StarCraft Rewritten (Selo and Razer)

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The thunderous footfalls of the marines were met with an even louder boom, the ground quaking as Zerg rushed over the hilltops at them. This time they would not back down. They halted, readying their weapons as they formed a semi-circle. Hotshot narrowed his eyes, him and his Firebats forming the outer perimeter of the semi-circle, laying down a thick stream of gasoline. "Wait for it........" He held his hand up, narrowing his eyes at the incoming tidal wave of bugs. "Wait......... NOW! Fire at will!" Most of the Zerglings were running downhill now, going too fast to stop before barreling into the blazing firewall that stood in front of the marines. That part of the plan had worked pretty well. Now, they just needed to survive the rest, move forward, destroy one out of countless Hives on the planet, wash, rinse, and repeat.

Meanwhile the airspace above them had turned into hell. Valkyries and Corseairs were locked in deadly struggles against Mutalisks, each one barely managing to avoid the others attacks. The Carrier's strike craft were fighting back against the Scourge, using their ducking and weaving strategies against them. They were adaptive, and even though the pesky little kamikaze troops were sporadic in their movements, the autonomous drones kept firing away, bringing a large handful of them down. Sadly, a large group got past, slamming into the engines of the Carriers, taking away from their already painstakingly slow speed. The Dragoons finally decided to join the fight, blasting away with their lasers. Their accuracy was dead on, and Mutalisks fell from the sky in droves. But it seemed for every one they killed, two more would fill it's place.

Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a loud screeching tore through the air. A Valkyrie was spinning uselessly towards the ground. "Mayday, mayday, this is Shadow wing 2, I am hit and going down. I repeat, I'm hit and goin-" The transmission stopped short as the plane smashes into the ground, rocking the ground with it's explosion. This added on to Hotshot's and his boys' determination. They would hold their ground no matter what. "Grenadiers, up! Fire away!" The Grenadiers stepped up, their armor resembling that of a Firebats instead of the Marine's regular armor. It was much stockier, with multiple compartments to store the weapon of their name. Grenades. For a single heartbeat, the swoosh of air was audible, followed by streams of smoke as the grenades trailed upwards, curving downwards into the oncoming swarm. Pieces of Zerglings and Hydra's rained down on the division. The gunfire never stopped, and whenever the Zerg got too close, either a Firebat, Zealot, or a Dark Templar would take care of it. "Company! Advance!" The semi-circle curled in on itself, forming into an arrowhead, Firebats and Protoss CQC units making up the outer edge. The Dragoons were in the center, where it would be hardest to get to them, the Marines making up the rest of the formation. It was slow going, especially with Zerg assaulting them from basically all angles now, but it was going. Meanwhile, back up in the sky, two more Valkyries had gone down, along with countless Protoss strike craft. The Carriers had been heavily damaged, but for now it seemed that they had run out of Scourge. Now, they were focusing their attention on the remaining air units. The Wraiths, relatively untouched, along with what remained of the Corseair squadrons started strafing the ground targets, obliterating the Hydra's first. They had gone unnoticed, launching a volley of spikes. 50 marines were either laying on the ground, dead, or laying on the ground, dieing. With the Hydra's being kept under suppressive fire, they moved forward, pushing the Zerg back.
Kerrigan grinned as the advance continued, falling right into her trap. "That's right boys, come to momma." She said with a grin. That was when the ground would start to cave in a distance behind them. Total flanking. Zergling would crawl out and started to swarm them from all directions, Hydralisk joining them and now a few Ultras starting to enter the fray. "Kill them all....leave none alive." She said, standing atop a massive hill once more, over looking the front of the battle. She crouched down and started to call out to the Queens she was given. "Show them the power of the Swarm." She said. Webs flew out and coated a portion of the marines, then another, grabbing a hold of the Protoss Zealots and Dark Templar. The next volley of salvos was aimed at the organic troops, so the Zealots and Marines that weren't webbed down. Once they hit their target, they would burrow deep into their skin, breaking through the armor and penetrating the sheilds of the Protoss. These would then multiply rapidly. From this, they would then explode out, killing their 'host'.

