Objection Overruled (TDKIB and Jugger82)

"That doesn't mean a thing, detective. Though, what sort of gun did she have on her person?" This could be a vital clue. There were some guns, though revolvers were the only ones Phoenix knew about with this trait, that could manually load each decisive bullet into the chamber of the gun. Plus, the range of the type of weapon and where the victim was shot could also come into play. "So, detective...what type of gun did miss Beaumont have on her when you searched her?"


By the time it would be three thirty, Nathan would be finished with what she had asked and really had nothing else to do, so he did indeed get a bowl of cereal and eat it while Franziska continued packing. He had all he needed in a backpack of his that was sitting next to him, along with some other stuff such as a camera or a voice recorder. Never know when one of those could come in handy. "Miss von Karma....Is there anything you need me to pick up before we take off? We still have an hour and a half before our flight takes off...maybe later than that since you said it was a private jet so...I guess it wouldn't take off without the people who paid for it..." HE shrugged and continued to eat.
Gumshoe rubbed the back of his head. "Lemme think... It was a Colt Detective Special .38 special. It had a two inch barrel. She had it stashed away in her purse..." He said. Then he looked back. "Look pal, I know I said three questions, but the boys are givin' me the eye, so you two better go." He said. It was clear he wasn't about to say anything more on the subject.

Maya sighed. "Maybe you should go talk to her again..."

Franziska finished up packing. "No. We have everything..." She said as zipped her luggage and snapped her briefcase. "What, would you like the rest of the time off?" She asked.
"Maybe. So a...colt detective special .38 special...I assume that its pretty strong I guess if it could tear through a person." Phoenix replied as he began to walk Maya back toward the Detention Center. "What do you think about all of this? They haven't found the actual bullet to the gun and she claims that the victim was shot behind her. Why did she even have a gun to begin with? Hm...I may need to ask her on that, but hold back some of the details..." He stated as they walked up the steps toward the Detention center building and asked to see Noelle Beaumont once more.


"No way. Thats less money in my pockets, Miss von Karma. I hardly get paid enough as it is. Besides..." He smirked. "I love this whole setup I'm in. I'm the assistant to a famous prosecutor who goes overseas and constantly battles with that Defense Attorney that always gives her hell and shows her up and-...Uh...I think...I left the microwave on." He thought he said too much, and got up and hastily made his way into the kitchen of the office so that he was out of the room that she was in, just to avoid some lashings.
All of the sudden the look on Gumshoe's face changed. He looked troubled. But he still sent them away.

Once they arrived, Noelle was called for. She came out wearing a t-shirt and standard issue sweats, as her clothes had been far too bloodied to stay in. They'd been collected as evidence. She looked at him. "D-Do you have a way to prove me innocent?" She asked hopefully.

Franziska cracked her whip at him. He'd moved just fast enough. "Why do you antagonize me, you foolish fool?! No one ridicules Franziska Von Karma and gets away with it!" She snapped as she moved towards him.
"Not...quite yet, miss Beaumont." Phoenix said regretfully. "We came back from the crime scene and got some evidence...I'd like to ask you a few questions." Of course, he looked to Maya and made a notion for her to take note. He had asked her to listen to see if she heard any contradictions that Phoenix did not bring up from what Ellie had said. "Miss Beaumont...Can you describe the victim before he was murdered, to the best of your abilities?"

(What was the actual color of the shirt and jacket that he wore?)


"F-Frannie...Hold on a sec! You know I didn't mean it like that!" He said as he grabbed a chair and held it up toward her like a lion tamer would...only the lion was the one with the whip this time. "Back away, miss von Karma! I don't want to have to hurt you to protect myself!" He said as he backed away some more until his back was to the wall and then he bit his lip, hoping that he'd move the chair fast enough to catch the majority of the whipping she would do.
Jugger82 said:
"Not...quite yet, miss Beaumont." Phoenix said regretfully. "We came back from the crime scene and got some evidence...I'd like to ask you a few questions." Of course, he looked to Maya and made a notion for her to take note. He had asked her to listen to see if she heard any contradictions that Phoenix did not bring up from what Ellie had said. "Miss Beaumont...Can you describe the victim before he was murdered, to the best of your abilities?"

