Demonic, Teen, Investigate! (SMG9000 and I)


Mar 4, 2012
"Crap." Amie rushed out as she once again layed her blade in front of her. She continually blocked the attacks before dashing to her left, only to stop and defend herself.
"Why won't just die?" she growled.
Infuriated Amie Swings her blade.
"Inukai howl" her voice boomed.
The white ghost dogs barraged the demon behind the strange activities.
"Ha not so tough, now huh?" she voiced after lifting her Katsurai on her shoulders.
Walking away, the girl looked at her comrade.
"Hey!, the rest is yours." she offered when she saw that the demon once again stood up only to get knocked down.
Ryan swung his sword striking down multiple enemies with one swing. A black, shadowy energy surrounded his bodies as lines of black shadow shot at his enemies piercing them and then they exploded with a loud scream.
"Why won't they learn? If they fight me they die." Ryan said looking over at his companion and partner. "Careful the demon is powerful. I can feel his energy and it is strong."
He continued to slay the minions. He knew his partner could handle herself but she often lost her cool during battle which, to Ryan, wasn't the way to fight.
"Yea Yea, Nothing I can't handle." Amie turns towards the demon. Removing her sword from her shoulder she taunted it.
"Oh, come on afraid to loose to a girl?." Ami sparked.
She dashed foward and tried to slash, but the demon side stepped causing her to cartwheel side ways using just her legs. Making a sharp complete circle she swung her Kitsuna around and slashed his leg. She dashed back and had to side high jump to the right.
"This guy....he isnt letting up." Amie spoke as she reversed her blade.
"Youkai drop." she came down with her blade, the ground glew and erie red star that pulsed three times before stopping.
"Ha that should stop you! You better be dead!." Amie voiced.
But to her dismay, he stood up with one arm missing.
"!" She growled. "Just give up." Amie fussed.
Ryan took his time charging up for his assault on the demon. Focusing his dark magical powers into his sword and body. Once Amie finish the demon's arm and started to get frustrated with the demon get up he spoke in a cold dark voice. "Move Amie."
Once Amie got out of the way he started to slash out with his sword sending black blades of energy shooting towards the the demon. "Shadow's Fury." He said as the waves of black magic started to assault and slaughter the demon. The demon let out a cry of fear and he was turned into a black bloody stain on the ground.
Ryan started to calm himself down sheathing his sword the magic energy around his body started to go away. His power often scared him knowing that there was little that separated him from the demons he hunted.
Soon after Amie landed she heard his voice.
Cold,and dark.
-I know that voice and I don't think Im going to be in his way when he uses it.-
"Amie move"
And faster than a cat sprayed with water she jumped out of the way.

After, the Demon was killed she walked towards Ryan.
"Man, that's why I don't fight you."
"So what do you make of this? Know why they came here?"
The demon was dead and Ryan panted a bit taking a deep breath and looked at Amie and gave her a smile his manner did a complete 180 from how he was in battle. "Well I'm sure in a fight you could hurt me just as much." Ryan said
Ryan turned and looked at one of the minions, the only minion Ryan left alive. "I don't know but I'm sure he does." Ryan said walking to the scared minion who was panicking in fear trying to get away from Ryan.

