Objection Overruled (TDKIB and Jugger82)


May 10, 2009
The Asscrack of nowhere, WA
Name: Gabrielle de Beaumont
Age: 22 during the first arc.
Appearance: Long, straight, platinum blonde hair that curls only at the sides of her face. Her bangs are held to the side. She has sharp, narrow, emerald green eyes and just a faint dusting of pale freckles. She's fairly light complected. She stands about 5'5''. Bust is 36 C.
Attire: Usually wears darker clothing. Fitting gowns. Her most common attire is a black sweater dress and ankle high boots.
Personality: She's rather cool and collected for the most part. Being that her father is Dion de Beaumont, the man who bought out all the Hilton hotels, she's always been in the public eye. But you know it's bad when she actually becomes panicked or frightened. She tends to not put up with much, and seems quite confident of her ability to protect herself... normally.


Friday night. It was late. Late enough that Maya was just getting ready to close up the office. She was tidying up the place. Things had been slow. No cases in a week. It was rough. But this was the life they lead. Maya was on the other side of the room when there was a series of forceful knocks at the door. It was raining out.

"Hey Nick, can you get that?" Maya called. She was a bit preoccupied, trying to untangle herself from the mass of electronics cables around her. "Just tell whoever it is we're closed and that we'll get her tomorrow morning."

Outside the door she stood. Breathless. Panicked. Covered in blood that wasn't her own. She was barefooted and soaked to the bone, the white oriental style gown she wore clinging to her like a second skin. Gabrielle pounded at the door again frantically. She knew she didn't have much time before the cops found her, but she knew the man that resided within was the only one who could save her.
That Friday night, Phoenix Wright was just finishing up some bills and the rent he had to pay for the Wright & Co. Law Offices room when Maya just happened to get tangled up in the cables of the new TV that he had bought for Maya to watch her Steel Samurai show on, though she would have had to hook it up herself since Nick would be busy most of that day. When he heard the knockings on the door, he expected Maya to get it like always until he heard her call to ask him to get it. This would be the first time he would notice that she was tangled up and didn't bother to ask, though mentally he was asking himself how one could get tangled up in such a way. Going to answer the door, Phoenix was surprised to see a woman drenched in blood and soaked from the rain. "Miss, what happened, are you hurt at all?" He said as he grabbed her shoulders since he thought she might collapse. He walked her inside and laid her down on the couch. "Miss, what happened? Why is there blood all over you?"

(Hope that was okay)
She shook her head, unable to speak for a moment. But she just kept shaking her head. "I'm not hurt... The blood's not mine, but... But I'm in a lot of trouble. I'm gonna need your help... You are Phoenix Wright, correct? Because if you are, you're the only one that can save me..."

Just after she got that out, the TV came on in the other news. Coincidentally it played a report. The volume was on high and it said "Attention all viewers, please be on the look out. Just an hour ago there was a shooting in the city square. The suspect has been identified as a blonde women with long hair, green eyes, and wearing a white oriental dress. If you see her, please be careful as she may still be armed and dangerous."
Upon seeing this, Phoenix stood up and stepped back from the girl, biting his lip as the news said she was possibly armed and dangerous. "M-Miss...I'm going to have to ask you to stay there for a bit. Look...If you say that what happened isn't your fault and that you need my help, then...I'll protect you as a Defense Attorney. Though I have to turn you in, otherwise I could get arrested for harboring a criminal." He replied before going to the phone to pick it up and call 911. Within moments, the police would arrive and Gumshoe would come in to take the girl and take her to the precinct. Phoenix sighed, feeling uneasy. "Maya...What do you think this was about?" He asked as he watched the lights of the police cars vanish in the distance.
Gabrielle didn't run. She was too tired too. She looked defeated right now. Everything was stacked against her, and unless Phoenix could help her, she'd end up with a life sentence or worse. She kept her head down. As they left Gumshoe could be heard saying that the woman looked familiar. Like someone he'd seen on TV before.

Maya sighed. "I dunno. She looks too shaken up to have willingly killed someone in public though..." She commented quietly.

The next morning Phoenix was served with papers saying that he'd been requested as the defense lawyer for one Gabrielle de Beaumont.

Maya took a peak. "I've heard that name before, I think."
Phoenix raised an eyebrow as Maya spoke up. By the time he had actually taken out the papers to read and for Maya to read them, they were already on their way to walk to the Detention Center. "Where have you heard the name from Maya? Doesn't ring any bells to me..." Though, in the past there was several things that Maya knew about that Phoenix didn't know about or just completely didn't understand...the Steel Samurai show for one was a bit confusing for him, especially one of the cases that revolved around the entire show.


