The Auror (solace x blakkatt07)


Apr 22, 2011
In Pleasure
Nymphadora Tonks stood on the corner of the street. It was a bit cloudy outside but that was to be expected. Rain had not fallen which was good for it only meant that she didn't have to go out of her way to use magic to stay dry. Her hair at the moment was a dark blue, but that was subject to change at any time with her emotions. She herself was quite ready to get moving, but there was one crucial piece missing... Hermione.

Tonks was an Auror in the magical world. She had agreed to take Hermione Granger as an apprentice. She would take her out into field where the intelligent woman would gain the experience she needed. Tonks was rather excited over the whole thing, it made her feel special. As she thought about it here hair began to change to a lighter blue. She stood there in her dark blue jeans and black t-shirt with a Jean jacket wrapped over it. She at least appeared to be a regular muggle even if she didn't have a sense of their fashion. Rain started to gently fall as she continued to wait for Hermione. She at least hoped she remembered tortellini the woman what their first assignment was going to be.
RE: The Aurora (solace x blakkatt07)

Hermione Granger was making her way down the street to meet Nymphadora. She was excited to be Tonks' apprentice, especially knowing Tonks had been trained by Alastor Moody. Her normally bushy brown hair was tamed and pulled back into a ponytail. She straightened her light blue t-shirt, her light blue jeans hugging close as she walked, and pulled her jean jacket closer around her as the rain began to fall. She wasn't sure what their first assignment was going to be but nonetheless, she was excited.

She smiled as she noticed Tonks waiting for her. At least Tonks was one of the ones that knew when to dress as much like a regular muggle as possible. Finally, she reached Tonks and grinned. "Hello Tonks. I'm a bit eager to see what we're doing, even though you didn't tell me. Not that I'll expect you to tell me here, with all the muggles about."
Tonks was rather surprised when Hermione came up. It wasn't because she had no idea of what they were to do but rather they had almost identical clothing. The only real difference was that Hermione's was lighter. Tonks tried tobcontrol her emotions to keep her hair the same light blue color that it was. Instead she began to inform her new apprentice that they were going on a stake out.

There was a report of magic activity near the edge of the city. That was all fine and all but the residence was listed as being owned by a muggle who had no reason to be with the magical. It was suspected that death eaters might be involved and they were to be taken out the area to see what and white was involved. Tonks talked the whole way across the city. They reached the house which was just on the outskirts where the wooded area began. They both went right past the house and into the woods just along the edge where they still had visualization of the house. By now it was started to pour. Tonks took her wand out and in a flash a tent had risen. Of course she was already wet a nice warm fire was waiting for her inside. She stepped inside but almost as quickly as she had she poked her head back out saying "Hermione, would you be so kind as to start the cloaking enchantments. We wouldn't want any unwanted visitors popping in while we were spying." Of course Tonks went back inside the tent where she began to undress and dry off her clothes.
Hermione listened intently as Tonks explained what they were supposed to be doing. She wasn't the least bit surprised that death eaters were suspected of being involved. Once the tent was set up and Tonks asked Hermione to start the cloaking enchantments, Hermione gave a determined nod and began putting the enchantments in place. All the while, she remained alert to their surroundings.

Once all the enchantments were in place, she too slipped inside the tent to dry her clothes. It wasn't long before she was undressing to dry her clothing off by the fire. "So how's everything with Remus?" She was curious how things between Tonks and the elder Remus Lupin were going since their marriage.
Tonks was just sliding off her jeans when Hermione slipped into. "Done already? They said you were a bright one." Tonks dumped her jeans over the fire so they would dry. She remained in her panties, a light pink bra with some lace, but the article that was her pride and joy was her panties. Like her hair this silky soft fabric changed colors to suit her moods. It always remained silky soft and almost see through always hinting at a better view of what was beneath.

She turned to Hermione just as she began undressing. Tonks had to admit she was a bit turned on at watching Hermione undressed before. She didn't even realize that her hair and panties were turning a shade of red. She almost missed the question Hermione asked. "Oh me and Remus? We're doing all right if suppose. He's wanting me to settle down and have a kid but he means we'll. What about you? How are you and Weasely doing?"
Hermione had blushed a bit at seeing Tonks in her underwear. Hermione's own underthings were a bit on the plain side compared to what Tonks wore. She had missed seeing the change in Tonks' hair and panties to the red. "A kid? Already? Anxious to be the only other marauder who actually had one besides Harry's father, is he?"

