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Bay Harbor Islands - General Location


Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Vincent, Liz, Kevin, Wendy, Randy, Lina, Anyone else

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

"This car runs so smoothly. I can definitely see that Kevin has got a good piece of machinery here. Any chance we can find another like her.. not the same model, I suspect.. but another that we can fix up?"

Evers was very pleased with the night, so very eager to experience as much of the night life in Miami as can be found. He knew that he would have to try and find Diana eventually, but for the time being, they needed to both get their bearings. They would encounter each other eventually, but for now, he would let fate decide when that would be.

Name:Alexis Rayne
Attire:Black Skirt, fishnet stockings, Black button up(opened enough to show her bra)
Weapons:Small handgun strapped to her thigh
Location:Death Games Arena
Tagging:Kevin, Vincent, Lina, Randy, Wendy, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

"Oh yeah that's Kevin's thing, he can get cars for anyone for the right trade cars and entertainment are Kevin's business both things have gotten Kevin a lot of the stuff he needs and wants I mean everyone wants a car and who's gonna deny entertainment in a place like this, Kevin intends on building an empire and taking control of Miami in a way and I for one believe he could do it while others want out he just wants power and those that stick with him will be rewarded greatly as you've probably noticed he takes care of his people" ,Alexis explained. Her response may have been more then Andrew expected but she wanted to let him know what Kevin's intentions were, "I can tell he likes you Ace and if you stick with him there's no doubt you'll rise to the top with him and he will take care of you".

When they got to Bay Harbor Islands Alexis parked the car near two large junk piles then got out, she lit a cigarette and made her way over to the piles. Alexis may look sweet and girly but when it came to doing some dirty work she had no problem getting her hands dirty and it showed as she dug through the piles of junk,throwing rather heavy things out of her way to get to the things she wanted.

Name:Elizabeth Jennings
Nickname: Liz
Attire:Black Leather Jacket and Black tight jeans
Weapon: Pistol
Location: Bay Harbor islands
Tagging: Kevin/ Wendy /everyone

(June 14th,2038 early evening)

Getting out of the car she began to look around at what was in the area mostly junk at first but she was sure there would be more to find she tried not to walk to far away from the others as she looked around. Looking behind one pile of stuff she found a studded belt "oh nice " Liz said while picking it up and exchanging it for the worn plain black fabric belt she had on" as she watched Alexis digging through things Liz walked over to her "you need any help looking for anything specific?"

Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Vincent, Liz, Kevin, Wendy, Randy, Lina, Anyone else

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

Evers also had no problem getting into helping and moving through the piles of junk. He was careful at the same time as thorough, especially when moving heavier stuff.

"All of that is very good, as I can see someone like Kevin needs to be in charge more than a spoiled brat. I am very eager to get started with helping him in any way I can."

Evers found a number of things, including a few weapons that were salvageable and could be repaired. He also took lead from both Alexis and Liz, looking for things that they were seeking as well.

"Alexis, yes.. as Liz said, are there specific things Kevin needs now? And if not or not just him, specific things for others?"

Name:Alexis Rayne
Attire:Black Skirt, fishnet stockings, Black button up(opened enough to show her bra)
Weapons:Small handgun strapped to her thigh
Location:Death Games Arena
Tagging:Kevin, Vincent, Lina, Randy, Wendy, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

"No the only thing we'd really need is weapons, pots and pans, stuff like that anything that can be fixed and used we'll take" ,Alexis stated in response to both of them. She then took a drag of her cigarette and continued to dig through the large piles of junk. Alexis found a few useful things they weren't things that would be useful to anyone else other then herself but if she was going to fix them then she figured she should be able to have them. She found an old CD player with a bunch of CDs and she wanted to take them home and work on them so that she could listen to music. There were also a bunch of walkie talkie's that she picked up to try and fix for communication around the arena.

Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Vincent, Liz, Kevin, Wendy, Randy, Lina, Anyone else

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

Evers nodded, also noticing that Alexis was getting things that looked like she was the one who wanted them. He took that to mean that both he and Liz could do the same thing, and he nodded on what she said.

