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The Elite


Jun 11, 2012
Peaceful England, tea in the morning, the afternoon, and the evening, evening strolls along the beach, love in the air. Why was England at peace when the U.S. were at war, when nearly every other country was at war? Why was the U.S. filled with low-life criminals who kill, kidnap, you name it, and England is not? They are called the Elite, and no one knows who they are just that they keep England at peace.

The Elite are a special organization within the organization, they were released about a hundred years ago. Yet, the government keeps them under supervision at all times. They are a group of humans who were tested on in the early 1900s. They became super humans, super speed, strength, stealth, vision, immortal, the perfect super weapon.

They were kept a secret, and they still are, but they are given assignments. They deal with the highly dangerous criminals in their assignments. The kind that are out to kill, kidnap, and steal, the kind that wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who stood in their way. So The Elite go out and capture them, keeping England a peaceful country.

That is until.............the one assignment. The Elite are shocked, horrified that they let this happen, but more importantly they are shocked to hear that there is a traitor within their group. A traitor that took a bribe from a dangerous criminal to let him go. Now that criminal has expanded his web of contacts and has gone into hiding.

The Assignment? Well, this is a web the spreads further than England, it spreads into France, Italy, Germany, Britain. It is a web of criminals that kidnap girls and turn them into prostitutes, by addicting them on drugs. However, it also handles the dealing of drugs such as Meth, Cocaine, Heroin, and it also Handles the exchange of several illegal weapons. It has criminals within the Government that swindle away millions of cash, and tax the people unlawfully. This may be the biggest assignment that they could take on, but the Government says no.

They supervise The Elite and they say, "England is our only priority, not the other countries." However, the web is slowly seeping into England, threatening the peace. The Elite has no choice, but to rise up against the Government, break free of their supervision and go after the Criminals, one by one. Although, there is still a traitor within The Elite, no one knows who it is yet. The Elite begin to take down the web one criminal at a time.
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