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Dark Fantasy themes [m seeking f]

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Jul 9, 2012

  • re2_by_deits-d5oifye.png

    Request thread

    You can call me Ghost. Hello! Now on to it. Description the more the better, I have a word limit of at least 450 words (for you) per post up to…. Your call. Moderate to Advanced players are the ideal partner for me. I would prefer only female players to fill my roles and I would rather play by PM but threads are just as good. You don’t have to have a character pic but I tend to like them as I already have PBs (play bys) in mind for most of my characters anyway. I am 19 and I am a dick so.. Be forewarned. I have every intention of playing my character almost completely obsessive over your character I enjoy the dramatics about that much. I tend to enjoy mildly to completely submissive female characters. I only ask that you as the writer/ player don’t get pissy about how your character is treated trust me its not personal it’s a game. I am fine with torture both softcore and hardcore but I too have my limits. My ideal partner is someone who can take what ever it is I post and reply in kind and as realistic as the situation demands. I enjoy sex scenes I’m a guy who doesn't so expect to have a Dark / High Fantasy / Story session with me. I would rather have only a few long term players rather then a lot of short term players. If we don’t mix or I feel like we don’t mix I will probably stop responding to the RP and you. (I did say I was a dick.) I enjoy high fantasy role play which means you will hardly find me playing a modern setting unless a plot really interests me. Otherwise expect Dark ages - Medieval age… I also like to play multiple roles in RP so if you do too that's cool I would enjoy it. So PM me if you like I wouldn’t mind talking but I would rather know upfront the limits and extents of the play upfront. Oh here is my new DA folder forRoleplay examples . They are more or less only my posts. Most of my request will usually involve a connected relationship with (your character), almost always sexual. We can discuss the theme of their relationship in detail through PMs. I really like violence but mostly the type of self defense on your character's part. I like fight scenes with NPCs on both our parts or roles. I do only role play in third person so I hope you do too. I am easy to get along with however I do have my moments where if it smells like shit and looks like shit... it probably is shit. I only play male lead roles, though you can talk me into playing just about anything for you if we are in a good game. I am a violent romantic writer with a knack for horror fantasy settings so lets get this done already! I also am a photoshop whiz, so please feel free to check out my links in my sig for examples of my art. They tend to be mainly if not all about roleplay characters or settings. I will try to reply as soon as I can and in the order the reply comes in I don't like to skip other's who replied to me first. Though like I said in a timely fashion. I usually post my absences for you on my AA thread. I would like there to be some sort of end point in our game some goal to strive to before throwing in the towel of our RP. This doesn't mean we cant start up a new one! I tend to kill off my characters left and right. Doesn't bug me there are some PBs I do like and may reuse often. So just letting you know. Yes I am a picky person to RP with but then again if you read this far down you are too.

    Arranged Marriages

    Captive: The Captain of the slave ship 'Supremacy' has often captured exotic peoples from all over the world. Making his living from piracy and slave trade he is an outlaw known as Captain Damien Withers. Traveling to a new region he finds that the people here are not only unique isolated but are cannibals. To survive only he and a few of his crew make it out alive with a captive. The high chieftains daughter a rare beauty. Though her language and his own are different he claims her for his bride taking her for both pleasure and servitude.

    Grimm Fairy Tales
    Snow White/Sleeping Beauty: A twist in had left the ever beautiful Snow in a death sleep, the Wicked Queen known as the White Queen never fully able to fulfill her desire of becoming the most fair in all the land. The shadow of her death sleep had been spread far and wide and over time her remains were finally hidden sealed in a mine. Her location had remained a secret for years yet with every year the Wicked Queen could no longer stand the rage of her and tried to destroy Snow White's beauty. Calling the services of a Huntmans to seek her out, to destroy the miners who had hidden her so well and find Snow White. His orders very clear that Snow White's body must be burned.... Yet it had been a three decade since the stories of Snow White's beauty had begun and as a boy he'd always been intrigued by this fable. As a man he was unsure if he was being sent on a wild chase was the Queen mad or did this Beauty truely exist??

    Greek Mythology
    Eros and Psyche: Eros the God of love had long ventured the world to grant his mother's wishes. His arrows so powerful that even a God could barely with stand them. Yet one mortal woman had been born a Princess and as she grew more and more beautiful each year she surpassed the beauty of Aphrodite. Men and woman alike worshiped her and left Aphrodite's temples empty. Wrathful the Goddess sent her son to deal with her so that she would fall in love with the most vile of men.
    My Twist: Eros pricked by his own arrow fallen desperately in love with her began to pursue the mortal. Praying to the Gods for an answer Psyche was told to wait upon the mountains for the only groom who would claim her. Aphrodite unable to stand that her son would be her husband cursed Eros to claim her blinding Psyche to what her husband would look like. Eros in love with her but commanded by his mother to treat her as his sexual slave rather then his wife.
    Notes: I would like Eros to feel bad about it, but also enjoy the fact that she is under his control. It would be a BDSM theme.

