"Oh its more so he's afraid you'd see him differently, that you'd pity him. Think him damaged and not want anything to do with him." He said slowly "He probably told you something along the lines of you being the only woman he's slept with on this ship, he didn't mention you're the only one ever that he's actually consented to. His father feared him damaged" He added before he shook his head.
"The lass was you, tis why his father took you onto a crew. He stayed rather close by, lad was rather good at hiding himself. We thought he'd work up the courage to talk to ye, but he was powerful shy. However he began to grow as a person however, he spoke more, took to reading, educated himself in several areas. So Lord Blackwater kept you nearby, something to motivate him as it were, and motivate it did. Till one night he came into the cabin happy as you please, wouldn't tell us what about. Soon after there was a bit of unpleasantness, I wasn't on the ship for it, his father never spoke of it. But he clammed up again. Didn't say a word when you left for a few weeks. "
Taking another long drag the man looked off in the distance. "When he did come around again, he went even harder at his studying, books, sword craft. All them scars you see, those are from when he was a kid, I've never seen anyone land a blade on that boy much less give him a wound that would scar." He added. "All for the sake of a girl. So his dad came upon a plan to arrange a marriage. We told the boy your father said no, that dagger you have there, its part of the wedding dowry we paid. Your dad sent us back the other one saying he was keeping the gold and he wanted double to guarantee the wedding. Blackwater was furious, but your dad said he'd rather kill you than give you up. So we came to an impasse. "
Knocking his pipe clean on the railing he turned his back. "We forged your pa's signature and crest and the like and well, you know the rest. Well, the rest as he sees it." He said slowly. "Boy didn't want his crew thinkin he was soft, but also your dad's spies were watchin, what was he to do? Disarm you and plant a kiss on you?" He said with a soft laugh and a shake of his head. "No, he had to make you look beaten. But really, he's beaten, he's just a boy, trying to get with a girl, and that's all he cares about, he won't say, he'll try to avoid it. Oh lord will he try, but he wants it so badly he can't see any other path but this. Maybe it'd be in his interest if you let him go a bit, because if you leave him, he'll survive, but won't be much left."