"Miss Franziska? Have you heard the news from the TV?" Nathan Stone, an American intern to Franziska von Karma, asked his superior as he was inside of her offices working on some paperwork for her. "It seems that someone was shot and that girl, Gabrielle de Beaumont, is the prime suspect...Have we gotten orders or anything to take this case?"
Jugger82 said:
Phoenix raised an eyebrow as Maya spoke up. By the time he had actually taken out the papers to read and for Maya to read them, they were already on their way to walk to the Detention Center. "Where have you heard the name from Maya? Doesn't ring any bells to me..." Though, in the past there was several things that Maya knew about that Phoenix didn't know about or just completely didn't understand...the Steel Samurai show for one was a bit confusing for him, especially one of the cases that revolved around the entire show.


"Miss Franziska? Have you heard the news from the TV?" Nathan Stone, an American intern to Franziska von Karma, asked his superior as he was inside of her offices working on some paperwork for her. "It seems that someone was shot and that girl, Gabrielle de Beaumont, is the prime suspect...Have we gotten orders or anything to take this case?"

Maya thought. "Oh yeah! Her father is Dion de Beaumont! The guy who owns all those hotels. The ones that used to be called Hilton! I think she's his daughter."

Franziska was sitting at her desk, hands bridged under her chin. She grinned a preditory sort of grin. "You fool... Of course we are taking it... I've gotten intel that says that foolish fool Wright has been requested for the defense. So of course, we'll be taking it." She stood, brandishing her whip, then pointed it at him. "And you... If you hinder me, you will be on the receiving end of my fury!" She didn't trust this intern just yet. She'd only taken him on at the request of his father.
"The famous Dion De Beaumont?" He asked as they arrived to the Detention center finally. After requesting to speak to Gabriella, he walked in and sat down on the opposite side of the glass that would separate the two of them. HE would wait for Gabriella to arrive and frowned, his mind just brimming with questions on the matter of her case. Did she really cause a murder? Why would she murder someone? None of this would make sense to him.


Upon seeing the whip get pointed at him when she brandished it, he somewhat flinched but then returned to his posture in the chair, though he seemed uneasy but not frightened. He had been on that end before one time with a slip of the mouth caused him to get punished. "Yes Franziska, I know. I'll try my best to help you beat that...uh...FOOLISHLY FOOL WRIGHT!" He said as if teasing her, hoping to lighten the mood again, and hoped that she would take that as a joke rather than an insult.
Soon she was led in, her hands cuffed behind her. Gabrielle still looked just as tired as before. Perhaps more so. She looked down. "Mr. Wright... Do you intend to take my case?" She asked quietly. "Or will I have to seek another defense attorney?" The way her head hung her cornsilk blond hair cascaded down, curtaining her face from view.

Franziska frowned. She seemed to contemplate turning her whip on him for that joke but decided not to. "Yes, well. See that you do not disappoint me..." She said. She then moved to her window. "The trial will be in two days if Wright accepts it. We will be heading to the U.S tonight. Go home, pack a back with the necessities, and then report back here. We have research to do before we board a flight."
Phoenix frowned when her immediate response was that of negativity and doubt. He calmed her by asking her about the case. "Please...before we go on, I need to know what happened exactly, Miss Beaumont. Why did you...supposedly shoot someone and then immediately just come to my office?" He wanted to try and get as much information about the shooting and her innocence as well. He believed her to be innocent...but he needed as much information as he could gain from their conversation in this Detention Center.


"Yes miss von Karma." He replied as he gathered up some of his things. He knew about what happened between Phoenix and Franziska's father, though his name escaped him. Manfred or something like that, he didn't really know since it was a touchy subject to bring up, so he rarely spoke or inquired about it. Once he left, he went home immediately to pack a few pairs of clothes and some other necessities. The next morning, he would be the first to arrive to Franziska's office and would resume his day as usual, though the TV was on and spoke of the case at hand, the shooting.
She sighed. "I... I ran because people were staring at me. Because I was so close, I knew people would think I did it. The sound came from behind me. But I didn't do it. I didn't shoot anybody. I honestly didn't... I was just... The man was my father's enemy. He was trying to blackmail my father over falsehoods, so my father sent me to speak to him... But I didn't kill him... I never shot him." The thing she wasn't saying was that they had found a weapon on her. But they hadn't done ballistics testing on it just yet. "I promise, I didn't do this!"