The newly formed broodling would then leap out and start to attack the troops, attacking from within their ranks. "Never doubt my capabilities." She said, looking up to the Wraiths next. She inhaled deeply and then send a shock wave out at a group of them. The psionic blast would disrupt them, making them have to take a moment to correct themselves, which would allow a thing of Mutalisks take advantage of them. Then a new swarm of Scourges started to charge in low under the aerial combat, above the ground troops, aimed for the Battlecruisers next. She then turned and crawled up into the Overlord with her Chrysalises. "To Aiur...we have a real mission to accomplish." She ordered. She was taking about fifteen drones, thirty Zergling, fifteen Hydralisks anough Overlords to carry all of them and left two of the five queens to combat the Terran and Protoss. She left the major army behind, letting them distract the two armies as she warped through space.
The second the ground behind them caved in, they started to change formations, the Firebats and Protoss units forming a circle around the Marines and Medics. By the time the new wave of Zerg hit, they were ready, the flamers doing what they did best, the screams of the Zerg filling the air as the scent of burned carapaces rose into the sky. When the Queens attacked, Hotshot was amazed. They didn't even bother aiming for the Firebats, instead aiming for the middle of their circle, hitting a few Zealots that were in the middle, as well as a few marines. When the Broodlings popped out, a total of about 16 in the middle of a circle filled with armed troops, Hotshot actually started to chuckle. Maybe he was overestimating these things. They seemed to love numbers more then intelligence. Meanwhile, the Hydras were having hell in a a handbasket trying to avoid the shots from the sharpshooters as well as the ground fire from the air units, most of them not surviving. When the Hydras had been reduced to a more reasonable, manageable number, the air power decided to turn their fire on the approaching Ultra's, the newly bolstered Valkyries rising into the air, attacking the Muta's from below, taking advantage of their sudden entry into the dogfight, accompanied by the Dragoon fire. Half of the Corseairs joined the fray, adding their firepower to the fight. When the scourge appeared, the Terran Battlecruisers moved in front of the Protoss ships, readying themselves for impact. Hopefully the little buggers would take the bait and run into the fully operational ships rather then the damaged ones.

Meanwhile, back on the ground, the situation had lightened up enough for Hotshot to start to move forward again. The circle formed a pointed tip, Firebats and Templars leading the pack as they started to move forward. Hotshot called back to the base, grinning widely. Time for a few more troops to get their boots on the ground. Then he remembered that it would take too long for troops to travel on foot to their locale, and even though they thinned out their numbers considerably, there were still a large number of them, and Hotshot's company of 250 soldier, not counting Protoss losses, had shrunk down to about 100. Half of their medics were dead, most of the regular marines were either dead or in the process of being dead. "Trystan, I need whatever you guys have left on that ship down here, about 2km to the east and west of my position. Let's see how these guys like how we flank." Trystan grinned, nodding, sending out the order for the rest of his combat ready troops to drop down. Everyone got ready, rushing to grab their weapons and hop inside their dropships. This company contained another 250 men, 100 of them being Firebats. The rest were pure Marines. After a few more minutes of preparation, they were launched out towards the surface of the planet, the dropship pilots adjusting their courses to land where they needed to be, which was just behind the waves of Zerg attacking the left and right flanks of Hotshot's division. When those ships touched down, it would have quite the explosive impact. It may even be enough to kill surrounding, nearby Zerg.
The Zerg had also amassed a massive swarm, and even a few surprises for the defenders and attackers. the Zerglings seemed to be coming out with nearly endless numbers, Hydralisks starting to pop out of the ground and Overlords, guarded by Mutalisks that were all near ground fire started to fly threw. Any Overlords killed, simply dropped those it was carrying, letting them bail and dive down on the fight as normal. The skies seemed to be filling with more and more Mutalisks. For every one killed, two took its place. The party of Scourges that had aimed themselves for wounded ships started to dive and swerve, not taking the bait and simply skimming along the hull of the slow moving Battlecruiser. They swooped around and dived bomb straight into the engines of the crippled Carrier. Carrier going down! Cried out the commander of the ship, it doing a bail-out attempt. Protoss Zealots and Dark Templar started to teleport themselves to ground, only to find swarms of Hydralisks mow down on their position.

