he smiled a little as he watched her watch the Television, smiling as he left her perched there as she pleased while he entertained himself by scrubbing, sweeping, and polishing the entire house. he had to do something to keep busy after all... he sighed as he sat in the middle of the kitchen, the floor covered in soap, erasing all evidence that he had ever tried to kill himself, feeling sorrow swelling up inside of him again. what was wrong with him? why wouldn't anyone talk to him? the mailman certainly never did, neither did the food deliveryman.... his own parents had even abandoned him without warning... he'd always taken care of himself, always been alone.... why? why couldn't he have one of those families, like on the TV? like the Brady Bunch? he just wanted someone to talk to him, to love him... Chaos was nice, but he still wasn't sure that she was real...