Demonic, Teen, Investigate! (SMG9000 and I)

Ryan nodded knowing what came next for his partner. Ryan started to use his magic attacking with his magical attacks starting to move fast dodgeing, tumbling and flipping around to dodge the ax swings and attacking with his expanding shadow magic.
"Take down the barrier and I can destroy it but do it quick. I can't dodge all day." Ryan said.
She stood there as her fangs and nails lengthened and her her eyes narrow. It had been a very long while since she had used this move so she prepared herself for the backlash.
"Won't take long."
Katsuna pulsed and glew a erie blood red and ghost white, then the demonic energy swirled like whirlwinds. Raising Katsuna, high above her head she called the attack.
"Demonic Haze!." swing Katsuna in a hark a moment after the move was called a sickening sound was made and the blast burted forth.
Hurling towards the demon it clashed with its barrier cracking it and smashing it to pieces, Amie was almost knocked off her feet and slung backwards because of that move. So, soon after it did its job she had to calm herself and get her beast to back down.
"Kill that dang thing." she spoke a she closed her eyes to try and lock her beast away again because like her, it was stubborn.
As soon as the magical shielding was down Ryan moved slashing his magic coated sword slashing through the demon.
"Shadow slash." He said as the demon fell a part from three different spots even though he hit the demon once.
Ryan turned to face Amie after the demon was dead. "Are you okay?" Ryan asked caring about his partner.
Amie heard the demon perish before the power of Ryan's Shadow Slash. She had her hands on her head and eyes shut closed. She then heard him ask if she was okay as she finished locking away her blasted beast which just consumed more of her energy.
"Yea I'm fine....just some aftermath from the move I just used." Opening her eyes the red began to recede as she walked over to Ryan.
"Let's just hope that taught her ignorant ass a lesson. I really I can't keep up with her in a fight after that move at the moment...and the bad thing is that she knows it." Amie explained with a hint of rage.
Sealing Katsuna again she continued.
"I have youkai left for small skills but I definitely can't use that one again for a long time. I'll have to wait for my youkai to build up again." huffing out air she narrowed her eyes.
"She knew I was gonna have to use that move....such a jerk. All she know is spells, few close combat, and a mid expertise of mid range. You can handle her if she doesn't summon a demon who isn't effected by your shadow attacks. Last time I checked she didn't have one...yet that is." Amie gave all the necessary information she though Ryan needed to know.
"Well worst case scenario I can use some of my forbidden magic. If I start getting out of control I need you able to strike me down. Can you do that?" Ryan asked taking time to breath himself.
The forbidden magic was his demon powers. Magic that was pure evil. Ryan was able to control it most of the time but this was powerful, dark stuff.
Amie looked at him she didn't like what she was hearing.
"I can....but I won't."
She was stubborn, hot headed and probably other things but she wasn't one that gave up easily.
"Don't even try to convince me or ask why. Because you know why, you're my partner and I am not going to give up on you because of control loss." Amie nearly growled.
She had lost control before sure, but since someone was there she was stopped, and enough sense was knocked into her to snap back and gain control.
Even though she could do that the problem was Ryan. She wasn't sure if the same would work for him. But she would try like hell, before she gave up.
"Well then at less stop me from doing something I would regret." Ryan said as he sheathed his blade.
Ryan took a second to catch his breath before continuing through the ruins.

(Sorry it is a long weekend in Canada so I had family stuff)
"I will." Amie assured. Walking past the dead demons body and observing it.
She narrowed her eyes, and kicked the blasted thing. And it dissipated into dust...and her hands clinched. Quickly she regained her cool for the moment and walked away from the pile of ashes and walked through the ruins following Ryan.
"She's up ahead, by the blade." Amie said.
It didn't take long for her to find that out. Especially if she stooped so low to use necromancy. She had to be far, and desperate meaning she hadn't found out how to even find or use the sword.
(Nah its ok, I understand.)
"So this sorceress, how do you know her?" Ryan asked as they walked through ruins.
Ryan was ready for anything. His blade was readied, his magic was flowing through his body and his mind was clear. He was as prepared as he could be for the upcoming battle.
"Well, that is sort of a long story" Amie started.
"When, I was little in the demon plane, there was always this girl being picked on. It was because she was a weak magic user in her kind. Everyday , she was up against the same tree being surrounded. at first, I let her handle her own problems, but I saw one of them use a complicated piece of magic and jumped in front of her. To say the least, I scared her bullies away and she has been around me since then. No parents, or family since they abandoned her and my father has rules against her kind." Amie sighed remembering.
"So, I let her come to my room at night to sleep, and in the day I helped her with her magic, but her mind is weak she is easy to convince and persuade. And because of that she was persuaded to do the dirty work for a well, know and hated man in the demon world." Amie finished her hands in her pocket.
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