Levure Marycurse
- Joined
- Jun 19, 2012
- Location
- In a horribly hot location x_x
Note that I am totally lost. So don't eat me if I break one of the almost too many rules. I swear I had to read three or so Rules pages before posting this... So just let me know if I missed something.
Earth (2313AD, 301AN.)
Basic Summary-
In the year 2012 (Early 2013 by some accounts) the world was met with a new passing of the ethereal planet known as Nibiru. They met in the same space, the material Earth and the ethereal Nibiru.
This is not the first time it happened. It happened in ancient past and brought unnatural creatures into being. When they joined, these ethereal creatures became physical, material, creatures just as humans. Monsters abound. All the mythological creatures you hear of in the stories. Dragons. Vampires. Onii. Demons. The Undead. All of them are species of one sort or another that lived on Nibiru and became physical with the union of Earth. They tormented humanity for ages, hindering their development and stealing away their children.
Several thousand years later, earth was visited by Wormwood, an ancient comet that followed Nibiru. It is said it is the hammer of god, and that it was called by the prophets and church leaders and god responded to their plight, sending his hammer to destroy the creatures.
Whatever the case may be, Wormwood was a comet unlike others we know. Its tail was composed of ethereal substance similar to Nibiru. Part physical, part ethereal, and part divine by some accounts. Wormwood's tail bathed earth in its ghostly flame and its energy was felt throughout the planet. The creatures from Nibiru felt it the most, it shook them and forced them to return to their Ethereal state, meanwhile the tail poisoned many of earth's waters with toxic substance but such was ignored by the religious types who believed it to be a blessing from god. But it had an effect on humanity's own souls and not just those from Nibiru. It left them with a means to combat the monsters, as they were not all gone. They were simply crippled. Rarely, some of the creatures find ways to become material again. Others are powerful enough they can effect the world even as they are ethereal. Thus Wormwood left humanity with a means to combat them. Their souls were infused with the essence of Wormwood, and it allowed some to perceive these ethereal creatures. Communicate... Manifest strange powers.
Few actually have enough essence to perform any real effects. Some can just see the spirits. Most ignore it as rubbish in the modern days. Nibiru was forgotten. And humanity had moved on...
Until it came again. Now in the modern days of humanity's ignorance, Nibiru passed once more and bolstered the creatures, infusing them with power while dropping off an oceans worth of new creatures. The passing wasn't perfect, and a union was not met, but they passed, taking much of each other's space enough that the creatures were empowered. Most creatures can now obtain material forms, many more still can effect the world around them even when ethereal. And many more fresh new creatures are now haunting the planet. Devouring humans and destroying cities.
With Wormwood several thousand years away, if its coming at all this time, what is humanity to do... Their only survival tool against them is the old blessings of Wormwood which with the new passing of Nibiru were envigored, giving them an increase in effectiveness and a much more physical nature (That is, things are less psychological now, less subtle. Flamboyant displays of ability are now available to the exceptionally skilled).
The year is now 2313, 301 years after the coming of Nibiru and the Teufel, the name humanity has given these creatures. The earth's population has dropped to 1.6 billion, but civilization is back on its feet after the surprise blow Nibiru brought. Humans can fight back with the help of old religious rites and magic that had been lost but not forgotten. Technology is back on track and with the development of Virtual Reality and Conversion units, human kind is even more stable then ever before. Still, the war on the Teufel is at a standoff now. Both sides strong now. Its simply not a one-sided war any longer. Much of the planet is dominated by the Teufel, travel is dangerous, most humans don't see more then one city.
Sci Fi / Fantasy / Supernatural
PN Level-
The world is steeped in the Supernatural, however as far as understanding and utilization goes, humanity has much to learn. However, there are those that stand out among them. Spiritualists who have an understanding to some extent large or small who can use strange powers and/or communicate with the spirits of Nibiru (Teufel).
Magics exist but are uncommon (as far as NPCs are concerned). They include much of what exists now in superstition, such as Onmyōdō, Voodoo, much of the shamanistic ways. Since the arrival of Nibiru, the human psyche was enhanced as it was refreshed. ESP is more common, some can even use it to great extents. PK and similar abilities are more common.
