Drunken Inhibitions (Princess x Moon Struck Fox)


Mar 9, 2009
Harry Potter, not anyone else really, was quite sure what the party was actually in aid of. It had started as a few small groups, eating and drinking together....over the course of the afternoon more and more had joined, proclaiming it to be the day of various forgotten celebrations with their own strange traditions. Before anyone really knew what was going on, the Great Hall was awash with alcohol, music, dancing and several students who had simply passed out. All the houses were partying, the boundaries between houses seemingly forgotten for one night at least. It was actually quite nice to see....rivalries and hatreds mostly forgotten if only for a short while...the alcohol was most certainly helping with that of course.

Harry had long since lost track of his friends. They were either partying somewhere in amongst the crowd, unconscious or had left the party for whatever reason. He on the other had no real intention of leaving just yet. For once in his life Harry could just relax....just forget about everything...he was going to enjoy this to the fullest while he had the chance. He had lost track of how much he'd had to drink, plenty that was for sure. He knew his brain wasn't quite working the same way as usual, but he didn't care. With a grin Harry downed another shot of Fire Whiskey, his 4th in a row, a cheer coming from the small group that had been watching, before Harry triumphantly raised the empty Fire Whiskey bottle, then put it down on the table, stumbling off into the crowd in search of another distraction, another piece of entertainment.
Draco was annoyed, he had joined this little party in hopes of enticing someone into his bed but everyone was either too drunk to fuck or too ugly. he knew what old holiday they where celebrating, from the ancient Pagan days the once holiday had fallen into disuse as unimportant, though many of the purebloods still celebrated it... in the manner it was meant to be celebrated. Draco was honestly just surprised that the Teachers where letting this continue, hell two or three of them had joined in on the drinking and the flirting, pedophiles. at least there wasn't anyone younger than sixteen in the room, so mostly everyone was legal to drink, mostly. he was rather impressed at how well the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses where getting along, hell Pansy and Longbottom where snogging in a corner, Alcohol really could fix anything. Draco himself wasn't drunk, he had a glass of firewhiskey in his hand, but he was a wine man by preference, and the firewhiskey was acrid and old, not good firewhiskey.

he dumped the firewhiskey into a potted plant and moved over to a large crowd where people where cheering and lifted an eyebrow as he watched Harry Potter of all people downing a shot. who in the world had invited Him!? for that matter, was Harry potter honest to Merlin getting... no, not gettign, he WAS drunk. and now that he wasn't spitting stupidity and insults Draco could see a remote cuteness about the Drunken Harry potter that was entirely too hard to ignore. he watched Harry stumble off and he smirked as he followed the other, catching Harry around the waist, pulling him tight into him, back to belly so that Draco's hard length was pressing into Harry's ass. "hey Potter." Draco growled seductively into the drunks ear, a hand sliding up Harry's shirt as he ground his cock into the others ass. "what say you and i, go somewhere private?" he asked giving the others nipples a small tweak. "everyone says your straight, and a virgin... i wonder how many of the rumors are true hmm?" he asked, carefully, very carefully, one step at a time he led Harry out of the Great Hall and into the hall, carefully leading him to the Room of Requirement. hoping that Harry was too drunk to protest.
Harry's vision was more than a little unfocused, it was as if he wasn't wearing his glasses. Still, he could more or less make out the shapes of people dancing and stumbling around him. Navigating around them on the other hand was a rather more difficult prospect. Infact, he was almost about to lose his balance when an arm suddenly wrapped around his waist, pulling him backover, the boy yelping in surprise and reaching up to steady his glasses to keep them from falling to the floor, where they would be sure to be stepped on and shatter. "H-huh?" It took him a few moments to register that something was pressing against him, even longer to realise just what it probably was. Was that.....was that an erection prodding into his ass.....? He was so distracted by that he didn't register who the voice, and by extension the erection, belonged to. When he did though....

"H-huh? D-Draco is....is that you?" Harry blinked again, then shivered as a hand slid up his shirt, erection grinding against him, then squeaked as his nipples were suddenly tweaked. Strangely Harry felt a stirring between his own legs, then found himself being gently tugged out of the hall, though in his drunken state Harry wasn't really in any state to protest. Any attempt to pull away was likely to result in him collapsing to the floor in a heap. "I uh...I uh..." Harry was rather embarassed to say that the rumours of his virginity were certainly true. He was also straight....though that didn't mean the thought of guys hadn't crossed his mind. More than once he'd heard male cries of passion in the dorms at night. "H-hey uh....where are we going....?" Harry stumbled along with Draco, squirming a little bit, but making no significant attempt to pull himself away from the Slytherin boy.
Draco smirked a little as he watched Harry try to overbalance himself, the guy was drunk, almost too drunk to fuck, almost. a good thing that Draco intended on topping, Draco never bottomed, ever. and he sure as hell wasn't going to start with potter. "yes, it's me." Draco assured Harry with a small chuckle. "i never thought you to be the sort to get drunk off your ass potter." he admitted with a snicker, running his tongue along the others neck. "you look delectable like this, almost... helpless. it really turns me on." he growled eagerly, pressing himself harder into the others ass, rubbing as they walked with a shuddered sigh. yes, he was going to enjoy this, and then he'd use the very sexual act as a means to control Harry, after all, Draco was a Malfoy, he could turn anything into Blackmail if he tried hard enough. Harry was his, from the moment he had the man naked.... Harry was his.

"we're going to the Room of Requirement." Draco admitted, smirking darkly. "we're going to have fun." he admitted coming up to the door, passing back and forth in front of it, the door appearing and Draco shoving Harry inside before following. everything was white silk and black satin, the massive four poster bed in the middle of the room was awash with the light of candles as Draco smirked, kissing the boys neck. "pretty isn't it Harry?" he asked smirking a little as he ran his hand back down the others belly, stroking the soft flesh before running his hand down Harry's pants, slipping under cloth to run his fingers across hard, firm flesh. "mmm your hard." he purred, teasing the other. "your enjoying this, do you like being under my power Harry?" he asked, carefully shoving Harry onto the bed before slowly, sensually shedding his cloak, revealing that he wasn't wearing anything underneath, not even a pair of boxers, just naked in an instant, firm and hard as he watched the Golden boy through narrowed silver eyes. "get naked Harry, and i'll show you more pleasure, than you've ever had in your entire life."
Harry muttered to himself when Draco commented that he wasn't the kind to get drunk....it was true...usually Harry would never go so far....but with everything that had happened in the past 6 years....hell, with everything that had happened his entire life...he had just wanted one night...one night where he could forget about it all and just....live a normal life. To just pretend once that he was just like any other student, not special, not famous. He was snapped out of his thoughts with a yelp when Draco ground harder against him, Harry shivering and feeling an unexpected reaction between his own legs, his pants starting to grow tighter around the crotch....he was...getting turned on...? Really? But why? He wasn't gay...and this was Draco of all people....maybe it was the alcohol...but then again Harry really didn't care right now.