It was a winning battle going sour almost....until they started to pull back. The skies filled with warps as Overlords opened wormholes to carry them off the planet. Zerglings continued to flood their bodies into the battle, but less and less Hydras would show up, albeit at a fractional descent. Kerrigan's goal was to keep them busy, make them think they were fighting a major battle, only to find the Hive and Cerebrates abandoned or gone. As the Company under Hotshot's order started to make it into a Creep covered canyon, it would slow to a silent crawl almost. Something was wrong, and the feeling was almost palpable. Zerglings were almost sparse within these walls, and the place was shrinking with space, but sadly this was the direct route to Kerrigan's main Hive. The out lying Hives had pulled its troops back, making an aimed attempt to protect Cerebrates that weren't there. The Queens flying about had suddenly vanished after turning more troops into Broodlings. The aerial combat was dying out as less and less Mutalisks came into the fray, Scourges surging in an attempt to cripple more of the command ships only to be shot down, pile into Terran fighters or splatter their payload into Protoss shields and take some of them down. There was a company to surge in, aimed for the Battlecruiser's engines, swooping and dodging through dogfights and flying debris. It was a small contagion, making a quick payload into the massive outburn. They didn't need many, with how the Terran built engines they simply needed the right one to his the wrong spot, and with the small group they could slip through most of the gunfire and missiles to get close enough to find that spot.
The fighting was getting fierce, and Hotshot growled as the Carrier went down, it's crew warping into or near his division and joining the fight. He could feel the troops morale sinking. A few of his soldiers looked to him, fear in their eyes. If not even a Protoss carrier could survive, what chance did they have? That's when he noticed a narrow valley a few meters ahead. "Everyone! Push towards the valley opening! It'll be easier to hold them off there! MOVE!" The troops faltered a little bit, reluctant to push deeper into the enemy's ranks. "Come on, we need to push forward! We've got backup incoming, but we can't have them land if we're all dead! Move your asses!" Not the most inspirational speech, but the mention of reinforcements was all that was needed. The flamer's took the lead, hoping their dwindling fuel supply would last them until they could get to a place that could be more easily defended. In an effort to speed things up, the entirety of the Firebats in the division regrouped towards the front, blazing a trail to the valley, just barely running on fumes when they got there. Hotshot was right. Once they stopped being attacked from every direction imaginable, the Zerg were kept back. The Grenadiers were having a grand ol' time, the Sharpshooters having a field day messing with the Hydras. That's when the all too familiar screeching of atmosphere being punctured forced his eye to the sky. What he saw sent excited shivers up his spine. The troops that could afford to followed his gaze, noticing the large dropships barreling towards the planet's surface. A large cheer went up, and with renewed vigor, they held back the Zerg, using the tight space as a bottleneck, picking off whatever moved inside the entrance.

The dropships touched down hard, creating a large crater with their explosive landing force, crushing Zerg on both sides of the canyon. A nearby Ultralisk on the west was too close to the impact zone and was swiftly blown off the cliff-face, bouncing off the sides before smashing into the ground, crushing a few Hydras in the landing. A few seconds afterwards, before the Zerg could regroup, the doors hissed open, spilling it's troops onto the battlefield, the new Firebats making quick work of any nearby Zerg while Trystan's corps of shotgunners made their way to the front next to the flamers. Their armor was intimidating, incredibly bulky with spikes on the elbows for extremely close quarters combat. Two blue canisters, one on their chest, the other at the small of their back contained blue liquid, it's purpose currently unknown to the troops. Their visors were a lovely blue color. In their hands was a new weapon, produced by Eija Incorporated. The Zerstorer Mk. 3.

As they cleared the remaining Zerg from the two cliffs overlooking Hotshot's division, they noticed that the carriers and battlecruisers had managed to survive the latest wave of Scourge, and their Wraiths, Valkyries, and Corseairs survived as well. The only real losses besides the one carrier were on the ground. One of the shotgunners made his way to the edge of the cliff, giving Hotshot a thumbs up. His visor cleared, showing his scarred, smiling face. "Micheal, this is James Treshenko. Decided I'd bring a few of my guys to the table. Friends call me Gunny." Hotshot looked up, laughing lightly. "Well, welcome to the party Gunny. Tell ya the truth, we thought we were gonna have to hog all the fun to ourselves!" Gunny smiled, shaking his head, motioning for his troops to get ready. Lines were hooked up and tossed down, the shotgunners the first to head down, letting out crazed laughter as they slid down the thick ropes, firing their buckshot into the Zerg below and around Hotshot's group. When their feet hit the ground, they grinned, waiting until everyone was squared away behind them in this narrow space before Gunny and nine of the other 30 shotty's ran towards the incoming waves, blasting their way through them. All the while they were laughing, their visors clear so they could watch the gore spread and splatter, as well as give these creatures a last look at what they were being killed by. Too bad it didn't register to the bugs. That would've given the gunners a more sadistic smile. "BOOYAH! Alright Hotshot, get your guys to stay in the middle eh? We'll clear a path for ya!" The valley was just wide enough for 10 of these hulking gunners to stand shoulder to shoulder, and that volume allowed their buckshot to wreak havoc on any incoming troops. Gunny grinned widely, laughing as a Zergling tried to jump on him. It was met with a hailstorm of bullets from the tip of his gun, it's green blood and guts spattering against the opposite wall. All that hit the ground was it's spikes. He chuckled in satisfaction and continued to move up. Man, he loved this job.
Zeretul started to raise Trystan once more, the signal being sent from an unknown position it seemed. It was urgent, but sadly he wouldn't be able to communicate that through the signal yet. The Protoss around with the Terran troops on the ground started to look edgy, watching as all the Terran troops gathered and prepared. The Dark Templar started to fade out of view, teleporting away, but the Zealots stayed with the Terran Troops. One Zealot in particular, who seemed to have more ornate armor than the rest, approached the one known as Hotshot. Terran trooper. He addressed the male. We have been ordered to evacuate...but me and my charge hace chosen to remain and combat the Zerg threat with you... He started, then looked to the rest of the Terrans. He stopped broadcasting locally and aimed straight into Hotshot's mind, Zeratul has found the mass of the Zerg Swarm is now converging on our homeworld of Aiur...the Zerg we are currently facing is meant as a distraction and only a small fraction of the true force... He said to the male commander. I am telling you this alone as to not disrupt the moral of your soldiers...if you wish to tell them the news...then do so. Our Zealots are prepared to fight and die here. And I must confess, this will probably be a suicide run unless you can muster more strength from your men. My brother Dragoons and Nerazim will be leave all of us in an attempt to face off the Zerg Swarm. He continued on and nodded to the male.

