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The Breeding and Research Island

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Jul 11, 2010

Rules of the Facilities

If any subject tries to escape they will be shot, if they are lucky.
Forums can be filled out to take a subject to your apartment for servant duties.
(More may be added)

Rules of the RP

Please send me a PM with your character sheet, once I approve it post it in the profile page.
You are welcome to play as many characters as you feel you can play.
I don't care about post length but please aim for good grammar and spelling.
Follow the rules of the site so not loli or shorta and that stuff.
Respect the kinks and limits of your fellow players.
If you have any suggestions, opinions and/or questions please PM me.
Other rules may be added


Shasha was in the living area on one of the mattress on the for curled up trying to sleep but was very cold. Her cat tail was curled up and her ears folded on her head. Shasha's eyes were closed however, she was still on alert as she tried to sleep. Shasha did look cute curled up like she was but she felt like she was freezing slowly.
Katness woke from her sleep shivering. She looked over at her sister and twiched her ears. She got up and went and laid down next to her curling up next to her. "We need more body so lets sleep curled up next to each other" she said sweetly to her sister.
Shasha's ears twitched and opened her eyes to see Katness joining her curling next to her. Shasha curled up close to Katness her body was cold but being close to her sister made her feel better. She felt safe with Katness with her. Shasha hugged her sister, her tail curled up with Katness's bigger fluffier wolf tail.

"That is a great idea Kat." Shasha said resting her head next to Katness.
Katness kissed her sister on the head saying "mark my words Sasha I will find a way to take over the Island for ourself's but in the mean time I'm going to learn all i can about these people who did this to use turned us into freaks". she put her tail over her sister and her arms wrapped around her saying "Not going to let them hurt you anymore somehow i will put a end to all of this".
Obsidian sat in the shadows, watching the two sisters from a distance, she sighed. Just a barely audible cluck of her tongue was heard and she wanted to stretch out her wings, so very much, but the chains were wrapped around them tightly. She let out a groan of fustration and turned around as she slammed a fist against the concrete wall. It cracked only a small crack and her knuckles became red with blood. She stared at her knuckles in fascination, falling silent once again, she had to think of a plan.
Shasha cuddled with her sister listening to her words. "You are a great sister but don't risk yourself for me. I am not a weak little girl anymore. We can both fight for our needs." Shasha said looking at Katness. Shasha continued to lay with Katness her ears twitched a bit as she heard the sound of Obsidian and turned her head to face her.
Obsidian turned back around, as she looked down allowing her wavy black hair to fall into her face to hide it. She sat silent, almost as silent as Death as she pondered their situation, she could feel her wings flexing against the chains, causing them to pull tighter across her shoulders. She reached up and tried tugging at the chains, but it was useless, those scientists held the key to the pad lock. She stayed silent as she let her hands fall back against her side.
Lyonal was in the labs, looking over some interesting data. By splicing a human male with a lizard he got a guy who could regenerate limbs when cut off. Well almost any limb, he could not grow back his head. But that was not suspected of course. He was just glad he didn't have to do experiments like that, lots of blood and gore did not sit well with him. It was alright in movies, but not in real life. But there were still too many side effects, a forked lizard tongue, hardened green tinted skin and others. It would take many attempts to remove those features. Well that was enough work for now he thought. His bulge was getting awfully tight.
He knew that he needs to cum soon or it would start to hurt. But this island was full pf sexy female experiment subjects that he was allowed to fuck as he pleased. A perk of t he job, all he had to do was write up a report about it afterwards. So he logged out of his computer and got up from his desk. He walked through the maze of corridors to the test subject's living quarters. He stepped into the living quarters and said, "Hey there girls, I am in need of some personel attention. Are there any volenteers?"
Obsidian smiled grimly at Shasha and shrugged and then saw her hands drop and she looked towards the door, glancing up and she stood up quickly, her protective side coming out.