He stumbled as he was shoved into the Room of Requirement, almost tripping and falling, but miraculously managed to catch part of the four poster bed to keep his balance, until Draco walked up again and kissed his neck, causing Harry to shiver, even let out a slight whimper as a hand ran across his belly. "D-draco I...." Before he could finish his sentance Harry gasped, a hand slipping into his pants and beginning to stroke at his now throbbing erection. He could only whimper instead of answering Draco's question, before he was shoved onto the bed, twirling as he fell to land on his back and stare up at Draco just in time to see the boy shedding his cloak, revealing a naked form beneath. Harry's cheeks were already red from the alcohol, but the sight of the naked, aroused boy made his cheeks turn even redder. "Uhhh...." Harry stared for a few moments, hesitating at Draco's command. For a few moments it looked like he might be reconsidering, might be about to try and get up and leave before even getting naked.......but then after nearly a full minute of just laying there and staring he started to drunkenly fumble with his clothes, eventually stripping down to his boxers, hesitating again with them, before clumsily tugging them off and kicking them away.

Harry's erection sprang free, comporable to Draco's own....perhaps even a tad bigger....pre-cum glistening in the candle light and dripping down onto Harry's belly. "I uh....I'm....not too sure about this..." Harry glanced away from Draco slightly, though still couldn't help watching from the corner of his eye.
Draco chuckled as Harry muttered to himself, licking his lips a little as he felt Harry's reaction to his body. yes, this was going to be even easier than he had thought. he heard Harry try to talk, but ignored it as he stroked his hand along the others flesh, panting softly as he imagined how tight, and hot Harry was going to be. he was going to get the other to scream his pleasure. "your so big Harry, bigger than i thought you would be." he growled, a little annoyed that Harry was larger than he was. that was alright, he could deal with that, a simple cock engorging charm would make him bigger, thicker, longer.... later though, didn't want to frighten Harry off just yet. he smirked a little as he watched the other try to decide what to do while on the bed. he smirked as Harry finally started to shed his clothes, licking his lips as he watched all of that flesh bare itself to him, his own cock twitching, leaking a line of Pre as he watched the other stripping for him, just for him.

hush Harry." Draco purred as he stalked over tot he other, settling onto the bed over Harry, a small smirk on his lips. "you want this... you want to feel what i can give you, we both know it, why deny it?" he asked, his hand running along Harry's cock again, up and down slowly, giving him an almost lazy pleasure. "i'll give you all the pleasure, and attention that you deserve." he purred, playing on what he knew was Harry's weaknesses. "just for one night, a normal pleasure, a normal activity, you can even pretend it's love if you want." he murmured softly in the others ear. "just for tonight... be mine." he whispered softly before kissing Harry intently, sliding his tongue into the others mouth, growling a little smirking a little as his hand sped up, his free hand brushing fingers against Harry's nipple. "be mine.." he whispered, playing on Harry's need, and desire to be wanted, accepted, and loved.
Harry swallowed nervously when Draco approached, moving onto the bed above Harry, in essence trapping him on the bed now. Draco was so close...close enough for Harry to feel the heat eminating from the other males body....it was strange really....Harry had always imagined Draco as being cold....but now here he was....his body radiating so much heat and arousal...it made Harry shiver before he was even touched. "I....w-well...." He yelped as his cock was suddenly stroked up and down, his body jerking a little beneath Draco and cock twitching beneath the others hand. Draco was right....it would be nice...just for one night to be normal...to do something normal like everyone else could or would do.....oh he wanted that so much.....but....but this was Draco....but then again maybe this party was supposed to be about forgetting things like that....

Harry was so confused...but then Draco suddenly kissed him, feeling the other boys powerful tongue thrusting into his mouth, exploring, thrusting against his own tongue whilst the hand stroking his cock began to move faster, Harry's cock twitching and jerking. He was inexperienced, incredibly aroused...it was probably only the alcohol that had kept him from blowing his load already. "Y-yes...I....I will...." He was panting heavily, cheeks flushed from a combination of embarassment and the alcohol, though Harry had now finally submitted fully, opening himself to Draco to do whatever he wished for just one night....or so he thought at least...
Draco smiled a little as he settled above Harry, panting softly with the effort of holding himself back, he was going to enjoy this, he really was, he was going to enjoy making Harry his cute little sex pet. "you really are a virgin." Draco muttered, fondling the others cock with delight in his voice as he kissed the other, his hand stroking and teasing as he felt the others reactions, leaning own and kissing the others neck, kissing his way down to a pink, perky nipple, sucking it into his mouth, stroking with his tongue and teasing the flesh as he moaned eagerly, muttering a spell under his breath, his free hand suddenly slick with lubrication as two fingers circled Harry's ass, teasing the little puckered entrance, his fingers slowly, carefully massaging their way deep inside of Harry, teasing the sensitive inner flesh, and carefully slipping in and out of the other, stretching him, and getting him used to the feeling.

