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Star Struck (Ava & X-Vash00)

Lady Bloody Ava

Anime Junkie
Jun 25, 2010
"Five minutes!" The producer yelled. Gabriella was swarmed with two men, obviously gay or metro-sexual and a woman, all messing with her hair and her make up. Finally they were done and she looked at her self in the mirror. Emerald green eyes looking back and soft pink lips, long sleek raven locks cascading down her bare shoulders. Her blue Armani dress hand no sleeves, hugged her modest bust and flared out at her hips. A simple semi formal dress, nothing too flashy. With a sigh, she sat up from her chair. The heels of her blue pumps hitting the floor before she headed over to the chair. It was a great honor to be on the Tonight Show again. Jay Leno was a pretty funny guy, but she was tired and ready to relax for the remainder of the night. The cue sounded, as well as an applause. She smiled brightly, as always.
"So.... so so so.... I hear you have a... a crush on a certain celebrity out there. Do tell, do tell." Jay said with some funny looks. Gabby couldn't help but blush and tried to hide her smile.
"Well... you know I love all kinds of music an I really loved his. I actually heard it on the radio and I just really loved it. I was taking a little vacation in Cali and I saw him on Hollywood 411."
"Come now Gabriella, that could be like a million people, who is it? Justin Beiber? So help me if it's Justin Beiber..."
Her smile relaxed and she couldn't help but laugh. "No! No, no of course not. It's Adam Park."
Jay's jaw dropped. "Adam Park... Adam Park! Oooohhh, have you seen him yet?"
"No, no I haven't." She admitted with a soft sigh.
"Where are ya staying? If I may ask."
"Well, I am staying at The Ritz Carlton in L.A."
"Adam Park, if you're out there watching this, you better get over here and claim this before someone else does!! Alright Ladies and Gentleman!! Thank you Gabby for joining us!! Say adios to our pop goddess!! Next!! Nicki Minaj!"

Another commercial came on and she was free to leave!! Of course, not before saying her good byes to Jay and his team. Her head body guard Joey promptly escorted her to her limo. She was ready to relax and stash herself in the confines of her hotel. Finally they arrived at her hotel and she was take up to her suite. She freshened up a bit and decided to head to the bar downstairs and grab a drink. She was in town for a few more days before her next appointment with a photo shoot, so she would plan on spending her time in L.A. to relax. Of course Joey was never too far. She took a seat at the bar and ordered a Sex on the Beach and held a conversation with the bartender. They knew each other. She had stayed at this hotel countless times and knew half the staff by their first names by now. "So? You saw?" The chick behind the counter dawned professional attire and had her blonde hair tied back and her blue eyes gazing at Gabby with a smile plastered onto her lips as she nodded her head. "What are the odds that Adam Park was watching? Hm?" She took a sip of her drink, throwing the girl a thumbs up at the delicious taste. "He's going to think I'm crazy, Becca."

"You are crazy, but you can't tell by that. You did fine. You looked cute, most importantly. Hey... wouldn't it be funny if he just showed up out of the blue?" Gabby's eyes went wide.

"Oh my gosh Becca, don't say that." A heavy sigh was relinquished. "That stupid photo shoot couldn't come any faster. You think it's be okay if I took a dip in the pool this late?" She asked as her pink lips wrapped around the straw and sipped at her beverage of choice.

"You're Gabby Lock. I'm pretty sure you can do whatever you want." The bartender said.
"You make me sound like the freakin Pope." She laughed softly and sipped the remnants of her glass and gave Becca a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Becca! I'm gonna go swimming now, one drink won't kill me." She paid and then headed upstairs. Now she was going to have a dream about Adam Park dedicating a song to her... for the third time. He was cute. A simple crush. Hey, she may be rich, but having money doesn't stop you from admiring someone from afar, nor does it get you anything, or anyone, you want. Eventually she found herself in her room dressed in a black bikini and ready for a dip. She rolled in her mind the thought of dating another famous person. They were no different than any other person. But that wasn't necessarily a good thing. Some only ought her for the fame, some were just complete and utter pompous ass holes. As of lately she'd been a very reserved girl. Not really looking for another person. Just hanging out with friends whenever she got the opportunity. Paparazzi hiding in the bushes and catching pictures of her sunbathing here and there. It was an odd life, but it was practically how she was raised. When she was younger and just starting out on fame, she had a crush on this one famous kid named Kendall. He was cute and seemed nice in his commercials, but in reality he was the bossiest little guy around. How such a big ego could fit into such a small head was beyond her comprehension. A mile tugged at the corner of her lip. "Never a dull moment, I guess." She said to herself as she headed downstairs to the pool with Joey standing with her in silence, only three feet away.
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