Felicia Florence
Starlight Brigade
- Joined
- Jun 29, 2012
Dr. Jason Bull
Bull's cases are about to become a lot more complicated. Not every day that fate drops a beautiful woman in your lap who keeps talking you into these stranger than fiction cases.
Would love to develop this plot more!!!!!!! Would love to do a female Steven universe twist where the leading lady is from a different universe.
Prey (2017 Game) x Bioshock = Morgan Yu x Elizabeth
Alternate Universe where Elizabeth's story didn't end in Rapture
Would LOVE to discuss a possible plot involving these two tragic geniuses~ Smutty and Story goodness welcomed! Wouldn't mind making this long or short term, don't feel shy to PM me~
For a Detective who can't stand sand, even Paradise can be hell
If you're at all interested in pairing the salty British detective with a young female American agent who loves the sand and surf, we could come up with an interesting story.
Loki's Latest Interest
Hawkeye (Clint Barton) x Firestar: The Girl Who Burned the World
1) Fire at your finger tips! Warning: Fire Spreads
Why wasn't there a warning lable strapped to the girl's chest. That would have at least gave Clint Barton some inkling of what he was getting himself into when he went to investigate Xavier's School/College for Gifted Youngsters. Mind you, he was never there for her specifically. He'd been assigned to watch over the school from afar ever since an isolated incident occurred with an unknown mutant and a magical being braking into Stark Tower somewhat undetected, erasing the memories of all the Avengers from the prior day (But forgetting about Jarvis' memory files). Hotstuff, the human matchbox, Firestar, as she liked to call herself...was a person of interest for the singular reason: She had missed a years worth of schooling, her whereabouts since then unknown to even her closest friends. Could she really be capable of working to bring down thee Avengers? Betraying the X-Men. Working against them with an unknown enemy? It was Hawkeye's mission to find out.
2) Firestar, a known member of X-Men has caught the interest of a once proud Asgardian Prince. The God of Mischief has learned about the young woman's powers and has become painfully vexed by the tantalizing uncontrollable crimson inferno. Her ability to tap into Earth's electromagnetic field and convert it into microwave radiation emissions, which she can utilize in different ways. Firestar continually absorbs microwave energy from her environment, including microwave energy from the stars, and continually broadcasts it at high or low levels. The nature of Firestar's power grants her the capacity for large-scale destruction. However, she typically limits how much of her own power she accesses for fear of permanently damaging the planet, its atmosphere and electromagnetic field. To control Firestar would mean he'd have control over the stars and possibly even whole planets.
((Would LOVE to develop the story more!!!!! PM me if you're interested))
GENRE: Romance, Humor, Action, SEX, Adventure
((Might include the Phoenix Force in this RP. Seeing as how Loki is attracted to power and if Firestar can somehow have a symbiotic relationship with the entity then...She'd become practically a Goddess.))
The Phoenix Force: (Jean Grey was the Host of this Entity)
The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities, representing life that has not yet been born. The Phoenix Force is an immortal, indestructible, and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life. Born of the void between states of being, the Phoenix Force is a child of the universe. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the Omniverse. The Phoenix is among the most feared beings in the entire universe - having the power to cut and regrow any part of the universe, as well as destroy it entirely, which is part of the Phoenix's purpose: "The Judgement of the Phoenix": to burn away what doesn't work. Recent interventions of the Phoenix suggest that "what doesn't work" is what has become stagnant instead of naturally evolving.
Twin Peaks: Dale Cooper x Mysterious Future Girl
(YES! Just to clarify, there will be smut involved...and I'm a VERY open minded woman...be as nasty as you can be~)
Dale Cooper's temporary lodgings in the strange town of Twin Peaks was about to become far stranger than he could have ever imagined. When a young woman comes through town every other given day, seemingly out of thin air...claiming to have know the deceased Laura Palmer. Questioning her had become top priority...but he might not like what he finds in the stranger than fiction explanations given along the way. As the pair find themselves tangled in two investigations...one involving a cherished local town Girl's murder...the other....an investigation on par with a mystery from Stranger Things. (DISCLAIMER: plot has nothing to do with the show Stranger Things)
Pm me if your interested in further developing the story!
House M.D
I'd love to do something involving a mentee of Cuddy's in an almost scandalous relationship with Gregory House. A Drama, Comedy, Romance, Hurt-Comfort based RP. Anyone who is interested I'd love to discuss the details with you through PMs. Sorry this is so short, but I figured short and sweet would do the trick for now.
If you're here because you know about the show...kubos...Hard to find anyone on this site who knows of Psych. Anywho, if you're at all interested in a psych RP and want to hear my Zanny Crossover Idea...feel free to PM me~
Can't wait to hear from you
Team Fortress 2
[I'm looking for either a Red Sniper, Red Engineer, Red Soldier, Red Medic, or Red Spy.]
Currently I have a short RP idea open for the Thunder from Down Under (Red Sniper/Mr. Mundy)
We could make it long term if you'd like or just stick to basic information and keep it short and sweet.
((Or we could come up with something together, depends on what you're comfortable with.))
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The books or the Movies, whatever knowledge you have in this field. Can't express how badly I'm craving this particular Fandom. If you're at all interested and wanna hash out some pairings or possible pairings---PM me ASAP~!
The Lorax
There was a part of his story that had been overlooked, a part that did not belong in any children's book. For this was the story of a young man in love, but not the typical kind you'd see between two doves. This is the tale of the Once-ler and the woman who could have been his wife.... and how he managed to lose her, the trees, and practically everything he'd held precious in his life.
PM for further information
From Dusk Till Dawn: Series (Richie x Kate)
I was thinking about Richie screwing Katie Cake's brains out. Anyone out there willing to compromise on a proper plot?
A Dame to Die For
PM me, I have a different ideas for the story if you'd be willing to hear them!~ Lets see if we can get something rolling.