"your so tight Harry." Draco moaned, switching over to the other nipple, nibbling on that one, his teeth very gently stroking and teasing the flesh as he moaned and groaned, searching for that little bundle of nerves, touching Harry's prostate without warning, wondering if Harry was even sober enough to understand what was happening. he slid his fingers over that bundle of nerves, teasing harry before he slipped his fingers out, and started kissing his way down, lower, pausing just over Harry's cock, his tongue lapping at the tip, gathering up all of the Pre, growling eagerly as he slowly, so very slowly began to engulf all of Harry's cock, swallowing thickly around the flesh with a smug little smirk, well aware that this was going to drive Harry WILD. no man could resist Draco's devilish mouth.
Harry looked away as Draco called out his virginity, muttering something under his own breath that had a very distinctive "yeah whatever" sound to it, then another gasp of pleasure as his inexperienced cock was further played with. Besides Harry himself, nobody had ever touched him down there...much to Harry's disappointment of course. Cho had teased once or twice back when they had been dating but...she'd never actually touch....or allow him to touch....well....not whilst he was with her anyway. He'd heard shortly after they broke up she had become something of a slut....just his luck for her to have the change of heart afterwards. Harry didn't hear as Draco muttered an unfamiliar spell, but did feel fingers starting to circle his ass, a slick and slimy feeling to them. "H-huh? H-hey um just give me a-" Before Harry could finish either his sentance or his mental preperation the fingers pushed inside of him, causing Harry to jerk violently beneath Draco, thrusting up against the boy, his ass clenching down on the fingers tightly. "HNGH!!" Harry closed his eyes tightly, this was a totally new sensation...he'd never dared play with himself this way....yet here Draco's fingers were moving expertly inside of him, tongue and lips moving expertly down Harry's body....damn....Draco certainly was experienced with the male body.....it seemed sexual ability was something Draco actually could better Harry at.

When Draco's mouth went to Harry's cock, he stared down at the blonde through his glasses, panting heavily, his cock twitching in anticipation. And then suddenly those lips were around him, Draco sinking his lips down Harry's shaft, engulfing the entire thing...swallowing Harry's cock like a pro! Damn Draco definately wasn't a stranger to sucking cock! "Oh! Oh fuck!!" Harry jerked and shook his head, mind going blank with pleasure. "AH! Oh god! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!!" Harry's hips lifted, then before he could give Draco any warning his cock pulsed, then erupted with cum straight down Draco's throat, Harry's inexperienced body unable to hold out for more than 5 or 6 seconds under Draco's expert sucking.
Draco chuckled at Harry's huffiness, there was no point in teasing Harry when he had the boy exactly where he wanted him. he groaned in glee as Harry twitched and writhed and smirked at the others almost protests, not letting the other get a chance to really protest, simply sliding his fingers in. if he gave Harry a chance to really think about things, the man was going to try and back out, he needed to make sure the only thing Harry could focus on was the sensations filling him. Draco was, of course, nearly as much of a whore as Cho was,but Draco was always in control. Harry wasn't the only man, and woman that Draco had complete control of, Harry was just another in a long list of conquests, but Harry was going to be his favorite. he moaned again as he felt the others cock in his mouth and the words that Harry squealed. he very nearly laughed as Harry cursed and jerked, arching against the bed, yeah, Draco was the boss and he knew it, Draco knew where to touch, and what to do to blind people to anything but pleasure. Draco could have pierced both nipples and the boys balls and Harry wouldn't have noticed. he swallowed Harry's seed eagerly, his throat convulsing around the brunette as he swallowed, milking Harry of his cum as Draco chuckled and pulled away completely.

"now, it's my turn." Draco growled, his own cock twitching eagerly as he slicked it up with lube, growling eagerly as he rolled the other onto his belly, lifting his hips into the air, gripping Harry's cock i one hand, stroking it slowly to get the other boy hard again, his tongue trailing around Harry's ass before driving it deep inside of the other, slurping, sucking, teasing, moaning happily as he fondled and teased, and finally rose, pressing his cock head to Harry's ass, shivering happily. "oooh fuck yessss, your so goddamn TIGHT." he groaned as he slowly forced his way deep, deep into harry, only pausing once he had his hips to Harry's ass, buried in as deep into the brunette as he could get, shivering and trembling. "fuck...fuck fuck yesss....." Draco growled, reaching down and gripping Harry's hair tightly, forcing his head up. "aah yesss, i wanna hear you scream while i fuck you." he groaned, slowly pulling his cock out an inch before snapping back in, brushing Harry's prostate, just to hear the boy squeal. "mmmm your such a good tight fuck Harry... i don't know how long i can last buried in your tight, sweet ass."
Harry managed to lift his head as he came hard, watching as Draco seemed to expertly swallow every single drop of thick, hot seed. Not even a dribble escaped the perfect seal that the blonde's lips were creating, the sucking motion growing harder if anything, until Harry's orgasm had been rode to the fullest, his body collapsing back onto the bed as he panted heavily. "Oh...oh fuck....so good...." He anted, for a moment forgetting that it was Draco Malfoy, perhaps his greatest enemy save for Voldemort himself, that had just brought him to the height of pleasure....and the way the boy was stroking at his cock again, refusing to let it soften even a little, he was only just getting started.

"Ah!" Harry let out a surprised yelp as he was suddenly flipped onto his belly, glasses falling from his face and clattering off the bed, though fortunately not breaking. Harry was in no mood to search for them right now though, nor was he particularly capable even should the mood take him. He grunted and shivered at the odd sensation of Draco's tongue, then bit his lip as he felt what was undeniably Draco's lubed up cock pressing against him. "H-hey uh....just....just take it sl-" Draco either didn't hear or didn't care what Harry was in the middle of saying, his cock just sinking inside. Harry immediately went rigid, bolting upright on his hands and knees, his eyes going wide and his mouth falling open, but no noise came out besides an odd gurgled squeak. His ass was tighter than anything Draco would have felt around his cock before, as if this ass was perfectly formed for this.
It wasn't until Draco's hips met Harry's, their balls gently slapping together, that Harry managed to make a noise. "F-FUCK!" He winced at the odd mixture of pleasure and pain coarsing through his body, then cried out as Draco moved, grinding his cock against Harry's prostate, then when it happened again Harry cried out in pleasure, cock jerking, brought almost to orgasm again from this short stimulation alone....but in the back of his mind Harry knew....he knew that just once wasn't going to be enough for Draco....for a boy like that....once was never enough.
Draco smirked as Harry came, swallowing every drop of seed, shuddering happily as he watched the other collapse. yes, he liked it when his victims where fucked until they couldn't even move from exhaustion. "it is good." Draco agreed, chuckling a little as he got to work on Harry, making the boy cry out on pleasure, making him feel all the pleasure that Draco could ever offer him, trying to overwhelm him with his tongue and his fingers. he smirked as Harry tried to protest, again, but gave him no chance to tell him to stop. he did move in rather slowly, no need to hurt Harry after all, plus the boy was so fucking tight he had to take it slow or he'd do damage to himself! "oh fuuuck.." Draco moaned shuddering hard. "oh my GOD Harry your so fucking tight..." he moaned panting hard as he shuddered against the other, struggling to control himself. he had never been in something so hot, so TIGHT, even virgins weren't this tight. Draco knew, almost instantly that Harry was always going to be almost virgin tight. it was as if Harry had been born, just to be fucked by Draco's dick. he smirked at the pain in the others voice, that too pleased him, he liked to hurt his pretty pets, liked to hear that note of pain in their voices only to wash it away with pleasure, and then hurting them again to make the pain feel even worse than what it really was.