Tech Level-
The world has many scientific developments that have taken alternative turns. Much technology is built around Magnetism instead of electricity, as the Teufel have displayed an ease of which they can disrupt electrical currents. Magnetism however has shown to be more resistant to disruption including disruption from solar storms and can be generated from the earth's own magnetic field.
In this age, Earth has many developments, but scientific exploration is hindered and redirected since the coming of the Teufel. Virtual Reality is a common means of escape and a safe haven from the trials of Earth. Conversion units are able to transmute bodies into the Virtual Reality, or send them to a different location almost instantly in the way we send e-mails. This development is considered key in the survival of humanity, providing escape from the monsters and even a permanent home in the VR. The wealthy can live in the Virtual Reality indefinitely. Maintaining everyone is a costly use of data storage and physical memory, thus it is not free. Transportation services can cost as much as a first-class flight does now. However, for many it is the only option as travel is dangerous outside of cities. Airlines have been shut down since year one of the AN period, flights being primary targets for the Teufel.
The world population is down to 1.6 billion, mostly focused in large cities and the more advanced countries. The less well-off countries were wiped out and most of Earth is lost to the Teufel.
Notable Locations-
Japan. Having a higher concentration of spiritualists and scientists, all of Japan is a safe haven with fewer Teufel encounters.
America. Many Indian reservations stood their own against the Teufel when they came, their ceremonies defending their societies usually by masks and wards. The same goes for some shamanistic societies in old tribes scattered about Africa and South America. Large cities were better defended against material threats, much of Utah and similar higher altitude areas were better off then others.
China. China having much in the ways of the spirit like Japan was well off in addition to having the Himalayas to defend them better made for easier survival for many, however with such a dense population there were great casualties, but it is notable for its safer regions in the mountains and old temples and shrines.
The most notable individual cities include:
Salt Lake City and the Salt Flats ( Located in America, Utah ), This area is absolutely infected with Salt. Salt is a well known counter to the Teufel, as well as mountains. Mountains which if you know your geography are quite thick around Utah and the Wasatch mountains are directly adjacent to the salt flats and run around Salt Lake City itself. This makes Salt Lake City one of the most naturally defended cities in the world. However, if that was not enough, SLC is home to the Revanites- An order of people who use the "Force" as their source of power, bearing remarkable similarities to that from which it was named. Their "Religious" artifacts and items are old disks, books, and recordings detailing the exploits of past Revanites back when they were divided into two groups known as the Jedi and the Sith. Revanites adhere to a principle all their own that most resembles the Order of Revan from which they took their name which itself blended aspects of both the Sith and the Jedi. The Revanites retain even less corruption and war-like behavior then the Order of Revan and keep more aspects of the Jedi order.
Salt Lake City is where their main headquarters are located on the grounds where the Utah State Capitol building was once held, but was destroyed sometime after the events of 001AN, during the periods in which history is a mystery. In its place in the year 073AN a construction project held by the early Revanites took place to build a new building on those grounds that resembled the ancient Jedi Temple as depicted from descriptions and images left in old books and disks.
Vatican City. ( Located in Europe, Italy ) Being another seat of religious power by the Catholics which is one of the world's major religions and often considered the face of Christianity, Vatican City is defended by religion similarly to Salt Lake City, in addition to being more connected between religion and government allowing for better defense as there is no conflict, religion can carry out what it needs to do without worrying about what the government has to say about it.
The Vatican is stricter, shady methods are employed to work by the government using christian rites and prayers in conjunction with government backing to carry out anti-teufel acts in a method reminiscent of the Inquisition.
Known for: Strongest offense, ruthless methods of annihilating the Teufel.
Tokyo City. ( Located in Japan ) Having a high content of technological prowess, it was alright when the events hit but was hard pressed to actually combat the situations in the early start of the Teufel's assault, since Japan is not noted for its military in this day and age they relied heavily on american military that was nearby that joined up with them, and monks and psychics who came out of solitude to side with the american military against the Teufel. Tokyo city is now exceptionally defended from technology advancement, and a heavy embracing of psychics and spiritualists, rather then being defended by lucky environment set up and/or divine ability
Known for: Strongest technological might, high content of spiritualists/psychics (as well as programs to train them, and develop those powers.)
