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My Puppet

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(Dragon one?)

"Its horrible, isn't it?" Crevan said to Aiko as he approached her from behind. "I don't like my job. I don't like the way people treat creatures. But I also don't like creatures. I hate them but I also think they should be free at least. "Look. You should get back in bed. Get your rest. And just get the hell out of here...I want you recovered as quickly as possible because I don't like the fact that you're...that you're just living with Raven and you're one of those creatures." He frowned and crossed his arms. "Come on. Get back to living in my house until you recover and then I'll sneak you out of here like you snuck in. Got it?"
Aiko stood there as she was restraining herself from transforming and killing everyone and sending a signal for her unit to wipe this side out of humans. "You brought my little sister here to die!" She snapped as she turned around glaring at him with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I killed other creatures thinking they took her...IT WAS YOU!" She snapped at him clearly upset about this. "And I don't like the fact you do this willingly!" She said as she smacked him out of her way but it popped one of her ribs out of palce nearly making her crumble to the ground.

(Yeah there was one like you click on the eggs and they grow. But there was alot of bs to go through)
(Was it dragcave?)

He sighed as he approached her and knelt down beside her. "I never said I willingly do this. Its either this or I kill them...and I can't kill them. Even if it may be a better ending for them...but if I don't do this, I can't get paid for anything and can't help support Raven. And I'm not the only monster wrangler here...The others could have done this rather than me. Now get up...there is no point in wallowing in what is gone. I don't know who your sister was but...I'm sorry for your loss. But you need to stand up and get back to bed. You probably reopened some wound that Raven fixed." He reached down and picked her up, taking her back to his house and laying her back down on the bed. "Now rest up. If there is anything you need me to do to help you recover quicker, I need you to tell me. I want you out of here as soon as possible. Got it?"
She was ready to slice him open by the time he picked her up. Once he got her in his lace he told her what was needed for her to recover faster. Growling as she sat up as her eyes flashed red clearly didn't want him to touch her. "I'm staying with Raven." She said as she got to her feet but the pain took her breath away as she fell back on her ass with her whimpering softly. "You won't do it....You already told me." She said weakly as she refered to him helping her.

(I think it was but found the Tale of Dragons...or
(Oh no. I don't know what that is. lol.)

