Good Girl Gone Bad (Krys Snape & blakkatt07)


Jul 5, 2009
Hermione sat on the floor outside Moaning Myrtle's bathroom crying. Once again, she had argued with one of her best friends, Ron Weasley, and once again he had said hurtful things. She never understood why she let his words get to her so much but she did. Only reason she was outside Moaning Myrtle's bathroom is it was the one girls' bathroom that Harry Potter, her other best friend wouldn't follow her to. Ever since he learned Moaning Myrtle had a crush on him their fourth year, he stayed away from this particular bathroom.

However, Hermione wouldn't go in it either because she couldn't deal with Myrtle whining or ranting or screaming as she dunked herself in a toilet. She knew Ron wouldn't come after her, because he just wasn't the type to do so.
Ryan walked down the corridors of the second floor, he had just got finished with his final class of the day and he was feeling a little bored. All of his friends had landed themselves in detention and he some how was able to avoid it by some miracle. As he walked down the long hallway in Hogwarts he kept his eyes open for something that looked either fun or dangerous to do. After walking a bit more he passed Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, with a grin on his face he turned around and made his way inside. Ryan fully intended to pick on Myrtle to have a little fun but when he got in there he heard sobbing and it didn't sound like Myrtle sobs in fact he looked up for a moment and seen Myrtle giggling like a school girl.

"You can't bring me down today Ryan I'm way too amused with Hermione's misery to be upset" ,Myrtle snapped at Ryan.

"Yeah sure you fat cow go dive into another toilet" ,Ryan snapped back making Myrtle tear up a bit. She then started whining loudly and as Ryan watched she dove into one of the toilets. He began to laugh at the ghost as he watched this happen.

