StarCraft Rewritten (Selo and Razer)

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Apr 27, 2012
In a room...and at a school
To catch the unknown populace on the latest news, the Sons of Korhal have fought their rebellion for sometime. Under the command of Mengsk, the Sons held the Protoss at bay on Tarsonis, the capital city of the Terran Confederacy, until such a time as the Zerg started to overwhelm the world. Under Mengsk's orders, they left the defending troops on the planet to simply watch as the Zerg outnumbered the rebel troops, the civilian population, the Confederate citizens and the Protoss all. No one survived...or so they thought.

It was found that one sole survive did make it out, but was being infested by the Zerg in a special chrysalis. Her name was Kerrigan, and she was to become the greatest warrior-organism. Some Sons made attempts to grab and save her, but none of them succeeded. It has been some months since those fateful days, the Zerg having been on full retreat during that time. Now, the alien race is on the advance, striking at outlining planets with ferocity.


The creature once known as Kerrigan stood atop a ridge, overlooking the Terran outpost. It was her first attack she was personally overseeing. She growled low, feeling the instinct to rip everyone into pieces but...she felt something deeper in her. It was a scratch inside of her aside from the murdering drive her infestation drilled into her. Her wings stretched out and then retreated back to her. Destroy are no longer part of them...annihilate them all! The driving will of the Overmind rang into her mind.

She turned and looked at the Hive forming behind her. It was hatched in secret and progressed for a few days now, massing a rather sizable force for the former Ghost to control. What she found was a bonus with this outpost...the Zerg's advances would finally be heard by the rest of the Terran race. This outpost would send a distress signal as soon as it was being attacked, and on top of that there was a broadcasting station that would record the attack and send it out to every news network it could reach. "Perfect..." Kerrigan said, standing up and psychically commanding her "troops".

She had a handful of Hydralisks and a larger body of Zerglings. Her army probably outnumbered all of the population in that town with every 10 Zerg to one person; civilian and soldier. "GO!" She ordered and the mass of Zerglings rushed out to view, charging towards the town. She would follow about halfway through the mass, the Hydralisks with her as they were more of personal protection.

The troops started to get ready for the invasion, but they were doomed. "Futile. So pathetic." She said with an evil grin. Yes...they shall feel the true might of the Zerg now. The overmind stated into her mind. This is rather annoying... She thought in her own private mind, curious of whether she actually had her own private thoughts.
Trystan shook his head. It had been a few months since him and Kerrigan had been separated. Since then, the Zerg had been retreating. Now, all they had to worry was the Protoss front. And what a front that was. Their technology and weapons against the Protoss high tech. He shook his head, looking out of the window of the capital ship, into the stars that surrounded him. There was something odd going on here. Something odd had been going on for the last few months. The Zerg weren't ones to retreat. They almost always went on the offensive, what with their ungodly numbers. He shook his head, pacing. There had to be something wrong. He'd say that they were planning something, but as far as he was concerned, they couldn't plan.

The marines could feel something was wrong. That's when it happened. The sirens went off, the red lights all over the base started flashing and spinning. They had done drills for this, and they had actually done something like this before, at other bases. They took their positions on the walls around the small colony, spotting the Zerglings, realizing they were way outnumbered. One of the marines rushed down to the comms room, calling in to the broadcast station. Upon hearing the urgency of the message, it instantly patched them through to Trystan's ship. "Sir! We have Zerg incoming, Colony 0-34-786. We'll try to hold them off for as long as we can, but we need reinforcements or an evac ASAP!" Finally, the Zerglings were in range, and the gunfire started, the sound echoing across the open land, the rounds either kicking up dirt or creating a mist of Zerg blood. The leader of this small encampment, Van Zandt roared out encouragement to his troops, knowing that if their request for help wasn't answered, they would end up like the other colony, overrun. And he had a bad feeling that help wasn't coming. "Come on! Give these bastards everything you got! I don't want a single one of these bugs to come within 30 kilometers of this base! Do you get me?"

"WE GET YOU SIR!" They let out a bellow of defiance, holding the triggers down, taking out what they could. If they were going to die, they were going to take as many of these damned freaks of nature down with them!

The civilians didn't share the same thoughts. The heard the sirens, the gunfire, and all hell broke loose. They weren't allowed near the wall, because if they saw what was coming, they would erupt in to pure panic. If they could just beat them back this time, then they would be safe. There were men running around like headless chickens, woman trying to hide their children, or hiding themselves, leaving their children out in the open. A few men grabbed knives, threatening to kill themselves, being stopped only by those who hadn't gone crazy yet. A few of the marines climbed down from the wall, trying to calm the panic. It would help them aim better. Not by much, but by God, they'd need every little bit of help.
The woman came out and smiled, watching as the mass of what was Zerglings run like an enormous black-brown and green wave. The reverberating sound of all those foot falls was like thunder, causing the very ground to shake. Kerrigan lifted her hand and started to focus her now more powerful psychic potential. "Time to face the true might, of the Zerg!" She called out, sending a wave of blast to the base. Mere seconds later a section of the wall exploded. It wasn't large, maybe the size of a large hallway, so maybe four to six zergling at a time through it. But that was better than getting massacred scaling the wall.

