- Joined
- Jun 10, 2012
- Location
- Out Of This World
Hi, the name's Frogger. Nice to meet you.
As of right now, I have lost a few good people I role-played with, due to the harsh demands of real life. This makes me really sad. So now, I am on the hunt for new people to role-play with!
Although I am relatively new to this website, I have role-played on other sites, and have done private role-plays for close to five years now. I used to be on, before they added all sorts of rules to make things even more aggravating than they already were. Despite that I have met a few friends on there, and still role-play with them to this day, only over email.
It doesn't matter to me how we go about with our role-play. We can also do it over email, if you so want. I try to answer messages as soon as I receive them, but if I don't, I will answer them as soon as I can.
I would like it if you were detailed, and good with words. I'm a nice person, but bad writing really grates against my nerves. Then I just won't reply until I feel like doing so. Good writing will keep me going and wanting to do it more and more with you. Sorry, but I'm just being honest. In the sex department, I prefer heavy and also detailed, but if you feel uncomfortable with that, it's fine.
I have an idea of a story with the main theme being redemption. Of course there's romance, but...
So anyway. In a past life, MC was a real bitch. Grade A. In the end, though, she wanted a chance to do it all over again, to make herself into a better person... and the gods decided to grant her this wish. The catch? If she doesn't, she'll be made into a Shinigami, to deliver souls to the afterlife for all of eternity. MC is reincarnated. Problem is... she was sold to a brothel when she was very young, and corrupting influences distorted her sense of right and wrong. YC is someone to help change things.
Right now, I'm craving:
Ugly Betty-like scenario
Danny Phantom
Harry Potter
Jack Frost and Elsa
**A spin off the Little Mermaid:
-Nothing turned out the way she wanted. Not only did Ursula kill the Prince and, ultimately, herself, but now she is stranded on land with legs... and so is Flounder! How will these two navigate the shore??
A wedding planner watches as the perfect day she's planned for the couple that is seemingly perfect for each other falls apart... and, just trying to be supportive, offers emotional support for the jilted groom. Where are things going to lead?
My character is a chef looking for a job straight after college. Your character happens to be someone who has a restaurant, and who needs a chef. Will sparks fly??
Story Ideas:
The Shikon no Tama is a powerful jewel, powerful enough that it can grant someone a wish, provided the wish is an unselfish one. Many demons have fought to possess it, all have failed.
To ward off these demons are mikos, priestesses whose magic is pure.
(Before you ask, yes, this is based off InuYasha)
I'd like to take this in a couple different directions.
My character will be in place of Kagome. Now, here's a different options:
A crossover between InuYasha and Harry Potter
Voldemort is defeated at long last, but MC makes a wish: that the jewel will be hidden from the world until it is needed, unless there is desperate need of it, and only for the greater good.
Of course, elsewhere... Harry Potter makes a wish at the final battle. He wishes he could have won without sacrificing the lives of so many.
What happens? MC gets sent back 50 years, and has to go to Hogwarts with the Marauders!!
Another Idea, Based off the same Crossover
MC returned from the Feudal Era, but a new evil lurks in her time. Dumbledore happens to know Voldemort is after the Jewel, and... oh! Why not bring her to Hogwarts, to protect her and the Jewel in one of the most secure locations ever?? Little does she know, that though she is a miko, she is also... a wizard! Ooh!
A crossover between InuYasha and the X-Men
In the future, mutants are more widely known, and feared. Professor X is doing everything he can to help those who need him, but he is but one man, and his team is just a handful.
MC has been mistaken as a mutant a long time ago, and has to undergo several horrifying experiments. In enduring this, she has gained a mutant ability, alongside her miko powers. Luckily Logan rescues her, but how will she connect with the world now, after everything she has gone through?
Another Idea, Based off the same Crossover
In order to protect the Shikon no Tama, MC has been... altered, so she can watch over it for a long, long time. In fact, she was turned into a vampire.
Nice, right?
Anyway, MC gets mistaken as a mutant by Cerebro, and thus is introduced to the X-Men. What will happen next? Of course she can't tell them she's not a mutant!!
A Crossover between InuYasha and Rurouni Kenshin
MC has trained under Sesshoumaru for a very long time, and is now quite capable of handling herself in fights. They are even considered close.
It is strange, though: she jumps into the well one day, and finds herself in the Meiji Era instead of the modern! What the hell?!
Of course she runs into our special assassin, and... let's go from there, shall we?
