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Seeking futa for extreme kink, not for the squeamish

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Jul 2, 2012
This kink deals with sexualizing a body cavity most would find grotesque, and I'm not talking about anal. If you think you might be interested, give the spoiler a click-
So I have a couple of characters who're missing an eye, and the reason for that is that I want to write smut featuring an eye socket. Realistically that would be bloody and gross and probably fatal, but in the realm of fantasy, the eye socket is as deep and as durable as we need it to be. No gore is involved.

For our purposes an empty eye socket is soft, pink, well-lubricated, curves down into the sinus cavity and then (if we're talking really deep) empties into the throat. On the way there, though, it stimulates that dizzying pleasure of rubbing your eyes, that almost orgasmic pleasure of a sneeze, the satisfaction of a good cry- you get the idea. It's intense.

Zerkova (description and kinks)
Zerkova is an uptight, clit-tease special agent for a fantasy steampunk Russian empire called Khador. She hunts down magical artifacts for the glory of Khador's military machine, and skims a little bit off the top for her own lust for power. Here are some ideas for short-term stories involving Zerkova:
  • Zerkova is working against your character to retrieve an artifact in the style of an Indiana Jones villain. There may be sexual tension that soon explodes, or a purely nonconsensual scene where Zerkova comes to kill your character but the tables are turned.
  • While exploring lost ruins, Zerkova makes a misstep and becomes prey of some randy monster girl. Maybe a naga, slime girl, or demonic/angelic guardian.
  • On the trail through the frozen woods, Zerkova's forces run into a snowstorm and she ends up alone and vulnerable. Someone, whether bandit or routed enemy soldier or whatever, finds her and drags her off for their own purposes.
Aleksandra Zerkova is a fandom, the character is from the fantasy steampunk setting Iron Kingdoms. You don't need to know anything about either one, though, especially for a short-term story.

Captain May (description and kinks)
Captain May is a petite pirate queen. Her crew deal in slaves, smuggled goods, and pillaged riches on the high seas of adventure. Although she fancies herself a swashbuckling rogue, May is always getting into situations where she's abused and humiliated. Some short-term story ideas:
  • While on shore leave, May gets sloshed and becomes easy prey for something nonconsensual in a back alley, or even right there in front of the drunks in an especially seedy bar. If you like playing multiple characters, bonus!
  • During a raid on an enemy ship, May falls overboard and ends up in the clutches of a monster girl like a mermaid or squid girl.
  • During a truce, May gets on board a Spanish (or Elven, or whatever) ship and is double-crossed. She's going to be returned to the mainland to answer for her crimes, but in the meantime, the captain has some aggression to work out- May has been a thorn in her side for too long.

Of course, if you have ideas of your own, I want to hear them! Let's put a little plot together.

I need a partner who's curious to explore this kind of penetration, and willing to play a futa character.
WHOA... Not my cup of tea but regardless this is interesting. I give you props for venturing past the realm of vanilla sex and really getting into the Fetishes. This is truly intense. Is scary even.

good luck on your search
I agree with the guy above me lmfaooooooo ;]
Good job for thinking outside the box :D
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