To present herself, she extended her wings, standing atop the ridge once more. If they couldn't see her before, they would now. "Kill them, kill them all!" She called out, sending the Hydralisks out as well. The swarm would reach the town rather quickly, the words of the commander had ordered was falling on death's door. The Zerglings were way more than 30 kilometers to the base. By now, they were surging into the hole in the wall as the handful of Hydralisks started to push into the fray, shooting out spines towards the town in a large arch. They didn't aim at anyone in particular, but they were aimed to land inside of the town to damage people in some fashion or another.

Kerrigan started on her way into the base as well, her steps sounding the doom of the town more closely than the thundering of her army. "Hmm...I'll need commanders of my own...or something to help my more...base needs..." She thought aloud to herself. It would take her a little bit before she reached the town, but the place would be in utter chaos with the Marines and Zerg battling all across the wall and just around the inside.
The marines were losing hope. A section of their wall had been taken out by some strange force, Hydralisks were heading right for them, and the Zerglings were past the 10km mark and closing the distance faster then they could pick them off. The commander growled, shaking his head, watching as the Zerglings started to pour through the hole in their first line of defense. The spines from the Hydralisks were raining down, mostly hitting civilians. By now, complete and utter chaos had erupted, but luckily, now that their perimeter had been breached, they would be able to use panic to their advantage. Everything that was sharp, pointy, or heavy was used as a weapon as civilians either ran away or ran towards their doom. The tow sides clashed in the middle of the town, the civilians turned panic-driven fighters were vastly out numbered. "Marines! Prepare for Close quarters comabt! I want a small squad of you to stay up here and try to take out those Hydra's! The rest of you, follow me!"

The civilians were putting up a rather good fight, considering they were armed with kitchen knives and chairs and such. The marines let out their war cries, jumping into the fray with combat knives drawn, using their rifles whenever they could get enough distance between them. Meanwhile, a small group of marine sharpshooters were firing rounds at the Hydra's, slowly getting closer and closer to hitting them the closer they got to the walls. For a minute, it looked like the marines on the ground were winning. They were holding their ground at least. Even the sharpshooters on the wall managed to get in a few lucky shots, a round barely grazing the left side of one's face, a few more burying themselves in their bodies.

The ground had turned red and green, the blood of humans and Zerg mixing on the battlefield that was once a city. The civilians that were huddled at the back of the wall, the ones that weren't hit by Hydra spines at least, saw that they were holding for now and decided to lend a hand, encouraged by the Marines fighting as well. They dashed into their homes, grabbing anything that could be used as a weapon and flung themselves into the fight, managing to get in a few well placed blows before being thrown to ground or killed. The sharpshooters by now had managed to severely wound two Hydra's, nearly blowing a third one's arm-blade off. So far, so good. If only they could hold.
Kerrigan heard the tell-tale sounds of sniper fire and looked up to the wall and growled lowly. She expanded her wings once more and started to concentrate. She leaped into the air and went soaring over the distance. She landed just barely outside of the wall's perimeter and looked up at the sharpshooters. "Not even Ghosts....they stand no chance against me." She said, making another soaring leap into the air. As she was doing her leap-frog tactics the Zerglings started to surge more and more into the base...and now the real surprise would burst out. On the opposite side, flanking the whole town, a mighty Ultralisk busted through the wall, causing debris to fly and bust down buildings, crushing people and even other Zerglings here and there. A new rush of Zergling would charge in, surrounding any deviants from both sides now.

Kerrigan landed on top of the wall, standing up as her aura send pure dread around her. It was more of a psychic potential registering on any normal person's mind, and Kerrigan was actively sending such a dread around her. She stood almost towering in front of the first sharpshooter, her human-like qualities sending fear in of itself. The simplicity of a female figure, so human, so elegant, corrupted by the Zerg infestation and twisted to be standing death would be enough to cause the strongest of hearts to break with panic, fear, hopelessness...

"The Swarm...can not be stopped." She said, and the wing sealed his fate. With a quick swish, the blades of her "wing" sliced through the marine's armor, skin, muscle, bone, severing his head from his torso. She then set her eyes to the next target, the swarm of insectoids overrunning the position by now...
The commander looked around him, nodding his head. They were doing good. Great even. They were starting to beat back the wave of zerg. Just as he was about to shout out more words of encouragement, another hole was busted in the wall. He turned and saw an Ultralisk. He couldn't believe it. Now they were being attacked from both sides. His eyes narrowed, and he slowly started to back up. "Ultra! Six 'o' clock!" The transition and division of fire was seamless. But a house divided could not stand. The commander knew this. He tapped his helmet, patting the shoulder of another marine. "Time to call it in boys. Give them hell!" The civilians were in sheer panic now, or rather what was left of them. They had been acting as cannon fodder. When he looked back to the wall to see how his sharpshooters were doing, he roared out in anger. He had turned just in time to see the first get decapitated.

The other five turned, the closest one stammering and stuttering in horror. The four who were farther away managed to swallow their fear as they'd been told. "Mikey! We're gonna die anyways." The closest couldn't help it, he jumped, right into the horde of incoming Zerglings. A few moments of screaming was all that was heard before he fell silent. The other sharpshooters narrowed their eyes, anger overtaking their forced-back fear. One of them actually charged at the creature, this, this thing that killed two of his friends. "You fucking bug!" Rounds from their rifles followed the one soldier charging at Kerrigan.