"yesss, there's a good boy." Draco moaned as Harry cried out in pleasure and jerked, and he pulled his cock out an inch and snapped it forward again, and again, slowly building into a fast, hard rhythm, giving Harry no real chance to adjust, he just took the boys ass, brushing firmly against the others prostate again and again, making Harry cum again, sensitizing the Gryffindor's body even more as he reached around and pinched a nipple. rolling it in his fingers as he pounded the others ass, before pinching it tightly with his nails, causing another sharp flair of pain, just to hear Harry squeal as he manipulated Harry's body. causing sharp sparks of pain, and then washing it away with pleasure, scratching, pinching everywhere, stroking his cock and then pinching it firmly, driving Harry to the height of an orgasm, and then killing it with pain. Draco was as cruel a lover, as he was a person. finally though, the wandering, pain and pleasure fingers stopped, and gripped Harry's hips tightly and started to really work Harry's ass, driving his cock into that prostate, crying out his own release as he flooded Harry's ass with thick seed, spilling rope after rope deep inside of the other, shuddering and jerking as his hand stroked harry off, making him cum, again, smirking darkly. "yesss, oh fuuuck yesss that's good." he groaned as his twitching cock finally finished releasing it's seed deep inside of harry and started to soften, settling down, on top of Harry, pinning him to the bed once he was finished spilling his weak Gryffindor seed, pinning him to the bed, forcing him to lay in his own mess, remaining firmly in Harry's ass, he closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep. and when Harry woke, that was how they where still, Draco thick, firm and hard in his ass, laying on top of him so that Harry couldn't get away without waking Draco.
Harry was clutching at the sheets beneath him as Draco got inside of him, the sensation of being spread open like this so....so....intense. There was pain, pleasure, feelings that Harry couldn't even begin to describe in his current inebriated and horny state of mind. "O-oh fuck....!" He closed his eyes tightly as Draco started to move, his hips lifting slightly against the other boy, his entire body shaking as he was thrust into, Draco's cock, his hands, everything seeming to touch just the right places, Draco seeming to know Harry's body even better than Harry himself...oh yes...it was certain...this was far from Draco's first experience with a man....hell...Harry wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't his first experience just today.
Harry whimpered as he was worked almost up to orgasm, then it was snatched away from him, leaving a painful ache in Harry's body, until he was suddenly forced to cum once again, seemingly at Draco's whim, Harry's cum spraying over the bedsheets beneath him as the boy cried out from the sudden forced orgasm. But Draco hadn't stopped...hadn't even slowed to let the boy recover. If anything he worked Harry's cock and ass harder, faster. He could feel it....Draco was losing control as well....his thrusting becoming a little more desperate, yet still precise.

Then he felt it. Harry's eyes went wide as he felt the final thrust, then could actually feel every twitch of Draco's cock inside of his ass. "Oh....oh god...." Harry's eyes went wide, his mouth opening in silence for a few moments as he felt the first spurt of Draco's cum into his body, Harry's own ass somehow becoming even tighter, squeezing Draco's cock more firmly. Then, from deep within Harry, a carnal roar of pleasure escaped his lips as his own orgasm ripped through his body, previously unknown amounts of cum spraying from Harry's twitching cock, spraying over the bed and Harry's own chest. When they had both finished cumming, Harry collapsed into his own sticky mess, panting heavily, pinned by the Slytherin boy above him, though he was barely aware of it as he passed out, a combination of drunkeness and exhaustion taking its toll.

The following morning, when Harry awoke, he groaned softly, hand slowly reaching up to rub at his head. It was throbbing, pounding. He kept his eyes closed for a moment, then felt an odd.....soreness. There was a strange feeling in his ass....it felt....spread....like something was inside him...something thick....something hard. Harry had no idea what was going on at first, then as his eyes flickered open and he saw the bedsheets, as he began to become aware of the odd stickiness on his stomach, he gasped, eyes widening as memories of the previous night came flooding back to him. Harry tilted his head, spotting Draco ontop of him, still asleep. Swallowing nervously Harry started to move, slowly, carefully. He winced as the movement caused Draco's cock to move a little inside of him. He was attempting to slowly roll them over, get Draco onto his back so he could get away....he had to get away before Draco awoke....that way he could hope the other boy thought it was all just a dream.....
Draco groaned and growled as he played Harry's body like it was a rare instrument. he smirked as he stroked Harry int an orgasm, moaning as he came deep inside the other and passed out on top of the other. he shuddered as he felt Harry waking underneath him, shifting and moving and the blond smirked. he had no doubt that Harry had a terrible migraine and hangover. he pressed a little more tightly into the others ass, keeping the other spread wide, his cock twitching deep inside of Harry again as the boy tried to move him. he groaned, feigning waking up as he wrapped his arms tightly around the brunette, clutching him tightly as he pressed his mouth to the others neck, nibbling and suckling. "mmm, feels nice." Draco groaned as he slowly pulled his hips out, and then pushing back in, slowly, carefully fucking Harry as he smirked against his neck. "oh you feel good." he groaned, smirking as he ran his hand along the others cock, chuckling a little. "good morning Harry." he growled playfully, smiling at the other, his head tilted a little at the other as he settled onto all fours, panting softly against the others ear.

