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Polyamorous rp

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Summer looked at the jock thinking (if he could he probably would force sex on her). She gave him a smile saying "hello Rhiddon meet teddy". She held out her bear sounding like a little kid. The fact was she did not truly know how to act around others.
Harlie took one last look around as everyone said their names . She cleared her throat lightly , and took on her usual attitude . Un-amused , almost , but slightly interested . It always got the guys . Smirking only slightly , she replied . "Pleasure to meet you all" she said , drawling the last word out , in emphasis . "My name is Harlie" she added , nodding slightly . She closed her open book on her desk , and scooted even more into the circle , casually though , as to not distract them too much . It was interesting watching them talk to each other . Hide their feelings , but at the same time make their glances and looks obvious . There were a lot of homosexuals at this school , and after going there for 3 years , and knowing everyone , due to the popular part , she knew how to read people like an open book . She loved feeling as if she had the control of the situation .

She raised an eyebrow slightly , no intention of doing any of the work . Even if she had really needed to , she probably would've refrained from doing it . She may be a cheerleader , but she was also smart . She couldn't ruin her reputation by putting off the vibe that she might actually care about her grades . It was illegal in her book . Batting her eyes slightly , she scooted in the last little bit . She knew her good looks and deceiving personality would keep her in the conversation , and make sure she was at least a tad bit included in their thoughts .
Rhidonn looked at Silos with a very interested look. "I guess you and I both have something in common, uncommon names, eh?" he smiled, his eyes brightening. The boy frowned as Harlie decided to take the stage for her own. "Yea nice to meet you he sighed, looking down a little. "Hi Teddy, I hope your okay." he said sweetly, trying to make Summer feel better about her bear. Truth was he had his own quirks and secrets himself that made him who he was. And he just wanted to be nice to her since everyone looked at her as if she were insane. Rhidonn looked back at Dimitri, the only one not speaking; if fact outside the of group entirely..listening to music. Alright, Wally was cute, Silos was attractive and the two girls were similar in appearance but black on white in personalities. He had yet to see Dimitri. Rhidonn let his gaze fall upon Silos again, and he smiled. They all had their books open as if they were working but even the teacher knew they were not.
Silos finished the fist problem, starting on the second. Realizing he needed a calculator he slipped his hand into his bag, bending down to rummage through it he tried not to stare too long at the shapely thighs and tight skirt of the girl across from him. Their circle was getting tighter, but it looked as if the last straggler had joined them. The new girl with the teddy... Slightly awkward, but Rhi was kind to her. Silos was slightly surprised, but found he respected him all the more for the little act. It was cute.

He caught the stare's Dimitri was receiving, hopefully his friend would feel a little more secure in a bigger group but he was never entirely sure exactly what set the brunette off except for loud noises, and angry tones.. "That's Dimitri, he doesn't like to speak much." Silos explained, tapping an equation into his calculator. "Not here anyway. Doesn't like the teacher." Though he was sure most of the class shared that sentiment.
Rhidonn kept his eyes near Silos as he grabbed a calculator. In fact the boy moved over so he was sitting next to Silos now. When he heard about Dimitri he nodded. "Ah yes, I knew someone mute before, but it was because she was deaf...not exactly the same thing is it?" he said, remembering the hours it took him to perfect sign language. He hoped only one other person knew it. The. They could have a sort of secret code; it was just a fun idea Rhidonn had. "Do you know sign language?" he asked Silos, leaning over his desk to watch him do he problems no one even bothered to attempt trying. He also used a quiet voice, almost a seductive whisper but he restrained himself. Rhidonn sat back when the teacher stood up. "I'll be back in a few mintues." he said bluntly and slammed the door shut.
Dimitri was focused solely on copying the notes Wally had given him, although he managed to finish a bit early. Then the teacher announced that they should work in groups to answer the six questions on page twenty-seven, although Dimitri only managed to hear the number of questions and what page they were on due to the fact that his favorite song was playing in his ears, Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 18 I. Moderato conducted by Rubinstein.

He had already finished Three of the six questions due to his surprising understanding for numbers, when he noticed the teacher leaving he took off his headphones after the door had been slammed. Realizing that everyone was in groups, he moved to the group with the smallest amount of people, which happened to be the same group as Silos and Wally. As he moved closer he gave a small wave to the rest of the group, before taking a seat as close to Silos as possible without completely invading his personal space, although that was hard with how closely packed the group was. Then after placing one headphone back in his ear so that he could finish hearing the sentimental concerto, he began working on problem four.

However he couldn't focus because of how close he was to everyone, it's not like he's claustrophobic or anything, but the closer people are the more likely they are going to touch and he wasn't the kind of person who really likes being touched. Especially after having a mini breakdown only minutes before.
Wally sat in his spot listening to the group and wondering what everyone was thinking. Dimitri was questioned about being mute and knowing sign language. The redhead wondered who all had situations at home like he, and what he assumed Dimitri, did. Shrugging as he looked about the group once more.

"I think...I think Dimitri is just doing the work." Wally said as he turned to Silos. "Does anyone like him? I know I don't...I already want to punch him in the face. But if I do that then I might not be able to join the swim team." Wally said as he discretely glared at the teacher as he left.
((Um my character was talking to Silos, and the teacher left not my if I respond now it would be very awkward...:/))
Simply~ said:
((Um my character was talking to Silos, and the teacher left not my if I respond now it would be very awkward...:/))

((crap sorry read it really quickly, my bad ))
Summer looked at Wally and said "you talking about the teacher yes I do not like him he was mean to teddy and besides people in this world can be mean ". She looked back at teddy as she said the last part having flash backs of her mother . The woman she no longer calls her mother but rather the monster . she thinks of her mother as a monster who her mother turned into. She no longer loves her mother but wishes bad things to happen to her.
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