(What was the actual color of the shirt and jacket that he wore?)


"F-Frannie...Hold on a sec! You know I didn't mean it like that!" He said as he grabbed a chair and held it up toward her like a lion tamer would...only the lion was the one with the whip this time. "Back away, miss von Karma! I don't want to have to hurt you to protect myself!" He said as he backed away some more until his back was to the wall and then he bit his lip, hoping that he'd move the chair fast enough to catch the majority of the whipping she would do.

Noelle nodded. "Yes... Grant Johnson was a rather frail looking old man. He might have been a few inches taller than me. He was wearing a white shirt and jacket with dark pants." She explained. As she spoke she seemed to rub at the right side of her neck subconsciously. When she moved her hand it was clear to see that there was a thin line that looked like a cut... Or the grazing of a bullet.

She snarled lividly, then snapped the whip at his fingers to make him drop the chair. Afterwords she grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Do not call me by such a foolish nick name. Do you think I'm some kind of joke?!" Her cheeks were flushed with fury from his ridicule. She was standing quite close to him. "Do not mock me... I am... I am the best..."
"Your neck..." He pointed to it but did not touch the glass of the wall that separated the two of them. "If you look faintly...it looks like you cut yourself? Maybe...thats where some of the blood on your clothes came from? Were you cut or something, did he attack you? This could all be a plea of self-defense if he was trying to hurt you, miss Beaumont." Phoenix said, trying to see if this would be a case of self defense or if she did not know that the cut was there to begin with.


"Y-Yeah Miss von Karma, I know. The best...But, don't you think this is a good thing? That someone out there has the possibility to best you at what you're good at? This could be what drives you to become a better prosecutor, the BEST prosecutor...!" He was just trying to bullshit his way to safety, hoping she'd take this with a big head and just leave him alone. He didn't want to board a plane with bruises from a whip stinging with the sudden change in air pressure on his body.
She blinked. "I have a cut?" She asked. "It's been itching since last night but... I didn't know there was anything there..." She said. She then thought back. "M-Maybe the bullet grazed me before it hit him... Then I could have... It could have been me..." She looked a bit shaken now. Maya seemed to be thinking now. "Hey... Nick... She was wearing an oriental collared dress last night..."

Franziska looked to the side. "No, it is not good! I have to defeat Phoenix Wright! I have to best the man who defeated Miles Edgeworth! I have to!" She snapped as she turned her back to him.
"You're right Maya...if she was shot and the bullet grazed her neck...wouldn't that mean that the collar of the dress would be shot as well? And Gumshoe took it as evidence...I'll just keep a note of this in the court record but I don't think we should bring it up unless we need to. Maybe Gumshoe can show us the dress later so we can confirm this." He turned to Ellie. "Don't worry, I'll try my best to get you that Not Guilty verdict. But I need some more information...for one...why did you have a gun to begin with?"


"Miles Edgeworth?" He had never heard the name before, not even from Franziska...then again, she was always going on about Fools this and Fools this. He already could guess her favorite holiday. "Alright miss von Karma...Lets just calm down before one of us gets hurt. And by us, I mean we...No need to...you know...crack the whip or anything, just lets focus on beating this Phoenix Wright. Alright?"
Jugger82 said:
"You're right Maya...if she was shot and the bullet grazed her neck...wouldn't that mean that the collar of the dress would be shot as well? And Gumshoe took it as evidence...I'll just keep a note of this in the court record but I don't think we should bring it up unless we need to. Maybe Gumshoe can show us the dress later so we can confirm this." He turned to Ellie. "Don't worry, I'll try my best to get you that Not Guilty verdict. But I need some more information...for one...why did you have a gun to begin with?"