She let her breath out in a hiss of anger and glared fiercely at him. She looked to the other two girls then back to him, and she moved from the shadows, standing in front of the two younger girls. Her wings flexed again pulling the chains tight as she glared at him, it felt good to stand up and stretch out her legs but then she spoke, her voice coming out ice cold as she said. "How about you turn you pretty self around and walk out before I do something that may not be too good for you?" She gritted her teeth in anger, her piercing grey eyes watching him and his every move.
Shasha looked over at Obsidian and saw she was having a hard time with the chains so she walked over to the bird girl and gave her a smile and examined the chains and locks. Shasha's nails were now sharp and strong claw like things. She began to fiddle around with the lock with her nail knowing a thing or two about picking locks from her time on the streets with her sister. She almost had it picked when she heard the voice of Lyonal. She knew that she shouldn't be doing that. She took her hands away from her the lock and pretended to just have been talking to Obsidian.
Katness shot up and knew he was going to take what he wanted but she was not going to go with him to protect her sister for she knew she would not like that. She growled at the bow her wolf ears and tail swishing in anger and she said to the male "Like why would you ask that when all three of us would never go with you wiling to help with your personal needs I'm sure there are girls out there that are willing go find them". She walked over to the bird girl and her sister and her claws were out as well as her fangs. she looked more like would people call a werewolf but with out all the fur. she still looked mostly human but deadly.
Lyonal looked at Obsidian and thought she would be the perfect choice to use for his pleasure, he needed to test out that new drug anyways. It would drain the strength of whoever took it, leaving them with the strength of a small child. But the good thing was they wouldn't realise their strength had been drained. It would seem that they were at full strength and everybody else got stronger. This drug worked in seconds and lasted for eight hours.
But in early tests it caused the subject to become very aroused, but surely the kinks have been worked out. He said to Obsidian, "Well thank you for volenteering Obsidian I haven't had the pleasure of bedding you yet. He put on his special drug administering glove, meer skin contact would deliver the near unstantanius drug into her system. He had heard she was quite a fighter, but he knew he could beat her. All hr had to do was touch her with his glove and he would win. Plus even if she kicked him in the balls that would not stop him. After being constantly used they were hardened and resilient to pain. He quickly ran up to her and with his gloved hand went to slap her in the face, ready with his fast reflexes to dodge whatever she threw at him, or the other two girls that were with her. His glove had enough doses for all of them many times over. He wasn't called the lightning dodger for nothing.
Obsidian's eyes widened, and her reflexes from the eagle part of her kicked in and she ducked down, doing a roll as she slipped right under his arm and quickly stood up. She flipped around and charged at him, her wings were flexing but were stopped by the chains, and she groaned in fustratiion as she had to rely on her reflexes. She charged at him as she grabbed his arm with the glove, being wary of the glove she didn't touch it, as she bit down on his arm. As she bit down she swung her leg up to kick him in the balls.

Obsidian wasn't going to let him touch her, and she bit down harder on his arm, repeatedly swinging her leg up to meet with his crotch, but she found that it didn't phase him. She aimed higher and swung her leg up to kick him in the stomach, trying to knock the breath from him.
Shasha watched the man move to slap Obsidain with his gloved hand. Shasha flipped backwards to get out of the way and let Obsidian move herself. She then watched the man move knowing he was fast. Shasha ran up and jumped moving to kick the man. She was fast and very acrobatic.

Shasha knew that her sister would get involved since she did but she knew that she needed to protect her friends. Among the girls Shasha had seen here they often did a lot to protect the pregnant or sick girls.
David MacBride had been watching the surveillance cameras for a while now, noticing the sudden violence that was occurring in the living quarters. He sighed in disappointment. Not again. This was what happened when you let people go in as much as they wanted. He understood his co-worker, Lyonel's predicament, in that he found it painful if he didn't have sexual release every so often, but still, considering that as a psychologist he was hired to keep the peace and maintain safety, he would have thought that the research company would have taken his suggestions on board and had a separate room with one of the girls chained inside, instead of compromising safety for the man by having him go in and pick out a girl.

He stood up and walked over to the living quarters to defuse the situation. He was looking forward to seeing her again, Shasha, and perhaps take her back to his own living quarters to explore some of his own sexual fantasies. However, as a psychologist, and as part of his current research, he was interested in what he could do with making the girls willingly come to him. He wanted to know if he could induce Stockholm Syndrome, therefore that denied him a certain use of force that he would usually do; he had to appear as the preferable captor, the one who the girls all liked the best of the people who were experimenting on them. He licked his lips. It was interesting to try to understand how he could twist their minds.

Finally, he was at the living quarters, there was a loud commotion inside. Putting on some drug gloves of his own, he walked inside and looked around.
'Calm down ladies, please.' He said imperatively. 'I don't want anyone to hurt themselves. It'll be a lot easier if you just submit to the man.' He said. He looked over at Obsidian and sighed, the girl was just so defiant. As he stood looking, Shasha was coming up for a hit, so he quickly turned and shouted. 'Stop!'
Obsidian kept her teeth locked on the arm of Lyonel but she stopped kicking as her eyes shifted over to David. She heard his loud shout, but she wasn't going to stop, perhaps she could attack him. She saw the gloves the other one wore, and she let go of the other one's arm as she moved to circle David. She knew she was trapped, there were two of them with those gloves. She didn't understand it but those gloves gave her the chills, with Lyonel at her back and David at her front, both wih gloves she was unsure.

Her brow furrowed in perhaps was it fear or in confusion of which to go after. Obsidian let out a sigh between gritted teeth and she made her decision, flexing her wings, as they stayed folded in she lunged at David, her leg aimed at kicking him in the crotch. She admitted perhaps she was overreacting a bit, but she was protective and fierce when she was trying to stand up or protect those younger than her.