"I will take it that 'pots and pans' also means anything cooking related as well, Alexis. I think that would be good especially if we were to have alternate means of cooking things."

He was thinking ahead, as was his nature. He found a lot of those things, including three entire sets of "professional quality" cookware in the pile he was going through.

"These three have not ever been opened, you can tell. I am certain they would be very useful.. though one could be used for the Teflon I need for the treatment I was telling Kevin about. I only need a small amount... but if we can find another source instead we can use that, Alexis."

He was amazed they were not really getting as dirty anywhere else, Evers himself somehow only getting his lower arms and hands mostly dirty. He was able, with a few parts he found, to get a pulley and lever system, and that allowed them to move the much heavier things without straining too much. He made it collapsible, using parts from an old re-enforced playground set as part of the levers. He was soon taking the care with the weapons he found, a smaller box for himself and a much larger one for everyone. He made certain that, with a couple exceptions, all that went into the bigger box were ones that needed the fewer repairs, and that most of the ones he found in totally decent to perfect working condition also. He mostly kept a number of sharpened bladed weapons, like a number of high quality shuriken for example, but he also kept several guns, including a rig that he had to make certain worked before he showed it to Kevin. He let Alexis and Liz see it, a bit shocked at it.

"Whoa.. someone made a quad-barreled sawed off??? Why??"

He laughed, vowing to let Kevin or someone else have first crack if he knew for certain it worked. He found ammo for all the guns, finding one large case that he got their attention on. It was large and metal, and looked like a sample case for a high powered rifle.

"Now this is unexpected...."

He moved the case to a large table he had set up a number of things that were in shockingly at least decent working order on it that he moved for the room to set the case down. The locks on it were very good, old school but still hard to open... but not impossible for someone like him.

"Do either of you have a set of lockpicks... or perhaps a hairpin or three?"

Name:Elizabeth Jennings
Nickname: Liz
Attire:Black Leather Jacket and Black tight jeans
Weapon: Pistol
Location: Bay Harbor islands
Tagging: Kevin/ Wendy /everyone

(June 14th,2038 early evening)

Liz continued to look around. When she realized Alexis didn't care what they looked for it made her relax a little. When Andrew found some things and was saying it was unexpected she walked over to see what he had. As he asked about lockpicks or a hairpin she giggled. "Sorry buddy ya got the wrong gal when it come to things like a hairpin " she said laughing. "I'll keep a eye out though to see i i can find anything to pick a lock with . I'll let ya know if i find something."

Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Vincent, Liz, Kevin, Wendy, Randy, Lina, Anyone else

(June 14th, 2038 a bit later than early Evening)

Evers smiled, nodding and laughing softly.

"Yeah.. I guess that was an absurd thing to say... though anything along those lines will work. I have done it with filaments from light bulbs twisted together before.. also, if you can find any graphite it may help to."

Evers then moved to start getting more that they could claim and salvage, knowing that Kevin may very well be intensely happy with the haul.

Name:Alexis Rayne
Attire:Black Skirt, fishnet stockings, Black button up(opened enough to show her bra)
Weapons:Small handgun strapped to her thigh
Location:Death Games Arena
Tagging:Kevin, Vincent, Lina, Randy, Wendy, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

"Yes any kind of cookware you can find will be great Kevin likes to explore his culinary skills" ,she let out a small giggle. "I mean he's a good cook actually a great cook he's just very limited working with the little we have ya know". Alexis was impressed with the things Andrew found he definitely had a good eye for things and that was a very good thing to have in Miami. When he asked for a lockpick kit or a hair pin Alexis thought for a moment then made her way over to the car and opened the glove box. "Ha ha I knew there would be one in here nearly all cars come with them now a days for the idiots who lock themselves out of their cars unfortunately some people forget to take the case out and end up screwing themselves anyway" ,Alexis stated with a small laugh. She walked over to Andrew and handed him a small black case, "Anything you need should be in that case if not Kevin should have something we'll just have to haul this thing back to the arena but I'm pretty sure that lock pick kit will work".

Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Vincent, Liz, Kevin, Wendy, Randy, Lina, Anyone else

(June 14th, 2038 a bit later than early Evening)

Evers smiled, nodding. He opened the case carefully, and he knew he had what was needed. It was a professional lock pick set, something that was very rare to find outside of the International Black Market. There were "free zones", unofficial, underneath certain cities where docks and the sort could be found, but that was far away. He slowly extracted each tool he need, working on the tumblers of the locks. He had to be very careful and not try and open either till he was done, as that would reset the tumblers in a totally different set. He was very careful, using a stand alone lantern for light. He was liberal with the graphite, as it was a job he had not done in a while. He then heard the first click that the first lock was undone, then he moved to the second. That went faster, as he remembered how the tumblers gave and in what shape, and the click was heard again. He then felt around, finding the pressure for opening the locks was slightly off. Carefully turning them just right, he then pushed the locks and the case opened. When it was, Evers, smiled very broadly and chuckled.

"Someone around here has been very very bad.... in a 'squealer' sort of way...."

Name:Elizabeth Jennings
Nickname: Liz
Attire:Black Leather Jacket and Black tight jeans
Weapon: Pistol/ switchblade
Location: Bay Harbor islands
Tagging: Alexis/Andrew/everyone

(June 14th,2038 early evening)

after Alexis gave Andrew the lock pick set Liz walked off while he worked the lock over looking through various things. She found a nice size switch blade which had a little bit of blood on the blade, pulling out a small bottle of bleach from her pocket she cleaned the blade and then closed it and put it into her pocket.

When she heard Andrew get the case open and mention someone had been bad she walked over puzzled "what was in the case?" she asked Andrew. Not fully positive she even wanted to know but curiosity had gotten the better of her.

Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 a bit later than early Evening)

Evers very slowly started unpacking the contents of the case, starting with what looked like a very compact backpack. In the light, he opened the flap to reveal a midnight black sniper's outfit. There were several other weapons, all black-ops grade and also carbon black with slightly raised dots on them. He looked from Liz to Alexis, explaining as he did tell them earlier he would know what it was.

"Braille, for finding them in the dark in this rig."

He showed them the harness rig, the semi-auto pistol, its clips and even bullets in it also just as carbon black as the rest of the weapons. He then whistled low, slowly extracting the crowning piece of the case's contents. Not knowing if they would know it, Evers carefully explained what he was holding, with care, in his hands.

"Holy.... a WA2000 Semiautomatic... modified for noise suppression.. well maintained... loaded and ready... "

He lightly moved his finger on the side of the trigger, and continued as he explained further.

"Expensive as hell... originally it had few buyers in 1989... but two warehouses of completed and mostly completed models and repair parts exist. This oil is highly weather resistant and someone really cared for this baby. She is extensively waterproofed."

Evers shook his head, not happy.

"We will have to tell Kevin when we get back. Someone loved this 'girl', and this kind of hardware is not for pot shots just to scare people. Someone out there wants someone in here dead, and getting exiled here isn't enough for them."

Name:Alexis Rayne
Attire:Black Skirt, fishnet stockings, Black button up(opened enough to show her bra)
Weapons:Small handgun strapped to her thigh
Location:Death Games Arena
Tagging:Kevin, Vincent, Lina, Randy, Wendy, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

Alexis watched as Andrew emptied the case, she was no stranger to weapons and she knew that what they had found was something serious. "Yeah Kevin should definitely know if someone out there is trying to kill someone in here it could very well be Kevin or Vincent possibly and although I don't like Vincent he provides goods for us so we need him alive, we'll have to let them know even if they're not targets they should still know just to be safe" ,Alexis stated after Andrew was done speaking. The find was a great one but Alexis wasn't too happy that someone was in there to execute a prisoner as if it wasn't enough that they were all locked in there to begin with.

Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 a bit later than early Evening)

"I agree. After we check out this Saloon place, we should let Kevin know."

Evers didn't want to ruin the rest of the night, and he already could tell that whomever belonged to the rifle would most likely not be back for it that night. They would have a bit of time before it was discovered missing, but then that would leave the USPF with having to be more on their guard.