Back on the ground, the commander nodded, watching one jump off the wall. Three left. Hopefully they'd do some damage. All of these soldiers were going to die. Command wasn't sending any back-up, they'd left them to die just like the last time. Bastards. As he turned, helping his boys rain destruction upon the incoming enemy, he activated his radio. "Red alert has just gone Topaz. Topaz damnit! I want a full self destruct of this base! We cannot let these bugs hit the bunker!" The man in the radio room looked shocked, looking to his partner, and then back to the control pad. "Are you sure sir?" The command yelled into the mic, smashing the stock of his rifle against a Zergling. "God damnit soldier! I'm sure! High command ain't comin' for us and I don't want my boys to die like this! I want them to go out with a bang goddamnit! Now activate the self destruct!" The radio man jumped out of his seat, his partner following him to a control panel near the back of the room. It would take a little bit to activate. The commander knew this.

"Oi, boys, we got help on the way! We need to hold the radio tower for approximately 30 seconds!" The marines nodded, starting to move out, forcing the zerg back once more. They even took a few pot-shots at the winged figure on the wall, now fighting purely out of defiance and anger. The radio men underground were just finishing up the self destruct sequence. With a final, synchronized turn of the key, a voice rang out across the base. "Self destruct in T-15 seconds." The commander stopped, turning around to look at the winged figure. His visor cleared, giving her full view of his face, which was smiling at her. Then, he started to laugh. "You lose, you winged, zerg fucker!"
Kerrigan felt the pellets of shots hitting her carapace, the distance making them nearly nothing for her. As she looked to the other sharpshooter charging her she simply grinned. As he got close she ducked down and picked the man up as if her were paper weight. Her other wing then pierced into his abdomen and started to inject something inside of him. She then turned and chucked the bloating male out into the city. Once he got so far out, his body couldn't be contained inside of the armor and blew out any opening in it, the shock wave of it sending crack and fractures into the armor itself. She turned to the other one and send a blast at him, sending him flying through the air.

"Self destruct in T-15 seconds" rang out over the comms and had Kerrigan glaring down at the commander. That yellow-orange visor cleared its view, showing the males grinning face and Kerrigan leered at him with just as a sadistic of a grin. With wings extended the mass of Zerg started to rush more, the ground quaking with termors of creatures rushing in on the base. She leaped out, leaving the last Sharpshooter on the wall to be over ran by Zerglings and Hydralisks. With her bounding leap she landed on top of the radio tower. She knew how these explosives worked, once started little to nothing could stop it. She could disconnect the head from the mechanisms and sever the explosive from it's detonator. But that would require her to find the explosive itself.

Her psyonic mind started to probe into the building, searching for the ones responsible for deactivating the bomb. She wouldn't get to them fast enough she was starting to imagine. "Take them with us!" She cried out. The massacre shifted course...people were being incapacitated now, knocked out and taken hostage oddly enough. She leaped down and stood in front of the commander and the few troops left by him. She stood, barely as tall as any of them, her wings giving her the added hieight. "Hello...boys." She said with a grin still on her lips...

Then the explosion came. Everything would go white and the last thing the men would see...was Kerrigan's out reaching wings and claws. The thing was, they weren't dead...they would awaken, tied down and completely exposed. Their armor was gone and they were in chrysalis of their own, the infestation slowly sinking into their bodies, altering them, augmenting them...
The commander was one of those unlucky few to wake up. "Wha? What the hell?" He started to struggle, pulling against his bindings, realizing he was nude and in a..... a chrysalis? No..... no, it couldn't be. Hell would be better then this. It would be much better then this. Zandt shook his head, wondering how many of his boys, maybe even civilians were here, being infested. God, he hoped he didn't end up like that winged thing. He wasn't sure how well that would end up. He'd heard horror stories about these Zerg, and even though he didn't completely believe them, he did know what infested Terran marines were used for. Although he wouldn't mind getting a shot at that Mengsk character. As of yet, the marine commander had not been thinking about his lack of clothes, or about the liquid that seemed to be stuck with him, creating a somewhat tingly sensation across his body.

Although he still couldn't believe that the nuclear blast hadn't killed them. Vaguely, he wondered where they were, and whether or not back-up would actually be coming. He was in the middle of thinking about if his men were okay when he froze, feeling something brush against his bare, bound leg. "Grr...... what's in here with me? Don't you fucking Zerg have enough decency to let a man die in peace?" He growled, straining at his bonds again, creating small ripples in the liquid surrounding him.

Trystan groaned, looking out in despair. His ship had arrived at the planet under siege just in time to watch the nuke go off. He'd lost a colony. That was not a good sign for the new beginning of what was no doubt a new war. Or rather, the continuation of an old one. "Ready a clean-up team. Firebats, marines, most of all the Medics. I want a transport ship down there, 2 Medics." The men nodded, shouting out the commands. Trystan rubbed his temples, looking away from the window on his ship. He was superstitious, and he didn't like the way this was turning out already. He'd just have to hit them back, harder. "You know what? Scratch my last order. There's a Hive down there, or else the outpost wouldn't have had to use 'Code Topaz'. I want all squadrons deployed. Every unit, down to the last Valkyrie on this carrier, I want planet side as soon as possible." His eyes narrowed as he took his seat, adjusting his hat. "I will not tolerate defeat. This time, we will be prepared. Comms, send word to Command. The Zerg are making a re-entry into this war. I want everyone to be ready." The comms officer saluted before rushing off to the ship's long distance comms array.
Kerrigan stood next to the one who was Zandt and smirked, sensing he was awakening inside of the chrysalis now. "Enjoy'll soon become my new force to conquer this universe. Now, have fun..." She said, gently placing a hand on the edge, the Terran male being able to hear every word she said.