This is the beginning I have made up for it:
A lone figure stands among the trees - just as quiet, if not more so. In traditional Japanese attire meant for a warrior, she is clad in black, as to blend in with the shadows better. The long sleeves give the impression of a delicacy that which is misleading, especially being that little silver flowers were sewn along the edges and up. Amaya’s fingertips traced over the hilt of her sword, taking comfort in its presence… though her heart is heavy, her eyes threatening to spill tears. If Sesshomaru saw her now, he would surely be disappointed. A laugh bubbling up at the thought, Amaya closed her eyes and bowed her head, pressing her other hand to her heart.
Why does it hurt still? Doesn’t time heal all wounds? Isn’t it supposed to get better?!
Fate is so cruel. First, it brings her here, to this time... to the Feudal Era, to save both their worlds. Of course she had to meet the love of her life, and yet… he was in love with somebody else -her ancestor, who she happens to be a reincarnation of. How many times… does he have to pick her before it sinks in? Amaya lifted her eyes to the slate grey sky up above, blinking rapidly as to prevent the tears from falling. It’s time she moves on. All of her friends are starting their lives new, to find happiness despite the grief and misery Naraku inflicted. Is it too much to ask that her heart mends-? Amaya sank to sit underneath a beautiful old oak, propping her sword up as to wrap her arms about it.
“I wish… I can find love again…” Amaya murmured, her eyes growing heavy.
Time didn’t heal her wounds. It only served to numb her from the pain, making it feel like… she’s encased in ice. A yawn threatening to break her jaw, Amaya let sleep claim her body and mind…
A soft pink glow befell her. A small whisper echoed in her ears before she slipped entirely unconscious… it was caring, reassuring, even. Mother? No. Impossible.
“You will love again.”
Of course unknown to her, Amaya was transported to another time… one farther into the future, though not so far it will be familiar. The Meiji Era is different, after all… one that changed many things.
Hm? Amaya stirred after what felt like ten minutes, give or take, just to stretch her arms. Did she really fall asleep?
Every muscle aches. A hand rubbing at her sore neck, Amaya raised herself up off the ground. Why do the trees look taller? No, it’s not just the trees -something feels off. Amaya began to walk through the forest, a hand resting on her sword in case she needs to defend herself… however, it seems like she doesn’t need to just yet. Her dark blue eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. A road-?!
In the Feudal Era, there are no roads, only paths made by the feet of the people who traveled that way. Amaya can’t believe it. Then again… the air doesn’t smell quite so clean and pure. It isn’t as toxic as that of the air from her time, set way in the future… but it is definitely different. Her eyes drank in the sight of homes off in the distance. None appear to be small and humble, instead… sturdier? It looks like she needs to investigate, regardless.
Amaya moves faster than the average human. In fact… she ran the distance in an hour, not four or five. It does test her endurance and stamina, not to mention makes her starving after the fact, but she needs to know where she is… or rather, when she is. Did the Shikon no Tama have something to do with this? Hiding her hands in her sleeves, Amaya looked around at the small town… unaware of the suspicious glances and the furtive whispering. Her long, obsidian black hair is up in a high ponytail, her skin a soft caramel. The Shikon no Tama decided to… change her, so she can better protect it in the years to come, so of course there are things about her that separate her from the human population. Luckily, a little bit of magic makes those easy to hide.
“Battosai!” someone called out, catching her attention. Battosai? What the-?
Black Dagger Brotherhood
Kill la Kill
Harry Potter
Ancient Times/Medieval (Such as Ancient Greece)
Here are pairings that I enjoy. Note, the ones with stars like * next to them are ones I am really craving right now.
Fantasy (Can be Medieval)
Elf/Knight, King or Royal Guard
Elf Queen or Princess/Human
Witch/Vampire or Werewolf
Greek Goddess/ Human or Greek God
Superhero/Villain (or vice versa)
Anything else you can think up!
Boss/Employee or Secretary
Best Friends
Best Friend/Best Friend's Brother
Roommate/Roommate's Brother or Cousin
Athlete/Shy Kid (or vice versa)
Rock Star/Fan (or vice versa)
Band Member/Band Member
Nurse/Doctor or Patient
Assassin/Assassin, Target or Target's Son
Police Officer/Assassin or Criminal
Charge/Guardian (or vice versa)
Anything you can come up with!
Anything you can come up with!