Basic Prompt (2014):
Why did she help him? She didn't have to get involved. Then again, she wasn't one to let someone who'd be severely injured just bleed to death on her front lawn. Living an ordinary quiet life in suburbs you wouldn't expect much to happen in a family oriented community. Much less a man laying unconscious with holes riddled through his lower abdomen. Why? Why was she so God Damn STUPID as to help him? She should have known something was up! She should have called 911.....but she didn't...instead she'd patched him up...and in the process crossed the thresh hold into a world she didn't belong in...his world. And boy, was it the kind of fucked up you'd only see in Action movies. If that wasn't enough, she thought this murderer, this killer...this...Hitman...she thought he was roguishly handsome. Maybe that's why she stuck by his side...why did he keep her around? That was the first question she asked after he'd saved her.....maybe it was because she'd brought him back from the brink of death. Or.....could it have been the oddest most astounding occurrence, when their eyes locked...and she stirred something within him...her innocents caressed something no woman been able to touch. Perhaps...they'd live to help each other...and it's possible he'd finally found a dame worth dying for.
I was super revved up do an RP with a mixer of John Wick, Hitman, James Bond, and a bunch of different actions movies. Taking elements from each movie. Mostly wanted to have John Wick to be honest, but we can talk the details if you don't want to play a canon character. I will be playing Canon Characters if that helps?
PM me for details.
Western World
A woman travels to a vacation resort where the set theme is set in the days of the Old West. Androids take the place of human 'Cast Members', like an adult disney world where the humans RP as citizens of the town for a week. These androids are programed to serve set purposes, but they can understand, take in, and address new stimuili. At the end of the day they never figure out they're 'working' in a preset world where they have no control of their actions, they play the roles they were created for.
The outlaw of the town, meets the young woman whose just had an argument with her boyfriend and has abandoned him, as he had decided he wanted to go out with a couple of friends and explore the town. Fed up, she goes down to the saloon, where she meets the outlaw loose and running, who'd come for a drink. There is a confrentation between the outlaw and this woman, verbal, than physical, as she knocked him on his ass, not even having to use a gun...She thought it would be the end of that, her boyfriend told her they're reset the next day..
Only, when she meets the outlaw again, he remembers the feisty woman...is there some sort of malfunction? Where will this lead?
(Marvel x DC) Phil Coulson x Zatanna
(Can also make multiple pairings depending on my partner's tastes. Doesn't just have to be Coulson and Zatanna.)
Okay....braking things down.....Zatanna Zatara Jr. ....taking the mantel of her mother is self-proclaimed Wizard and Magician with Homo-Magi roots: Zatanna Zatara.
Never knowing her birth mother and father, Malena Zatanna Zatara was found abandoned on the streets of Gotham at 5 months old by Pamela Isley, A.K.A Poison Ivy. Adopted by 3 Sirens of Gotham; Ivy, Harley, and Catwoman...she was trained to be a femme fatale. Upon learning of magical powers they sought to nurture her abilities...Ivy taking a special interest in her; Teaching the youngling how to produce plantlife at the flick of a wrist. Making sure she'd never go hungry again, even when quote "Mama isn't there to take care of you." Ivy had grown very possessive of Malena. Harley taught her the ins and outs of criminal the underground...how to dress nice and have a few good thrills here and there...((I haven't developed her relationship with Malena much but i'll come up with something.))
Catwoman; Selina, is more of the disciplinary mother. Having taken the girl's physical combat training into her own hands. In the same way that Batman would normally have trained Malena's mother and just about all the other Justice League recruits. There relationship can sometimes be turbulant, but that's only because Malena and Selina are a lot alike. Eventually, when she reached womanhood, they'd found even ground and began talking more often than not....Why this is mentioned is because at the age of 17 she joined the Teen Titans. Putting a strain on the relationship between her mothers and her...due to their occupations as Vigilantes/Villains. Regardless of the opinion of others, the young magi in training loves her mothers dearly. Which is why she chose to leave Batman as the law enforcer in the jurustriction of Gotham. Refusing to hurt the people who raised her despite how they might end up hurting those around them. The achilles heel of our young heroin, loyalty and love.
Estranged from her deceased Grandmother and Grandfather; She constantly ignores the beckoning of the ghost of her Grandfather who persists to advance her skills in magic. Saying she'd rather not take a short cut and learn on her own. Despite how cumbersome the weight of learning spells and speaking them backwards has become...the intense focus involved to manipulate the environment around her and how truly great her powers could be if she simply LISTENED.
After the Death of Robin:
NOTE: Batwoman and Wonder Woman were good friends with her mother:
After Robin's death she sort of broke ties with almost everyone....the only people she communicates with now are her own set of Sirens she formed during college which are made up of:
Malena Zatanna Zatara
"My costume makes me feel sexy and powerful." She doesn't ware the cape though because it's dangerous, might be caught on things like it has in the past...and she hasn't perfected the trick to using the cape offensively yet.
These emotional power holders tend to gravitate towards each other due to being in the Titans or having been in the past for Zatanna case...and having a lot in common...and even where they don't they still find they can connect on levels that they can't with their team mates.
"I have rights as an American Citizen, I was born and raised in Gotham City....You can't hold me here..." Is what she's going to tell SHIELD...they literally cannot hold her anywhere because she's an escape artist thanks to Catwoman.
"She trusts you..." Was the only thing that Nick Fury said to Coulson when the others asked why she stopped running when Coulson stood in the way of her one escape route.
PM me for more details and we'll see if we can come to some sort of agreement.
A Dame to Die For
PM me, I have a different ideas for the story if you'd be willing to hear them!~ Lets see if we can get something rolling.