The Zerg, on the other hand, was still throwing small amounts of combatants at the valley, mostly keeping the troops down in it for the time being it seemed. After about twelve waves of this, and only a little while after the Zealot finished addressing the Marine, the Zerg onslaught stopped all together...the creep under their feet actually rippled as if anticipating something or feeling something. The entire canyon was becoming filled with an eery calm as if before a major storm...The outlying Hives started to become abandoned, even the 'buildings' seemed to have died out, the creep shriveling up.
With the troops finally gathered and ready, Hotshot and his first platoon started to relax. They weren't going to die. Hell, he didn't even tense up when the fighting died down and the Zealot approached him. When he said that while his other forces were pulling back, that him and his own would stay to help, Mikey allowed his visor to clear. Just as he was about to talk though, the Zealot explained that his leader had found the Zerg Swarm. That they were heading to their home planet. He nodded gravely, looking over to his men. They had taken rather heavy casualties. There were only five medics that survived the ordeal. "I appreciate you wanting to stay with us and help us fight. I respect that. You need to go though." Hotshot patted the Zealot's shoulder, looking back at his own men. "I'm not going to lie to ya. If the Swarm is heading towards Aiur, they are going to need every fighter they can get there. It's going to be hell in a handbag for you guys." He nodded, sighing, shaking his head as gas cans were lowered over the edge. "Don't waste your men here. Pull out and do what you need to do. Thanks for helping us get in, but I think we'll be fine." Gunny jogged up, wiping some Zergling blood off of his visor. "What did I miss? You guys talking about something I should know?" Hotshot turned, shaking his head, a calm smile playing over his lips. "Nope. Just telling these boys to head home. We got this place locked down."

He looked down, squinting at the Creep underfoot. It moved, but it wasn't shriveling up. It wasn't over. Something was going on. They still needed to clear out the Hives. This was a colony for a reason. They couldn't pass up the resources. The lead Firebat sighed, shaking his head. With a small frown he called for a few SCV's to build some defenses at the valley entrance, as well as some bunkers on the west and east cliffs. The way the Creep was moving though.... it was almost as if it was afraid of something. Hotshot didn't like this. He didn't like this one bit.
The Zealot watched the male lie to his fellow soldier. The Protoss nodded and walked to his mean. Let us leave Brothers. We shall defend Aiur! They all let out a unified cry, FOR AIUR! and one by one they started to teleport, the static electricity sounding and fading with each one. The Protoss was now completely gone, leaving the canyon to the Terran...and what ever Zerg was there. That was when it happened...nearly a fleet of Guardian Zerg flying almost low and faster than normal, seeming to appear out of nothing...which they kind of did through the wormholes behind them. They started to send deadly salvos at the ground troops, way too far for accurate shots with the normal Marine rifles and there was too many salvos for a sniper to try and take accurate aim. Most of the troops on the top of the Canyon were being overwhelmed at a range and with large amounts of 'fire', making it hard for them to counteract effectively with how quickly it came in on them.

Then the Canyon started to rumble, rocks shaking and pebbles tumbling down showing the walls of the place shaking and more and more rocks started to join them. If one could listen in on it it would be the sound of tunneling going through the canyon...a low rumble starting to echo through the place now...

Trystan would now start getting hailed by an unknown signature, something off about it all.
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