"i do hope you realize, that your never going to be free of me now." he whispered with a sadistic tone to his voice. "you seduced me last night, at least that's what i'll tell people, in fact, it might even be true, how much do you even remember of last night?" he asked smirking, his hips rocking slowly, agonizingly slowly in and out of Harry. "you got so drunk last night, you where hitting on everyone, kissing everyone. a poor 'virgin' like me wouldn't have stood a chance against someone as strong as you." he smirked against Harry's ear again. "imagine what people would say? you, getting drunk, getting into bed with someone your supposed to hate, making me fuck you... even if they don't really beleive that last part, what do you think the Weasley's would think? letting me touch you, like your a filthy whore so desperate for a fuck." he growled, moving a little faster now, moaning softly in Harry's ear, working himself closer and closer to an orgasm, his one hand wrapping around his cock and stroking it slowly, wanting to make him cum again as well. "what would the world think of you!?" he demanded, smirking darkly. "but, if you do what i say, let me fuck you whenever, and however i choose, no one ever, has to find out about this." he purred, delighting in tormenting Harry, both mentally, and physically.
((So sorry for the late response!! Hope you want to keep this and the other game going XD))

Harry almost thought he would get away, he had almost rolled them over enough to pull away from Draco....but then he felt the boy shudder and move. He thought maybe he was still asleep....but no such look....soon enough Harry felt Draco pressing against him, cock twitching inside of Harry's tight ass as he wrapped an arm around Harry, pushing them back down onto the bed, trapping Harry beneath him once more. The boy cursed to himself silently, closing his eyes as Draco nibbled and sucked on his neck, trying to wish this away as a bad nightmare, then gasped as Draco moved, pulling his cock out a little, then slowly sliding back in, Harry's ass tightening up a little as he winced, grinding his teeth together as he held back a pant, not wanting to give Draco the satisfaction of hearing him make any noise that could be regarded as pleasure.

"N-no.....they....they wont believe you....I....I'll tell them it's a lie....that you're....making it all up..." Harry shook his head. It was true he couldn't remember much of last night....there was a party....he'd intended to talk to Ginny....try and tell her he had feelings for her....then...someone had offered him a drink. After that it was a blur...the only other thing he really remembered was....pleasure....incredible pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt before. "You....they'll....nobody will believe you...." Well, the Slytherin's might....but surely the rest of the school wouldn't....would they? But then there'd always be that doubt in their minds....they'd never look at him the same way....never think of him in the same way again.....he couldn't let that happen could he?
Harry gasped again as Draco started to thrust into him a little faster, gripping at the bedsheets tightly, suppressing the noise as Draco started to stroke his cock, only a small squeak escaping Harry's lips. "P-please....d-don't....I.....j-just don't....a-anything but this....please....." He whimpered and shook his head. "I....I'll give you....anything else....just....just not this....please Draco...."
Draco smirked as he felt Harry reacting, he knew Harry was trying to deny what was happening, trying to deny what was going on. he moaned softly as he felt Harry's ass tighten around him, making him moan softly as he suckled on the others earlobe now. "you feel so very good Potter." he moaned softly, smirking at the other. "come now, don't hold back your noises, you made so many of them last night." he teased, smirking darkly. "some won't beleive me." he agreed. "people like your Ron and Hermione... but then, they've all turned against you before, haven't they potter? in second year, when you spoke parseltongue, the whole world denied you, turned away from you, even your freinds avoided you... and in fourth year, ron even abandoned you didn't he? the rest of the school avoided you... fith year everyone thought you where MAD." he purred. "whats one more cross off the list as a rapist?" he tormented. "i can pass a truth spell easily enough potter, can you?" he demanded, moving his hips in and out of the other, moaning in the others ear. "they will beleive me, with my pretty face, and slightly frame. and when the truth spells prove me right... well, what will you do then?" he demanded, smirking darkly.

"do you even remember what you did last night potter? the way you BEGGED?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow as his thumb rubbed and teased the slit of his new pets dick. "there's nothing that you can give me potter, that will convince me not to tell the world what you did to me." he growled, his voice sadistically pleased. "nothing you can do, unless you give me your body." he purred, biting carefully at his neck. "i'll make you my cute little pet, i'll make sure you like it. i'll make sure it stays private, just between you and me." he whispered in the others ear. "you can't deny you don't want it potter, your body is hard, your voice is straining, struggling not to moan. your body is practically vibrating... i know it feels good Harry, just give in, let me show you all the things a man can do to another man, and the world will never have to know.... just so long as you do, as, i say... when, i say it." he whispered softly. "and i will make sure, so long as you do as i tell you, that no one ever, finds out, what a dirty...little... whore, you really are." every word was punctuated with a sharp jab, and a long rub to Harry's prostate.
Draco did have a point....everyone had been quick to turn on him before...and the way things were lately much of the school and the wizarding world at large were just looking for an excuse to turn on him....this would almost certainly do it. Even if most didn't believe Draco, some would....and the seeds of doubt would be there in the ones that didn't.....and those seeds were certain to grow. "Ah!" He whimpered again from another thrust, then quickly bit his lips again, so hard he drew a little blood, trying to focus on the pain rather than the pleasure....unfortunately the pleasure was just too great. The more Draco spoke the more Harry began to panic inside....the more he realised he really didn't have much of a choice.

"I...I didn't beg...." Harry shook his head quickly. The protest was more to try and reassure himself than anything else....but the memory of last night was such a blur he honestly couldn't remember if he had begged or not. And besides....deep down....maybe he did want this? Harry was so tired of always being the leader....always being the one looked to for guidance and support, always that pillar of strength that others relied on....it wasn't fair. But this....all Harry had to do to keep Draco quiet was.....submit....to just...let himself go.....
"HNG!" Harry's eyes went wide as Draco made a few rather meaningful thrusts into him, making sure that Harry felt them in just the right spots. Oh god....Draco really was an expert with the male body....every part of the male body.
"I...I....a-alright....I'll....I'll do what you want Draco..." Harry's speech was slurred, rasping...though it was impossible to tell if it was from pleasure, anger, regret or some combination of them all. He really didn't have any other choice....Draco would accept nothing else and Harry had no way to stop him short of killing the other boy....and whilst perhaps Harry possessed the physical prowess to do so....he truly didn't have the heart in him to kill. "Wh-whatever...whatever you want....."
he smirked a little as he watched Harry consider everything that he had said, kissing the others neck gently with a small chuckle. he purred softly as the other cried out at a particularly good thrust. "oh yes, you begged." Draco teased, smirking darkly. "you begged for more, for harder, for me to never stop." he whispered in Harry's ear. "you loved what i did to you, every touch, every move i made on your soft, sweet innocent body... you begged me for more so many times, i thought you where going to go purple from lack of air." he teased smirking a little as Harry relaxed under him and slurred that he would do as he ordered, kissing his neck again. "such a good Savior." he teased smirking a little. "so long as you do what i tell you to do... no one will have to find out." he purred softly, pleased with himself.

he ran his hand along the others body again, moving a little faster as his hand wrapped around Harry's cock, rubbing the head. "well." he murmured happily as he ran his tongue along the others ear. "we'll finish this. and then i'll let you go." he growled happily as he moved inside of the other, panting as he rubbed his cock along Harry's prostate, smirking darkly. "i'm going to enjoy this Harry." he whispered in the others ear. "yes, i'm going to enjoy this so much." he growled happily. "and i'm going to make sure you enjoy it too." he growled happily. "you will meet me tonight." he murmured. "here in this room at midnight... and i will fill you with such pleasure... such pleasure." he hissed in Harry's ear. well aware that the promise of pleasure would entice him far more than any threats or warnings ever would. threats harry could ignore, he knew it... but a promise of good things, of good touches and a sensation so close to love... he knew Harry would never be able to stay away. he ran his skilled hands along Harry's flesh in time with his cock stroking his prostate, grunting as he made Harry cum again, finishing himself off before he got dressed, and left the other to clean himself up before classes.