Basic Prompt (2014):
Why did she help him? She didn't have to get involved. Then again, she wasn't one to let someone who'd be severely injured just bleed to death on her front lawn. Living an ordinary quiet life in suburbs you wouldn't expect much to happen in a family oriented community. Much less a man laying unconscious with holes riddled through his lower abdomen. Why? Why was she so God Damn STUPID as to help him? She should have known something was up! She should have called 911.....but she didn't...instead she'd patched him up...and in the process crossed the thresh hold into a world she didn't belong in...his world. And boy, was it the kind of fucked up you'd only see in Action movies. If that wasn't enough, she thought this murderer, this killer...this...Hitman...she thought he was roguishly handsome. Maybe that's why she stuck by his side...why did he keep her around? That was the first question she asked after he'd saved her.....maybe it was because she'd brought him back from the brink of death. Or.....could it have been the oddest most astounding occurrence, when their eyes locked...and she stirred something within him...her innocents caressed something no woman been able to touch. Perhaps...they'd live to help each other...and it's possible he'd finally found a dame worth dying for.
I was super revved up do an RP with a mixer of John Wick, Hitman, James Bond, and a bunch of different actions movies. Taking elements from each movie. Mostly wanted to have John Wick to be honest, but we can talk the details if you don't want to play a canon character. I will be playing Canon Characters if that helps?
PM me for details.
PM me and we can discuss where you'd think you'd like to head with this!
Grim Reaper:
What can I say? I've been craving a Grim Reaper x Human RP for a very long time. If anyone is interested in this pairing, lets hash it out in PMs.
Batman 1966
Short Summary: Robin meets a strange woman from a different universe that parallels his, adventure ensues. (Can totally hash this idea out, would love to work something out with anyone whose interested. Can be Zatanna or Batgirl.)
Grimm: Monroe x (Female Nick Burkhardt)
Would love to work something out with someone whose a fellow fan of Grimm. I'm thinking we start from the first time Nick met Monroe. THAT meeting alone might be totally different than the one we witnessed.
Supernatural: Crowley or Cain x OC
After Colette died, Cain didn't revert back to his old ways. Instead he became a sort of sociopathic fearmonger who'd chosen to live a life of seclusion. Privatizing himself from the rest of society and keeping himself in control of the mark. However, what if after he'd given into the mark once more to help Dean and Crowley. He'd managed to obtain control, composing himself and keeping all impulses of murderous intent under lock and key? And a few days after everything blew over Dean and Sam came to visit him, bringing along a friend. A friend whose calming soul managed to tame the restless beast within. Will this woman be his savior? Will he be hers when her life is put in jeopardy? Can she be the one to teach him to give into a different kind of impulse...one of love and lustful passion?
This RP can get VERY VERY DIRTY!
Depending on what kinks and fetishes my partner requests or wants included.
Possible kinks:
Risk of Pregnancy
Dirty Talk
OC calling Cain 'Daddy'/Daddy Kink
OC dressed up in sexy little costumes for the Dominant Demon
Public Sex
Sex Outdoors
Light Bondage
Nipple Play
Whatever else my Partner and I can come up with~
House M.D
I'd love to do something involving a mentee of Cuddy's in an almost scandalous relationship with Gregory House. A Drama, Comedy, Romance, Hurt-Comfort based RP. Anyone who is interested I'd love to discuss the details with you through PMs. Sorry this is so short, but I figured short and sweet would do the trick for now.
(DC x Marvel Universe Crossover)
Why do these parallel universes suddenly collide?
The most simplistic answer comes in the form of a person: Zatanna Zatara
A young 22 year old Zatanna who has gone through her own chapter of 'Death in the Family', where Robin passes away; Not being able to take the pressure brought on by his tragic death, she gives up on crime fighting. This lasts a good year before otherworldly forces thrust her back into the life she left behind. Dragged into the parallel world of the Marvel Universe. Her disappearance sparks a sort of butterfly effect in the DC Universe. Capturing the attention of the Justice League. Where it goes from here is up to my RP partner and I to discuss.
I can play multiple characters from the Marvel and DC Universe! Just ask and I probably know who you're talking about.
PM me and we can flesh out the Plot together.
Until Dawn (Josh and Sam)
I'd love to do something with Josh and Sam as a couple...Making it a romantic, horror-laced, nightmare can be one of the many driving goals behind this RP.
PM me for details~ And we can discuss what we'd like to see in the RP.
Far Cry 4 Pagan Min
I'd love to discuss a plot with Pagan Min and a Female OC~
PM me for details and maybe we can make something spectacular happen.
Jurassic World: Turning Dinosaurs Human
ROMANTIC/Possibly HUMOROUS/SEXUAL STORY about a Velociraptor turned human now having do deal with his beautiful female trainer who insists she's the 'Alpha'.
PM me if interested.
Hello, my name is Helena Milworthy. I am a 29 year old whose been hired to train the Velociraptor at the park....well...i'm sort of training them...the real trainer passed away, heart failure, so I am to take his place. It's been over a year now since then and I've managed to establish my dominance with the four male dinosaurs. The previous trainer, who I was working closely under, Haulding Deriks, an older Australian man....He use to always explain that I should never under ANY circumstances...turn my back on a Raptor....nor should I underestimate their hunting stratigoram as simple minded animal instinct..for there in lies the reason I would have died on Day One of his job. These Raptors....they're smart, plain an simple. "Clever Girls." Is what Haulding always use to say when referring to them in plight conversation.
Now it's the middle of November and all of a sudden my main concern of the Job, the self proclaimed leader of the pack, has been moved into a facility to undergo testing. And I am the one to watch over him with extreme prejudice after this process is done. I don't feel...Happy....knowing that they're going to do something to him...He may be an animal but without him the boys have been restless. And it's hard for me to think....to express....to keep myself from screaming out to my higher ups that this is wrong....That they're wrong in doing this to him. He may be an animal but...that doesn't mean you can just twist his bits and pieces around...I wonder what they're planning on doing to him, they weren't very informative when I started asking questions.
Alias: Project Evo-Adam
Designation:....*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*ALERT, the following file contains script that's been blacklisted; If officially assigned access is to be granted to anyone working in the Research and Development Laboratories of Jurassic World.....Please input authorization code to continue:
Password: FoxtrotDeltaZ88
Project Designation:
Test Trials documented by Henry Writts team have yielded a high possibility of transmutation of one species to another. Stating: "Jumping the Evolutionary Gun becomes child's play when in the hands of a group of brilliant like minded scientists, such as my team. Since the beginning of this project, the question has not so much been why we're being asked to do this...it's IF and HOW. And now that we have hard scientific evidence instead of petty theory. We can get down to the nitty-gritty; experimentation."