Cueva de los Cristales (Cave of Crystals):
Notable Persons-
Master Revan
Sharing the name shared by all leaders of the Revanites, Master Revan is noted for having a remarkably androgynous face... which is about all anyone sees of the master. He, or She, it is not known, is scarcely seen or if seen is never identified as being Master Revan unless the master wishes it. When Master Revan makes an appearance the master is shrouded in a deep black cloak that seems to be connected to the cosmos, as it seems to have no defining lines or shadows marking wrinkles, light dissapears into the cloak and on its surface are many twinkling lights like the stars, of varying size giving the impression that there is an infinite depth to the cloak and you really are staring at a star light years away.
The master is a master of the Force, clearly, and has displayed vast long ranged control, displaying the ability to pull satellites and orbiting micromoons out of orbit quickly using them to devastate large areas. The master can divert energy attacks just as easily as physical attacks, having blocked the full might of Pope Coriander and sending the energy hurtling off into space making it known that the master was equal or greater in power to the Pope allowing the two to meet peaceably and come to an understanding, now in a state of neutrality and even a bit of an alliance between them.
The master is very understanding and dislikes going into conflict without knowing all the sides to a story.
Pope Coriander Nelpharus.
Leader of the catholics, and much of Europe. Having an area of control about the size of Texas is now.
Noted for: Great wealth, a strong government with its own shady organizations that work in secret, has mild precognitive and remote viewing abilities. Had displayed powerful and destructive abilities that seem to vary. Usually dealing with fire and earth. Can perform general miracles to to a lesser extent than Jonathon, as his power is geared more towards smiting things, and burning away sins. His infamous ability is to cause people to burn from the inside out as their own past sins eat them away. Said to be able to effect up to 50 people at a time with this ability.
President Yomadashi Hashimo.
President of Japan, which is in control of much of Korea and eastern China. Very influential.
Noted for: Vast wealth, an exceptional government, is known to be a powerful ESPer and supernaturally lucky. He is said to have a psychic ability to alter reality in small ways, and create very effective illusions on large scales. He is able to render an entire fleet invisible until it is too late. No one has ever been able to harm him, as he never seems to actually be where he appears to be. It is said that he can exist in up to 24 locations at once, his power spread evenly among them.
V Z D T:
No real form, but she has appeared like this three times out of her 14 (known) appearances. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/050/6/0/zan_by_sakimichan-d4qbr99.jpg
Unknown beyond the given alias, VZDT is as a ghost. It is suspected that VZDT is a woman in her early twenties who has vast psychic ability to control data, as well as to become ethereal like a Tuefel. Some even believe her to be a Tuefel herself, however whenever she appears she is always a human in her early twenties who sounds the same but appears different each time, the only relation being a familial resemblance between them as well as the voice and abilities, and the fact that she is always helpful to humanity, purging Tuefel who manage to infest or invade datalanes and the virtual reality. In the virtual reality she has powers comparable to a god, and when she appears in reality she seems to display the ability to teleport at whim and change her shape into anything she desires, the limitation seems to be up to the size of a 12ft humanoid form. However, she can be incredibly dense. Enough to stop a bullet with her bare skin.
Note that though I mention forms, VZDT is rarely seen. Heard. But not seen. She has only been seen 14 times in 135 years since her first noted appearance as a voice in the wind on the battlefield after a large scale battle against the Tuefel for control over New York City (which won that day, in part to VZDT, but was later destroyed in the year 2206 and is now devoid of human life... Why she didn't appear again to help in the battle then is said to be due to New York's connection to Virtual Reality, if New York was destroyed in that battle then Virtual Reality wouldn't have been invented for many more decades. )
Note: She appears to be a fan of Penelope Rose.
Penelope Rose.
Penelope Rose is a woman who has the exceptionally rare gift of Immortality. Forever 19, Penelope is the only known human to have seen life pre-Nibiru, having been born in 1993, she was 19 when Nibiru hit which awakened the gift that lay dormant inside her (as it has in many since Wormwood first arrived, but inactive. There are very few others who share this gift. Most keep it a secret as there are three known Immortals who are now suffering eternal torment at the hands of the Teufel, or in shady labs attempting to extract the gift or recreate it for others/themselves). Penelope has had the time to develop a vast array of minor abilities and tricks, as well as a knowledge of hidden passages called Leylines, which were rekindled in the passing of Nibiru.