Her grey eyes were only focused on her target and that was a mistake on her part, as she swung her leg up in an arch about to kick him.
The shout from the other man scared Shasha to the point she lost her balance in mid kick and fell to the ground. Shasha looked up seeing David and Obsidian and everyone fighting. Shasha had an uneasy feeling about David. Obsidian was fighting with such ferocity to protect her and her sister. Obsidian was like an oldest sister to Shasha and Katness. Shasha didn't want her to get hurt and stood up ready to get back into the fight if needed.
Uneknown to the girls, Lyonal had released the drug into the air when his arm had been bit. Luckily the drug only affected females so he was safe, but him and all three of the girls had it absorbed into their skin, their attacks would have little affect now. He was surprised when David came, but extra help would be nice, but hid glove would likely be a knockout agent so he didn't want him to use it on Obsidian. He had let her bite him so he could be sure to get the girl with the drug in the air. Colourless, ordeurless and tasteless, absorbed through the skin the ultimate stealth drug.
But luckily the other two girls got a dose as well. When Shasha went to attack him and then David shouted again, he finally spoke up to David, "Do with the other two as you like, but leave Obsidian alone, she is mine and under control AB". AB was a code that a drug had made the subject non dangerous. But in that instant Obsidian went to attack David, so sprinting as fast as he could, he managed to reach her before the kick connected and grabbed her leg and threw her to the opposite wall. Thanks to his speed and the slowing down of her movements she couldn't avoid it. That and she was too focused on David.
Obsidian's let out a scream of pain as she slammed into the opposite wall. She slid to the floor, and tried to push herself up, she was trembling. What was this................she wasn't............weak? She collapsed back on the floor as she looked at Lyional with pure hatred, as she tried again to get up, she spoke in her ice cold voice. "What have you done to me?" Her voice came out in a little above a whisper and her eye widened, no...............she couldn' weak.

Obsidian managed to sit up against the wall, glaring up at Lyional as she leaned forward and grabbed his leg, trying to trip him up, but found his leg too heavy for her to even move. "What?!" She was outraged, but she remained sitting, whatever he had done had made him stronger than before and she wasn't sure if she wanted to go up against him. She leaned back up against the wall, panting a bit as she closed her eys briefly to rest, then opened them and stared at Lyional again, her piercing grey eyes staring him down.

She remember hearing him say do with the other two as you want to David, she bit her bottom lip hard, she had to do something................but what? She glanced down and then glared once again at him, "Don't you touch them, I swear on my life that if you do, it will not bide well for either one of you." She growled out, as her wings flexed and she felt the chains tighten again. She groaned again fustration, if she could only get her wings undone she coud do something, she reached up and fiddled with the lock as Shasha had been doing before Lyional had come, and she could feel the lock wriggling. She stopped fiddling with it, knowing that if they knew that it was loose, they would put another pad-lock through the chains that held her wings against her back.
Shasha ran over to Obsidian feeling weaker her self but knew her strength was in her agility not her physical strength. She stayed by her side glaring daggers at the two monsters in front of her. She was ready to defend Obsidian herself against these two if needed. "You two stay away from Obsidian! She isn't going anywhere." Shasha hissed blocking the path forcing them to go through her if they wanted at Obsidian.
He was about to be hit, but Lyonel had saved him the embarrassment.

'Thanks Lyonel. But be gentle.' He said to him as he held Obsidian tightly.

David sighed, coming up close to her. 'You don't want to do this. Keep yourself from getting hurt or punished.' He said, still keeping up the ruse that he wanted to help her. Finally, he nodded to Lyonel and administered his own knock out drug by tapping her with his glove on her side. He watched her reaction closely. 'I'm not here to hurt anyone.' David said, making eye contact with Obsidian before she was dragged out by Lyonel.
Obsidian felt Lyional grab her as she saw Shasha get knocked out......."No, no, no." She was struggling as hard as she could, but it was no use against the hold he had on her. Suddenly she was flipped over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried away from the living quarters that she shared with the girls who were like sisters to her. She tried pounding her fists against his back. "Let me go, now you're going to regret it." Her voice was suddenly back, but it was clogged with fear for what lay in store for her. She tried again to pound against his back, struggling.
Shasha felt her head get light and fuzzy. Faint sound of screaming felt miles away as her eyes rolled back and she collapsed as the knock out drug plus her reduced strength put her our cold. It would be an hour before she would wake up. She could hear nothing and had no dreams while unconscious.
Katness went to run and grab Lyional but the door shut as she got there. She stood there growling at the door. She turned to david who was by her sister she let out a howl as she dived for him.
Lyonal was carrying Obsidian to his living quarters, usually there would be paperwork to fill out for hIa staff member to do this, but he didn't. He got special permission to take any test subject that he wanted back to his quarters as long as he returned them when they had to be experimented on. Luckily Obsidian had no such tests planned until tomorrow afternoon so he had until then to have his way with her. Of course he would have to work for some of that time as well. Her attempts to hurt him yo get free failed as they amounted to light taps thanks to his drug.
After navigating the maze of corridors and greeting the guards on duty, showing them his ID he made his way to his room. He entered it and placed Obsidian on a chair. Whilr keeping hold of her, leather straps came out of the chair and restrained her arms and legs. He finally let go of her and a collar attached to a small rope attached iyself to her neck and kept her head in place. Then he took a key from his pocket and undid the chain to her wings, but with the drug still affecting her, they would feel like they were made from lead, unsupported by her chains. He said, "Now it is about time that something intetesting will happen." He knew it had been half an hour, so the increased arrousal should occur now, the question is how strong.
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