[Test Subject: ZX-88 11/18/2025] (Latest Test Subject)
Subject Number: ZX-88
Subject Name: Blue *Or Whatever the Trainer called him, I wasn't much paying attention at the time*
Species: Velociraptor
Transformers/Metroid: Samus Aran's Daughter and an Autobot or Decepticon
Loved if someone just PM'ed to talk about this amazing idea I had for an Adventure ,Smut, Romance. So...Yeah, if you're interested feel free to PM me~ I'm a seasoned Roleplayers who enjoys the finer areas of writing stories with endless possibilities.
PM me if you're interested~!!!!!!!!!
Fallout 4: Deacon and the Female Sole Survivor
I'd love to play around with this pairing!~ Anyone whose interested in my little Deacon fetish and would love to play in the fallout universe, please, step right on up and we'll see what we can collaborate, create, and indulge in.
I'd also really be interested in fleshing out a story having to do with Elder Maxson and the SS.
PM me if you're interested!
Five Nights at Freddy's: Freddy Fazbear x Female Security Guard
Would LOVE to do something with the Animatronics turning human at night. There's a story hidden somewhere in here of a young woman working at her favorite exclaimed childhood restaurant after moving back to her old home town. How will she survive the nights? Would love to make this a dark brooding romance of some sort because of the darker undertones of the game in general. I don't mind throwing around ideas because this is a watered down request that i'd love to build on.
ALSO: I don't mind if you pick out how my character looks for this one. Just keep in mind her age should range around 23-28.
I was thinking Freddy could look like this:
Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Sabrina x Human-Salem
I'd love to compromised/Throw around ideas of a human-Salem and Sabrina romance. I think it would be devilishly good fun and interesting to write out. The story having infinite possibilities.
PM me if you're interested!
SAMPLE (For MUCH LATER in the RP concerning the mater of True Love):
Witches Counsel tries to change Salem back into a cat after Sabrina was specially selected to receive one rule-free Christmas wish:
"Dammit! Why aren't you changing back!?" The President of the counsel screamed at the top of his lungs as he kept casting the same curse he'd cast upon the handsome jet-black haired man 30 years ago.
The Second Chairmen Vice President Carla knew exactly why Salem Saberhagen wasn't transforming. "....This couldn't be....." She'd taken a long pause, shifting her gaze to the President of the Witches Counsel. "...The only thing that could render a curse that powerful unless is true love....."
"Everything has limitations, even magic. I'm not sure if you're familiar with this, Miss Spellman, but any form of magic having to do with love isn't listed in spell-books for a singular reason. Love is unpredictable. Something so uncontrollable that not even magic has proven to be able to control it. Hence why no one dabbles in love based potion making or spells. The outcomes being, in the best case, ineffective." Leaving question as to what the worst case was or if Sabrina even wanted to know the answer. "No ones come close to recreating the feeling of love and bottling it...well...except for Calvin Klein's Obsession but-" Before the third Chairmen could trail off again, the Second begin to explain in more process words why Salem was unaffected by the Curse. "Bottom line, we can't interfere with True Love....because theoretically there are some loopholes concerning regular love but...True Love is even more complicated than the latter." True love occurred when two hearts matched so perfectly that even the heaven's themselves considered this rare occurrence to be a match made by the hands of a decedent peace loving angel.
To make maters worse, there was no True Love more powerful than that of one shared between a Witch and a Warlock.....and the Counsel knew this all too well.
1950's Navy Man x Time Traveling Young Lady
How unfortunate she was to have been at the wrong time and place. The events that were about to unfold were like something out of a movie. Two determined Navel officers, one the leading man and the other his Wing Man, find an uncharted island with a young lady in....'interesting' clothing. What they'd gotten themselves mixed up in on their way back to the US of A was more than they could have ever bargained for. An Adventure of a life time as she convinces them that she's from a different time period and now...the problem was she had to get back without changing anything in the future....well...without changing too much.
Insidious Chapter 2: Renai Lambert x Parker Crane (In Josh Lambert's body)
Parker Crane is an old man who was abused by his mother as a child. By forcing him to dress as a girl and assume the name 'Marilyn', he soon begun his descent into madness. Crane later became a mass murderer under the alias "The Bride in Black".
It is assumed that his meeting with the young Josh pushed him over the edge - he felt envious of what he perceived as a stable love between Josh and his mother. Parker's desire to live a normal life is what could have caused him to pursue Josh's body, in hopes that he would be able to experience the same affection that a normal person could feel.
Could Renai Lambert give him that affection? Teach him intimacy in the emotional and physical sense? There was still a part of Parker's good soul that existed within him. Enough to defy the wishes of his mother and protect Josh's family. This could be a central theme in the RP. Letting go an fighting away a Demon that turned Parker into a Demon. When you're in love and have something to protect, you can't help but wanna do the right thing...but...just what was right for a man in Parker's position? Faced with the choice of having to kill Josh's family and completely live again or keep pursuing a relationship with Renia with possible side effects? (Or the third choice of having to do whatever was best for Renia)
This could be a slightly long term RP or a short term with Renia just having sex with Crane in Josh's body.
PM me if you're interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Transformers/Metroid: Samus Aran's Daughter and an Autobot or Decepticon
Loved if someone just PM'ed to talk about this amazing idea I had for an Adventure ,Smut, Romance. So...Yeah, if you're interested feel free to PM me~ I'm a seasoned Roleplayers who enjoys the finer areas of writing stories with endless possibilities.

Bull's cases are about to become a lot more complicated. Not every day that fate drops a beautiful woman in your lap who keeps talking you into these stranger than fiction cases.
Would love to develop this plot more!!!!!!! Would love to do a female Steven universe twist where the leading lady is from a different universe.