"You know what, I already know that you poisoned both Raven and myself...! Who knows what else that poison does...if it means that you get out of here and leave Raven alone...I'll do whatever is needed. I don't give a shit about anyone in this long as you don't touch Raven, I'll do anything that'll help you out and get you out of here." He replied and crossed his arms angrily. "Just hurry up and tell me. You never know if I'll do it or not so ask if you want to know."
"I need human blood." She said in a cold tone with her standing up glaring at him. "As long as Raven is marked she won't be harmed unless you do something stupid." She growled at him as she let her fox form appear in front of him as her once snow white fur was tainted red from the blood of the reopened wounds. "You don't love her. But with what you did to her...She really doens't want to see you at all. I had nothing to do with that part." She said to him with her hand pressing into the bandages to stop the bleeding but it was clear she needed fresh ones.
He would go into his bathroom upon seeing her reopened wound and came back with some rags and a few more almost empty bits of gauze. He tied them together to make them long enough to wrap around her body as he kept a rag pressed against the wound to soak up the blood and frowned to her. "Human blood? So what, you're gonna suck my blood or something? How am I supposed to get human blood exactly? I can't exactly just cut someone and drain them completely. Do you have some sort of device or something to help me drain the blood of someone?"
With him helping her she swatted his hands away from her. God she hated men and this oone she wanted to slap big time. "Normally, I HATE the taste of human blood but you want to speed my recovery time sooo...Figure a way to get the blood or bring them here. If you bring them here then be prepared to help since I can't fight them alone."
"God dammit then...I need to stage some murders then...I'll kill them, bring them to you...and then I'll throw them into the Creature pins. I have the keys since I'm a wrangler so people will just think they fell into the cage from the top or something." He sighed and held his head. "Just promise me you won't hurt Raven...I know I hurt her big time, but I still don't want anything to happen to her. Alright?" He held his hand out toward Aiko and glared at her. "Shake on it to consider it a deal, if you have any honor whatsoever." Crevan said as he waited for her to shake it, if she accepted his offer and deal.
She laid her ears back as he offered his hand out to her. "Kill the woman who has the jade necklace...When you bring me her AND the necklace then I'll accept your deal. I wouldn't have hurt Raven. She may look human but something tells me otherwise." She said with her looking around trying to find a way out of here as she didn't want him near her.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked absentmindedly but shook his head. "I'll wait until tonight to do this. Alright?" He replied before going out for a bit. When nightfall came, he came back to the house to pick up some all black clothing and a knife. Once he was fitted, he told Aiko that he would be gone and soon he slipped out in the middle of the night to find the girl. She would be alone on her walk home, and stalked her until he managed to get behind her and cup her mouth to silence her before he began to jab the knife several times into her back until she died. He began to sweat from the guilt and almost vomitted from the stress but eventually picked up the body and brought it back to Aiko, dropping it onto the floor beside his bed. "There...the deed is done, miss."
It took him awhile to get the job done but she was looking out the window hearing the howls in the mountains. This made her uneasy but when he bursted through his door she jumped to see the limp body there. "Fine, go wash up you stink of vomit." She said softly as she didn't want him to see her drain the blood yet as the heart was still beating but it was weak. Not wanting him to stick around she shoved him out of his room and closed his door. In seconds she bit into the neck as the woman squeaked with the blood pumping into her mouth and down into her stomach. Aiko was on the verge of getting sick herself but she swallowed it and kept it down until there was nothing left. Coughing as she pulled away cruled up into a ball under the bed with her holding the tiny necklace in her hand. "Its done.." She called out with her stomach clamping down to make her vomit but she held it down with her flesh wounds healing quickly and her hearing became sharper. What she was hearing she didn't like.
"Alright...I'm gong to get rid of this body..." He replied as he picked it up and began to take it out to the Creature Pens and just tossed her in there. He shuddered as he watched them just tear the body apart and Crevan made certain to get out of there as quickly as possible. He returned to Aiko and frowned as he closed the door behind him and entered her room. "I hope I don't have to do that much longer..." He replied as he took his shirt off and left her room to take off his pants as well to hide the bloody clothes under a hidden panel under the house along with the knife. He'd have to use these over and over again and he didn't want anyone to find them. "Miss Creature," He called out to her, not knowing her name, "...What else do you need? If you do not require anything, I will be going back to Raven to try and apologize..."
"Aiko, killer of creatures..." She told him but closed her eyes knowing Raven wouldn't accept his apology but she wasn't going to stop him.

Raven was worried as Aiko didn't say where shed would be other than walking around the village to look around. Though she sat at her table creating fresh bandages to be used later on place a few herbs for herself. Looking out her window as she heard creatures were tearing a body apart but she figured it was a sick cow that was given to them. Sighing as she went back to work not wanting to think of Crevan.
Soon a knocking would be at Raven's door. Crevan held his bandaged hand and frowned as he knocked some more with his good hand. "Raven...Open up please...Its me, Crevan...Please let me in..." He asked of her as he placed his head on her door and waited. "Please just open up Raven...I'm sorry for getting man before...Please just...just forgive me..." He asked once more as he knocked a third time in last hopes that she was going to open the door to at least hear him out.
Raven listened to his begging and he knew she hated that. Tiltin gher chair back as she pulled the door open but kept her back him. "Well?" She asked coldly as she didn't forget how he reacted to her apologizing to him last night. The sounds of fabric ripping rang in the air as her stew was cooking slowly in the fire but Aiko made it as a surprise for her. Raven got a taste of it already and loved it.
"Look...Raven...I'm very sorry...I didn't mean to snap at you. Its just, you yelling at me like you did for no reason, just cause I looked angry...? You automatically assumed I was going to kill her? How do you think that makes me feel when the first thing you think of what I'll do is murder someone cause they made me angry, or rather why did they make me angry to begin with?" He sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "Please Raven...Forgive me. You know I care so much about you..."
With him wrapping his arms around her she swatted his hands away from her as she got to her feet looking at him. "I TOLD YOU THAT YOU HAD THE LOOK OF INTENT TO KILL HER! You NEVER listen!" She snapped at him clearly pissed he wasn't listening to her. Sighing as she turned to the fresh bandages and the one on his hand.