She is a slippery fellow and exceptionally hard to track due to her knowledge and great wisdom. She is often the target goal for monks who wish to learn from her. She is revered as a goddess in several locations, most notable being a large tribe in africa that is growing rapidly in stability and influence, as well as several native american reservations.
She has a glorious voice and is known in the Virtual Reality as very popular singer, though few know her to be an Immortal.
Advanced Summary-
Can't really think of anything for an "Advanced Summary"...
Earth 2313 is almost the same as our own Earth. Landmasses have shifted, the Atlantic ocean is about 80 miles wider in relation to North America and Europe, 120 miles closer in relation to Asia and North America. Meanwhile South America is closer to Africa and farther from Australia. Africa and Asia are separated, Saudi Arabia (and the close surrounding countries) are pushed outwards more into the Indian Ocean.
Otherwise its mostly the same. Things are just in slightly different areas... Geographically anyway.
Climate wise, the polar ice cap in the north is melted, sunlight is harsh and radiation is abound. A lot of Antarctica is exposed (no longer covered in ice). And Earth is much more desert like along the equator. Water evaporates fairly quickly, which is why sea levels are about the same as they are for us to day despite all that ice melted into the oceans. Given another few hundred years its possible the planet could dry up as the planet only seems to get hotter as it goes, as radiation levels rise with less protection from the sun by the atmosphere. Radiation poisoning treatments are common, and small levels of a chemical that helps eliminate radiation and protect the body are distributed in water supplies. Lakes are treated with the same substance, which seems to make the water resistant to evaporation, but its just not in enough supply to treat the entire ocean with it (naturally. That's a hella'lot of water to treat XD).
Winters last only a few weeks and don't often provide much snow. Rain is uncommon, naturally. But science has provided means to artificially instigate rain and attract clouds. Sky Factories are a common sight, they fly about a hundred feet above the ocean along the coasts and help create clouds and send them off over the land to keep things up and maintain rain and moisture. The clouds don't naturally let go of its moisture, as its too hot, so receiving Cryospheres (They appear to be large silvery balloons) situated near, around, or over cities "catch" them and artificially chill them, causing the moisture to revert to rain (Or sometimes snow in winter seasons) Its a losing fight, but its slowed the climate issues and helps keep areas lush.
In some areas its harder to chill the clouds enough to produce rain before the clouds move on, so some areas still get more rain then others do.
Many cities are now ruins. Large cities are now even larger, usually building up instead of out thus creating more sci fy looking cities with many skyscrapers.
Authorization Level-
Invite Only? (PM me for stuff I suppose...)
Earth (2313AD, 301AN.)
Basic Summary-
In the year 2012 (Early 2013 by some accounts) the world was met with a new passing of the ethereal planet known as Nibiru. They met in the same space, the material Earth and the ethereal Nibiru.
This is not the first time it happened. It happened in ancient past and brought unnatural creatures into being. When they joined, these ethereal creatures became physical, material, creatures just as humans. Monsters abound. All the mythological creatures you hear of in the stories. Dragons. Vampires. Onii. Demons. The Undead. All of them are species of one sort or another that lived on Nibiru and became physical with the union of Earth. They tormented humanity for ages, hindering their development and stealing away their children.
Several thousand years later, earth was visited by Wormwood, an ancient comet that followed Nibiru. It is said it is the hammer of god, and that it was called by the prophets and church leaders and god responded to their plight, sending his hammer to destroy the creatures.
Whatever the case may be, Wormwood was a comet unlike others we know. Its tail was composed of ethereal substance similar to Nibiru. Part physical, part ethereal, and part divine by some accounts. Wormwood's tail bathed earth in its ghostly flame and its energy was felt throughout the planet. The creatures from Nibiru felt it the most, it shook them and forced them to return to their Ethereal state, meanwhile the tail poisoned many of earth's waters with toxic substance but such was ignored by the religious types who believed it to be a blessing from god. But it had an effect on humanity's own souls and not just those from Nibiru. It left them with a means to combat the monsters, as they were not all gone. They were simply crippled. Rarely, some of the creatures find ways to become material again. Others are powerful enough they can effect the world even as they are ethereal. Thus Wormwood left humanity with a means to combat them. Their souls were infused with the essence of Wormwood, and it allowed some to perceive these ethereal creatures. Communicate... Manifest strange powers.
