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Hero's of Zenthra group RP

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Joey looked at the king in shock then grinned. He felt the orgy hit him after the kings speach and knew he was a tad smarter about his quest and power. He decided for now he would stay in his mage role.

joey followed Julian out saying "I mean we are all guys here we have the same parts so if you not mind seeing me naked I could do it". He was glad for his baggy robes cause at the thought he started to get hard.
Julian looked over at Joey and shrugged as he walked out of the castle. "Well....I suppose your right and....after the crystal thing we have seen each others....stuff...already." The blond said as he decided to switch roles as he continued to walk out. "Guess I'll try out some other things then...Thief." Julian said as he felt his mage robes vanish temporarily to be replaced with a leather sleeve on his right arm, a leather pant leg on his left leg that tied together into his belt which held a few daggers, leather shoes, and a pair of tight briefs showcasing his bulge. Julian looked him self over with a sigh as he continued walking. "I get the feeling that this is how ALL of them are going to look isn't it? What ever, lets just...go. We can start to learn more about each other along the way alright?" Julian said as he tried not to blush as much any more.

(( His thief outfit looks like this but made of leather. ))
Joey nodded his head as he held the door open for his new found friend. "Yea just ask anything you want and if I know the answer I will answer your question". He walked out of the castle saying "looks long a long jerney to me maybe we will end up close friends maybe more I do not know ". He thought a Minte and said mimic mage and the only thing that changed was his robes hugged tighter showing his bulge and his staff lots its cat top for a claw top holding a ruby.
Ruari stifled a laugh when he saw the king, sure it was rude and a bit childish of him, but he couldn't help himself. Then the energy and knowledge flowed through him, when it was done he didn't bother with a goodbye and simply followed the others.

When he heard the two talk about who would activate the crystals when they found them, he laughed saying "Well I'm pretty shameless, so if niether of you want to do it, I will." Then when he saw Julian transform he was tempted to touch him again, just to get a rise from him, but he held off and decided to just change into another set saying "Warrior."

His clothes were replaced with a burgandy silk cape, a spartan helmet, and shin and arm guards. His shorts were replaced with a silk speedo and his cross staff was replaced with a large oddly shaped sword. However his rosaries were turned into leather guarders again.

"I think the cape is too much, what about you guys?" He asked while fluttering the stupid thing.

( this is the outfit:
Julian stopped walking as he looked back at Ruari as he spoke about the cape. Sighing at the exhibitionist Julian was struck with an idea that had crossed his mind after both of their comments. "Wait...are...are we all homosexual?" Julian said turning to the other group members with a slight blush on his cheeks before shrugging and looking Ruari and Joey over decided to fill them in on himself before they went further in case it was an issue. "I'm Julian, I'm a black smith's apprentice and I am homosexual. I've only ever had sex with another man, and only intend to do so with men. My lover died last year, he was a mercenary. My parents are fine with this as long as I take over the family business and possibly adopt an orphaned child. I'm a decent cook so if we have food and are out in the middle of no where I can cook us food. And Ruari? No the cape is not too much. As for the becoming more then friends.....maybe but I'd have to get to know you better first." Julian said with a smile before he continued to walk towards the exit, a bit slower this time so the others would know that he was listening.
Joey grinned and said "my turn Iam homosexual and I have lost my virgenity to a coworker of me." He walked for a bit then said "the coworker was male and my parents are gone its only me and I tried to date a girl but had a hard time getting hard so we never did it. When I meet my new male coworker I knew then I was gay cause I had no trouble getting hard. The only sad thing is he left me for a girl."
Nodded to Joey Julian began to wonder why a man would leave his lover to be with a woman. If he was in a relationship the man should stay with the same person unless he found some kind of fault. Granted the inability to make children could be a fault. Turning to him Julian tried to smile reassuringly. "I'm sure it's for the best right? Besides we have the power to save the world now. He obviously chose the less desirable person to be with in that regard, and most likely looks." Julian said as he adjusted his clothes once more to try an get better coverage, but yet again he could do very little with the clothes. "Guh...Free lancer!" Julian said as he felt his clothes vanish. However something felt...odd. He could feel the magical abilities of his other classes flowing into his body, but he knew that there was even more power for this class to obtain. The true power of the class would only be revealed when all the classes were obtained. Julian felt sandals assemble on his feet, a leather garter belt on each thigh with a dagger, a belt with two short swords on either hip and two leather straps crossing each other over his chest with a holster in the back for his scythe. Looking down at him self Julian's face turned red as he covered his exposed genitals. Other then the straps, garters and sandals he was naked. "P-PRIEST! PRIEST!" Julian said as his cock twitched and grew before he was clad in his priest outfit once more. Clearing his throat the red faced blond turned to the man and smiled. "I-It will work out I know it will." Julian said as he tried to down play what had just happened.

(( Please go to the OOC thread, the link is on a previous post on page 1 near the bottom. I have some questions for you guys. ))
Joey smirked and said in a play full tone "what I kinda liked that last outfit after all we all have the same parts its not like I have not seen it before". he smiled at the boy for he was in his baggy robes hiding his as well. he stood up and said "yes we have the power to save the world and I believe now things will work out for I have gotten over my loss of a lover knowing someday i will fall for anther and this time maybe he will stay gay". He then said "perhaps we better get going the world and its evil needs its hero's and I do believe evil will not wait for us". he tried to make a hero like move but it looked rather on the funny side and chuckled.
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