Franziska had stayed in her office the whole night. Where once there was a clean desk, now there was stacks of paper... Research. It was piled high. And amidst it all, she was fast asleep, her head resting on her crossed arms. Even asleep she clutched her whip as though she might need it.
Phoenix frowned. "Alright calm down...I will take your case, Miss Beaumont. Though if there is anything else you can tell me, I need to know. Your safety is at hand and I could really use all the information you can give me before I go out to the crime scene to investigate myself." Phoenix replied as he jotted down some notes about what she had said, that she didn't kill him and that the shot came from behind her and the fact the victim was the enemy of her father. 'Huh...Who would be the enemy of a Hilton hotel owner... Mr. Holiday Inn?' Phoenix thought in his head with a frown as he continued to listen to the Beaumont.


When he finally noticed this after checking up on her in her office, seeing as how she never came in on the usual time she did, he saw that she was asleep on the stack of papers that she was researching and laughed lightly before going to make her some coffee, assuming she drank that stuff. He never touched the stuff. It was disgusting to him. When he came back, he had a nice hot cup of coffee and laid it beside her. "Miss von Karma? I got you some coffee."
Noelle shook her head. "His name was... Grant Johnson... His company had a contract with the Beaumont hotel franchise to provide all complimentary services such as toiletries, mints on the pillows, linens, and even the bibles in the night stands. But recently the quality of product lagged, and father managed to get out of the contract. Mr. Johnson was furious and so he was trying to tarnish my father's name. But... But I didn't kill him... I just... Just because I had a gun on my person does not mean I killed him!" She was visibly stressed and disturbed.

Franziska muttered something along the likes of 'I'll finally beat that foolish Wright... That foolish judge will not make another foolish decision..." as she slowly woke up and reached for the cup. It was when she realized that he was in the room and had seen her like this that she sat up with a start. "Stone! What are you doing in my office?"
"Wait what...!?" He said and had all his attention on her rather than writing down his notes. "You had a gun on your persons...?! This...This is bad...Does the police know or anything? If so, does the gun match the bullet? Oh wait...they wouldn't tell you that..." Perhaps this was something he would have to discuss with Gumshoe and get an Autopsy as well. He figured he had gotten enough information out of her. "Well miss Beaumont...I'll do my best to help you. But for now, I have to go." With that, he turned and took Maya outside and turned to her. "Maya...What do you think? The victim was the enemy of her father, and she was found with a gun on her persons." He didn't really know what to make of this just yet.


When she suddenly made an outburst to yell at him, he was distracted by something out the window that caught his eye so this only surprised him even more. "W-Wait miss von Karma! I was just bringing you coffee and was checking to see if you checked in before I was here or something! I didn't see you come in at your usual time!" He began to back out and managed to get out of the office before she could use that whip on him.
Maya frowned. "This is not good. Not good at all. I think she did it." She said bringing her fist down into her opposite palm. Leave it to Maya to see something as so black and white.

Franziska rolled her eyes and stood up, whip in hand. She cracked it across the desk. "You! Get in here. I want all of these papers put in binders by subject, and then boxed and made ready to be shipped! I want them shipped the the address I'm going to give, overnight shipping. You'll have to work through lunch." She said. She was sort of a slave driver. But it was different because she worked just as hard as she made those under her work.
"Oh yeah? Remember the case with Jack Hammer as the victim and you thought the Steel Samurai actually committed the crime because of how his actor really looked?" He recalled and patted her head. "Lets just get to the crime scene and get this evidence that we need." He replied and walked her to where he believed the shooting had occurred. The police had already stationed off the area and he could see Gumshoe prowling about. He began to approach the scene and looked around. "I see a chalk line of where the body used to be...thats a good starter I guess..." He mentioned.