"Also, he may see it as something that can be of use as well. However, shall we get the things we have found loaded up into the car? If you want to head back now, I would understand... just I don't know if I want to risk disturbing him too early with Wendy."

Evers was being respectful to his new employer, but he was willing to change plans as he knew that this was going to be of interest indeed to him.

Name:Alexis Rayne
Attire:Black Skirt, fishnet stockings, Black button up(opened enough to show her bra)
Weapons:Small handgun strapped to her thigh
Location:Bay Harbor Islands
Tagging:Andrew, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

"Yeah let's load everything up into the car, put that case into the trunk first and pile all the other stuff on top of it rather be safe then sorry I really don't want anyone seeing it, as for bothering Kevin it wouldn't be wise Wendy is the first woman he's been with in years she's special to him so I say we give them their alone time and I'm sure Kevin will return the favor later on" ,Alexis stated in response giving Andrew a wink and a seductive little smirk.

Alexis began loading everything into the trunk and made sure the case was well covered before shutting the trunk and lighting another cigarette. "We can head to the saloon now and have a few drinks I'll have to take it easy seeing I'm driving but I can drink when we get back to the arena so I don't mind" ,she stated before getting into the driver's seat and starting the car.

Name:Elizabeth Jennings
Nickname: Liz
Attire:Black Leather Jacket and Black tight jeans
Weapon: Pistol/ switchblade
Location: Bay Harbor islands
Tagging: Alexis/Andrew/everyone

(June 14th,2038 early evening)

Liz helped put things into the car staying pretty silent about what they had found not really knowing what to say about it. She was looking forward to heading to the saloon as she got into the car she was feeling pretty worn out from the day though and hadn't done to much searching while in Bay harbor Islands. "A drink sounds good to me right now" She leaned back in her seat in the car and tried to relax while waiting for the other 2 to finish up and get in the car.

(exit to saloon)

Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 a bit later than early Evening)

Evers nodded, very glad he is gauging what his new boss is wanting. He knew that they would need to not delay in letting Kevin know as soon as they got back to home base, but he rightly guessed that disturbing him too soon would be an extremely bad idea. He also picked up on what Alexis said, and he was smiling a bit himself on that. He had every intention of making her beg for more, among other things, as he really was eager to show her his skills in that area.

After moving to get everything, including the case, that was for Kevin to see, he also organized things, able to get what was going where and with and to whom very easily settled in the trunk. He was very pleased it all fit, and he turned to Alexis and shrugged.

"I can drive if you wish to have a round too, as I am very in control of my drinking as well."

He merely was offering, and not trying to convince her to let him. Making the offer would be enough, and even if she said no it most likely would be taken well and not as an insult.

Name:Alexis Rayne
Attire:Black Skirt, fishnet stockings, Black button up(opened enough to show her bra)
Weapons:Small handgun strapped to her thigh
Location:Bay Harbor Islands
Tagging:Andrew, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 Early Evening)

"I hear ya on that I'll have a little to drink" ,she said in response to Liz. "But not too much I prefer drinking within the safety of the arena but I may let you drive anyway Andrew after all it's not everyday people get to drive in Miami, I'm sure Kevin will get you a car eventually seeing as you're now working with him and he may want you to travel a little like he has me do at times" ,Alexis told Andrew. She then started the car and drove off in the direction of the saloon.

(Exits to Saloon)

Name: Andrew Christopher Evers
Nickname: Ace; CrissCross
Attire: Blue Jeans, socks, leather boots, button-up cotton shirt, leather jacket with patches all over it. dark shades
Weapons: Combat knife, set of throwing knives, P-96 Russian pistol.
Location: Death Games Arena
Tagging: Alexis, Liz

(June 14th, 2038 a bit later than early Evening)

"I understand, and I am loving this arrangement more and more...."

Evers smiled, loving hearing her say his name. He was pleased with everything they found, and he was eager to see the Saloon and perhaps get something to drink. He also, surprisingly, had a craving that he waited till they got a bit closer before verbalizing. He was thinking also about both his craving for Alexis that was slowly but steadily growing, and also what she said about a car. He would ask Kevin about that later.. but that would wait for later as she drove.

(Exits to Saloon)
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