The tendrils inside of the chrysalis would then start to react, slowly probing their bodies and exploring them, making secretions of their own to soak into the Terran's bodies. This liquid, though, would heighten their arousal and cause other subtle changes over time...they would feel an ache in the chests for one, another would be between their legs. The arousal would very slowly and gradually progress through their entire body. The whole time they would be mostly immobilized inside their 'eggs' and molested by the tendrils reaching in from the sides.

The Zerg hive back on planet side no longer held the newly formed Kerrigan and her captors. It had a massive force, but it was mostly just a shock troop with a controlling cerebrate. The thing would be what had the strongest defense, the living creep growing across the landscape and new hives and spawning pools and many other "buildings" would hatch up around the area, drones mining what resources would be needed while Zerglings, Hydralisks, Mutalisks and even Ultralisks patrolled most of the larger hives and occasionally out to the smaller ones.

In the distance another company of soldiers heard the distress call, but it wouldn't be an army that they would have expected. It was the Zerg's age old nemeses, the Protoss. It was it's own sizable fleet, maybe 200 strong for now. The thing with the Protoss, once they developed a base they would have the ability to warp in their larger forces and more of everything. Such was the capability of their technology. Neither the Zerg nor the Terran would know of their approach though, not yet anyway...
Zandt groaned, struggling harder. "You bitch! I won't fight for you!" He thrashed about, hate and rage seeping from him like waves. The tendrils had started their business, causing Zandt to moan, thrashing about. "Fuck you you Zerg bitch!" He continued to thrash about, his comrades starting to awaken too, albeit they were much more paniced. They awoke to these tendrils probing and poking at them, groaning as their fear turned to arousal. Zandt was holding up pretty well, but as far as he was concerned, they were all dead. He couldn't stop thinking about how they used Terran troops once they were infested.

Trystan's orders were being carried out to a 'T', soldiers of various types loading onto the many transport ships, as well as SCV's, and even a mobile construction vehicle. That would serve as their base of operations during this particular conquest. He would avenge Van Zandt. He was a good man, loyal. Well, at least he was in a better place.

The soldiers were scrambling onto the dropships, the section commanders of their respective types giving them a slight debriefing before the drop commander signaled for everyone to get ready. Once everyone was inside their shuttles, the green light flashed and the drop commander quickly bolted behind the thick steel doors. The huge bay doors under the ships groaned open, the giant metal claws holding them releasing the shuttles. With a hiss and a small exhalation of air, the ships disappeared, hurtling towards the planet's surface. The landing zone was a few miles east of what had once been a colony, but was now a large, flat black blemish on the planet's crust. Nuclear warheads certainly packed a punch. Within minutes, the ships had landed, the armed units fanning out to form a perimeter. There were a few wandering Zerg, but they were quickly put down before they could harm anyone. "Alright ladies! I want this place secured and locked down! No Zerg, no problem. Oohrah?"

"Oohrah!" came the response as Marines, Firebats, and even a few Goliaths fanned out around the ship that contained the MCV, shooting anything that moved. As far as they knew, the area was now secure and under Terran command. They gave the okay to deploy their MCV, watching as it slowly, steadily, became a command center. SCV's started to move, gathering resources and such. One of the Firebat commanders, Micheal Hawthorn, called in. "This is Commander Micheal Hawthorn to the Marlow, we have established base control of the area and are now working on an operating base of operations. We will notify progress as we make it." The comms officer nodded. "Acknowledge command. Continue with operation."
The tendrils continued to probe their bodies, exploring every inch of them, one starting to grind against Zandt's cock now. Little known to Trystan, he may very well have to fight his former companion as well as his former...significant other...One tendril wrapped around his hardening cock, the secretions coating every inch of his body as his skin started to harden and shift about, showing the first signs of a carapace. Another tendril then started to probe his anus, testing its resistance to take and even give. About twenty others were starting to cover his body, spreading the juices of both the chrysalis and Kerrigan's tendrils she had added to the egg.

Back at the Hive, some Overlords roamed the sky, just out of reach of the Terran weaponry, relaying the information to the Cerebrate, who then relayed it to it's "owner", Kerrigan. "So...I have to deal with Raynor and his boys..." She said, feeling an odd twinge inside of her, but it is soon shoved away as she makes her way to a special chamber. It was meant to help repair her own body but she had a few extras inside of it...about three of the civilian females she had grabbed from the underground bunkers. She grinned as they hung against the walls, their arms and legs spread wide and their bodies completely exposed. They would be unconscious as well, for now, as Kerrigan went and sat down inside where her Egg would then encase her and started to cover her body in the same fluid that was in Zandt's own chrysalis. It would repair her body, but to a normal Terran, it would convert their DNA structure to match that of a Zerg, and alter their minds to the overpowering will of the Overmind...
Zandt groaned, trying to fight against these tendrils, these things that were trying to take him. Slowly, ever so slowly, he felt a fog settling over his mind. A renewed wave of hatred hit him. Around him he could hear that his marines had already given in, the juices these eggs were secreting overpowering their neuro re-socializing. Their moans were rather loud. But Zandt would not give in. He couldn't. Trystan always came through. Always. It was in his nature to watch over his boys. Oh, but the way these things were stroking him..... No! He could not give in.