She sighed as she sat down in her plain white underwear when Tonks asked about her and Ron. "Same as always I guess. He's still just as clueless as he has been. His table manners are still quite as disgusting no matter how much I try to get him to change that." She shuddered. "I kinda think he wants to settle down, get married and have me be like his mother, having a bunch of kids."
Tonks smiled as she came around Hermione as she spoke. When she was done she placed her hands on Hermione's shoulders and leaned forward. Her breasts were pressing against Hermione's back as he began to speak "Is Hermione afraid to settle down? I was sure that if death eaters could scare you then nothing would.." Tonks gave Hermione's shoulder a soft pat as she whispered, "or maybe it's something else... You can tell me, I won't tell anyone else."

Tonks backed away from Hermione after giving a quick kiss on the cheeks. It was nothing serious just something playful to lighten up the mood. She circled back around and stood in front of Hermione. Her hair and panties somewhere in the mix of red and orange as if conflicted with what she was really feeling. She stood in front of Hermione not to show herself off but to listen to Hermione and comfort the young woman. "I know it may seem hard to... You know just lay down and go through it all, but you get used to it. In time it feels wonderful. When Remus came on me I didn't know what was going to happen and you know what, he's more of a beast in bed than he is on a full moon" Tonks laughed as she tried to lighten up the atmosphere and make Hermione feel anything even if it was embarrassment.
Hermione blushed a bit as Tonks pressed close. Tonks did have a point. Hermione had faced death eaters bravely. As she thought about how to answer Tonks' question, the older woman had pressed a quick kiss on her cheeks. Even though it was obviously to lighten the mood, she did feel something, she just wasn't sure what. Then Tonks had to stand in front of her with her changed hair and panties and talk about the intimacy with Remus. She couldn't help but laugh at the little joke about Remus. She had seen Remus when he changed and it was scary.

"You promise not to tell anyone else?" She paused a bit before continuing. "I'm not afraid of settling down really. I do want to have a family of my own one day, but the way Ronald talks about how he sees me at home, cooking and raising so many kids like his mother....that's what scares me. I think I would go crazy if I had to stay at home all day being the housewife and having even close to as many kids as Mrs. Weasley."
Tonks put on a warm smile to comfort Hermione as she got down close to the woman. "Its ok feeling scared about not knowing what's going to happen in the future. Sometimes we just have to let things happen." Tonks looked up at Hermione. A beautiful young woman was practically naked before her. She noticed for the first time how innocent Hermione really was and how her white undergarments were almost a perfect match to her soul.

Tonks couldn't have felt more aroused now even if Remus were right there just like this morning when he kissed her before she set off or last night when he made love to her. Slowly, cautiously, Tonks leaned forward. She closed her eyes not wanting to see the denial coming but she leaned closer letting her lips meet Hermione's. It started as a light little peck on the lips and then she pulled away meaning to apologize, but instead she went back in for a harder kiss. Her hand came up and rested on Hermione's wrist as she let her tongue dart out to taste the young woman's lips. She let the kiss linger on more than she probably should have and when she pulled away she did not mean to apologize. She said everything she wanted to say in that kiss but she put words to it anyway. "Everything will be okay. You just have to let it happen." and for the first time Tonks realized her hair and panties were beginning to take the color of a light red which her cheeks were now sharing as she felt the warmth deep down inside begin to spread all over her body.
Hermione smiled. Tonks always seemed to know what to say to make her feel better. Hermione was of course all blushing now. If her cheeks got any redder they would match the red hair of the Weasley family. She felt safe with Tonks, no matter what the situation, she didn't feel like anything could really go wrong.

She was surprised when she first felt Tonks' lips against her own. Instead of the denial Tonks might have expected, she was in shock although she had tensed up. She didn't get a chance to say anything before Tonks kissed her again. This kiss relaxed her as if she understood everything Tonks was trying to say in it. She felt slightly warm now, but she couldn't tell if it was from the constant blushing, the fire or possible arousal. "Everything?" Part of her wanted to reach for Tonks for more, but she didn't want to risk Tonks rejecting her in return even if Tonks did start it.
"Everything," Tonks told Hermione. She reached out and placed a hand on Hermione's thigh as she kept her eyes on the young woman before her. She was already aroused that much was certain but would she dare press her luck against Hermione, her apprentice, her friend? As the thought of doubt circled around in her mind, also making her hair a frenzy of different colors, she realized she was moving forward evevr so slowly again. Her hand had crawled up Hermione's thighs almost reaching the innocent white panties she wore before she paused.

