me Tenten...Why are you always so tense hm?"
"A mission isn't meant to relax at sure, you can, but not that kind of relaxation." Tenten said looking back at him.
"Wha? That is none of your business." Tenten defended.
"Oh come now. You have to be able to relax in all forms. Don't you know, or were you kept of this information as well? They are not allowed to teach it in the academy since you all are so young to know such a thing...but sexual relaxation of any sort helps smooth out the flow of chakra that you can use." He smiled. "So think like this...I'm helping you by doing this to you."
Tenten never heard of such a thing. The first thing she thought was that he was a perv.
"I haven't heard of such a thing and what do you mean by young? I didn't see you at the academy where are you from." Tenten asked sharply still holding her kunai at his waist.
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