One of the marines saw something floating in the sky, just barely out of reach of their weapons. "Damnit. Commander, we have Overlords hovering right outside of our range." The Firbat waved it off, looking at the SCV's working. They were working on a barracks now, a few of them still gathering resources, while another group were working on Missile and gun turrets. They'd have to play this carefully. A defensive emplacement in the wrong place could spell disaster for them. "Come on! I want everyone here to stay on alert! Those Overlords are here for a reason!" He looked at one of them, almost hoping that that bastard Queen could see him. The barracks didn't take long to assemble, being how basic they were. The turrets would take a little longer.

Of course, they would need to maintain communications with the main ship. The Valkyries should be on their way, but they actually had weapons and sophisticated targeting systems. If they touched down as roughly as the transport ship did, they'd be worth more as cover for his soldiers. He looked around, seeing the Comms Marine had already set up a temporary link with the command ship. Good, he liked streamlined work.
The tendril near Zandt's rump finally just pushed up into him, and with his mouth opening wide, one went down his throat. The two started to pump in and out of him, stroking his cock with a third still. His body began to really change now, the skin changing to a green hue and some plates growing around his joints, his hair matting together. Kerrigan would become completely encased by now and would extend her wings to puncture her egg, extending her mental reach into the Hive itself now. She essentially was now a cerebrate, her mind encompassing the entire main hive and the "building" becoming her "body". The females inside of her chamber would now get a rude awakening as tendrils started to explore THEIR bodies, slowly coating them in the arousing secretions and "converting" juices that the males were being bathed in.

A small mass of Zergling was now dispatched, maybe about twenty of them tops. They started to charge straight at the entrance to good ol' Raynor's working base. This small dispatch would split into four, each group charging a different location. It was a test, of course, to see how strong his defenses were and at what sections. He was a great strategist, so naturally he was sitting inside of a little culde sac with strong choke points. Kerrigan knew a land-based attack would be futile with a forward strike, so she would need to work around the head-on attack when she actually attacked his back.

Approaching close to the planet now was the Protoss fleet, approximately twenty ships large with most of the forces inside one of the three Carriers. It wasn't within threatening ranges yet, but it was slowly reaching its destination...
Zandt couldn't take it anymore. That tentacle sliding into his backside pushed him over the edge. He didn't know why, but he felt a sudden need to serve the Zerg. His little voice was shouting defiantly, but as he was teased and tickled, and changed, that voice soon stopped making ruckus. The other marines had long since fallen prey to the transformation, now something less then human. The same fate awaited Van Zandt.

By now, the towers had been set up. Four gun turrets on each corner, with the missile turrets in between each corner, forming a sort of square of defense. Most of his forces were stationed up front, near the chokepoint that he'd positioned himself in, but he had 3 Goliaths guarding the back door just in case. The Zerg may not be as intelligent as a human, but they were sneaky little blighters, that was for certain. The SCV's were working on a sensor array, the few that were left over starting on something of a wall. It wouldn't keep the bigger units out, but the smaller units would have trouble getting through. As a first line of defense, Hotshot had decided that what was a better deterrent for bugs then fire? Him and a few other Firebats went around the outer perimeter of their base, laying down generous amounts of gasoline. Oh boy, did Hotshot have a few surprises for these guys. With a grin, he assigned two of his best sharpshooters to head up to the highest point of the Command Center, handing them bi-pods to help increase their accuracy. After a little, the censor array was up and running, sending out active pings, searching at least 250 km out from the center of the base, which only spanned about 100km. They'd get a fair enough warning. The radio comms man had set up a visual link to a salvaged sentry drone, allowing Trystan to keep a bird's eye view of the battle field, as well as instruct where to build certain structures next. Next on the list of things to build was the armory. He looked back at the provisions officer, signaling one and nodding. The officer saluted, running off to go perform his duty.

As of yet, the carrier had sent down 400 men. They had another 250 more not counting the ship's main crew. He also had some heavy strike craft. All he could hope was that his men would be alright. That's when the sensor array picked something up. A small contingent of Zerg were heading for them. Hotshot grinned, checking his flamethrower before letting his visor resume it's normal color instead of it being clear. "Come on boys! When it's black, it's done!"
That tingle in his chest? It would persist, and even expand. She was starting to build a strong figure inside...his chrysalis. The tendrils would wrap around his forming chest, starting to grope it oddly to him. His entire body was becoming sensative, the slightest touch would start to push him close to the knife's edge of orgasm. A suction cup would now engulf his cock and started suck down on it, releasing the pressure and then started back up, repeating this process over and over. The tendrils would start to pump in and out more rapidly now, one going up into his rectum the other out of his throat, and then they would reverse.