She looked up at Hermione again. He young woman didn't fight her previous advance but would she do so this time? There was no time for doubt Tonks thought and soon she took Hermione's other wrist and pulled her down off the chair she sat on and to the shaggy carpet before tearing fire. Tonks pulled the young woman beside her as her alarms wrapped around the warm figure before her. Again her lips enveloped the apprentice's. Her tongue tasted the sweet lips of Hermione Granger and she could fight it no more. She had to have the brilliant woman right here right now. Remus was not even in the back of her mind as she made this selfish decision. All that was there was her lust for Hermione and some her hair turned to a dark shade of pink.
Normally Hermione would have questioned Tonks' actions or resisted with reason. They both had someone waiting for them when their mission was over. Yet, her thoughts didn't remind her of Ron at all. Almost like her brain was with her body, wanting the attention and love that Tonks was about to show her and give her, even if it was just for the moment. She had always admired Tonks and so allowed herself to give in. No one would know after all but them.

Hermione's own arms wrapped around Tonks in return as the older woman's lips claimed hers once more. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they slowly caressed and began to explore the other woman. She wanted to get as much experience in this moment as she could, being as it was her first and possibly only chance with a woman.
Though their lips were locked, that didn't stop Tonks from showing her arousal by moaning. The soft clicks of their mouth as they kissed was still audible over Tonks soft quick moans. Hermione's prying hands only fueled the flame that had developed within her, but she was one to return the favor. Her own hands began exploring Hermione's body favoring the woman's soft skin to that of her plain white bra and panties. Soon there was no need to worry about preference for Tonks let her hands depending behind Hermione's back and into those white panties to cup the woman's ass.

They lay on the floor kissing and exploring each others bodies. There was no argument that each touch, each kissed was passionate and strong. Tonks rolled over coming on top of Hermione. Her hands were at Hermione's side and her body pressed between her legs when Tonks made a decision. She brought her head back staring into Hermione's eyes. She could see in those eyes that her hair was a bright colors, probably pink from all the arousal.

"Hermione... I'm going to do something, but you have to promise me that you won't ever tell anyone what I'm about to do. You see... The spell I'm going to cast is one of the forbidden spells, but it's one that is closely kept ssecret and only a rare few know of it. Can I trust you? " Tonks climbed up off Hermione and reached for her wand. She was on her knees between the young woman's spread legs. Her hair was indeed bright pink as we're here panties but a slight dark spot was just visible between Tonks legs to show just how aroused she really was. She pointed the wand at herself between her own legs and recited the incantation in her mind. When she was done she felt something within her stir something grow. Along the front of her bright pink panties a bulge began to harden stopping just where the waistband of her panties rested. She whimpered as it grew not because it hurt but because it felt so good. She could feel the lust stirring within her newly grown member. Inside her panties it was beginning to pulsate with new life and Tonks had to do her best to keep herself from ravaging this innocent body before her.
Hermione had enjoyed the closeness and even squeaked briefly when Tonks' hands cupped her ass. She whimpered as Tonks moved off of her. But she was curious to see what the new spell Tonks was going to cast would do. "You can trust me. To quote the infamous marauders, I solemnly swear I am up to no good." She joked with a smirk.

Being ever curious, Hermione reached for Tonks, sitting up slightly as she became a bit bold and claimed the older woman's lips. Her finger slid down from Tonks' collarbone down to right before the waistband to Tonks' panties. "I feel really special that you're willing to share your knowledge of something so secret with me." She had pulled away and whispered.
The magically soft and colorful panties slid down Tonks legs thanks to Hermione's hands. The movement only turned her on even more because Tonks thought of the young woman as being shy in regards to this area they were about to explore. It seemed she was wrong as Hermione's curiosity got the better of her. The panties were pulled down and Tonks newly grown cock pointed right at Hermione slapping against her belly.

Tonks began to mess with Hermione's bra. She wanted to see the young woman fully naked before she took her. She wanted to remember every little detail of this particular lovemaking from how Hermione's body reacted to the expression on her face when they were both in the heat of it. Tonks finger slid each strap off slowly before unhooking the back and letting it slide off the young woman's arms. Pink flesh poked up as she uncovered them. She would let Hermione explore her body for the time while she took the opportunity to do a little bit of exploring herself.

