Name:Kevin Shaw
Ring Name/Nickname:"The Sensation" Kevin Shaw
Attire:Blue Jeans, Tight white T-Shirt, White sneakers, Gold chain necklace, Pink and white sunglasses
Location:Cassie's Apartment
Tagging:Taka, Cassie, Anyone
When Taka mentioned making sushi Kevin lit up, "That would be awesome I love sushi it's one of my favorite foods no lie and it's so good for you hey maybe I can make you one of my health shakes it's like a natural energy drink and antioxidant all in one they're delicious too I learned the recipe from one of my trainers" ,Kevin stated excitedly. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and was glad he had met both Cassie and Taka. Kevin ordered some green iced tea with honey and lemon along with a small biscuit with egg and ham but no cheese, he was hungry and seeing as he was eating the bread he didn't want to add the extra calories with the cheese.
He looked up an electronics store after Taka had asked him to and found one that was in the same plaza as the supermarket. He watched as the man went over to the woman and asked about a gym and when the woman answered Kevin immediately got to work on finding one and after a little while he did. Sunny Hill Gym/School of Hard Knocks Wrestling School was the name of it he smiled realizing it was the perfect place for them to work out. His attention was broken by a guy with a painted face bursting through the doors of the cafe, at first he looked confused thinking the guy was angry or crazy but when he quoted Harry Potter Kevin nearly jumped out of his seat in excitement, "I....dude....that....that...WAS FREAKING AWESOME! Who was that guy, this town is freaking great" ,Kevin exclaimed. He was a complete Harry Potter nut and wasn't afraid to show it no matter who was around.
He turned to Cassie then looked at Taka and the woman at the table then the clerk, "Sorry guys but Harry Potter is the best book series ever made in my opinion, yeah yeah the meat head likes to read shocker right" ,Kevin said with a smile to let everyone know he was joking a bit and that he was sorry for shouting but he couldn't help it after hearing the reference.