Then Kerrigan sensed it. The tell tale signs of the Protoss Khala...that strong mental link all High Templar Protoss had with one another. She would let the females become subject to the same manipulation as Zandt as she released her form, walking from her Hive. "I need an army, NOW!" She ordered out to the Cerebrates along the planet. The Hives then started to produce tons more Zerglings, Hydralisks and would even start creating Scourge and Guardians.

"The Protoss shall not destory my hive..." She said with a glaring view. That's right my young one, destory them all. The Overmind said. The Zerglings that were heading to test out the Terran base suddenly halted and then started to charge into a retreat. "This Hive may very well be lost...we need to pull back and launch a stronger assault on the Protoss, we do not have the forces to face them right now." She informed, No! Show them the might of the Zerg Swarm! The Overmind demanded and Kerrigan growled lowly. Such a pathetic's going to get us killed. She thought to herself once more. She needed to prepare for a Zerg Purge and didn't have much time to do it.
Gah, his mind was shattering. These things were good, entirely too good! All those years of going without anything, not even the slightest touch had left him unknowingly wanting, and when that suction cup engulfed his cock, he couldn't help but let out the longest stream of curses he'd ever said. But they weren't filled with hate, or anger, or any other emotion really besides pleasure. He could barely focus on what those tentacles around his chest were doing. Whatever it was, he wasn't sure he wanted them to stop.

Hotshot tilted his head, watching the Zerg pull back. This couldn't be right. The comms marine stood up. "Commander, you now have direct link with the Marlow." Hotshot nodded, allowing his visor to clear. "Admiral, are you seeing that? They're pulling back. Something is going on." Trystan shook his head, rubbing his chin, thinking hard. "Keep all your men on high alert. We have another transport coming down with supplies for an armory. Once it touches down, you need to get that building up and running." Hotshot grinned, looking around at his soldiers. "Understood sir, we'll get it up when we can." Trystan nodded, smiling to himself. He admired his boys. As far as he was concerned, they were among the best, and the hardest working.

One of the people near the sensory station looked up, scratching his head and whispering to the other people in his sector, tapping his screen and shrugging. Trystan tilted his head, standing up and walking over. "What is it?" The soldier shrugged, leaning close and studying it. "It's a blip. It's there on one pass, gone the next. It can't be a rock either. Rocks don't just alternate like that." The Admiral sighed, rubbing his chin. What the hell was it? Why did he suddenly have a sick feeling in his gut? He sighed, standing straight. "Ready the weapons system. I'm not sure what it is, but if it's hostile, I don't want to be caught with my pants down." The person nodded, flicking a small yellow switch near the radar sensor. A small yellow light went off, silently spinning and blinking. Missile batteries were readied, autocannon turrets loaded. They were battle ready, but hopefully, whatever that blip was wasn't wanting to kill them. They were one ship. One big, deadly, well armed, heavily armored ship, but one ship none-the-less. The provisions officer tapped Trystan on the shoulder, nodding and giving him a thumbs up. The armory materials were on their way.
Kerrigan growled lowly again, massing the forces up near her main Hive. "My first encounter with the Protoss..." She said to herself, looking around at all of the Zerg around her. That's when it happened. Her mind was flooded by thoughts of some being...What was this? Visions of a fertile landscape flooded her mind, grand architectures and hyper advanced buildings. That was also when a sudden pain surged into her mind, all the Zerg seeming to have the same effect. The moment it all came was also the moment it all left. Aiur! rang the Overmind's voice.

"What of the Protoss here?" She demanded. They will join us soon enough. The voice of the Overmind said to her and she simply growled once more. "Fine...I shall leave this planet, but I'm not leaving it alone." She said, walking back into her Hive to gather the chrysalises she had taken. "I require my guard to hatch. Once they are done, I shall leave to this...Aiur." She informed. Your pathetic pet-project is meaningless compared to becoming the perfect beings we are meant to be! It yelled out in protest. "And I'm not leaving this project for some futile idea of perfection! Do not dream to order me so simply!" She tossed back with fury in her voice. "I know how to kill you, don't make your usefulness run off its course." She threatened...then silence. She won out over this time...

Zeratul stood over the husk that was a Cerebrate, his blade retreating back. He looked to the near-by Zerg, watching them go into a frenzy and rampage...So, this was how you killed them. The power of the Void was their true weakness. But what of these Terran? Why were they here? He ordered the rest of his ships to come down, unload and prepare to purge the rest of the Zerg from the planet.
The radars on the ship started to basically scream at the sensor soldiers. "Holy shit! Captain, you better take a look at this." Trystan strode over, narrowing his eyes as he saw the screen. About 20 blips. They were moving too slow to be any type of Zerg unit though. "Protoss. Don't fire...... we can't afford to fight them yet. I don't think they are here to kill us right now either." The officers nodded, keeping everything on yellow alert.

Back on the ground, the Comms officer just about crapped himself. The radar screen had just about filled up with those blips. "Uh.... C-Commander? You might wanna come check this out...." Hotshot jogged over to the relay and went wide-eyed. "What the fuck? Where the hell did all these guys come from? Everyone, get ready. I want all the SCV's moved towards the center of the base. Someone get those Goliaths ready." Everyone scrambled to their posts, a small red siren going off. The Firebats got ready, checking their flamethrowers. The marines were loading their rifles with as much ammo as they could fit into the magazines. They even set up a few heavy machine gun emplacements near the front and the back, adding to their defensive capabilities. All the turrets were put online, scanning and doing their usual back and forth sweeping motions.

