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Marry, Fuck, Kill

Oh Nasty, you tease~ *Winks*

Ahem, Marry Walter, Kill Hank and Fuck Jesse. (I think I died a little on the inside writing this, I love them all so much :< Besides Hank, Hank is just obsessed with his rocks...)

Sarah Jessica Parker - Eric Cartman - Oprah Winfrey
Seiken said:
Oh Nasty, you tease~ *Winks*


I kill Eric Cartman, that little prick has it coming anyway. Fuck SJP because she looks like she needs some good dick, and I don't think the hubby is doing things right. Marry Oprah Winfrey (You get a new car! You get a new car! You get a new car! EVERYBODY gets a new car!)

Natalie Portman, Gal Gadot, Moran Atias (Hrm, there may be a theme here.)
Fuck Natalie, marry Moran kill Gadot must admit only really heard of Portman

Link, Hinata Hyuuga, Tifa Lockheart
I don't know any of these, but I did a quick google search. lol. So here goes.
Kill Ruffy. Fuck Naruto. Marry Natsu.
Watching something on the making of Frozen. So here goes. Anna. Elsa. Olaf.
Kill Harry Potter, fuck Gandalf, and marry Waldo. I'd fuck Gandalf because that's all I deserve. Dried up, old man cock.

Marge, Lisa, and Homer Simpson
This is getting serious! Well, I'm going to jail one way or another I guess.

Kill Homer, fuck Lisa, marry Marge. Dirty as that is.

Zoe Deschanel, Katie Perry, Shannon Woodward
Marry Shannon, fuck Katie and kill zoe.

Bill Cosby, Kim Jong-un(or whoever the fuck is screwing over in Korea) or Sarah Palin?
Marry Bill Cosby so I would be on the Cosby Show :p, kill Kim-Jon Un (easy pick), Fuck Sarah Palin (this my or may not be an insult instead of a weird fantasy).

Boba Fett, The girl (or guy) of your dreams, and Mrs. Incredible.
Marry the orthodontist (he's probably rich), fuck the atheist so I can here him scream "O GOD!", kill the pacifist because he wouldn't put up a fight.

Red the Wendy's Girl, Jan the Toyota Girl, The Deep Voice Allstate Guy
As much as I like you all state guy, your the only guy on this list and I don't want to really marry or duck you. :/

Kill Allstate guy, fuck Red, and marry Jan.

Me, you, zoboomafoo
Hmm, fuck you (if I were so lucky :p), marry your sister, kill your best friend because it's the last option.

A hobo, a rich guy, and an average joe.
Marry the rich guy (duh), fuck the hobo because he deserves a break, kill the average joe because average is insufficient.

A priest, a nun, a rabbi.
Fuck Frankenstein's monster ("He'd have to have an enormous schwanshtuper!"), marry R2D2, kill Gollum. I considered marrying Gollum; he had a ring for me. But then he lost it.

Captain America, Captain Marvel or Captain Kirk
Very nice!

D: What have you given me? I would... kill gollum, fuck R2D2 and marry the monster.

A Bird, A Crocodile or a wasp?
Marry Picard, kill yoda and fuck Slenderman and his Slenderdick <3

Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby or Alpha from Sesame Street.
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