Rurouni Kenshin
Shugo Chara
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Gakusen Alice
Amazing Agent Luna
Rosario Vampire
D N Angel
D. Gray-man
Soul Eater
Kaichou wa Maid-Sama
Princess Tutu
Kill La Kill *
Absolute Boyfriend
Adarshan no Hanayome
Ai Hime ~ Ai to Himegoto
Akagami no Shirayukihime
Akane-chan Overdrive
Akatsuki no Yona
Akuma de Sourou
Akuma to Love Song
Alice 19th
Angel Voice
Ao No Exorcist
Aozora Pop
Arakure (Wild Ones)
Ayashi no Ceres
Barajou no Kiss
Beast Master
Beauty Pop
Beauty Research Club
Billion Princess
Black Bird
Bloody Cross
Bloody Kiss
Boku ni Natta Watashi
Boku wa Ookami
Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta
Caramel Kiss
Cardcaptor Sakura
Charisma Doll
Cherry Juice
Chocolate Cosmos
Crimson Hero
Dakishimete Noir
Darker than Black
Datte Suki Nan Damon
Deadman Wonderland
Dengeki Daisy
Desire Climax
Elfen Lied
Fall in Love Like a Comic
Faster than a Kiss
Fate/Stay Night
Fruits Basket
Full Moon wo Sagashite
Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden
Gakuen Alice
Girl Friends
Hana Kimi
Hana Ni Arashi
Hana to Akuma
Hanatsuki Hime
Heart no Kuni no Alice
Hoshigari Love Dollar
Kamichama Karin (and Chu)
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Karakuri Odette
Kare First Love
Karin (Chibi Vampire)
Kimi ja Nakya Dame Nanda
Kimi ni Todoke
Kitchen Princess
Koi, Hirari
Kyou Koi wo Hajimemasu
Last Game
Love Celeb
Love Monster
Love So Life
Lovely Banchou
Lovely Complex
Meru Puri
Million Girl
Mirai Nikki
Moe Kare
Nagareboshi Lens
Nagatachou Strawberry
Ookami-heika no Hanayome
Papillion - Hana to Chou
Ranma 1/2
Rockin' Heaven
Rosario + Vampire
S.L.H. - Stray Love Hearts!
Sakura Hime Kaden
Shinobi Life
Shinshi Doumei Cross
Shugo Chara
Skip Beat
Strobe Edge
Sword Art Online
Tail of the Moon
Thousand Years of Snow
Ugly Duckling to Swan
Uwasa no Midori-kun
Watashi ni xx Shinasai!
Yoroshiku Master
You're My Girlfriend
7th Period is a Secret
Fly High!
"Aishiteru", Uso Dakedo.
"Aoi" - Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro...
I would prefer OCs for the Anime section)
Just PM me if any of these interest you, or if you have any ideas! Thank you!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Although I am relatively new to this website, I have role-played on other sites, and have done private role-plays for close to five years now. I used to be on, before they added all sorts of rules to make things even more aggravating than they already were. Despite that I have met a few friends on there, and still role-play with them to this day, only over email.
It doesn't matter to me how we go about with our role-play. We can also do it over email, if you so want. I try to answer messages as soon as I receive them, but if I don't, I will answer them as soon as I can.
I would like it if you were detailed, and good with words. I'm a nice person, but bad writing really grates against my nerves. Then I just won't reply until I feel like doing so. Good writing will keep me going and wanting to do it more and more with you. Sorry, but I'm just being honest. In the sex department, I prefer heavy and also detailed, but if you feel uncomfortable with that, it's fine.
I have an idea of a story with the main theme being redemption. Of course there's romance, but...
So anyway. In a past life, MC was a real bitch. Grade A. In the end, though, she wanted a chance to do it all over again, to make herself into a better person... and the gods decided to grant her this wish. The catch? If she doesn't, she'll be made into a Shinigami, to deliver souls to the afterlife for all of eternity. MC is reincarnated. Problem is... she was sold to a brothel when she was very young, and corrupting influences distorted her sense of right and wrong. YC is someone to help change things.
Right now, I'm craving:
Ugly Betty-like scenario
Danny Phantom
Harry Potter
Jack Frost and Elsa
**A spin off the Little Mermaid:
-Nothing turned out the way she wanted. Not only did Ursula kill the Prince and, ultimately, herself, but now she is stranded on land with legs... and so is Flounder! How will these two navigate the shore??
A wedding planner watches as the perfect day she's planned for the couple that is seemingly perfect for each other falls apart... and, just trying to be supportive, offers emotional support for the jilted groom. Where are things going to lead?
My character is a chef looking for a job straight after college. Your character happens to be someone who has a restaurant, and who needs a chef. Will sparks fly??
Story Ideas:
The Shikon no Tama is a powerful jewel, powerful enough that it can grant someone a wish, provided the wish is an unselfish one. Many demons have fought to possess it, all have failed.
To ward off these demons are mikos, priestesses whose magic is pure.