When he heard Franziska begin to start barking orders at him, he cautiously made his way inside and listened to her as she said she wanted him to file papers and send them off. 'Work through lunch? Ha! She doesn't know I didn't even have a lunch prepared for me!' He thought in his head and nodded. "Yes miss von Karma." He replied and moved to start the filing immediately. "Though...Don't you think I should be helping with the research on the case? And if you have me working until the afternoon, won't we miss our flight?"
Maya huffed. "Yeah but... She has a weapon and a motive. I mean, it's pretty obvious what happened..." She said. They arrived at the scene. The whole square was cordoned off. Gumshoe and his lackeys were investigating. But when he saw Phoenix he slipped away. "C'mon pal. Ya know we can't do this. I work for the prosecution, so I can't let you two in here, ya know." He pretty knew what was coming though. He always seemed to owe Phoenix a favor, and he was sure Phoenix would call him in on that. But instead, Maya did. "Heey, Gumshoe... You owe us..." She said then leaned in and whispered something that made Gumshoe flinch. He sighed. "Right right. I can't let you look... But I will answer three questions. Fair enough?"

Franzisca rolled her eyes. "Fool, do you think I have not prepared for this? Don't act so foolishly. We'll be taking a private jet, and it will be a straight flight. We will leave at 5 pm... Fool." She snapped as she began to do more research.
"Only three? Thats...generous of you, Gumshoe." Phoenix frowned, wondering exactly what he should ask. From what he knew, Ellie never killed the man. He just wanted to know why she had the gun in the first place...perhaps he should have asked her that before he left. He'll ask her next time he sees her. Looking to Maya, Phoenix frowned. "What do you think...? What should I ask? Oh wait..." He turned and looked to Gumshoe. "This is a request rather than a question but do you have an Autopsy report that you could give me on the victim?" Any information on the victim that he could get would always be useful.


When she seemed to do more research, Nathan was mocking her behind her back when she wasn't looking. He was silently immitating her, saying 'fool' over and over again with a stupidly angry face that had his tongue out and made whipping motions. Soon when he got that out of his system, he returned to filing, seeing many interesting files that he wanted to ask about but would probably bring them up later. Or not. He was a pretty quick filer, he was already halfway done by one o clock which was two hours after he started filing. "Miss von Karma, do you need me to fetch you anything or help you with something?"
Jugger82 said:
"Only three? Thats...generous of you, Gumshoe." Phoenix frowned, wondering exactly what he should ask. From what he knew, Ellie never killed the man. He just wanted to know why she had the gun in the first place...perhaps he should have asked her that before he left. He'll ask her next time he sees her. Looking to Maya, Phoenix frowned. "What do you think...? What should I ask? Oh wait..." He turned and looked to Gumshoe. "This is a request rather than a question but do you have an Autopsy report that you could give me on the victim?" Any information on the victim that he could get would always be useful.


When she seemed to do more research, Nathan was mocking her behind her back when she wasn't looking. He was silently immitating her, saying 'fool' over and over again with a stupidly angry face that had his tongue out and made whipping motions. Soon when he got that out of his system, he returned to filing, seeing many interesting files that he wanted to ask about but would probably bring them up later. Or not. He was a pretty quick filer, he was already halfway done by one o clock which was two hours after he started filing. "Miss von Karma, do you need me to fetch you anything or help you with something?"

Gumshoe frowned. "I'd love to help you, pal, but we don't got an autopsy report. Something's been holding them up at the lab. We do have the shirt and coat that he was wearing though... I can't give them to you, but I could show you 'em to you. Let you take a picture or two. That's the best I can do, pal."

Franzisca looked around her. "Go pick up boxes, bubble wrap, and shipping labels... Also packing tape." She paused for a moment. "And possibly some sort of breakfast food." She said the last part hesitantly. Seemed she hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday and was quite hungry.
"I guess its better than nothing, Gumshoe." He replied and waited for him to get the shirt and coat. 'Wait a sec...they just stripped this guy of his clothes and stuff? I guess what they show on TV with the morgue scenes, about people being put in there naked is true...' Phoenix thought in his head, a bit disturbed that there was a naked corpse that was their victim somewhere.


"Yes miss von Karma." He replied and got out of the offices to go to the store to buy the things she requested...as well as some cereal, milk, and microwaveable french toast. When he came back, he was carrying a pile of groceries and just barely made it into the office before stumbling over and having the cereal and boxed up french toast fall to the ground and have the bubble wrap land everywhere. He was still able to hold onto the boxes and milk and the bags that carried the packing tape and shipping labels. "Uh...oops...I'll get that in just a sec miss von Karma!"
Gumshoe handed them over as well as a pair of white gloves. "Wear those or you'll mess up the evidence." He muttered. "And hurry... Because I hear Von Karma is on the case this time, and if she finds out I did this, I'll get the whip for sure." He said.