"Oh Hermione who made you cry my dear Gryffindor"? Ryan yelled out in an amused sort of tone. "I say I thought you had the perfect school life great friends and good grades who could ask for more, so tell me love why are you sitting in the john crying"?
Hermione groaned when she heard Ryan's voice. He was almost as annoying to her as Draco. Though she was curious as to why he cared what made her cry. "It's none of your business Ryan. I doubt you're really concerned. Knowing you, just like every other Slytherin, you're more likely disappointed it wasn't you who made me cry." She didn't have time for his shenanigans today. She just wanted to be left alone, though part of her was considering thanking him for shooing off Myrtle when he didn't need to.
"Hermione, Hermione now now when have I ever made you cry that's Draco's thing remember" ,he stated in response. He leaned against one of the stalls and sighed. "If I wanted to hurt your feelings I wouldn't be showing concern now would I....and yes I am sincerely concerned this is not the first time you've been in here bawling your eyes out and I know it because I pass through here a lot, mainly to fuck with Myrtle but that's besides the point" ,he continued. "Come out and talk to me I promise I won't laugh or make fun of you". Ryan didn't know why he was reaching out to help the Gryffindor girl but he was and he didn't exactly feel it was the right time or place to be a total dick head towards her.
Hermione dried her eyes and attempted to clean herself up a bit before stepping out. She was totally shocked that he actually was concerned. "You promise not to make fun of me? Even behind my back?" She wanted to be sure all her bases were covered before she dared talk to him. Just because he claimed to be sincerely concerned didn't mean that he wouldn't run and make fun of her behind her back. "Trust me I'll make you regret it if you go back on your word." She couldn't help but think of when she punched Draco in third year.
"Now now no need to threaten me a promise is a promise and even if I'm an asshole I don't ever break my promises" ,he stated with a hint of pride in his voice. "If I tell anyone I'll let you hex me" ,he continued. Ryan stayed leaning against the stall as he waited for Hermione to step out of the stall. He began to play with the hem of his shirt while he waited, Ryan wasn't the most patient guy in the world but he could stand to wait a few moments especially after telling the girl he would talk to her.
Hermione stepped out of the stall with a nice little smirk on her face after hearing his offer to 'let' her hex him if he tells anyone. "Well Ryan, see, you won't get the chance to 'let' me hex you. I'll just do it after making you sweat some so you'll never know when it's coming." Her smirk had now grown to a point where she could almost pass for a Slytherin on the smirk alone. After a few minutes, she dropped the smirk and sighed. "It's that bloody Ronald. He's always getting under my skin with his lack of tact and teaspoon sized emotional range. We argued all because he wanted to copy my homework yet again and I was sick and tired of it. We called each other some names and went our separate ways."
When Hermione stepped out of the stall Ryan looked at her and noticed her smirk and he quite liked it. He listened as she spoke and his own smirk grew, "Now is that another threat Ms. Granger"? He asked playfully before she continued. As she spoke about why she was upset Ryan sighed, "Well there is a simple solution to that you know, just give him a fake paper with all the wrong answers on it that should go right up his arse and teach him a lesson as well" ,Ryan suggested. "Then again what do I know I'm just a slithering slimy snake right"? He teased with an award winning smile, his mouth full of perfectly white teeth.
When he asked playfully if she was making another threat she smirked once more. "Ask the Weasley twins. They got me one too many times with their jokes and I had them sweating for three months wondering when I would actually just punish them already." Her face lit up when he suggested the fake paper. "Now I feel slightly stupid for not thinking of doing such a thing. Next time he asks me, I might just do that. It would serve him right. At least Harry actually tries to do his homework before coming to me for help."
"See some of us Slytherins aren't as dumb as everyone thinks, hell I've never asked to copy someone's answers and guess what and this is the real shocker I still get good grades" ,he stated with the same hint of pride in his voice he had before. Ryan wasn't cocky by any means it was just known he was good at nearly anything he put his mind to. The young man sort of admired Hermione for being so smart and working to get what he wanted much like himself. "So if I've cheered you up enough how about having dinner in Hogsmeade tonight, my treat" ,Ryan asked politely trying to lay on the charm.
She smiled genuinely now. She knew some of the Slytherins worked hard to get good grades, though most wouldn't admit it. "Dinner in Hogsmeade? I'd like that." She then thought about his offer a little more and remembered this was a Slytherin she was talking to. "You're not afraid of being seen having dinner with a...a...Mudblood?" She'd practically spat the last word but figured most if not all Slytherins thought of her as that anyway since she was a muggleborn and all.
When Hermione asked him the question he snickered, "Please I'm not afraid of anything and quite frankly these purist views that are so popular amongst my fellow housemates are petty" ,he stated simply. "I for one believe that a wizard is a wizard and a witch is a witch Blood status has nothing to do with talent". Ryan looked Hermione over for a few seconds, "Or beauty" ,he continued. Again Ryan gave her a bright smile as he waited for her response.
"Glad that there's at least one Slytherin with some common sense." She smiled before blushing after hearing the compliment. "Thank you." She grinned. "Well you did cheer me up and I appreciate it. Where are we meeting for dinner?" She wanted to know if they were meeting outside the school or in Hogsmeade. "What time are we to meet up?" She was actually bubbling with excitement. Though why, she couldn't be sure. It's not like they were having an official date, just dinner. But yet in her head, she was already running possible outfit ideas and ways to do her hair in her head. Like she wanted to impress him.
When Hermione asked when and where they would meet up he thought for a moment, "Meet me outside the castle gates and we'll take a carriage into Hogsmeade as for where we're eating there's a little place I like to go their food is quite exquisite and I think you'll enjoy it" ,Ryan said in response to her. "And you're welcome for that compliment I'm glad I could cheer you up" ,he stated still giving her a smile. Ryan then looked at his watch then to Hermione. "Well We can meet at five o'clock that gives us both and hour and a half to get ready sound good"?
"Outside the castle gates at five o'clock. Sounds good. As for the place, what's the dress code?" She honestly was worried about that. Some places did have stricter dress codes and she wanted to be sure she was dressed appropriately. She hoped she didn't sound too desperate by asking such questions and that he would understand the reasoning behind them. Hopefully he would just think that's just how Hermione is, wanting to be perfectly prepared.
"The dress code there isn't really a dress code but I do like to look proper when going to this particular place" ,he stated. "I shall see you at five o'clock I'm gonna go have a shower and get dressed and meet up with you". Ryan gave Hermione yet another smile before turning to leave the bathroom. When he got to the Slytherin dorms he took a nice hot shower to wash away the days stresses, after he finished showering he got out and dried off. He then put on a nice black tux with a powder blue tie that brought out his eyes a bit. After he was finished getting ready he sprayed himself lightly with cologne and left the dorms and headed for outside. When out side he stood by the gates leaning against a wall as he waited for Hermione.
It wasn't long after Ryan left that Hermione left the bathroom and headed to the Gryffindor dorms. She showered and washed her hair.Once out, she dried, brushed and tamed her hair to where it would have soft curls at the end. It seemed she was thinking similar to him in that she chose a powder blue dress to wear with a black purse and shoes. A bit of jewelry and some perfume and she was leaving the dorms, heading for outside, with a shawl around her shoulders since the dress was strapless. She headed towards the gates, smiling when she saw him. Who knew he could clean up so nicely. Though she was happy to notice that she seemed to have been right about the way he might dress. She giggled a bit as she got closer and noticed her dress matched his tie.
Ryan waved to a few of his friends as they passed him he looked at his watch once more to check the time. He knew he was early and that Hermione would probably be a bit so he took a piece of gum out of his pocket and unwrapped it then put it into his mouth and started to chew on it. Not only did the gum help him focus on something while he waited but it also freshened his breath a bit. Ryan fixed his tie and made sure everything else was in check before Hermione got there.
Hermione walked up with a smile. "Hey. You look great." She fixed her shawl about her shoulders and noticed the curious looks that came their way. Part of those were curious and some of those were just plain nosy. It took a great deal of restraint not to bite off the heads of those that were nosy. She figured there would be some talk among the rest of the student body by breakfast tomorrow but tonight, she wasn't going to let that bother her. She was intent on enjoying herself at dinner, even if it was something that might not happen again between them.
"You look amazing as well it seems we had the same color scheme for our outfits in mind" ,Ryan stated in response. He had to admit the Gryffindor looked beautiful and he was quite impressed. "So what do you say shall we get out of here"? Ryan asked. He held his arm out like a gentleman for Hermione to grab so that he could lead her to the restaurant. "You are absolutely going to love this place it is exquisite the food is amazing and the service is great too".
Hermione giggled and blushed slightly. "So it seems we did. Makes things even better in my opinion." She smiled and took his arm. "Quite the gentleman tonight. Not that I'm complaining." She liked the idea of being escorted to a restaurant on the arm of a guy who knew how to dress appropriately and could hold a decent conversation. "So, how did you manage to come across such a place? It doesn't sound like a place to go to on a trip from school for recreation."
"I agree it does make things better we both look fabulous in my opinion there's no doubt we'll be turning heads once we get into Hogsmeade hell we're probably turning heads now as we walk amongst our peers" ,Ryan stated. His words were meant to be a compliment to both Hermione and himself, the young man knew he looked good and he thought Hermione looked absolutely beautiful. Ryan knew that students from both Gryffindor and Slytherin would be talking about the two in fact he knew rumors probably started the moment he and Hermione linked arms.

