Good Girl Gone Bad (Krys Snape & blakkatt07)

"You are absolutely going to love the sushi here" ,Ryan stated noticing Hermione ordered the sushi platter as well. "The platter has a beautiful assortment that's very appealing to the eyes and taste buds". Ryan liked food in fact not many knew that he himself liked to cook normally a pure blood like himself would have a house elf cook for them but he liked to make his own food every now and then. When Hermione asked if his parents were as friendly to muggleborns as he was he smiled, "Not all pure blooded Slytherins are purist my parents accept all people they're not all high and mighty about blood status and they raised me to be the man I am today and I'd like to think they did a good job" ,Ryan told Hermione in response.
"Well I think they've done a wonderful job. More purebloods need to get over that elitist nonsense. But then again considering how against muggleborns Salazar Slytherin himself was, it's easy to see how most pure blooded Slytherins were sorted there on that belief alone. I will laugh the day a muggleborn has traits worthy of being sorted into Slytherin." She smiled. "Though I assume the Malfoys would look at your family as being blood-traitors like the Weasleys then for being friendly with people like me."
"Well I'll remember to tell them you said that" ,Ryan stated with a smile. "As for the Malfoy's who cares what they think honestly they have their dirty little secrets and my family knows a lot of them". After a few moments the waiter came with the wine and appetizers, Ryan nodded to thank the man before grabbing a bread stick and taking a bite out of it. The waiter poured two glasses of wine before placing the bottle in a bucket of ice that was between Ryan and Hermione. "I do hope you and your lovely lady friend enjoy everything Mr.Sullivan" ,the waiter said. "I am positive we will everyone who works her does lovely work and you can expect a very nice tip from me before I leave" ,Ryan stated in response. After the waiter let Ryan looked back at Hermione and smiled, "You must try these bread sticks they are the most delicious bread sticks I have ever tasted".
"I'm quite sure the Malfoys have their secrets. After all, I think something's going on in their house to make Draco such a 'Daddy's boy.' I swear he goes to his father the way I ran to mine when I was a little girl. Might start calling him "Daddy's little princess' soon, if he keeps that up." She giggled. "Should transfigure him a dress while I'm at it." She could just see the image now and was giggling away.

She watched the waiter bring the appetizers and poured the wine. Hermione then grinned as she watched Ryan with the breadstick. When he told her she must try the bread sticks, she chuckled. "That good, huh?" She reached for the plate of breadsticks before looking back at him with a smirk as she grabbed one up and bit into it, her eyes closing as she enjoyed it. "This really is good."
Ryan laughed at Hermione's comment about Draco even though he was friends with Draco Ryan knew the guy could be a complete and total jerk and Ryan didn't agree with Draco's purist views. "I think I would laugh at him if you did that" ,Ryan stated laughing a little at the thought of Draco in a dress.

When Hermione bit into the bread stick and said it was good Ryan smiled, "I told you now you must try the sushi and don't forget to put a little bit of ginger and wasabi on it then dip it into the soy sauce it tastes phenomenal" ,Ryan stated as he dipped a piece of sushi into the small cup of soy sauce on the platter in front of him. After he put the piece of sushi in his mouth and began chewing it he let out a sigh of content, "Now that is just delicious I love sushi" ,he stated after he finished eating it. "So tell me Hermione what made you say yes to this date with me"?
"I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I'll give him a nice frilly pink one and ponytails with cute pink bows." She giggled. She figured she might just do such a thing the next chance she got.