    DC Comics
    The Jokes on You: The Joker has been under long observation with in a mental asylum. In his mass spree of murders and robberies it was Batman who had put an end to it. The questions came with beatings, and in the end it was sheer isolation that was deemed the only capable treatment for him. Joker had taken to maiming, and beating other inmate any staff who came close enough were given a taste of how cruel he could have been. Yet no one knew why what made him into this thing? He spoke to no one even as his meal were slid through a metal door none spoke to him. The encased room was like a dozen others large locked iron doors, with glass plates bullet proof and shatter proof. All this for little ol' Him? Assigned to his case is Dr. Harleen Quinzel she is fascinated by what he is and through the thick layer of glass Joker will make her his. Make her open that fucking door... she looks stupid enough t believe it too that she can change him that she is the one thing he's been searching for his whole malfunctioned life. *

    Surprise me nothing we RP will be taboo.


    Wanted Pairs

    Me x You

    Human x Human
    Human x Vampire
    Werewolf x Human
    Werewolf x Werewolf
    Vampire x Human
    Vampire x Witch
    Vampire x Demon
    Drow x Elf
    Drow x Neko

    Knight x Queen
    Knight x Princess
    Lord x Slave
    King x Vampire
    King x Witch
    God x Goddess
    God x Mortal
RE: Looking for LT player to write with. [Added a plot]

Sub females with a fighting heart Vampire x Human that would so make my day. Where I'm the human. I can give you a long detailed post

My Characters


AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 6'3"
PERSONALITY: Strong minded and absolute he doesn't like disobedience in all aspects of his surroundings. Precise and sharp just like his craft he easily manipulates those around him. At times however he prefers to allow the strain of power to pass over to allow pain and pleasure to be given to him. A masochist under the skin. [Dominant/ Masochist/ Switch]
HOME:: Vivar Estates
TALENTS: A skilled surgeon, schooled in neurological study, and human pathology.
STORY LINE: Born into a world of titles, those burdens weigh heavy when in all accounts their luxuries mean nothing... Killeen had always been off, he never enjoyed things which other children his age enjoyed. He did however did take joy in the destruction of all things beautiful. He targeted those nearest him like his mother. Her lack of attention some would say had made rowdy child. Though it was his sister that had made him smile... with every weep and every whimper he'd enjoyed hurting her. He killed numerous pets of the young girl, destroyed her precious items from her very room. Anything to see her throw a fit of sadness. When the children were older they were taught separately. Killeen being the older of the two children was sent to an all boys school. There he learned his calling to be a doctor a scientists... Years went by and he was sent home only during Christmas breaks... though the morbid obsession with his sister seemed to vanish. Only to be replaced with an uncontrolled desire to touch the girl. She seventeen now, and ready to receive suitors was inflaming his jealousy. Every possible male that walked into the manor was just as eager to wed the girl from an well to do family. Their father was now falling ill and he would see his son running the insane asylum. Now twenty one, he was eager to take up the post and as the year went on he found that running this place was not only to his speed. He enjoyed it... torture was a science here and the one person he thought most of was his sister... how he would have loved to work on her. Living with his family has made things difficult, every day seeing the girl he desired and up till now how he only tormented her with leering looks, and unpleasant conversation. Some saw this as only sibling rivalry but what it was really was pent up need.


AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 6'3"
PERSONALITY: Dutiful and diligent he does what he has to for his family. A strong tie to his father is what keeps him home and unlike most young men venturing out into the world. Longing and pained having lost the only person who ever truly cared for him aside from his father.
HOME:: Outskirts of Tennant Village.
TALENTS: Mining, and wood cutting.
SPECIES: Mortal, human
STORY LINE: 10 years after their adventure in the woods, Hansel is a young man of great misfortune, with an ailing father and missing sister he lives alone with her mother. Having lost his sister with in the Blackwood he is forced to work the mines for a source of income for his sick father and greedy mother. Unsure of it he is beginning to suspect that his mother is the reason for her father's health failing him. Also the reason that Gretel has been missing for so many years.. though feels she is not really dead. The loss of his sister has deeply impacted him, he is blamed constantly by his mother for her loss. However it was their mother that sent them out into the Blackwood alone. Hansel vows to find is sister.. someday. That someday will come sooner then he realizes a travelling merchant has his sister captive. Sold into his servitude by his mother for meager coins. Though the merchant isn't much to look at is a warlock who has bewitched the girl having memory loss. Trying harder to get her to go away with him she falls in love with him. Reluctantly he allows himself to feel the same.


AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT:250 lbs
PERSONALITY: Caleb has always enjoyed the darker tones of humor. Simply playing tricks on someone was never enough. If there were mark of proof on his victim it never was enough, blood and bruises his talents and for his jokingly nature his fuse is short. Though he'd rather be outside of the Palace he is often begrudgingly called home from the open borders. Though the short fuse lingers most of his anger his rage is easily channeled into practices of both magic and sword skill. Enjoying the games of both tournaments and sparring he often welcomes a challenge at any cost or prize. [Dominant, Sadistic, Master]
HOME:: Imperial Palace
TALENTS: Caleb is by size and skill a killer his body alone needs no real magic or weapon to snuff the life out of his enemy. Learned in the art of combat and strategy he is more than capable of fighting his way to victory. Yet his skills in magic could never match that of his Queen's he has learned the basics such as poisons, curses, and rune casting having an open mind the very essence of all forms of magic. His weapon of choice is the long sword, easily able to wield its weight and size. However Caleb is only mortal and like most any blow to cause massive damage could be his demise. He wears no enchantments for luck or protection feeling only women would need such trinkets.
STORY LINE: From the moment he’d been brought to this place he recalled the very screams of his last two servants killed before him. Through the eyes of a six year old it was a sight he’d never forget. His mother and his father were killed and the intruders working their way through the armed guards and into his nursery had taken him finally. Confused… he merely did as he was told from the very start he never understood why but upon reaching THE Queen he’d been both obedient and observant. As he grew he easily forgot that life those faces and only in dreams did they resurface. Dreams forgotten with the dawn as his new life had been one of teachings. Having been taught to show little mercy to the weak, taught to pity nothing, and taught to destroy all opposing forces against his ‘Mother’. As he reached his teens he’d grown healthy, strong and quick to the draw. Before long he grew in the skill of combat and whether request or not often spent his time breaking down rebellion and riot to his Queen. Crushing both small armies and mobs alike leaving none to hope for any change in monarchy. His soul stained so much so that such words of love and mercy were almost foreign to him. Having little to offer of it himself he truly had forgotten the life Once upon a time. Now he was a man he’d given in to this life completely never capable of remembering what his true course would have been.


AGE: Immortal
HEIGHT: 6' 3 (mortal height)
PERSONALITY: Wrathful and jealous he can bring destruction over wrong doers. Lustful... his wondering eye seeking out woman Goddess and Mortal alike.
HOME:: Mount Olympus
TALENTS: Ruler of the skies, he is responsible for bringing rain, drought, and thunderstorms. No one dared challenge the authority of the mighty Zeus since he was prone to release his fearsome thunderbolts to express his displeasure.
STORY LINE: The young God has just broken the world in a war against the Titans, their downfall left him and his siblings the Gods to rein the universe. When the lots were drawn it was all in his favor becoming the Supreme God and with it came the roles of the others. Creating men upon the world has been his newest vision and they are spreading the globe as the Gods are being born to rule them. Having taken his wife Hera their relationship is one of mutual duty rather then love. Though in king he genuinely does love his Gods and his children even his Demigods. The feud between his lovers and his wife is an ongoing affair for it the bitterness of their relationship is sinking in.
[Zeus is just that the ruler of the Sky and the Gods. Throw a plot at me. I am open on this one.]


AGE: 30
HEIGHT: 5'12"
Weight: 199 lbs
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown hair with a wave to it, lengthy right about to the shoulder.
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown.
PERSONALITY: A true sea-dog, there is not time for pity or weakness aboard his ship. His commanding nature has been one to break backs though it is unforgiving nature that has sent many to burial at sea. He is however a self taught man, taking interest in books and for it he's become quite studious. An adventuresome creature he would rather spend his days a drift then be stuck too in places he's already been. Though he has no real moral compass he does what feels good at the moment.
HOME:: Spain
TALENTS: Deadly with a scimitar sword he is quick as well. As a Pirate his impressive ship hold several canons for the sole reason of plunder. He is an excellent judge of character, and easily more so getting them to talk. An art of torture was one he took a shining to knowing just when the brink of death was in the eye.
SPECIES: Mortal Human
STORY LINE: Life at sea had made him hard, dealing with both traitors and scum alike it was easy to be lost in the air of idiotic rumors of this port or the next. Though he was a careful man, his crew a tight nit group of men who like their captain wanted the BIG score. Promises of treasures became nothing more then mere rumors and lore of some blackened seas brought troubles of a new kind. Merfolk had been the last of their problems out there in the open waters. It was the new territory. Who knew what horrors would await his men, torture one by one.. who knew? A new type of profit was on high demand now, that of captured savages. Woman mostly some so different in skin color that their ebony skin shone under the sun. For those many paid a hefty sum of gold. Always about the gold about the dream to live days in wealth, with good drinks, and woman enslaved to pleasuring them. Why else would anyone become a Pirate?


AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 6'2"
Weight: 203 lbs
HAIR COLOR: Dark, and just long enough passed his jawline.
PERSONALITY: Lascivious always wanting more of something sweet and rarely ever satisfied. Cruel, to those who stand against him receive the cruelest of his punishments. Yet a death sentence is something only his brother can grant... yet many occasions someone here or there has been known to have accidents. Adulterous, nothing excites him more then to win the heart of woman already wed... Challenges that arise keep him thriving for more and when it seems he might lose he forces his way to victory. Manipulating, and capable FULLY of blackmail he has little concern for consequences.
HOME:: Banished to Judarh Chateau. [AU Historical Fantasy Setting]
TALENTS: His words mostly, able to caught liars and more then often knows when his ass is being so heavily licked by false flattery. Schooled in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Philosophy, Map reading, Family history, Land Regions, and Politics.
SPECIES: Mortal Human
STORY LINE:The second born was not the best feeling in the world however there was no dispute for a crown. His older brother had been seventeen when he became king, and Ivan was still but an infant at the time. Though unlighted by the demands of being a King, he was a far better Prince. Both confident and charismatic most ladies at court sought out his affections if not attentions by whispers and one some occasions by night visit. Known for taking as many woman as he wished without the social stigma of having to act humble as a King would have. Enjoying his freedoms a bit too much the Lords of the provinces surely wouldn’t have been able to turn a blind eye to the fact that their Prince regent would fuck their wives. Though beloved by both the Queen Mother, and his brother they were little more than casual words of warning then actual punishment. Until the day the portraits came in… one at first then another… he’d not been told but he was no idiot these were Ladies that were listed as candidates to the Prince. Woman he would be forced to marry. By the fifth one he finally had enough and brought them each one by one out into the archer range using each for target practice. Why should he need to marry he was so young, had so much more fucking to do before needing to dwindle down his life to just one. (Though he doubted even then that would happen.) When his brother came to him he sneered at the idea of marriage once more until it was no longer a suggestion but command!


AGE: 25
Weight: 200 lbs
HAIR COLOR: Blonde/Brown
PERSONALITY: Accurate, dedicated, selfish, greedy, impulsive, persuasive.
HOME:: Russia, Global traveler.
TALENTS: Slave Trading, Arms Dealing, Black marketing organs.
STORY LINE: Form a young age Nikolai had been raised by his uncle's strict tutelage. While most children of seven were learning math problems, Nikolai was learning how to handle a weapon. He had been born into a family of dark deeds and the price on his parents heads had long been collected the orphan's sole family was his uncle Demetri who had been long the global trader. At first he'd known little of his family's profession thieves, killers, and all around bringers of the plague. Yet as he grew he was equipped with a fine education, and lesson in what life could give. Money. In the end it always came down to money he went along with his uncle serving more as an apprentice would learning the trade.
His connections slowly growing, but it wasn't until he was caught in a drug smuggling deal gone bad that he learned just how much history his family had. His arrest had sent him to jail in america, the documents he used were forged but the legal system was real enough. If he was not school before he came out a professional killer, his uncle has his sentence reduced to years rather then decades after all it was his first arrest, and he was only twenty years old. The year went on and now he wanted more, a partnership with his uncle produced lasting profits. Human trafficking has been popular back in the old days and was still number one grossing income in America. So he made a profession of it, taking woman who fit the bill Russian woman, Asian woman, Mexican woman were along the top selling. Though he found more pleasure in breaking them before he finally sold them.


Weight: 192 lbs
HAIR COLOR: Dyed Green. Blonde.
EYE COLOR: Dark Green
PERSONALITY: A violent sociopath who murders people for his own amusement in a word? Mad.
HOME:: Gotham City
TALENTS: Superior Class of Intellect, Highly Skilled Chemist, Master of Disguise, High Tolerance for Pain
PLOT Based off of Mad Love
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