"Miles Edgeworth?" He had never heard the name before, not even from Franziska...then again, she was always going on about Fools this and Fools this. He already could guess her favorite holiday. "Alright miss von Karma...Lets just calm down before one of us gets hurt. And by us, I mean we...No need to...you know...crack the whip or anything, just lets focus on beating this Phoenix Wright. Alright?"

Noelle sighed. "Because... about 3 months ago, I was kidnapped... I managed to escape, but I never wanted to be in a situation where I couldn't defend myself again. I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. It's in my purse. Which they took." She didn't explain why she'd been kidnapped though. So Maya asked. "Did they take you for money. That was when she seemed to look a bit more afraid. "I-I suppose..." She said, in what sounded less than truthful.

Franziska walked towards her desk. "He is... He's like a brother... And adopted one... But I'm certain my father valued him more than I, but I will surpass Miles Edgeworth!" She turned and looked at him with sort of a scorching gaze. "And you had best not hinder me."
"Come on miss Beaumont...If you want your freedom, you have to give me all the information I can get, all the truthful information that is. If you're holding back something...it could be something vital for your freedom." Phoenix stated as he saw through her. He looked to Maya and frowned. "This may be a touchy subject for her though." Looking back to Noelle, he asked her simply this. "Could you tell me what kind of gun you had, if you are able to I mean. I know I, for one, am not really a gun expert or anything and wouldn't know this stuff but this information could be useful."


'So this is a sort of Daddy Problem thing between the two of them...' Nathan thought in his head as he watched her. When she said that he had the chance of hindering her, he shook his head. "You never know. I could be more useful to you than you think. From what I know about Phoenix, he has an assistant that helps him and he's beaten you before, right? Well you have an assistant to back you up and I'm sure that you could beat him with my help." He was trying to reassure her, moreover so that he wasn't fired but he still wanted to try and help at least.
Jugger82 said:
"Come on miss Beaumont...If you want your freedom, you have to give me all the information I can get, all the truthful information that is. If you're holding back something...it could be something vital for your freedom." Phoenix stated as he saw through her. He looked to Maya and frowned. "This may be a touchy subject for her though." Looking back to Noelle, he asked her simply this. "Could you tell me what kind of gun you had, if you are able to I mean. I know I, for one, am not really a gun expert or anything and wouldn't know this stuff but this information could be useful."


'So this is a sort of Daddy Problem thing between the two of them...' Nathan thought in his head as he watched her. When she said that he had the chance of hindering her, he shook his head. "You never know. I could be more useful to you than you think. From what I know about Phoenix, he has an assistant that helps him and he's beaten you before, right? Well you have an assistant to back you up and I'm sure that you could beat him with my help." He was trying to reassure her, moreover so that he wasn't fired but he still wanted to try and help at least.

Noelle bit her lip. "I... I don't know it was that took me but... But they did because I saw something I shouldn't have. I... Someone died and I witnessed it. But the caught me, and took me and... That's why I got taken away. They didn't want me to talk. I never got a good enough look at them to talk anyway, but I guess they didn't want to take chances..."

When asked about her gun she shook her head. "I really don't know. My father bought it for me. I just got trained to use it, and got my permit. I can't remember the type..."

Not one to jump and gush over such silly trifles like teamwork and reassurance, Franziska shrugged. "We shall see." She said as she sat at her desk. "We have two hours left until our flight. Find something to do until then."
Phoenix frowned when he heard this. "Well the safest place for you at the moment, I guess, would be in the detention center...And the gun model, was it a .38 caliber?" He could not remember the other parts of the name except for the size of bullet that it took.