Few actually have enough essence to perform any real effects. Some can just see the spirits. Most ignore it as rubbish in the modern days. Nibiru was forgotten. And humanity had moved on...
Until it came again. Now in the modern days of humanity's ignorance, Nibiru passed once more and bolstered the creatures, infusing them with power while dropping off an oceans worth of new creatures. The passing wasn't perfect, and a union was not met, but they passed, taking much of each other's space enough that the creatures were empowered. Most creatures can now obtain material forms, many more still can effect the world around them even when ethereal. And many more fresh new creatures are now haunting the planet. Devouring humans and destroying cities.
With Wormwood several thousand years away, if its coming at all this time, what is humanity to do... Their only survival tool against them is the old blessings of Wormwood which with the new passing of Nibiru were envigored, giving them an increase in effectiveness and a much more physical nature (That is, things are less psychological now, less subtle. Flamboyant displays of ability are now available to the exceptionally skilled).
The year is now 2313, 301 years after the coming of Nibiru and the Teufel, the name humanity has given these creatures. The earth's population has dropped to 1.6 billion, but civilization is back on its feet after the surprise blow Nibiru brought. Humans can fight back with the help of old religious rites and magic that had been lost but not forgotten. Technology is back on track and with the development of Virtual Reality and Conversion units, human kind is even more stable then ever before. Still, the war on the Teufel is at a standoff now. Both sides strong now. Its simply not a one-sided war any longer. Much of the planet is dominated by the Teufel, travel is dangerous, most humans don't see more then one city.
Sci Fi / Fantasy / Supernatural
PN Level-
The world is steeped in the Supernatural, however as far as understanding and utilization goes, humanity has much to learn. However, there are those that stand out among them. Spiritualists who have an understanding to some extent large or small who can use strange powers and/or communicate with the spirits of Nibiru (Teufel).
Magics exist but are uncommon (as far as NPCs are concerned). They include much of what exists now in superstition, such as Onmyōdō, Voodoo, much of the shamanistic ways. Since the arrival of Nibiru, the human psyche was enhanced as it was refreshed. ESP is more common, some can even use it to great extents. PK and similar abilities are more common.
Tech Level-
The world has many scientific developments that have taken alternative turns. Much technology is built around Magnetism instead of electricity, as the Teufel have displayed an ease of which they can disrupt electrical currents. Magnetism however has shown to be more resistant to disruption including disruption from solar storms and can be generated from the earth's own magnetic field.
In this age, Earth has many developments, but scientific exploration is hindered and redirected since the coming of the Teufel. Virtual Reality is a common means of escape and a safe haven from the trials of Earth. Conversion units are able to transmute bodies into the Virtual Reality, or send them to a different location almost instantly in the way we send e-mails. This development is considered key in the survival of humanity, providing escape from the monsters and even a permanent home in the VR. The wealthy can live in the Virtual Reality indefinitely. Maintaining everyone is a costly use of data storage and physical memory, thus it is not free. Transportation services can cost as much as a first-class flight does now. However, for many it is the only option as travel is dangerous outside of cities. Airlines have been shut down since year one of the AN period, flights being primary targets for the Teufel.
The world population is down to 1.6 billion, mostly focused in large cities and the more advanced countries. The less well-off countries were wiped out and most of Earth is lost to the Teufel.
Notable Locations-
Japan. Having a higher concentration of spiritualists and scientists, all of Japan is a safe haven with fewer Teufel encounters.
America. Many Indian reservations stood their own against the Teufel when they came, their ceremonies defending their societies usually by masks and wards. The same goes for some shamanistic societies in old tribes scattered about Africa and South America. Large cities were better defended against material threats, much of Utah and similar higher altitude areas were better off then others.
China. China having much in the ways of the spirit like Japan was well off in addition to having the Himalayas to defend them better made for easier survival for many, however with such a dense population there were great casualties, but it is notable for its safer regions in the mountains and old temples and shrines.