Prey (2017 Game) x Bioshock = Morgan Yu x Elizabeth
Alternate Universe where Elizabeth's story didn't end in Rapture

Would LOVE to discuss a possible plot involving these two tragic geniuses~ Smutty and Story goodness welcomed! Wouldn't mind making this long or short term, don't feel shy to PM me~
For a Detective who can't stand sand, even Paradise can be hell
If you're at all interested in pairing the salty British detective with a young female American agent who loves the sand and surf, we could come up with an interesting story.
Loki's Latest Interest
Hawkeye (Clint Barton) x Firestar: The Girl Who Burned the World
1) Fire at your finger tips! Warning: Fire Spreads
Why wasn't there a warning lable strapped to the girl's chest. That would have at least gave Clint Barton some inkling of what he was getting himself into when he went to investigate Xavier's School/College for Gifted Youngsters. Mind you, he was never there for her specifically. He'd been assigned to watch over the school from afar ever since an isolated incident occurred with an unknown mutant and a magical being braking into Stark Tower somewhat undetected, erasing the memories of all the Avengers from the prior day (But forgetting about Jarvis' memory files). Hotstuff, the human matchbox, Firestar, as she liked to call herself...was a person of interest for the singular reason: She had missed a years worth of schooling, her whereabouts since then unknown to even her closest friends. Could she really be capable of working to bring down thee Avengers? Betraying the X-Men. Working against them with an unknown enemy? It was Hawkeye's mission to find out.
2) Firestar, a known member of X-Men has caught the interest of a once proud Asgardian Prince. The God of Mischief has learned about the young woman's powers and has become painfully vexed by the tantalizing uncontrollable crimson inferno. Her ability to tap into Earth's electromagnetic field and convert it into microwave radiation emissions, which she can utilize in different ways. Firestar continually absorbs microwave energy from her environment, including microwave energy from the stars, and continually broadcasts it at high or low levels. The nature of Firestar's power grants her the capacity for large-scale destruction. However, she typically limits how much of her own power she accesses for fear of permanently damaging the planet, its atmosphere and electromagnetic field. To control Firestar would mean he'd have control over the stars and possibly even whole planets.
((Would LOVE to develop the story more!!!!! PM me if you're interested))
GENRE: Romance, Humor, Action, SEX, Adventure
((Might include the Phoenix Force in this RP. Seeing as how Loki is attracted to power and if Firestar can somehow have a symbiotic relationship with the entity then...She'd become practically a Goddess.))
The Phoenix Force: (Jean Grey was the Host of this Entity)
The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities, representing life that has not yet been born. The Phoenix Force is an immortal, indestructible, and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life. Born of the void between states of being, the Phoenix Force is a child of the universe. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the Omniverse. The Phoenix is among the most feared beings in the entire universe - having the power to cut and regrow any part of the universe, as well as destroy it entirely, which is part of the Phoenix's purpose: "The Judgement of the Phoenix": to burn away what doesn't work. Recent interventions of the Phoenix suggest that "what doesn't work" is what has become stagnant instead of naturally evolving.

Twin Peaks: Dale Cooper x Mysterious Future Girl
(YES! Just to clarify, there will be smut involved...and I'm a VERY open minded woman...be as nasty as you can be~)
Dale Cooper's temporary lodgings in the strange town of Twin Peaks was about to become far stranger than he could have ever imagined. When a young woman comes through town every other given day, seemingly out of thin air...claiming to have know the deceased Laura Palmer. Questioning her had become top priority...but he might not like what he finds in the stranger than fiction explanations given along the way. As the pair find themselves tangled in two investigations...one involving a cherished local town Girl's murder...the other....an investigation on par with a mystery from Stranger Things. (DISCLAIMER: plot has nothing to do with the show Stranger Things)
Pm me if your interested in further developing the story!
House M.D
I'd love to do something involving a mentee of Cuddy's in an almost scandalous relationship with Gregory House. A Drama, Comedy, Romance, Hurt-Comfort based RP. Anyone who is interested I'd love to discuss the details with you through PMs. Sorry this is so short, but I figured short and sweet would do the trick for now.

If you're here because you know about the show...kubos...Hard to find anyone on this site who knows of Psych. Anywho, if you're at all interested in a psych RP and want to hear my Zanny Crossover Idea...feel free to PM me~
Can't wait to hear from you
Team Fortress 2
[I'm looking for either a Red Sniper, Red Engineer, Red Soldier, Red Medic, or Red Spy.]
Currently I have a short RP idea open for the Thunder from Down Under (Red Sniper/Mr. Mundy)
We could make it long term if you'd like or just stick to basic information and keep it short and sweet.
((Or we could come up with something together, depends on what you're comfortable with.))
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The books or the Movies, whatever knowledge you have in this field. Can't express how badly I'm craving this particular Fandom. If you're at all interested and wanna hash out some pairings or possible pairings---PM me ASAP~!
The Lorax
There was a part of his story that had been overlooked, a part that did not belong in any children's book. For this was the story of a young man in love, but not the typical kind you'd see between two doves. This is the tale of the Once-ler and the woman who could have been his wife.... and how he managed to lose her, the trees, and practically everything he'd held precious in his life.
PM for further information
From Dusk Till Dawn: Series (Richie x Kate)
I was thinking about Richie screwing Katie Cake's brains out. Anyone out there willing to compromise on a proper plot?
A Dame to Die For
PM me, I have a different ideas for the story if you'd be willing to hear them!~ Lets see if we can get something rolling.
Basic Prompt (2014):
Why did she help him? She didn't have to get involved. Then again, she wasn't one to let someone who'd be severely injured just bleed to death on her front lawn. Living an ordinary quiet life in suburbs you wouldn't expect much to happen in a family oriented community. Much less a man laying unconscious with holes riddled through his lower abdomen. Why? Why was she so God Damn STUPID as to help him? She should have known something was up! She should have called 911.....but she didn't...instead she'd patched him up...and in the process crossed the thresh hold into a world she didn't belong in...his world. And boy, was it the kind of fucked up you'd only see in Action movies. If that wasn't enough, she thought this murderer, this killer...this...Hitman...she thought he was roguishly handsome. Maybe that's why she stuck by his side...why did he keep her around? That was the first question she asked after he'd saved her.....maybe it was because she'd brought him back from the brink of death. Or.....could it have been the oddest most astounding occurrence, when their eyes locked...and she stirred something within him...her innocents caressed something no woman been able to touch. Perhaps...they'd live to help each other...and it's possible he'd finally found a dame worth dying for.