Classes where an interesting affair. every chance Draco got, he smirked at Harry, watching him when he was sure no one else would notice... and just as he had planned, they where set together during potions. making a headache cure or something trivial that Draco didn't care about. he smirked as Snape ignored them, as he always did. "hello Potter." he purred at the other, smirking a little at the other, setting his hand along the others knee, licking his lips as he ran his hand higher along the others inner thigh, his long, almost delicate fingers closer and closer to Harry's crotch, licking his lips. "i wonder how you would feel... if i made you cum here in the middle of class?" he mused softly. "right here in front of everyone?" he mused, running the tips of his fingers on the others concealed cock, smirking wickedly. "better start on that potion too potter... i only have one hand, i wont be able to do much..." he teased his eyes narrowed, almost playfully at the other, as if daring him to protest.
Harry didn't know whether to believe Draco or not....then again it was virtually impossible to tell when the boy was telling the truth at the best of times, in a situation like this Harry stood absolutely no chance. Not that it really mattered either way....whether Harry had begged or not...what he had said didn't mean a thing....it was what he had done that really mattered....and that much there really was no denying. "Ah!" Harry gasped when Draco suddenly grasped his cock, rubbing at the head, shivering as his ear was licked, Draco's cock moving expertly, hitting all the perfect spots inside of Harry's body, driving him to almost unimaginable pleasure before he had even cum.

When Draco started to thrust in earnest, Harry couldn't hold it back any longer. With every thrust he began to grunt and moan in pleasure, fists curling around the bedsheets. If he was going to have to go through this then he might as well enjoy it right? It didn't take long for Harry to start cumming all over Draco's hand and the bedsheets beneath him, the fresh cum joining the dried cum from the previous night. Moments later Harry gasped as he felt a familiar rush of thick, hot fluid into his ass, the shivering of the almost elegant boy ontop of him, cock twitching several times until it slowly pulled out of him. Harry panted and rolled to the side to avoid dropping into his own cum, laying on his side and panting heavily as Draco got dressed and left without another word, as if nothing had happened. Harry himself however took a little longer to compose himself, legs shaking as he stood, going to clean himself up and slowly get dressed before returning to the common room.
He tried his best to act normal, simply smiling in response to anyone who greeted him, neither confirming or denying when they questioned if he had spent the night away. He just did his best to get ready and head to classes.

Throughout the day Harry did his very best to just ignore Draco, not look at him...though he could feel the boys eyes on him all day. And then potions class came, the two of them being put to sit together...damnit...he should've known this was going to happen. He just tried to get on with his work quietly, but then he gasped when a hand was suddenly put on his knee, almost jumping out of his chair before he was able to calm himself, then shivered as a hand ran up his thigh, then started to rub over his covered cock. "N-not here....please..." Harry kept his voice to a quiet whisper. "You....you promised....nobody would know.....h-here they...s-someone will see...." Harry's voice was quiet, but shaking, just as his hands were as he tried to start work on the potion.
Draco chuckled as he made the other cum, pleased with himself, so very pleased with himself that he couldn't help but toy with Potter. he could see the brunette struggling to ignore him, struggling not to acknowledge him, fighting not to blush... it was so cute!...really, Harry was so very cute. he smirked a little as he licked his lips as they where settled next to each other, Snape's attempt at tormenting Harry, it was working, just not in the way Snape had anticipated. "oh? not here?" Draco demanded, arching a slender eyebrow. "i do recall you promised to do anything i ordered." he smirked, eyes as cold as ice as they studied Harry. "no one will see." he promised smirking darkly. "i have a glamor up." he assured the brunette his fingers rubbing, pressing just right... how many other people had been where Harry now sat? sitting innocently, as Draco stroked them off. "all you have to do, is stay quiet, and work... and no one will know." he promised smirking wickedly as he pressed just right, again, licking his lips.

Harry was just too adorable, Draco knew he was going to have so much fun with the boy, so very much fun. and even better he was getting video proof. a wizarding recording was taking in every movement as Draco stroked Harry off, and it was inside the Glamor so it was catching everything. "you blush so pretty Potter." Draco purred as he took hold of the annoying muggle Zipper and slowly pulled it down, every click of metal against metal seamed to fill the room, but no one even glanced at them, too absorbed in their own things to notice what torture Draco was putting Harry through. "grind the earwigs, grind it into as fine a powder as you can manage, no large pieces." Draco ordered as he slowly slipped Harry's hot, hard length out into the cool of the room, running his palm along the length, smirking wickedly. "and do be quick about it." he ordered. "or i might get bored and leave you hard so everyone can see." he growled, squeezing his head a little, enjoying the torture he was giving to Harry.

his hand stroked the boy's length, teasing the flesh as Snape passed by them again, completely oblivious to Harry's situation as he sneered at the potion they... or rather Harry, was making. the Potions professor chastised Harry for being a idiot, Draco's hand never even pausing in it's ministration's of Harry's cock as Snape called Harry an idiot and then moved on to ball bust Neville, Draco smirking at Harry. "you like it when he insults you, don't you potter? your cock is twitching so madly... you like being insulted, and called names don't you?" he demanded smirking darkly. "perhaps i aught to start calling you my cute little gryffindor cum dumpster? my filthy Savior whore?" he mused happily, licking his lips in delight, his fingers dancing over Harry's dick as he gave the other instructions on how to make the potion, holding him at the brink of an orgasm the entire time before finally, finally once the potion was finished, and Snape was yelling at Harry again his hand tightened, and started to stroke firmly. "Your a waste of space!" Snape roared, the hand moving fast and firm on Harry's prick... Draco was going to make Harry cum, right there in front of Snape while the man harassed him.
Harry panted slightly as Draco slowly lowered the zipper, his hands shaking as his cock sprang free, already rock hard thanks to Draco's earlier stimulation. Still....at least there was something to stop people noticing....well...at least lower the chances anyway. He continued to slowly and carefully prepare the potion as per the book and Draco's instructions. It was difficult though, with his hands shaking so much due to Draco's stimulation, that slow and steady stroking of Harry's big, hard cock, pre-cum dripping from the tip onto Draco's fingers. When Snape started getting at him, all Harry could do was nod slightly, not saying a thing back. If he tried to speak he knew his voice would waver...more than enough for Snape to know that something was wrong....and if anyone found out Draco would be sure to say that Harry had forced him into this somehow.