The most notable individual cities include:
Salt Lake City and the Salt Flats ( Located in America, Utah ), This area is absolutely infected with Salt. Salt is a well known counter to the Teufel, as well as mountains. Mountains which if you know your geography are quite thick around Utah and the Wasatch mountains are directly adjacent to the salt flats and run around Salt Lake City itself. This makes Salt Lake City one of the most naturally defended cities in the world. However, if that was not enough, SLC is home to the Revanites- An order of people who use the "Force" as their source of power, bearing remarkable similarities to that from which it was named. Their "Religious" artifacts and items are old disks, books, and recordings detailing the exploits of past Revanites back when they were divided into two groups known as the Jedi and the Sith. Revanites adhere to a principle all their own that most resembles the Order of Revan from which they took their name which itself blended aspects of both the Sith and the Jedi. The Revanites retain even less corruption and war-like behavior then the Order of Revan and keep more aspects of the Jedi order.
Salt Lake City is where their main headquarters are located on the grounds where the Utah State Capitol building was once held, but was destroyed sometime after the events of 001AN, during the periods in which history is a mystery. In its place in the year 073AN a construction project held by the early Revanites took place to build a new building on those grounds that resembled the ancient Jedi Temple as depicted from descriptions and images left in old books and disks.
Vatican City. ( Located in Europe, Italy ) Being another seat of religious power by the Catholics which is one of the world's major religions and often considered the face of Christianity, Vatican City is defended by religion similarly to Salt Lake City, in addition to being more connected between religion and government allowing for better defense as there is no conflict, religion can carry out what it needs to do without worrying about what the government has to say about it.
The Vatican is stricter, shady methods are employed to work by the government using christian rites and prayers in conjunction with government backing to carry out anti-teufel acts in a method reminiscent of the Inquisition.
Known for: Strongest offense, ruthless methods of annihilating the Teufel.
Tokyo City. ( Located in Japan ) Having a high content of technological prowess, it was alright when the events hit but was hard pressed to actually combat the situations in the early start of the Teufel's assault, since Japan is not noted for its military in this day and age they relied heavily on american military that was nearby that joined up with them, and monks and psychics who came out of solitude to side with the american military against the Teufel. Tokyo city is now exceptionally defended from technology advancement, and a heavy embracing of psychics and spiritualists, rather then being defended by lucky environment set up and/or divine ability
Known for: Strongest technological might, high content of spiritualists/psychics (as well as programs to train them, and develop those powers.)
Cueva de los Cristales (Cave of Crystals):
Notable Persons-
Master Revan

Fortune Teller by vtas on DeviantArt

The master is a master of the Force, clearly, and has displayed vast long ranged control, displaying the ability to pull satellites and orbiting micromoons out of orbit quickly using them to devastate large areas. The master can divert energy attacks just as easily as physical attacks, having blocked the full might of Pope Coriander and sending the energy hurtling off into space making it known that the master was equal or greater in power to the Pope allowing the two to meet peaceably and come to an understanding, now in a state of neutrality and even a bit of an alliance between them.
The master is very understanding and dislikes going into conflict without knowing all the sides to a story.
Pope Coriander Nelpharus.
Leader of the catholics, and much of Europe. Having an area of control about the size of Texas is now.
Noted for: Great wealth, a strong government with its own shady organizations that work in secret, has mild precognitive and remote viewing abilities. Had displayed powerful and destructive abilities that seem to vary. Usually dealing with fire and earth. Can perform general miracles to to a lesser extent than Jonathon, as his power is geared more towards smiting things, and burning away sins. His infamous ability is to cause people to burn from the inside out as their own past sins eat them away. Said to be able to effect up to 50 people at a time with this ability.
President Yomadashi Hashimo.
President of Japan, which is in control of much of Korea and eastern China. Very influential.
Noted for: Vast wealth, an exceptional government, is known to be a powerful ESPer and supernaturally lucky. He is said to have a psychic ability to alter reality in small ways, and create very effective illusions on large scales. He is able to render an entire fleet invisible until it is too late. No one has ever been able to harm him, as he never seems to actually be where he appears to be. It is said that he can exist in up to 24 locations at once, his power spread evenly among them.