Her mouth came over one of Hermione's nipple and her tongue soon flicked over it. She sucked and pulled back forcing a popping noise from her action. She let her tongue flicker over the delicate flesh more making it nice and wet before doing the same to the other side. When she had produced the same results she straightened up and looked at Hermione. "Hermione," she began to ask, "have you and Ron made love yet?" She really wanted to know the answer to the question but used it as a distraction as her fingers looped around Hermione's panties and began sliding them down just as she did for her.
Hermione moaned and arched as Tonks sucked on her nipples. Soon the little buds were wet and erect from the stimulation. She reached to undo Tonks' bra in the same manner the older woman had undone her own. Instead of leaning forward to take a nipple in her mouth, her hands reached to gently caress the soft orbs of flesh now revealed to her. She gently rubbed the nipples between her fingers.

Just the slow movement of Tonks' hands sliding her panties down aroused her in ways she didn't think possible. "Once but that was only the first time together. Since then it's been more about his release and needs and I'm left to myself." She pouted slightly, as she vaguely remembered all those times when he would have finished and gone to sleep.
"Oh you poor thing!" Tonks exclaimed and she really meant it. "Today I'm going to satisfied your need the way only a woman can..." Tonks looked down between her legs as she said this remembering what she had just done, "or rather a woman at heart." She leaned forward and embraced Hermione while kissing her once more bit this time she was laying the young woman down on her back as she did so. Soon Tonks had Hermione in position with her legs spread as she lay on top of her. Her new cock instinctively pressed against Hermione's womanhood and was prepared to offer reattach pleasure to both of them.

Before Tonks started she stared into Hermione's eyes and told her, "Now if there is anything I do that hurts you I want you to tell me to stop ok?" with that Tonks leaned against Hermione pushing her hips forward inserting her cock inside Hermione. The young woman was tight but she was also slick which was a good thing for both of them. She penetrates Hermione slowly making sure the young woman could feel everything and could feel the pleasure. When she was all the way in she began to pull out slowly and thus began the start of the rhythm of sex. Tonks was slow to start but she would gradually pick up the pace. The first moan as she entered Hermione was long but very womanly exposing a side of Tonks few had seen. She hugged Hermione close and began to suck on her neck as her thrusts became harder. It was all a ploy to cover up the moans that she was too embarrassed to express even for Remus.
Hermione blushed and moaned just as Tonks' cock slid inside her pussy. The cock filled her but in a good way. She wrapped her arms around Tonks holding her close in return. As the pace quickened, she was moaning right alongside with Tonks. Her body instinctively lifting to meet each thrust from Tonks, matching the pace perfectly.

As if she knew what the older woman was really doing by sucking on her neck, she moved one hand to Tonks' head and gently lifted it, looking straight into the other womans' eyes. "Don't cover up your moans. I enjoy hearing them." She meant it, each moan she had heard from Tonks turned her on more and more. She then kissed Tonks while trying to roll them over so she was on top.
Tonks listened as Hermione told her not to cover up her moans. Tonks would have gladly accepted the request from Hermione but things happened so fast. She leaned in intending to kiss Hermione but the young woman beat her to the lunch ad she felt the younger take control. She was very surprised and rewarded Hermione by moaning into her mouth while their tongues danced with each other.

The next surprise came when Hermione flipped both of them over so she was on top. More moans were rewarded and the more Tonks moaned the more of a delicate woman she seemed. Hermione was on top taking full control but Tonks tried to keep her hips moving. She wondered if Hermione was truly as ferocious as she was in bed with Ron. Tonks leaned back against the shaggy carpet breaking their kiss as Tonks said, "Oh Hermione, you're such an animal. Anyone would be so lucky to be in bed with you!" of course Tonks tried speaking through the moans that broke free from her lips and not all the words were perfectly formed as she would have liked them to be. She stared up at the young woman who was in control. Hermione looked powerful, was powerful and for the time being Tonks could only take what was happening. She did reach around Hermione to grab her ass and feel the movements of the witch.
Hermione herself was a little shocked as she managed to flip them over but she quickly recovered. Moving her hips in a way that not only gave her control of the speed but also gave them both pleasure. She moaned as Tonks grabbed her ass once again. She responded by moving her hands up and down Tonks' chest. She smiled and blushed at the other woman's words. "I've never been this bold before..."

