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Three cravings (looking for literate femsubs)

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Black Hand

Jan 3, 2011
A Flyover State
1. Adam lives with his sister Jackie, both in their mid twenties. They room together at the university where they are both after their P.H.D.s. Him in astrophysics, and her in law enforcement. One day over break Adam gets a message from a girl who he used to date in high school. Liena was a bright girl who happened to move away midway through their junior year of high school because her family got a job out of state. he hadn't talked with the girl in years, so the letter proved a huge surprise. The former brainiac is living as a maid at an upstate mansion, and had just gotten permission to invite guests up to the main lodge for a one week stay. Not knowing all too many people, she wanted to know if the siblings would be willing to come.

Not ones to miss a free luxury vacation, the two drive up and find the words of the letter true. The two eagerly set into their rooms and get ready for a long week, in which time each would undergo a unique journey.

Adam found that his old flame had changed alot in the time since he left.. Where she might have before spoke her mind, he now found her to be passive, accommodating and overwhelmingly submissive. Curious he follows her around on the third night to find that the maids of the mansion all have a secret. That they all also act as the masochistic sex slaves of the house. The Master and Mistress of the manor use and abuse the girls as they see fit. But more then that, each night they are put into a trance that increases their subservience and saps them of their will power. But when he confronts Liena about it he is shocked to find that not only has she grown to love the abuse and degradation inflicted on her by her masters, but also that she doesn't even mind them tampering with her mind if it means more pleasure for her. Kindly she tells him that she wouldn't mind demonstrating to him the pleasures of dominating someone like her in bed. As the night wears on and he goes to sleep he makes a silent vow to try to find a way to get her out of here by weeks end.

Jackie meanwhile has a similar but also very different journey. Sneaking out on the first night she catches a similar scene to her brother. Only after seeing it she can't help but touch herself to the orgy of lust in front of her, not having seen the trance bit.After that she sneaks out to watch the nighttime activities of the people in the mansion. But something odd is happening. The mistress of the manor seems to be spending an awful lot of time talking to her. Soon Jackie finds herself going with the woman everywhere, incapable of helping herself.

By weeks end will the mansion have lost a slave? maybe came out exactly even? Or possibly even the time frame might end with one more member of the mansion staff?

2.If someone goes on the internet chastity scene, they hear about the Key Master pretty quickly. This mysterious person has plenty of money, and a near obsession with female chastity. The only thing that anyone knows about them, is that they must have plenty of money, because girls who ask for their control receive some rather expensive equipment. Completely waterproof, shock absorbing, with built in vibrators, and a monitor to make sure against accidental orgasms, the chastity belt they provide are almost completely foolproof. Any girl who approaches the key master asking to try, gets sent one of these belts for a six month period, in which they are kept free of orgasms, unless the key master decides to let them. And, to make sure that they never get used to life without cumming, the vibrators turn on whenever the Key Master wants, leaving them constantly weary of their control, and sexually frustrated.

David had of course heard of the Key Master before. He frequents a number of BDSM sites, and whenever the topic of female chastity comes up, the conversation often turns to the most notorious practitioner. He never pays too much attention though. While the topic interests him, he's never gotten too into it. So, he mainly doesn't pay much attention.

Option 1:

At school, him and some of the other nerdy students tend to self segregate. His best friend, Kay, is also a sexual deviant, and will usually talk to him when matters involve BDSM and other fetishes. Part of him is attracted to her, especially because of their shared interests. But, they have known each other for so long now, it would feel wrong to try anything, especially because she views him as as such a confidant.

One day, after school, she asks him to help her with something. She's been looking into things, and has come to the decision to ask the Key Master for his control. She's been fantasizing about it for awhile, and she really wants to try being under his control. However, at the same time, she is worried about the prospect of doing something so big as to give her orgasm to someone else. Desperately, she pleads with David to act as her gaurdian in this regard. Uneasy about the whole situation, but not quite ready to turn down such a request, he agrees to watch out for her.

Sure enough he talks with the Key Master online, on her behalf. He seems trustworthy enough, but something seems more then a little off about him. What can he do but wait and see, as his best friend receives the entrapment, and subjects herself to sustained frustration.

Option 2:

School projects are never fun for David. He always gets paired up with a bunch of idiots. This time he is paired up with this one stupid jock, and Lorali, a bookish timid girl who happens to be one of the richest in school. The project starts well enough, but once they hit a lull, David gets bored and decides to explore. In Lorali's room he finds something that livens things up a bit.

In it he finds the computer open, to a variety of different bondage sites, as well as a number of webcams and videos, depicting women in chastity belts. On the desktop was a program depicting the states of nearly a hundred different chastity belts, showing which ones had vibrators active, and which ones were close to cumming. A quick check into her closet confirmed the signature chastity belts of the Key Maker. It seemed that in her spare time, the quiet wallflower was herself the key master that everyone was in such an uproar about!

But, it still was still not the most interesting thing he found. That title belonged to the computer diary that was open. It was in the middle of the latest entry, nothing terribly interesting so he decided to flip back a bit. One particular entry caught his eye. It was her wondering what it must be like to be that helpless, in rather erotic detail. And at the bottom there was a picture of her with one of the belts on, mentioning how she was trying it on. An evil idea came to David's head.

Later on, after the group was finished, when Lorali went back to her computer to check on the status of her captives, she was surprised to find her program exited out. An attempt to relogin explained the password had been changed.. Frantically she scrambled to find out what was wrong, until she found a note in her diary. It told her to come to the park later that night.

When she arrived, she saw David standing with a grin on his mouth, and one of her belts in his hand.

3. When Ray's parents got a look inside their sons computer, he thought he was done for. He had tabs for all sorts of the kinkiest and downright most vile websites on the internet. This was the kind of thing that he would never hear the end of. Especially since his parents were a pair of the most uptight, conservative, old money ever to walk the earth. Instead, they sat him down and offered him a choice. Since he was about to enter college, they explained that he could keep his position as first in line, if he spent a gap year at this academy out in the mountains of Scotland.

The academy as it turns out, is a place called The Society of Social Sciences, and it claims it's job is to instruct future world leaders on how to better run organizations and fortunes. In reality, it is the place where the rich send their children if they find out they are too kinky, in order to have a better grasp on how to manage it everyday life and continue in such a way as to never draw negative attention to themselves. The instructors, are teachers who themselves have emerged as experts in their various fields of perversion. Their job is to make sure that the students are able to enjoy their fetishes in a way that will not garner attention to themselves.

Ray is initially skeptical about the society, but soon finds that it is almsot a wonderland for him to explore his love of domination and power games. He gets to excessive his fetish as much as he wants on the masochistic instructors, and the Sadistic ones teach him the proper ways of getting a girl to beg him to let them be his fuckpuppet. If he has one problem though it's the other students.

Most of the other students are rich spoiled brats, much like himself. Normally this would not be a problem, as he himself is also a spoiled brat, but the majority of the other students are from new money family, and consider him to be a whiny snob. Luckily he finds a friend in the shape of a kind blond girl named, Isabella, also from an old family. Unused to being incapable of finding friends, he decides to join up with her friends among the other old money families. To say he also develops a fascination for the girl is only icing on the cake.

But she wouldn't be here without a little fetish of her own. And hers is a massive pet play fetish. In her identity as Izzy the puppy, Isabella liked being humiliated, degraded as a fucktoy, and treated like an animal. And it just so happens, that in a place like the Society, she has a dog trainer in the form of the man who is also teaching Ray how to be a better dominate, feeding that urge every day. But how will Ray ever get the chance to dominate the lovely puppy, when her eyes are too busy staring at an expert at keeping girls in line?
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