Hermione did as he told her with the sushi, however when she bit into it, she immediately got the effects of the wasabi. "That's quite spicy, isn't it? Yet I feel like my sinuses got a lot clearer as well." It was obvious she hadn't tried the wasabi before. "It truly is delicious." She heard his question and blushed when he called it a date. "Well, you're caring, not a jerk. You don't care what others think and're handsome." She blushed as she called him handsome. "What made you decide to ask me out?"
Ryan laughed a little bit at Hermione's reaction to the wasabi, "Yes that stuff is quite spicy I only usually put a little bit on each piece myself but I think it compliments the sushi well" ,he stated in response. When Hermione asked why he had asked her out he looked at her and smiled, "Well first of all you are beautiful there is no question there any guy would be damn lucky to be seen with someone as stunning as you, second I like that you're smart and have standards unlike most of the girls I've been with you have brains and beauty, and well I just like you and I have ever since I first made fun of you in our first year here, I teased you because I had a crush on you and I was jealous because you always hung out with Ron and Harry" ,Ryan admitted. He took a sip of his wine, "I mean let's be honest everyone knows Harry Potter is the chosen one and Ron is his best friend I mean how does a guy like me even compete with that"?
Hermione looked down slightly embarrassed as he told her he usually only put a little wasabi on each piece. She knew she had used too much but her excitement had her overlook it. She was soon looking up at him again as he gave her his reasons for asking her out. She blushed as he complimented her on her beauty, brains and standards. She was touched as he admitted to crushing on her even when he teased her that first year.

"Harry was chosen unwillingly and as a baby because he was the reason Voldemort disappeared. He doesn't want to be. He doesn't want to be famous. He can't even date properly without worrying if he's wanted because he's the "Chosen One". He's held to such a high standard in the wizarding world. But at home....he's not like that. He's treated as bad as a house elf." She didn't know why she was telling him this but somehow, she felt it was right to tell him. He's not stuck up about it like Professor Snape likes to claim. Did you know Professor Snape was in the same year as Harry's parents?"
Ryan listened as Hermione told him about Harry and he felt bad for the guy, "Wow I didn't know that I just thought he was held so highly by his peers and that everyone loved him" ,he stated in response. "Don't get me wrong I've never had an issue with Harry that's Draco's thing I think he wants the attention Harry gets around the school quite frankly". Ryan took another bite of his sushi then a sip from his glass, "But now that I know the truth I'll remember that next time one of my fellow house mates decides to make fun of him".
"Either that or he's still upset that Harry refused to be friends with him when they met first year." She shook her head with a giggle. "Oh as much as Harry hates Draco, I doubt he'd be willing to give up the attention Harry gets since it would mean Draco would instead be in danger of being killed by death eaters." She nodded in appreciation as she sipped from her glass. "It would mean a lot. Just don't make a big deal of it."
"That could be it too" ,Ryan stated in agreement to Hermione's statement about Harry refusing Draco's friendship in their first year. "Don't worry about me making a big deal about it I know how to keep things quiet" ,he told her with a smile. He took another sip from his glass and continued to eat the appetizers on the table. When he was finished with them he looked to Hermione, "Would you like to order dinner yet or do you want to wait and let the food we just ate settle a bit"?
Hermione grinned and sipped from her glass. "Glad to hear it." She continued eating her share of the appetizers and soon settled back. "I think it's best to just let it settle a bit first before we continue." Sipping again from her glass, she thought of what else she wanted to ask Ryan. "So what are some of your favorite things?" She figured there would be some things he might say that she wasn't exposed to, being muggleborn, but she also figured he might try to remedy that.
"I agree we have enough time to relax so it is best to let our food settle a bit" ,Ryan said in agreement. He took a sip from his own glass then set it back down on the table, when Hermione asked what some of his favorite things were he thought for a moment. "Well I like quidditch but what witch or wizard doesn't, I also like to dance and listen to music, I love magical creatures and brewing potions, I also like to lay down on the ground at night and look up at the stars I find it incredibly relaxing" ,Ryan told her. "There is a lot of things I like and you'll learn them soon enough let me tell you a little secret" ,Ryan leaned forward and dropped his voice to a whisper, "My favorite thing to do is cause trouble you know set off fireworks in front of the Hufflepuff common room, make moaning Myrtle cry, throw dorm parties you know stuff like that" ,he stated. Ryan then leaned back and looked at Hermione, "So what are some of the things you like to do"?
Hermione smiled as he whispered in her ear, even if she was normally against the whole setting off fireworks in the school. For some reason, she was drawn to that in him. "Well, I'm honestly not that big a fan of quidditch but that might just do with my own fear of flying. I do like dancing and reading and just enjoying relaxing scenery. Even though I'm one that usually sticks to the rules, I guess I have enjoyed the whole end of the year adventures with Harry. It has been some interesting one. There's obviously some muggle activities I enjoy as well."
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