"N-no....I don't like it..." Harry whispered in response to Draco once Snape had left. It wasn't that he liked being insulted...but...the way Draco was stroking he couldn't help but twitch his cock, orgasm rapidly beginning to approach....oh god it was coming quickly....and then Draco just held it there....slowing...stopping...squeezing....somehow knowing exactly how to hold Harry's orgasm off until it seemed that Draco himself was ready for it. And then Snape returned....oh god....he wouldn't would he? No...no he wouldn't...he couldn't.....but he did. Almost as soon as Snape started to get at him, shout at him, criticise him as usual, Draco suddenly moved his hand faster and harder. All Harry could do was close his eyes and grip the table tightly as his cock exploded, cum spraying against the underside of the desk, quickly dripping back down onto Harry's cock, Draco's hand and the floor beneath the desk. Harry couldn't respond to what Snape was saying, just whimper slightly pathetically....perhaps it would give Snape a sense that he had won and broken the boy, finally caught him without any kind of comeback for once.....and that would suit Harry just fine really...if it made Snape move on faster that was just fine...
Draco smirked as he tormented Harry, stroking him, tormenting him, licking his lips as he watched those shaking hands made the potion for them, smirking darkly. "your such a good boy Harry." he whispered sadistically. "your getting better at making potions, maybe you only needed the right... stimulation." he teased as his hand teased Harry's cock head, offering him incentive to do good at the potion, licking his lips. "i think you do like it... you like the thought of Snape standing there, yelling at you while i stroke you off... the chance of getting caught, it turns you on doesn't it? your such a filthy slut potter." he purred, smirking darkly as he watched the other come to terms with what was happening as his hand sped up, tormenting him even more as Snape yelled at him. Snape paused as Harry's hands tightened and the whimper left the Golden boy's lips, looking shocked, stunned even as Draco silently used magic to clean up all the cum, calmly tucking harry back into his pants as Severus stood there, uncertain what to do at such a response from the Golden boy.

"Professor... i think Potter might need to go to the hospital wing... he doesn't look too well." Draco commented, his words covering up the sound of Harry's Zipper being pulled back up, Snape hesitating and then nodding. "Leave potter! Draco, go with hm, make sure he doesn't fall down a flight of stairs or something equally stupid!" Snape snapped, Draco smirking, smug as he gathered his and Harry's things, trotting out after Harry as the other fled, snickering as he watched Harry's face now. "that was fun potter." he stated simply. "i'm quite impressed, you where so vocal before i wasn't sure you'd be able to help yourself." he taunted smirking as he handed the other something... a parchment, and on it was the scene where Draco fished Harry's cock out of his pants and started stroking. "just so you don't get any ideas." he taunted glancing at Harry. "after all, people do expect someone like me to be so lewd... but you." his smirk widened as he took the paper back. "and don't think about trying to steal it, i already have copies made and hidden." he smirked at Harry. "and even if you manage to find them all, by the time you do i'll have this printed everywhere." he licked his lips. "i'll see you tonight potter, midnight... don't wear any underwear." he ordered as he stalked off, leaving Harry with his things, the piece of parchment on top still playing everything, up to the point where Harry came before replaying as Draco tugged Harry's Zipper back down, as if taunting him...

fortunately, Harry wouldn't see Draco for the rest of the evening, dinner was a silent affair where Hermione and Ron chattered with him, talking about their normal, boring day and talked about the amazing party from the night before. Ron teasing Neville mercilessly about Snogging a SLYTHERIN of all things! Neville pointedly ignoring the red head as he ate, Hermione chastising Ron for being a Bigot before she turned her attention to Harry. "so how was your night last night Harry? Ron says you never came back to the rooms last night." she stated smirking at him. "did you find yourself in someone else's bed?" she teased playfully as she patted him on the shoulder. "good for you! it's about time you had some fun! i wonder when the next party is going to be?" who knew, but Harry's night was far from over as people started going to bed, leaving the common room empty by eleven thirty, giving Harry plenty of time to slip off and join Draco int he Room of Requirement. the question now was, would Harry go, or would Draco have to hunt him down?
Harry remained as silent as possible throughout his orgasm, even holding back a few pants of relief as he stopped cumming, then felt it vanishing as Draco seemed to clean it up with a spell....thank god for that...if there had been cum all over the underside of the desk and the floor then....well....it wouldn't take a genius to figure out where it had come from. He couldn't bring himself to look at Snape as he was shouted at, and was rather thankful that he was excused to go to the infirmary....not to mention incredibly thankful when his cock was tucked away and his zipper was pulled back up. In silence Harry packed his things away and turned to leave quickly, barely noticing Draco had followed him until he spoke, handing over a piece of parchment, Harry looking at it and squeaking slightly. "....I..." he shook his head slightly, unsure what he could do or say...Draco almost certainly wasn't bluffing that he had plenty of copies already....probably parchment encharted to match what was on this piece. All he could do was nod in response to Draco's command, watching the blonde boy walk away. Once he was gone Harry looked at the parchment, then cursed and used a spell to quickly set it on fire. He knew it wasn't going to do anything to the copies, but one less copy was a good thing....he couldn't risk someone going through his things and finding this.... with a grumble Harry gathered up the ashes, just incase, tucking them away into a small pouch and turning to go on about his day.