"I care about you, Cevan. That is why I came to apologize to you last night but you turned around and verbally slapped me in the face and called me a fool. For me to forgive you now? No, I won't forgive you now BUT..." she said and figured to yell louder to make sure he was listening to her. "BUT!!!!!! It will take time for me to ever forgive you. You snap at me again AFTER I apologize you better stay away from me."
"Just...Alright...Alright Raven..." He said with a frown. "Just go ahead and..." He didn't even finished his sentence, not sure as to what to say. He turned around and just went back home, feeling like he now truly had nothing. Even if she said she would probably forgive him later, he still didn't expect that to happen. He arrived home with Aiko and sat down on the bed with her, staying silent as he went under the covers and turned his back to her, not saying anything but something was obviously wrong with him. It was obvious that something went wrong between him apologizing with Raven.
Aiko had shifteed to where she sat in a chair. "Bottling it up won't help. Raven, found that out last night..." She said softly with her looking at Crevan. "I may a....annoyance to you but I do care when others aren't...On the same emotional level." She said as she looked down. "I planned on using Raven to help me heal faster but you took her role but I still see her as a sweet person." She said as she moved to him and touched his shoulder.

"Crevan, when she came back last night from apologizing to you. She was in tears. I hate seeng ANY ONE in tears...It hits to close to home for me. So I just did what I could...Let her use my shoulder to cry on and be used for that. All I know is she was crying after she went to go see you. I knew if I told you to give her peace for now you'd snap at me. I may be a creature but females are the same. When our hearts aren't settled...We need time alone to have it settle then we'll come around."
Crevan remained silent as she continued to try and support him and tell him of what happened between her and Raven. He saw this so he knew what she was talking about, but stayed silent eventually until he spoke. "Its better off if I stay silent and bottle my emotions. I'll just end up hurting more people even worse than I hurt Raven." He replied with a frown and pulled the covers over him some more. "Thank you anyway Aiko...But I just want to be left alone right now. You're welcome to...still sleep in this bed right now but for now...I'm...probably considering on going with you when you are able to leave...There is nothing left for me here..."
She swatted the back of his head just light enough to get his attention. "Crevan, you hurt her feelings and she returned the favor. I'm a fox and I have sharp hearing so I know exactly what happened. Just allowing you the chance to let it out." She said as she moved back to the chair. "She gave you exactly what you gave her last night. Lets hope...Thats all she wanted and time to heal from this." She said as she settled in the chair with her holding her arm. She needed more blood to heal her bones and she needed it fast if she were to get out of this village soon.
"Just...if she doesn't accept me by the time that you're recovered, I'm just going to leave with you...I could care less about this village if the woman that I had fallen in love with...well...HAD fallen in love longer even thinks of me as a good person or a friend or anything. He sighed lightly. "Aiko can we just drop this okay...I'd like to just...sleep and get to work tomorrow and make sure things in the fights don't go wrong...then at night I'll get your next victim for you, just make sure its someone who deserves it..."
"Alright but...Define on who deerves it. Techically...everyone in this village but children deserves to die." She pointed out how she saw it. "If I drik animal blood my healing time is cut in half and Crevan. You weren't in love with her." She said as she yawned. "The poison I placed in both of you alerts me to your feelings and how hard I'd have to work to get what I want. You were easy. You had a crush on her and hoped it'll grow into more. She was already in love with you so my poison just marked her as my friend and no creature will kill her unless its their death wish they are wanting."
"I guess...I guess I was never really in love with her then...But she was still an important person to me." He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, remaining silent for some moments until his eyes shot open at him remembering something. He sat up and looked to her. " said something before that doesn't quite sit with said something about Raven that was weird...that she wasn't who I thought she was or something like that...What did you mean exactly by that?"
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