(Before you ask, yes, this is based off InuYasha)
I'd like to take this in a couple different directions.
My character will be in place of Kagome. Now, here's a different options:
A crossover between InuYasha and Harry Potter
Voldemort is defeated at long last, but MC makes a wish: that the jewel will be hidden from the world until it is needed, unless there is desperate need of it, and only for the greater good.
Of course, elsewhere... Harry Potter makes a wish at the final battle. He wishes he could have won without sacrificing the lives of so many.
What happens? MC gets sent back 50 years, and has to go to Hogwarts with the Marauders!!
Another Idea, Based off the same Crossover
MC returned from the Feudal Era, but a new evil lurks in her time. Dumbledore happens to know Voldemort is after the Jewel, and... oh! Why not bring her to Hogwarts, to protect her and the Jewel in one of the most secure locations ever?? Little does she know, that though she is a miko, she is also... a wizard! Ooh!
A crossover between InuYasha and the X-Men
In the future, mutants are more widely known, and feared. Professor X is doing everything he can to help those who need him, but he is but one man, and his team is just a handful.
MC has been mistaken as a mutant a long time ago, and has to undergo several horrifying experiments. In enduring this, she has gained a mutant ability, alongside her miko powers. Luckily Logan rescues her, but how will she connect with the world now, after everything she has gone through?
Another Idea, Based off the same Crossover
In order to protect the Shikon no Tama, MC has been... altered, so she can watch over it for a long, long time. In fact, she was turned into a vampire.
Nice, right?
Anyway, MC gets mistaken as a mutant by Cerebro, and thus is introduced to the X-Men. What will happen next? Of course she can't tell them she's not a mutant!!
A Crossover between InuYasha and Rurouni Kenshin
MC has trained under Sesshoumaru for a very long time, and is now quite capable of handling herself in fights. They are even considered close.
It is strange, though: she jumps into the well one day, and finds herself in the Meiji Era instead of the modern! What the hell?!
Of course she runs into our special assassin, and... let's go from there, shall we?
This is the beginning I have made up for it:
A lone figure stands among the trees - just as quiet, if not more so. In traditional Japanese attire meant for a warrior, she is clad in black, as to blend in with the shadows better. The long sleeves give the impression of a delicacy that which is misleading, especially being that little silver flowers were sewn along the edges and up. Amaya’s fingertips traced over the hilt of her sword, taking comfort in its presence… though her heart is heavy, her eyes threatening to spill tears. If Sesshomaru saw her now, he would surely be disappointed. A laugh bubbling up at the thought, Amaya closed her eyes and bowed her head, pressing her other hand to her heart.
Why does it hurt still? Doesn’t time heal all wounds? Isn’t it supposed to get better?!
Fate is so cruel. First, it brings her here, to this time... to the Feudal Era, to save both their worlds. Of course she had to meet the love of her life, and yet… he was in love with somebody else -her ancestor, who she happens to be a reincarnation of. How many times… does he have to pick her before it sinks in? Amaya lifted her eyes to the slate grey sky up above, blinking rapidly as to prevent the tears from falling. It’s time she moves on. All of her friends are starting their lives new, to find happiness despite the grief and misery Naraku inflicted. Is it too much to ask that her heart mends-? Amaya sank to sit underneath a beautiful old oak, propping her sword up as to wrap her arms about it.
“I wish… I can find love again…” Amaya murmured, her eyes growing heavy.
Time didn’t heal her wounds. It only served to numb her from the pain, making it feel like… she’s encased in ice. A yawn threatening to break her jaw, Amaya let sleep claim her body and mind…
A soft pink glow befell her. A small whisper echoed in her ears before she slipped entirely unconscious… it was caring, reassuring, even. Mother? No. Impossible.
“You will love again.”
Of course unknown to her, Amaya was transported to another time… one farther into the future, though not so far it will be familiar. The Meiji Era is different, after all… one that changed many things.
Hm? Amaya stirred after what felt like ten minutes, give or take, just to stretch her arms. Did she really fall asleep?
Every muscle aches. A hand rubbing at her sore neck, Amaya raised herself up off the ground. Why do the trees look taller? No, it’s not just the trees -something feels off. Amaya began to walk through the forest, a hand resting on her sword in case she needs to defend herself… however, it seems like she doesn’t need to just yet. Her dark blue eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. A road-?!
In the Feudal Era, there are no roads, only paths made by the feet of the people who traveled that way. Amaya can’t believe it. Then again… the air doesn’t smell quite so clean and pure. It isn’t as toxic as that of the air from her time, set way in the future… but it is definitely different. Her eyes drank in the sight of homes off in the distance. None appear to be small and humble, instead… sturdier? It looks like she needs to investigate, regardless.