When Hermione asked how Ryan managed to come across the restaurant he looked to her and smiled, "I come from a very wealthy family and my parents liked to give me the nicest things they could and that meant nice clothes, fine dining, and all that good stuff I took a liking to this particular place and they bring me there at the end of every school year and every weekend during the summer the owner knows me by name so I never need a reservation" ,Ryan stated in response with a hint of pride in his tone.

When they arrived at the restaurant Ryan opened and held the door for Hermione, "Ah Ryan it's good to see you again table for two I presume"? The man at the front asked. "Yes sir I'd also like a bottle of your finest red wine and I'm sure you'll keep it quiet for me" ,Ryan stated handing the man a small sack of money. "Of course sir right this way" ,the man stated leading the way to a booth toward the back of the restaurant.
"I'm pretty sure we have turned some heads since meeting up at the gates, and some rumors are likely to get started. But it's Hogwarts. There's always rumors floating about and jealousy sure to brew from that. But it's nothing we can't handle of course." She smiled and listened to him explain how he knew about the restaurant.

"Never needing a reservation? That could come quite in handy with the right girl." She walked in before him with a "Thank you" and a blush tinging her cheeks for what seemed the umpteenth time. When she heard him request the wine, she almost refused it but thought better of it. What was a nice night for dinner without a bit of wine. As they were led to the booth, she couldn't help but look around at the place in awe.
Ryan took a seat on the soft couch like bench in the booth and looked up at the waiter, "Could you bring us some appetizers to start off with" ,he asked. "What would you like sir"? The waiter asked. Ryan thought for a moment before responding, "Bring us a salad with some bread sticks and do you still have the sushi platter"? He asked. "Yes sir we do"? The waiter responded. "Alright I'll have that as well, Hermione what would you like to start off with" ,Ryan asked her with a smile.
Hermione listened to him order the appetizers with a smile. "The sushi platter does sound good. I haven't had sushi in ages. I'll have that as well." It was true, while her parents weren't quite rich, they did try to expose her to as many different foods as possible. Being the dentists that they are, they also tried to promote health in her eating choices, reminding her that fish was good for the brain.

She looked through the menu of course wondering if she wanted something else as well. "So are your parents as friendly to muggleborns as you are, or are you rebelling?" It was a simple question, yet she was inwardly scared about the answer. It's not like they were dating.....yet. But nothing saying they couldn't end up doing so. Part of her was hoping they would.
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