I was super revved up do an RP with a mixer of John Wick, Hitman, James Bond, and a bunch of different actions movies. Taking elements from each movie. Mostly wanted to have John Wick to be honest, but we can talk the details if you don't want to play a canon character. I will be playing Canon Characters if that helps?
PM me for details.
Western World
A woman travels to a vacation resort where the set theme is set in the days of the Old West. Androids take the place of human 'Cast Members', like an adult disney world where the humans RP as citizens of the town for a week. These androids are programed to serve set purposes, but they can understand, take in, and address new stimuili. At the end of the day they never figure out they're 'working' in a preset world where they have no control of their actions, they play the roles they were created for.
The outlaw of the town, meets the young woman whose just had an argument with her boyfriend and has abandoned him, as he had decided he wanted to go out with a couple of friends and explore the town. Fed up, she goes down to the saloon, where she meets the outlaw loose and running, who'd come for a drink. There is a confrentation between the outlaw and this woman, verbal, than physical, as she knocked him on his ass, not even having to use a gun...She thought it would be the end of that, her boyfriend told her they're reset the next day..
Only, when she meets the outlaw again, he remembers the feisty woman...is there some sort of malfunction? Where will this lead?
(Marvel x DC) Phil Coulson x Zatanna
(Can also make multiple pairings depending on my partner's tastes. Doesn't just have to be Coulson and Zatanna.)
Okay....braking things down.....Zatanna Zatara Jr. ....taking the mantel of her mother is self-proclaimed Wizard and Magician with Homo-Magi roots: Zatanna Zatara.
Never knowing her birth mother and father, Malena Zatanna Zatara was found abandoned on the streets of Gotham at 5 months old by Pamela Isley, A.K.A Poison Ivy. Adopted by 3 Sirens of Gotham; Ivy, Harley, and Catwoman...she was trained to be a femme fatale. Upon learning of magical powers they sought to nurture her abilities...Ivy taking a special interest in her; Teaching the youngling how to produce plantlife at the flick of a wrist. Making sure she'd never go hungry again, even when quote "Mama isn't there to take care of you." Ivy had grown very possessive of Malena. Harley taught her the ins and outs of criminal the underground...how to dress nice and have a few good thrills here and there...((I haven't developed her relationship with Malena much but i'll come up with something.))
Catwoman; Selina, is more of the disciplinary mother. Having taken the girl's physical combat training into her own hands. In the same way that Batman would normally have trained Malena's mother and just about all the other Justice League recruits. There relationship can sometimes be turbulant, but that's only because Malena and Selina are a lot alike. Eventually, when she reached womanhood, they'd found even ground and began talking more often than not....Why this is mentioned is because at the age of 17 she joined the Teen Titans. Putting a strain on the relationship between her mothers and her...due to their occupations as Vigilantes/Villains. Regardless of the opinion of others, the young magi in training loves her mothers dearly. Which is why she chose to leave Batman as the law enforcer in the jurustriction of Gotham. Refusing to hurt the people who raised her despite how they might end up hurting those around them. The achilles heel of our young heroin, loyalty and love.
Estranged from her deceased Grandmother and Grandfather; She constantly ignores the beckoning of the ghost of her Grandfather who persists to advance her skills in magic. Saying she'd rather not take a short cut and learn on her own. Despite how cumbersome the weight of learning spells and speaking them backwards has become...the intense focus involved to manipulate the environment around her and how truly great her powers could be if she simply LISTENED.
After the Death of Robin:
- Has become reclusive, very private, given up on being a hero...hasn't given up using magic in her daily life.
- Blames herself for Robin's death
- Could have been more help if she learned that FUCKING transportation spell
- Has trouble with the opposite sex
- Has a secret fetish for older men...mostly due to her mothers being involved with men a lot in their line of work so being around males older than her has always been a consistency in her life. Socially awkward now due to kind of being private and has always been kind of opinionated like Harley Quinn. Ultimately liking older men is kind of also an achillies heel because she doesn't know how to talk to them. Reason she ended up with Robin is because he saw she was at difficult time in her life and needed someone she could trust. When he really got to know her and saw her upbringing, how she sees the world, and the genuine kindness she possesses. He started to fall in love with her, the result basically being them entering a very complicated relationship.
NOTE: Batwoman and Wonder Woman were good friends with her mother:

After Robin's death she sort of broke ties with almost everyone....the only people she communicates with now are her own set of Sirens she formed during college which are made up of:
Malena Zatanna Zatara

"My costume makes me feel sexy and powerful." She doesn't ware the cape though because it's dangerous, might be caught on things like it has in the past...and she hasn't perfected the trick to using the cape offensively yet.

These emotional power holders tend to gravitate towards each other due to being in the Titans or having been in the past for Zatanna case...and having a lot in common...and even where they don't they still find they can connect on levels that they can't with their team mates.
"I have rights as an American Citizen, I was born and raised in Gotham City....You can't hold me here..." Is what she's going to tell SHIELD...they literally cannot hold her anywhere because she's an escape artist thanks to Catwoman.
"She trusts you..." Was the only thing that Nick Fury said to Coulson when the others asked why she stopped running when Coulson stood in the way of her one escape route.
PM me for more details and we'll see if we can come to some sort of agreement.
A Dame to Die For
PM me, I have a different ideas for the story if you'd be willing to hear them!~ Lets see if we can get something rolling.