"M-monster! Monster! Get away from me." He screamed.
"Now you tell us why you are here and I won't hurt you." He said in a cold voice.
"We came to this cave because we heard a powerful artifact is here." The minion cried.
"You're right I could." She admitted.
Amie followed Ryan to the last surviving minion and carefully listened to what he had to say.
After hearing Artifact...she intervened.
"Okay you half dead, idiot, what is this artifact?" Amie demanded.
"I-I-I don't know." the minion fessed up.
"Oh, you know something." Amie accused as she rolled up her sleeves.
"Ill pound you if you do not answer. And I mean the answer I want."
Ryan stared down the minion and after Amie spoke Ryan took his turn. "You think I'm scary? She is 100 times more scary then I am. So speak." Ryan said glaring at the minion.
The minion glared at them then said, "The Sword of Souls."
With that Ryan was in shock and rage. "No! That isn't possible. It was destroyed!"
The minion erupted in laughter. "Oh you are wrong, monster."
It laughed more and Ryan swung his swords splattering the minion on the wall.
Amie stared at Ryan her partner after he gave a strange reaction.
"You know if you didn't Kill him after he laughed I would have right?"
"By the way what's with this Sword of Souls deal? Sounds like you know quite a lot about it." Amie questioned as she stood thier staring at the monster.
"I should. It's my father's sword." Ryan said.
Ryan's father was a powerful Demon that use to rule a majority of hell. Ryan never really talked about him since he never got along with him. Ryan's father even got so powerful once he tried to conquer the the earth realm. Ryan always had to carry the shame of that with him.
"So want to check it out?" Ryan asked looking down the dark ruin.
"Oh I see." Amie spoke.
"Yeah, lets go check it out." Amie answered as she turn and waited for her partner.
"By the, way I am sooo taking a bath when I get home.....Im covered with demon blood." she fumed.
"Well then, let's go?."
"Yes let's." Ryan said a bit sad.
"Ya I'm going to do the same." Ryan said with a smile pushing all his sadness down and started to walk through the ruins.
"This place is so old." He said looking at some of the writings on the wall as they walked.
Amie heard some of the sadness in his voice but choice to not call him out on it.
Amie laughed when she heard him say he was going to take one to.
"Yea I smell years of use in this building, hoping it would not fall on us." Amie said as she looked around the building, while walking through the building carefully.
"This building should be fine. Ancient Architects had some of the most reliable structures. What we should worry more about is traps." Ryan said.
He then stopped and held out his hand signalling for Amie to stop as he looked at the corpse in the middle of the floor that had more then 20 arrows in it. Ryan then start searching around looking for signs of the trap.
"Careful were you step. See the colour pattern on the floor, It appears that there is only a near path that we have to follow. One step off and we will be Swiss cheese." Ryan said calmly.
"I see." Amie said.
When she saw his hand move out she stopped and looked at the figure that was full of arrows.
"Alright. Traps they sure didn't want people to have that blade.tehehe Swiss cheese."
Sniffing the air Amie looked to the left.
"There is a near path over there that doesn't smell like death." She sain as she walked over in that direction.
"I hope so. I hope that the was never here at all." Ryan said then watched Amie sniff the air.
Ryan followed her trusting her sense of smell.
"Well Ladies first." Ryan said with a smile. The true reason she was going first was so she could follow the scent and he could follow her.
Amie took two steps forward then one to the right and she stepped on the tile, on the left side, of the one in front, of the one she currently stood on. Then, another step to the left. Amie, sniffed the air again and skipped a tile but still to a step forward. She took three steps to the right then two steps forward and on step left before taking another step forward.
"One corner step to the left will do it." once she took that step and lead them across she turned to her partner Ryan.
"I love my sense of smell."
Ryan followed her mimicking her every move and next thing they knew they were past the trap. Ryan gave her a smile.
"I love your sense of smell too." Ryan said once they were past the trap and started to journey through the ruins some more. "If you smell any other traps let me know."
"I know its awesome right?" Amie joked as she put on a more serious face.
"Right...I'll keep a sniff out."
Amie followed Ryan through the ruins, keeping all senses on high alert.
"By the way Ryan....what kind of blade is this?" Amie asked more curious about the artifact that the demon was talking about. Amie's Katsurai and Katsuna pulsed.
"I don't like this place.....hold your breath." Amie advised.
"Well as you know my father is a Demon Lord. This sword was created from the souls of a thousand innocent souls and when it slays anyone the soul is trapped in the blade stuck in a eternal hell. It also gives the wielder unlimited access to Mana making them powerful enough to take on a god. I always thought my mother destroyed it when she banished my father back to his plane." Ryan explained and went on high alert when Amie said she had a bad feeling.
"What is is?" Ryan asked gripping his sword.
Amie listened carefully to what he was saying. And to admit His father was an ass beyond belief. But, she continued to listen to his story, and explanation.

"That thing should be destroyed."
-There it goes again, that same scent!-
Amie gets on edge, she even went into a hand-to-hand combat stance that she normal went into for fist fights.
....And she growled and loud ad feral one.

"Be it comes, and it's a big one."
Ryan drew his sword keeping an eye out. He could sense magic and started to feel a powerful magical aura approaching. Then Ryan saw it. It was a 9 foot tall demon and let out a might, blood chilling roar. It charged the two of them swing it's giant battle ax. Ryan got into a battle stance waiting for it to get closer and side stepped slashing the demon's leg to find it was had what felt like a magical aura shielding it.

"Careful someone or something has enchanted this thing." Ryan said
Amie watched the demon approach carefully, studying it, looking for weaknesses. She was a hothead but she knew trouble when she saw it, and this demon was trouble. She watched as Ryan got into a battle stance and side step, swing and then try a slash at the demons leg. It did nothing.
She heard her partner say it was inchanted. And there was only one person she knew that could conjure such a monsterous spell. Narrowing her eyes she growled venomously. Taking Katsuna, from its protection spell, she dashed at the demon and used Katsuna to catch the giant axe in a shreeking blade to blade.
Amie reinforces her Katsuna with her youkai to keep it at bay.
"I really hate her, and this demon. Gah!" she fumed and struggled.
Not only was it shielded but, the blasted woman strengthened the demon as well!
"Oh so you no the sorceress behind this?" Ryan said flanking the demon charging his sword with his own magical energy. His magic was a black, dark, shadowy energy. The blade started to slash out at the demon harming it with tiny cuts but not enough to get by the barrier. "Can you dispel that barrier? My magic can harm and destroy but that is about it."

Ryan blocked a swing of the ax with his sword bracing himself as the demon was much more physically stronger then him. He was knocked back slightly soon to be completely overruned.
"Yea I do. Unfotunately me and her go way back." She said as she jumpe out of the way and watched Ryan attack the demon.
"I can get rid of it but that takes alot of youkai. And me going insane."
Seeing Ryan get pushed back she jumped at the demon and smacked her sword at the barrier getting its attention. Rebounding and landing a bit away from it she prepared to release her beast for a moment.
"Stall it. I only got one chance to take down that barrier or she'll strengthen if the attack fails.
Her eyes bleed red as white and red youkai energy swirls around her.
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