Amaya moves faster than the average human. In fact… she ran the distance in an hour, not four or five. It does test her endurance and stamina, not to mention makes her starving after the fact, but she needs to know where she is… or rather, when she is. Did the Shikon no Tama have something to do with this? Hiding her hands in her sleeves, Amaya looked around at the small town… unaware of the suspicious glances and the furtive whispering. Her long, obsidian black hair is up in a high ponytail, her skin a soft caramel. The Shikon no Tama decided to… change her, so she can better protect it in the years to come, so of course there are things about her that separate her from the human population. Luckily, a little bit of magic makes those easy to hide.
“Battosai!” someone called out, catching her attention. Battosai? What the-?
Black Dagger Brotherhood
Kill la Kill
Harry Potter
Ancient Times/Medieval (Such as Ancient Greece)
Here are pairings that I enjoy. Note, the ones with stars like * next to them are ones I am really craving right now.
Fantasy (Can be Medieval)
Elf/Knight, King or Royal Guard
Elf Queen or Princess/Human
Witch/Vampire or Werewolf
Greek Goddess/ Human or Greek God
Superhero/Villain (or vice versa)
Anything else you can think up!
Boss/Employee or Secretary
Best Friends
Best Friend/Best Friend's Brother
Roommate/Roommate's Brother or Cousin
Athlete/Shy Kid (or vice versa)
Rock Star/Fan (or vice versa)
Band Member/Band Member
Nurse/Doctor or Patient
Assassin/Assassin, Target or Target's Son
Police Officer/Assassin or Criminal
Charge/Guardian (or vice versa)
Anything you can come up with!
Anything you can come up with!
Rurouni Kenshin
Shugo Chara
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Gakusen Alice
Amazing Agent Luna
Rosario Vampire
D N Angel
D. Gray-man
Soul Eater
Kaichou wa Maid-Sama
Princess Tutu
Kill La Kill *
Absolute Boyfriend
Adarshan no Hanayome
Ai Hime ~ Ai to Himegoto
Akagami no Shirayukihime
Akane-chan Overdrive
Akatsuki no Yona
Akuma de Sourou
Akuma to Love Song
Alice 19th
Angel Voice
Ao No Exorcist
Aozora Pop
Arakure (Wild Ones)
Ayashi no Ceres
Barajou no Kiss
Beast Master
Beauty Pop
Beauty Research Club
Billion Princess
Black Bird
Bloody Cross
Bloody Kiss
Boku ni Natta Watashi
Boku wa Ookami
Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta
Caramel Kiss
Cardcaptor Sakura
Charisma Doll
Cherry Juice
Chocolate Cosmos
Crimson Hero
Dakishimete Noir
Darker than Black
Datte Suki Nan Damon
Deadman Wonderland
Dengeki Daisy
Desire Climax
Elfen Lied
Fall in Love Like a Comic
Faster than a Kiss
Fate/Stay Night
Fruits Basket
Full Moon wo Sagashite
Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden
Gakuen Alice
Girl Friends
Hana Kimi
Hana Ni Arashi
Hana to Akuma
Hanatsuki Hime
Heart no Kuni no Alice
Hoshigari Love Dollar
Kamichama Karin (and Chu)
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Karakuri Odette
Kare First Love
Karin (Chibi Vampire)
Kimi ja Nakya Dame Nanda
Kimi ni Todoke
Kitchen Princess
Koi, Hirari
Kyou Koi wo Hajimemasu
Last Game
Love Celeb
Love Monster
Love So Life
Lovely Banchou
Lovely Complex
Meru Puri
Million Girl
Mirai Nikki
Moe Kare
Nagareboshi Lens
Nagatachou Strawberry
Ookami-heika no Hanayome
Papillion - Hana to Chou
Ranma 1/2
Rockin' Heaven
Rosario + Vampire
S.L.H. - Stray Love Hearts!
Sakura Hime Kaden
Shinobi Life
Shinshi Doumei Cross
Shugo Chara
Skip Beat
Strobe Edge
Sword Art Online
Tail of the Moon
Thousand Years of Snow
Ugly Duckling to Swan
Uwasa no Midori-kun
Watashi ni xx Shinasai!
Yoroshiku Master
You're My Girlfriend
7th Period is a Secret
Fly High!
"Aishiteru", Uso Dakedo.
"Aoi" - Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro...
I would prefer OCs for the Anime section)
Just PM me if any of these interest you, or if you have any ideas! Thank you!
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