Basic Prompt (2014):
Why did she help him? She didn't have to get involved. Then again, she wasn't one to let someone who'd be severely injured just bleed to death on her front lawn. Living an ordinary quiet life in suburbs you wouldn't expect much to happen in a family oriented community. Much less a man laying unconscious with holes riddled through his lower abdomen. Why? Why was she so God Damn STUPID as to help him? She should have known something was up! She should have called 911.....but she didn't...instead she'd patched him up...and in the process crossed the thresh hold into a world she didn't belong in...his world. And boy, was it the kind of fucked up you'd only see in Action movies. If that wasn't enough, she thought this murderer, this killer...this...Hitman...she thought he was roguishly handsome. Maybe that's why she stuck by his side...why did he keep her around? That was the first question she asked after he'd saved her.....maybe it was because she'd brought him back from the brink of death. Or.....could it have been the oddest most astounding occurrence, when their eyes locked...and she stirred something within him...her innocents caressed something no woman been able to touch. Perhaps...they'd live to help each other...and it's possible he'd finally found a dame worth dying for.
I was super revved up do an RP with a mixer of John Wick, Hitman, James Bond, and a bunch of different actions movies. Taking elements from each movie. Mostly wanted to have John Wick to be honest, but we can talk the details if you don't want to play a canon character. I will be playing Canon Characters if that helps?
PM me for details.
PM me and we can discuss where you'd think you'd like to head with this!
Grim Reaper:
What can I say? I've been craving a Grim Reaper x Human RP for a very long time. If anyone is interested in this pairing, lets hash it out in PMs.
Batman 1966
Short Summary: Robin meets a strange woman from a different universe that parallels his, adventure ensues. (Can totally hash this idea out, would love to work something out with anyone whose interested. Can be Zatanna or Batgirl.)
Grimm: Monroe x (Female Nick Burkhardt)
Would love to work something out with someone whose a fellow fan of Grimm. I'm thinking we start from the first time Nick met Monroe. THAT meeting alone might be totally different than the one we witnessed.
Supernatural: Crowley or Cain x OC
After Colette died, Cain didn't revert back to his old ways. Instead he became a sort of sociopathic fearmonger who'd chosen to live a life of seclusion. Privatizing himself from the rest of society and keeping himself in control of the mark. However, what if after he'd given into the mark once more to help Dean and Crowley. He'd managed to obtain control, composing himself and keeping all impulses of murderous intent under lock and key? And a few days after everything blew over Dean and Sam came to visit him, bringing along a friend. A friend whose calming soul managed to tame the restless beast within. Will this woman be his savior? Will he be hers when her life is put in jeopardy? Can she be the one to teach him to give into a different kind of impulse...one of love and lustful passion?
This RP can get VERY VERY DIRTY!
Depending on what kinks and fetishes my partner requests or wants included.
Possible kinks:
Risk of Pregnancy
Dirty Talk
OC calling Cain 'Daddy'/Daddy Kink
OC dressed up in sexy little costumes for the Dominant Demon
Public Sex
Sex Outdoors
Light Bondage
Nipple Play
Whatever else my Partner and I can come up with~
House M.D
I'd love to do something involving a mentee of Cuddy's in an almost scandalous relationship with Gregory House. A Drama, Comedy, Romance, Hurt-Comfort based RP. Anyone who is interested I'd love to discuss the details with you through PMs. Sorry this is so short, but I figured short and sweet would do the trick for now.
(DC x Marvel Universe Crossover)
Why do these parallel universes suddenly collide?
The most simplistic answer comes in the form of a person: Zatanna Zatara
A young 22 year old Zatanna who has gone through her own chapter of 'Death in the Family', where Robin passes away; Not being able to take the pressure brought on by his tragic death, she gives up on crime fighting. This lasts a good year before otherworldly forces thrust her back into the life she left behind. Dragged into the parallel world of the Marvel Universe. Her disappearance sparks a sort of butterfly effect in the DC Universe. Capturing the attention of the Justice League. Where it goes from here is up to my RP partner and I to discuss.
I can play multiple characters from the Marvel and DC Universe! Just ask and I probably know who you're talking about.
PM me and we can flesh out the Plot together.
Until Dawn (Josh and Sam)
I'd love to do something with Josh and Sam as a couple...Making it a romantic, horror-laced, nightmare can be one of the many driving goals behind this RP.
PM me for details~ And we can discuss what we'd like to see in the RP.
Far Cry 4 Pagan Min
I'd love to discuss a plot with Pagan Min and a Female OC~
PM me for details and maybe we can make something spectacular happen.
Jurassic World: Turning Dinosaurs Human
ROMANTIC/Possibly HUMOROUS/SEXUAL STORY about a Velociraptor turned human now having do deal with his beautiful female trainer who insists she's the 'Alpha'.
PM me if interested.
Hello, my name is Helena Milworthy. I am a 29 year old whose been hired to train the Velociraptor at the park....well...i'm sort of training them...the real trainer passed away, heart failure, so I am to take his place. It's been over a year now since then and I've managed to establish my dominance with the four male dinosaurs. The previous trainer, who I was working closely under, Haulding Deriks, an older Australian man....He use to always explain that I should never under ANY circumstances...turn my back on a Raptor....nor should I underestimate their hunting stratigoram as simple minded animal instinct..for there in lies the reason I would have died on Day One of his job. These Raptors....they're smart, plain an simple. "Clever Girls." Is what Haulding always use to say when referring to them in plight conversation.
Now it's the middle of November and all of a sudden my main concern of the Job, the self proclaimed leader of the pack, has been moved into a facility to undergo testing. And I am the one to watch over him with extreme prejudice after this process is done. I don't feel...Happy....knowing that they're going to do something to him...He may be an animal but without him the boys have been restless. And it's hard for me to think....to express....to keep myself from screaming out to my higher ups that this is wrong....That they're wrong in doing this to him. He may be an animal but...that doesn't mean you can just twist his bits and pieces around...I wonder what they're planning on doing to him, they weren't very informative when I started asking questions.