She decided to try something a little different and began bouncing up and down on Tonks' cock, her head thrown back in pleasure from the new sensations. Soon, while continuing to bounce, she leaned forward and carefully took a nipple in her mouth, instinct taking over as she sucked and licked at the nipple before moving to do the same to the other.
Tonks moaned out with such a longing to feel the sweet release building up inside her. Hermione had just told her that she had never been so bold and Tonks replied, "Hermione, be as bold as you want with me." Tonks soon felt Hermione moving her hips back and forth drawing pleasure from both their bodies. Tonks couldn't feel Hermione's body shifting around her cock when she realized it had been leaking precum into the young woman's body.

The real pleasure for both of them came when Hermione began to bounce up and down along Tonks cock. Both moaned out unknowingly alerting anyone close enough to the enchanted area that there was a supernatural force here. More precum leaked out of Tonks cock but that only made Hermione's walls even slicker as she bounces around. Her hands began to climb up the witches body when suddenly Hermione leaned forward and began licking her nipples. Her hands were knocked out of the way landing against the carpet above her head where she felt even more aroused at the feeling of being helpless to the young woman. "Yes! Just like that Hermione! TAKE ME AHHHH!" of course Tonks sentence ended in a moan she just couldn't control.
Hermione was in ecstasy. Being in control, having the power like this was amazing and arousing all at the same time. She was able to soon feel her first climax coming close. So she stopped bouncing and began grinding her hips hard, causing Tonks' cock to hit her g-spot perfectly. "Oh yes Tonks! It's so bloody good." She moved the witch's hands right to where her hips and legs met, guiding her.

"I'm getting so close Tonks." She moaned and whimpered as her climax climbed closer. Her hands caressed and squeezed the other witch's breasts and stimulated the nipples. "I'm...gonna cum..." She screamed out, her head falling back as she climaxed, her tight walls squeezing tight around Tonks' cock.
Hermione described her experience right the and there guiding Tonks to make her cum. Although Hermione was doing all the work Tonks was also feeling very close to a climax. Her moans increased in volume indicating just how close she really was to a climax. Not only was her moans changing but her hair was changing. The pleasure buried deep within her caused her hair to grow brighter and brighter. Her hands were brought back up to Hermione's hips and the feeling of her soft wet walls was too much to handle any longer. She brought her knees up providing support for her as she thrust her hips up against Hermione's grinding. Hermione was in the midst of a climax and Tonks was sure to follow.

It was inevitable that the two women would climax together. Tonks cock was surrounded by Hermione's wet walls and her breasts were being fondled while Hermione had Tonks magic cock thrusting deep inside. It finally came, that magical moment when Tonks felt Hermione's pussy squeeze tight. This was the final blow for the older witch. She clenched her hands around Hermione's hips as she thrust her cock deeper into the young witches body and let all of her white hot load flow in. Her moan was loud and high pitched as she succumbed to the sweet lust of having a man cock. Her hair was originally bright pink had changed to a blinding pure white color and remained so as she climaxed. When her cock had finished spilling its load within Hermione and remained pulsating deep within the young woman, her hair instantly changed pure black. Her chest was heaving as she panted her way for fresh air.
Hermione had already been in the middle of her own climax when Tonks had hers. Feeling the hot load fill her along with Tonks' cock, only set her off all over again. She was soon forced to lean forward and rest against the other witch. Her body trembling as she came down from her orgasm. She was panting just as hard as Tonks, her head resting right over Tonks' heart.

She smiled as she listened to the soothing sounds of the other woman's heartbeat. She looked up at the other woman. "That...was incredible..." She was of course out of breath but it didn't matter. She felt incredible and loved and needed and wanted and so many other things that she currently couldn't think of the words for.
Tonks smiled as Hermione rested against her chest. There was something so soothing about the moment. It had only just occurred to her that they had both cheated on their loved ones, but for Tonks there were no ill thoughts on the matter. She was perfectly fine with what they had just done.

Tonks began to brush Hermione's hair with her fingers as they rested more. Her cock was still in Hermione as well as the cum she released. Their bodies warmed each other up as they lay there. The moment was perfect, everything was peaceful. But then she remembered why they were here. She gently lay Hermione off to the side and took a peek at the netting Window that allowed her some view of the house. At first glance everything seemed to be fine.
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