Trystan was proud. He tapped a few buttons on the panel near him, stepping closer to the wall-mounted microphone. "Hotshot, calm down. They are Protoss. I don't think they are here for us this time, although I want everyone ready for an attack. Stay alive. Already lost one commander, don't need another one gone too." Hotshot chuckled, shaking his head. "Ya ain't gonna lose me sir. I've been through a little too much for God to just let me die don'tcha think?" The captain chuckled, nodding slowly. "You have a point there Mikey. Just be careful. We are ready for number out there. I'm not sure we are exactly Protoss capable at the moment. Although we could put a hurting on them up here."
Zeratul inhaled softly and shifted himself through to where the Nexus was warping in. Probes, we need minerals. Observers, I need to see what these Terran are up to. Brother! It is the Terran Trystan Raynor... came the voice of another Dark Templar, Are you sure? Zeratul asked and the warrior nodded. Very well. Find me a transmitter. He informed and walked a little distance from the base of operations. After so far he started a transmission to Raynor's flag ship, being alone on a small hill top.

Kerrigan could sense the heavy Psionics of the Protoss the proximity was too threatening for her likes and she didn't like the size. That was when a rip opened above the hive...a wave of Zerg flying through. Reinforcement. "Why thank you...father." She said in a very mocking tone, standing with a grin on her lips and her hands on her hips. "My pets should be done soon as well. They shall be the elite of my infested army." She mused aloud, a Hydralisk slithering up behind her. She glanced back and smiled, remembering the fear these things once caused, and now she had the ability to order them around. This was true power...
Trystan was satisfied for now. His ship was ready to do some damage, as were his ground troops. Micheal seemed to have everything under control. The loss of Van Zandt was steadily losing it's shock value. Even though it still bounced around in his head, it wasn't as strong as before. An entire colony just bl- "Sir, there's an incoming transmission. We've traced it to a Protoss standing on a hill." Trystan tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. "Put it on the overhead." The soldier nodded and soon the transmission was put through the ship's speakers.

The men on the ground were getting a little antsy. The Protoss had come out of nowhere. They had no idea if they were going to fire or not, and in those kind of skirmishes, they'd rather be the ones to get the first shot off. With a sigh and a few more rounds of pacing, Hotshot shook his head. "Alright guys, I'd say we have this place secured. I think we'll be going on the offensive." Trystan sighed, shaking his head. By now, a full scale wall had been erected, a gate had even been installed. There were fully operational gun turrets on the walls, ready to see some action. Meanwhile, an attack party was organized, an attack party 250 men strong. 50 of those men were Firebats, 50 were Medics. The other 150 were pure Marines. The armory had long since landed and been constructed. The gate opened with a hiss, spilling the 250 men out into the open ground. Micheal had a flaming skull painted onto the back of his armor. Thus, it made him one to stand out.
Trystan Ray-Nor. Came the voice of Zeratul as his picture shown at Trystan's comm-table. I am glad it is you I am seeing right now. I am Zeratul, Dark Templar Prelate. What are you and your forces doing here? He questioned. He stood firm, even as one of his men came up behind him and crouched down. Prelate Zeratul, I am sorry to barge in, but the Zerg are starting to mobilise more forces... He said and Zeratul nodded to him. Trystan Ray-Nor, we must work together. The Zerg Swarm will be coming en masse soon. I fear even my Dark Templar will not be enough to face them as a whole. He informed, and then it interruption in their transmission.

"Trystan's been a long time..." Came the familiar but twisted voice of Sarah Kerrigan. "And have you boys been?" She questioned, her corrupted figure appearing with an evil grin.
Trystan chuckled, patting an officer on the shoulder. "Zeretul huh? Happy to see a Protoss that isn't trying to kill us." He tilted his head, considering the Dark Templar's offer for only a second. "Deal. We'll help you smoke them out...... but I don't want all my men to be taking the casualties." The Admiral growled slightly as the transmission was interrupted, Kerrigan's voice making itself known over the loudspeakers. Trystan took a small step back, raising an eyebrow, not quite believing it. He was even more shocked when she came onto the screen. "Kerrigan?" He looked around, checking the faces of his crew. Well, they were all shocked, so he couldn't be imagining this. "Kerrigan? You're alive?" He tilted his head, studying her. She had been infested. He shook his head, rubbing his eyes. "Kerrigan, what are you doing? Why are you fighting for the Zerg?" His eyes narrowed, and he looked at his crew, then back to the screen. "Damnit, Kerrigan, you're stronger then that. Fight it. I know you can push it back." His eyes turned pleading. "Come on, fight it! You aren't a part of the Zerg. You are Kerrigan!"