Alias: Project Evo-Adam
Designation:....*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*ALERT, the following file contains script that's been blacklisted; If officially assigned access is to be granted to anyone working in the Research and Development Laboratories of Jurassic World.....Please input authorization code to continue:
Password: FoxtrotDeltaZ88
Project Designation:
Test Trials documented by Henry Writts team have yielded a high possibility of transmutation of one species to another. Stating: "Jumping the Evolutionary Gun becomes child's play when in the hands of a group of brilliant like minded scientists, such as my team. Since the beginning of this project, the question has not so much been why we're being asked to do this...it's IF and HOW. And now that we have hard scientific evidence instead of petty theory. We can get down to the nitty-gritty; experimentation."
[Test Subject: ZX-88 11/18/2025] (Latest Test Subject)
Subject Number: ZX-88
Subject Name: Blue *Or Whatever the Trainer called him, I wasn't much paying attention at the time*
Species: Velociraptor
Transformers/Metroid: Samus Aran's Daughter and an Autobot or Decepticon
Loved if someone just PM'ed to talk about this amazing idea I had for an Adventure ,Smut, Romance. So...Yeah, if you're interested feel free to PM me~ I'm a seasoned Roleplayers who enjoys the finer areas of writing stories with endless possibilities.
PM me if you're interested~!!!!!!!!!
Fallout 4: Deacon and the Female Sole Survivor
I'd love to play around with this pairing!~ Anyone whose interested in my little Deacon fetish and would love to play in the fallout universe, please, step right on up and we'll see what we can collaborate, create, and indulge in.
I'd also really be interested in fleshing out a story having to do with Elder Maxson and the SS.
PM me if you're interested!
Five Nights at Freddy's: Freddy Fazbear x Female Security Guard
Would LOVE to do something with the Animatronics turning human at night. There's a story hidden somewhere in here of a young woman working at her favorite exclaimed childhood restaurant after moving back to her old home town. How will she survive the nights? Would love to make this a dark brooding romance of some sort because of the darker undertones of the game in general. I don't mind throwing around ideas because this is a watered down request that i'd love to build on.
ALSO: I don't mind if you pick out how my character looks for this one. Just keep in mind her age should range around 23-28.
I was thinking Freddy could look like this:
Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Sabrina x Human-Salem
I'd love to compromised/Throw around ideas of a human-Salem and Sabrina romance. I think it would be devilishly good fun and interesting to write out. The story having infinite possibilities.
PM me if you're interested!
SAMPLE (For MUCH LATER in the RP concerning the mater of True Love):
Witches Counsel tries to change Salem back into a cat after Sabrina was specially selected to receive one rule-free Christmas wish:
"Dammit! Why aren't you changing back!?" The President of the counsel screamed at the top of his lungs as he kept casting the same curse he'd cast upon the handsome jet-black haired man 30 years ago.
The Second Chairmen Vice President Carla knew exactly why Salem Saberhagen wasn't transforming. "....This couldn't be....." She'd taken a long pause, shifting her gaze to the President of the Witches Counsel. "...The only thing that could render a curse that powerful unless is true love....."
"Everything has limitations, even magic. I'm not sure if you're familiar with this, Miss Spellman, but any form of magic having to do with love isn't listed in spell-books for a singular reason. Love is unpredictable. Something so uncontrollable that not even magic has proven to be able to control it. Hence why no one dabbles in love based potion making or spells. The outcomes being, in the best case, ineffective." Leaving question as to what the worst case was or if Sabrina even wanted to know the answer. "No ones come close to recreating the feeling of love and bottling it...well...except for Calvin Klein's Obsession but-" Before the third Chairmen could trail off again, the Second begin to explain in more process words why Salem was unaffected by the Curse. "Bottom line, we can't interfere with True Love....because theoretically there are some loopholes concerning regular love but...True Love is even more complicated than the latter." True love occurred when two hearts matched so perfectly that even the heaven's themselves considered this rare occurrence to be a match made by the hands of a decedent peace loving angel.
To make maters worse, there was no True Love more powerful than that of one shared between a Witch and a Warlock.....and the Counsel knew this all too well.
1950's Navy Man x Time Traveling Young Lady
How unfortunate she was to have been at the wrong time and place. The events that were about to unfold were like something out of a movie. Two determined Navel officers, one the leading man and the other his Wing Man, find an uncharted island with a young lady in....'interesting' clothing. What they'd gotten themselves mixed up in on their way back to the US of A was more than they could have ever bargained for. An Adventure of a life time as she convinces them that she's from a different time period and now...the problem was she had to get back without changing anything in the future....well...without changing too much.
Insidious Chapter 2: Renai Lambert x Parker Crane (In Josh Lambert's body)
Parker Crane is an old man who was abused by his mother as a child. By forcing him to dress as a girl and assume the name 'Marilyn', he soon begun his descent into madness. Crane later became a mass murderer under the alias "The Bride in Black".
It is assumed that his meeting with the young Josh pushed him over the edge - he felt envious of what he perceived as a stable love between Josh and his mother. Parker's desire to live a normal life is what could have caused him to pursue Josh's body, in hopes that he would be able to experience the same affection that a normal person could feel.
Could Renai Lambert give him that affection? Teach him intimacy in the emotional and physical sense? There was still a part of Parker's good soul that existed within him. Enough to defy the wishes of his mother and protect Josh's family. This could be a central theme in the RP. Letting go an fighting away a Demon that turned Parker into a Demon. When you're in love and have something to protect, you can't help but wanna do the right thing...but...just what was right for a man in Parker's position? Faced with the choice of having to kill Josh's family and completely live again or keep pursuing a relationship with Renia with possible side effects? (Or the third choice of having to do whatever was best for Renia)
This could be a slightly long term RP or a short term with Renia just having sex with Crane in Josh's body.
PM me if you're interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Transformers/Metroid: Samus Aran's Daughter and an Autobot or Decepticon
Loved if someone just PM'ed to talk about this amazing idea I had for an Adventure ,Smut, Romance. So...Yeah, if you're interested feel free to PM me~ I'm a seasoned Roleplayers who enjoys the finer areas of writing stories with endless possibilities.