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Just to watch the world burn.

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Jul 5, 2012
I have an idea. This idea is possibly cliche, horribly worded and will probably give you a brain tumor. Underworld. Oh snap. Now, before anyone gets all uppity with me, hear me out. I got this idea awhile ago, though I can't remember from who. My character is a vampire, serving within a coven in a city. Your character, preferrably female, would be one of the following of your choosing: A Werewolf, which plays into the whole Underworld theme. A Vampire, one of from the same coven as my character, or a demon.

A demon you say? Why yes, allow me to explain. In addition to being at war with the Werewolves, the nameless city in which the coven resides outside of, is currently under siege from the minions of hell.

The plotline takes place in/around/under/outside of, the nameless city that was mentioned. The RP is meant to be filled with violence, drama, intrigue, betrayal and possibly sex. I am a fan of adding NPC characters to the world to give it more depth and to give our characters more interaction than with each other.

As much as it is Underworld in a very barebones kind of way, it doesn't draw too much more from that. The Vampires and Werewolves, while still technically at war, have reached an uneasy peace to deal with this demon infestation. That doesn't mean that there aren't skirmishes or disputes between the two factions, it's just they both know that all our war is rather stupid at the moment. My character, as I mentioned, is part of the Vampire coven.

Since I forgot, post length IS rather long, as I enjoy putting quite a bit of detail into my posts. I figured that I would mention it if we go any further.
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