Maya put on the gloves and made quick work unwrapping the shirts. She laid them both out on the pavement and looked at them. There were two holes in the actual shirt, and on in the jacket. "Nick, I hope you brought a camera, because I can't say anything is notable enough for me to remember..." She said.

Franziska glanced at the mess and grumbled a half-assed "fool" before moving to get the broom. "I'll help..." She muttered. She hadn't slept well last night so she was too tired to inflict fear into the hearts of her underlings properly.
Phoenix frowned and pulled out his phone. "Good enough...the quality I get on it is just as good as a camera." He replied and began to take a picture of the shirt. "Two holes in the shirt and one in the jacket...That doesn't make sense...Why would he get shot twice but leave only one hole in his jacket?" He assumed he was shot twice since the shirt had two holes in it. "Hm...Its like someone put the jacket on him after he was shot again or something? Or am I missing something here...Hm..."


While she was cleaning up, he picked up the cereal and french toast and began to make her a bowl of cereal all the while he warmed up the french toast. Once it was all done, he poured milk into a glass and into the cereal bowl and added a spoon to the cereal and a fork for the french toast. They were out of syrup so hopefully she wouldn't be angry. "Here, miss von Karma." He said as he handed her these things, minus the glass of milk since he could not hold three of those things at once.
Jugger82 said:
Phoenix frowned and pulled out his phone. "Good enough...the quality I get on it is just as good as a camera." He replied and began to take a picture of the shirt. "Two holes in the shirt and one in the jacket...That doesn't make sense...Why would he get shot twice but leave only one hole in his jacket?" He assumed he was shot twice since the shirt had two holes in it. "Hm...Its like someone put the jacket on him after he was shot again or something? Or am I missing something here...Hm..."


While she was cleaning up, he picked up the cereal and french toast and began to make her a bowl of cereal all the while he warmed up the french toast. Once it was all done, he poured milk into a glass and into the cereal bowl and added a spoon to the cereal and a fork for the french toast. They were out of syrup so hopefully she wouldn't be angry. "Here, miss von Karma." He said as he handed her these things, minus the glass of milk since he could not hold three of those things at once.

Maya laughed. Oops. Sorry. Laid that out wrong." She said as she set it straight. There were two holes. One in the front of the shirt and one in the back. And then there was a hole in the jacket. "I see... He must have had his jacket open and unbuttoned when he was shot, so there's only a hole in the back of it." Maya said. Then she nabbed the phone from Phoenix and took a few close up pictures of each of the bullet holes.

Then Gumshoe showed up. "Alright, time's up. You two have gotta go before people start to wonderin'."

Franziska sat down and ate. It wasn't the fancy food she was used to but she seemed to hungry to care. Then she looked at him. "You'd better eat too. We have a busy day ahead of us." She made damn sure it didn't sound like she cared too much.
"Maya..." Phoenix said a bit...defeatedly to the misdirection she led him through. Looking at the holes, he frowned. "It would seem so...His jacket was unbuttoned when he was shot...I'll remember that." He noted and looked up to see Gumshoe saying that it would be time for them to stop bothering the evidence. "We still have three questions to ask you, Gumshoe...Though..." He turned to Maya. "What exactly should I ask? What he thinks happened or something or what kind of bullet killed our victim, or if it was even a bullet that killed him at all?"

"And here I thought you wanted me to work through lunch and not eat a scrap of food whatsoever." He teased, but did pour himself a glass of milk. He wasn't entirely hungry and when he was finished drinking his milk, he went to finish the paperwork and filing that she had him do. 'I wonder how this will play out...I've never been out of the country before and I've never actually...well...been to a crime scene or a court session before. This will be a very interesting few days coming up.' Nathan thought in his head. Though he was born in America, his parents had flown to Germany where he was raised most of his life learning both German and English...moreover English.
Maya piped up. "Did you find a bullet?" She asked. Gumshoe rubbed the back of his head. "No, I didn't... We can't find a single trace of it anywhere. We have no clue the exact type of bullet it was. We can tell some things once the autopsy comes back but we may never know the exact type of bullet though..." He said. Then he muttered "Don't really matter though, cause there was a bullet missin' out of that girl's gun."

Franziska rolled her eyes. "Then don't eat, fool. Starve foolishly while I fuel myself for the case upcoming." She commented then focused on eating. Afterwards she began to work more, compiling the most important information she had thus far. She put it in a travel bag, along with a few necessities, and then began to run through a check list of the things they needed.
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