The comms officer had relayed the message to Micheal. "Do not shoot the Protoss boys. Looks like they're on our side for this one." The mood changed almost tangibly. It went from an incredibly tense, forlorn mood to a noticeably lighter one. For once, they wouldn't be going against their high technology, but instead working with it. Although that set off some worry in Mikey's head. Had the Zerg become so powerful that the Protoss and Terran needed to team up to take them out? That couldn't be a very good sign. He sighed and shrugged, shaking his head and moving on. The Valkyries had made it to the planet. 16 of those 26 fighters patrolled around the steadily growing base of operations, while the other 10 moved out to offer air support for the marines. So far, it looked like they had a fairly good chance. Hell, they'd even be ready to take on Ultralisks at this point.
Kerrigan grinned at his pleading. "Oh have no idea how it feels. Hmmm...maybe I should show you. And Zeratul...I must say, killing that Cerebrate was a bit of a shock to me, but....the Overmind wishes to extend his thanks. After I'm done here, we'll take care of Aiur next." She said with a sneer. "And Trystie baby...don't stand in my way. Because, I will kill you. Tell Mengsk I said hi, and I'll see him soon too." She said, then the comm shut off from her, leaving Zeratul.

Trystan Ray-Nor, we must act fast. If the Zerg can amass a large enough army they will overrun us. I must contact the other Prelates and the Khalai Protoss and warn them of the danger. I shall leave my main army here to help you. Hurry, Kerrigan cannot get to Aiur nor can she succeed here. He said before cutting the comm off himself. Rally the Zealots and Dragoons...the Zerg will be amassing a large army and they have a new infestation working for them. I fear...I fear that she will be the most formidable of the Zerg yet. He said, and the Dark Templar nodded, fading into the void to carry out Zeratul's commands...

Kerrigan turned to the Overlords and Guardians coming from the warp-rift opening above the Hive. "Come, my pets, I need to delay them as much as possible. I can't give them any clue as to what I am truly up to..." She said, walking towards her Chrysalises.
The Terran Admiral tilted his head, his eyes slowly losing their pleading look. "Show me how it feels?" He shook his head, dispersing certain thoughts he had. This wasn't Kerrigan damnit. This was Zerg......... There had to be some way to help her, to bring her back to the way she was. When she called him again, he looked up. The pleading was gone now, and when she said she'd kill him if he got in the way, just the slightest spark of anger flared behind those pools of color. It was all he could do to keep his composure after she blinked out of comms. "Well....... guess I'll have to start getting in the way then, huh? I will bring you back Kerrigan." He sighed, shaking his head. His eyes were cold now. He had a job to do. "Don't worry Zeretul. They won't amass a big enough army. I've got units enroute, as you may be able to see. You go take care of what you need to take care of. If you could put your units under my command, I'll take care of things here." When Zeretul blinked out of the comms window as well, Trystan rubbed his forehead. By now the Valkyries had made their way to the base, as well as the contingent of Marines heading for the Zerg Hive. The Wraiths weren't far behind, only 2 out of 10 staying behind at the base, the other 8 meeting up with the Terran air forces. By now, along with the Protoss units, they had to stand a chance. Trystan estimated they matched about half of this Hive's forces, which when facing the Zerg, were damned good odds.

The Carriers of the Protoss slowly made their way into the planet's atmosphere, their swarm of combat ships moving endlessly, like bees around their hive. A few fleets of Corseairs flew alongside these monstrous carries, which were accompanied by many smaller fleets of Oracles. They had quite an impressive display of airpower. The Corseairs and Oracles fell in with the Terran airships, the Wraiths wiggling their wings to show the ground troops they were fine. The Dragoons fell in at the back of the Terran attack platoon, while the Zealots and Dark Templars made their way up front with the Firebats and Marines. Now, bolstered by Protoss air and ground units, they would form a division of just shy of 700 troops. The Protoss demanded air superiority, their massive air fleet shadowing the ground forces. For once, the Marines didn't mind having such firepower hovering over their heads. They believed that their commander knew best, and their commander wasn't panicking. That had to mean that they weren't going to rain hell upon them..... at least, not right now. Slowly and steadily they made their way towards the Zerg Hive, their footfalls sounding like an approaching storm, the various and numerous engines of their combined air force only adding to that affect. Hotshot wondered whether or not this would teach whoever was controlling these bugs just how to shit themselves.
Kerrigan grinned as she walked away to her Chrysalises, watching their pulsating. She smiled and could feel a stirring deep inside of her body, something familiar. She sighed softly, reaching a hand between her legs and softly touched the chitin covering her crotch. She groaned and shook her head, trying to get thoughts like that out of her mind. "I want a nydus network built up, now!" She ordered and a drone tarted to burrow deep into the ground, the creep helping it through. "Aerial those hulking masses what numbers really mean." She ordered as her Scourge started to zip and zoom past, Mutalisks following close behind. The Mutalisks would start to engage the smaller, more speedy fighters, scourges charging straight for the Carriers and Battlecruises themselves. Most of the Scourges were aimed for the engines or weapons systems, aiming to cripple the massive ships or take them down entirely. It was quickly descending into chaos and madness.

"Ultras, burrow down and await a flanking opportunity, Hydras and Zerglings charge head on and I want one of my Cerebrates to charge another flanking maneuver. I want three fronts on this land force, and I want it now." She said with a growl. She walked into her Chrysalis Chamber and watched them pulse once more. She called over an Overlord and noticed the tendrils hang down at the entrance. "Drones...take my babies to the Overlord...I need to get them away from here." She said, laying a hand gently on Zant's egg, "Mmm...I'll see you later baby." She said with a smile, letting them be taken away.
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