V Z D T:
No real form, but she has appeared like this three times out of her 14 (known) appearances. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/050/6/0/zan_by_sakimichan-d4qbr99.jpg
Unknown beyond the given alias, VZDT is as a ghost. It is suspected that VZDT is a woman in her early twenties who has vast psychic ability to control data, as well as to become ethereal like a Tuefel. Some even believe her to be a Tuefel herself, however whenever she appears she is always a human in her early twenties who sounds the same but appears different each time, the only relation being a familial resemblance between them as well as the voice and abilities, and the fact that she is always helpful to humanity, purging Tuefel who manage to infest or invade datalanes and the virtual reality. In the virtual reality she has powers comparable to a god, and when she appears in reality she seems to display the ability to teleport at whim and change her shape into anything she desires, the limitation seems to be up to the size of a 12ft humanoid form. However, she can be incredibly dense. Enough to stop a bullet with her bare skin.
Note that though I mention forms, VZDT is rarely seen. Heard. But not seen. She has only been seen 14 times in 135 years since her first noted appearance as a voice in the wind on the battlefield after a large scale battle against the Tuefel for control over New York City (which won that day, in part to VZDT, but was later destroyed in the year 2206 and is now devoid of human life... Why she didn't appear again to help in the battle then is said to be due to New York's connection to Virtual Reality, if New York was destroyed in that battle then Virtual Reality wouldn't have been invented for many more decades. )
Note: She appears to be a fan of Penelope Rose.
Penelope Rose.

Veloce Visrin by shilin on DeviantArt

She is a slippery fellow and exceptionally hard to track due to her knowledge and great wisdom. She is often the target goal for monks who wish to learn from her. She is revered as a goddess in several locations, most notable being a large tribe in africa that is growing rapidly in stability and influence, as well as several native american reservations.
She has a glorious voice and is known in the Virtual Reality as very popular singer, though few know her to be an Immortal.
Advanced Summary-
Can't really think of anything for an "Advanced Summary"...
Earth 2313 is almost the same as our own Earth. Landmasses have shifted, the Atlantic ocean is about 80 miles wider in relation to North America and Europe, 120 miles closer in relation to Asia and North America. Meanwhile South America is closer to Africa and farther from Australia. Africa and Asia are separated, Saudi Arabia (and the close surrounding countries) are pushed outwards more into the Indian Ocean.
Otherwise its mostly the same. Things are just in slightly different areas... Geographically anyway.
Climate wise, the polar ice cap in the north is melted, sunlight is harsh and radiation is abound. A lot of Antarctica is exposed (no longer covered in ice). And Earth is much more desert like along the equator. Water evaporates fairly quickly, which is why sea levels are about the same as they are for us to day despite all that ice melted into the oceans. Given another few hundred years its possible the planet could dry up as the planet only seems to get hotter as it goes, as radiation levels rise with less protection from the sun by the atmosphere. Radiation poisoning treatments are common, and small levels of a chemical that helps eliminate radiation and protect the body are distributed in water supplies. Lakes are treated with the same substance, which seems to make the water resistant to evaporation, but its just not in enough supply to treat the entire ocean with it (naturally. That's a hella'lot of water to treat XD).
Winters last only a few weeks and don't often provide much snow. Rain is uncommon, naturally. But science has provided means to artificially instigate rain and attract clouds. Sky Factories are a common sight, they fly about a hundred feet above the ocean along the coasts and help create clouds and send them off over the land to keep things up and maintain rain and moisture. The clouds don't naturally let go of its moisture, as its too hot, so receiving Cryospheres (They appear to be large silvery balloons) situated near, around, or over cities "catch" them and artificially chill them, causing the moisture to revert to rain (Or sometimes snow in winter seasons) Its a losing fight, but its slowed the climate issues and helps keep areas lush.
In some areas its harder to chill the clouds enough to produce rain before the clouds move on, so some areas still get more rain then others do.
Many cities are now ruins. Large cities are now even larger, usually building up instead of out thus creating more sci fy looking cities with many skyscrapers.
Authorization Level-
Invite Only? (PM me for stuff I suppose...)
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