On returning to the common room Harry was unusually distant, even for him, from Ron and Hermione. Barely involved in the conversations until Hermione turned it directly on him. "H-huh? Oh I....n-no....no I didn't...I just...sort of passed out somewhere is all....woke up with a bad hangover and came back here....nothing exciting really" It was probably better to try and dispel any rumour that he had left with someone or spent the night with anyone at all.....last thing he needed was people poking around to try and find out who he might have hooked up with.
Before long, the night had gone by in a flash and Harry found himself alone at 11:30 at night in the common room, staring at the exit. What should he do...? What could he do? He seriously doubted if he didn't turn up he'd simply get a warning or that Draco would just forget about it. No....no if he were to not turn up....there were certain to be....consequences....and Harry couldn't risk what those might be.

With a sigh Harry turned to leave the common room quietly, stopping at one of the bathrooms to remove his underwear and pull his pants back on, then leave and head for the room of requirement, avoiding the teacher patrols carefully. He arrived at the room just before midnight, the door appearing before him as he stared up at it, hand shaking as he slowly reached forward to open it, almost scared of what it was he would find within.
Draco smirked as he watched Harry's reaction to the orgasm and the parchment, snickering a little as he licked his lips. he was going to enjoy tonight, he really was. Hermione herself looked concerned at Harry's stuttering response, and gave him a look that clearly said that she didn't beleive him, but she decided to let it go for now. harry was right in assuming that there would be consequences to not showing up, it was Draco, after all and the blond did not Bluff. he was a Malfoy, and a dick, Harry certainly would have regretted it had he chosen not to show up. it was amazingly easy to avoid the teacher patrols, it was as if they knew Harry was going to be wandering the halls and gave him a clear path to his destination, was Draco pulling their strings like he was pulling Harry's? knowing Draco... probobly.

as soon as the door swung open Draco grabbed Harry's tie, yanking him into the pitch black room and closing the door. "so glad you where here on time Potter." Draco purred, leading Harry by the tie over to a massive bed, dumping him onto it before unzipping the others pants, reaching in and cupping the others cock, just to make sure that he wasn't wearing any underwear. "well, you CAN follow orders... a shame, i was hoping to get to punish you a little bit tonight." he admitted with a chuckle, stroking his cock, teasing the flesh a little before setting something on Harry's belly. "get undressed and change into that." how did Draco expect Harry to be able to do that in a room so pitch dark he couldn't even see his nose!?... for that matter how was Draco moving around with such ease? spells probobly the little bastard."and don't take too long about it Potter, i'm not a patient person." Draco growled, giving the brunettes cock one last stroke before backing away, letting Harry get changed.

the outfit was soft, so very soft. it was like a mix of Silk and very soft cotton. it had long sleeves that came down to his wrists, hugging very tight like spandex. it barley came over his nipples though, it was practically just a lot of sleeve... The pants where just as tight and clingy as the shirt, with no underwear on, and the stretchy nature of the pants meant that his cock was going to show very clearly no matter if he had a hard on or not. "very sexy potter." Draco purred as the other finally got changed. "that was very entertaining." he admitted chuckling as he moved forward again, grabbing Harry's hair firmly. "don't move potter." he ordered, settling something onto Harry's head, the items attaching to his skin, and if Harry concentrated, he could make them move...ears... long ears... Rabbit ears... he grabbed the others hips and attached something to just above the swell of his ass, on his tail bone, the fluffy cotton tail made the assemblage complete. Draco had turned Harry into a cute little black bunny... the lights in the room slowly started going up, giving Harry a chance to see himself in the massive mirror that was right in front of him. Draco smirking. "you look so very adorable Harry." Draco growled happily chuckling a little as he revealed himself.

surprisingly Draco was dressed up in an almost identical outfit, only his was White, and he had cat ears and a tail that twitched and swayed behind him. "do you like it?" he asked smirking as he raked his nails through the air, they where long, almost like a woman's. "my cute little Bunny rabbit." he growled happily raising a small digital Camera and snapping a picture of Harry. "you look so deliciously Lewd... do you like your costume? i got it from the Weasley Twins." he smirked. "this camera is theirs too, they really are ingenious, despite being so annoying... imagine, a muggle fetish run on magic." he mused smirking as he studied Harry, his head tilted. "why don't you fish that pretty dick out for me, and stroke off hmm? i want to see what you look like when your pleasuring yourself."
Harry yelped as he was suddenly pulled inside by the tie, stumbling and almost falling over before finding his footing whilst he was led through the pitch darkness of the room. What was Draco planning here? Why was it so dark? "Ah!" Harry yelped in surprise as suddenly his zipper was undone and a hand slipped into his pants, cupping his bare cock and balls. Harry couldn't help feeling ever so slightly smug at Draco's disappointment....whilst it was hard to give the boy the satisfaction of being 'obeyed'....knowing that he was to be denied the oppertunity to go even further was enough to make it a little bit easier at least. He shivered as he was stroked, his cock rapidly hardening to full size out of his pants, until the hand pulled away and something was dropped on his belly. Get changed? How in the hell was he supposed to do that if he couldn't even see? For all he knew he was going to be putting the damned thing on backwards.

With a bit of a grumble Harry stood up, slowly undressing, setting his clothes down on the floor beside him, then picked up the outfit Draco had given him. He fumbled with it for a few moments, figuring out the right way around and up, then started to tug it on. It felt....strange...unlike anything Harry had ever worn before. It was tight....skintight...almost hard to pull on. Eventually he somehow managed to tug the outfit on, though it was particularly tight around his throbbing erection, so tight that the outline of his cock would've been perfectly visible if it weren't for the fact they were in pitch darkness. "There. I've put it on" There was a definate tone of defiance or anger in Harry's voice, a growl as his hair was grabbed and something was....attached to him. These things felt....weird....very weird. Then something else too....what the hell was that?

As the lights came up, Harry had to close his eyes slightly. Fortunately they were coming up slowly so it wasn't too blinding. Still, it was a few moments before Harry could blink and clear his vision..and what he saw rather surprised him. Draco was dressed.....rather strangely. Though when Harry glanced at himself he realised he was dressed just as strangely. "Wh-wha...?" He blinked, then looked up as he heard the noise of a camera. Draco using Muggle technology? Well that was....unusual. Any other situation and Harry might've asked questions....though right now there were rather more important things to be worried about. Still....in these outfits Harry could clearly see one thing....he could see Draco's own cock through the skintight outfit....and Harry was definately bigger....longer...thicker...Harry couldn't help a slightly cocky grin on his face.
"Hmph....fine" He looked down, swallowing nervously and reaching down slowly, adjusting the outfit to allow his erection to spring free, then slowly started to stroke himself, shivering and biting his lip. At least like this it was easy not to make any noise.
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