"Might go watch some movie or something. I'm staying here so it counts towards my pay time, even if you had have me working anything." Nathan replied and stretched his arms, happy to have gotten away from that whip-lashing free. "If you need me, miss von Karma, do let me know. Though, I must make a run to the store...In our little event earlier I seemed to notice that we're out of food for the fridge." HE walked toward the door and turned to her, grinning deviously. "Be sure that you're ready to go, alright Frannie?" He said teasingly before darting out the door and closing it behind him before making his way out toward the store to pick up some groceries that would last a good while, since they were leaving on a trip for a few days.
Noelle sighed and nodded as once again she was led away. ".32 special..." She said quietly. "Please hurry, Mr. Wright? Tomorrow is the trial..." She added as they led her away. Maya sighed as she watched everything. "Every bit of evidence points against her. Are you sure we can do this, Nick?"

Franzisca could be heard almost screaming for how irate she was. She seemed to be taking her fury out on the office furniture with her whip. She needed to approach this differently. He clearly did not respond to discipline and was driving her nuts. So maybe another method of response was an order.
"We've had several cases before that had the evidence pointing completely toward the defendent on trial." He replied with a frown and crossed his arms. "So...Lets just get some rest and prepare for the case tomorrow..Something tells me I'm not going to enjoy how this will all end up in the end...Les go, Maya." He said as he began to walk off toward the Wright & Co. Law Offices.


About an hour later he would arrive to Franziska's office. He was carrying several bags of groceries. He placed them down in the kitchen and wondered where Franziska had went to...though...He was a bit worried she was seething with anger after he saw the condition of the couch. "Looks like we gotta put in an order for another couch..." He murmured with a frown. "Miss Franziska! I'm back with the food!" He called out.
Jugger82 said:
"We've had several cases before that had the evidence pointing completely toward the defendent on trial." He replied with a frown and crossed his arms. "So...Lets just get some rest and prepare for the case tomorrow..Something tells me I'm not going to enjoy how this will all end up in the end...Les go, Maya." He said as he began to walk off toward the Wright & Co. Law Offices.


About an hour later he would arrive to Franziska's office. He was carrying several bags of groceries. He placed them down in the kitchen and wondered where Franziska had went to...though...He was a bit worried she was seething with anger after he saw the condition of the couch. "Looks like we gotta put in an order for another couch..." He murmured with a frown. "Miss Franziska! I'm back with the food!" He called out.

And so they slept for the night. It was good that they didn't, because Noelle did not. Not one wink. She knew she was innocent, but would the world believe her? When the morning came she was led out to the courthouse, to the defense lobby. She sat, hands chained, a guard at her side. She felt like a... well, a criminal. She watched the door for Phoenix, hoping he might arrive soon with good news.

Franziska sighed as she hung up her whip on a hook on the wall. Time to begin this game. She would get him back for all his mockery, but to do so she first had to ease him into a lull. And that would involve a serious bruising her enormous pride. She quietly primped her hair and then put on a smile. "Welcome back!" She called, in a tone most unfamiliar. She almost gagged herself being so sweet.
Phoenix would soon arrive sometime later and saw her in the defense lobby. He frowned and approached her, standing in front of her and began to look at the court papers. "Miss Beaumont...If there is any other sort of information you can give me, it would definitely help. So far we have you found with a gun on your person with the victim's blood all over your coat. The victim also had a gunshot hole in his clothes...And the only thing that we can back you up with is the fact that the bullet possibly went through the victim and just barely grazed your neck. Are you certain there is nothing else you can tell me?" He would have to ask the court of an Autopsy...Gumshoe was not able to give him one before and they also did not even get a match for if the bullet that was fired at the victim was the same kind that could fit into her 32. gun.


"Franziska...?" He murmured as he heard her yell out to him. He frowned and turned and walked over to find her, seeing that smile on her face. 'The fuck...?' He stepped back, cautious of her. "Miss von Karma...Whats gotten into you?" The corner of his eyes caught something that intrigued him the most. She actually hung up her whip? 'What is she playing at...' He thought in his head with a frown.
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