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Myra's Artsy Corner of BM

Myra Midnight

Mar 20, 2010
Because how can I be on a forum that has a art section, and not be there!?
I'll post stuff here, I might draw stuff this summer.


A quick pinup for Renne Hakumai
Should I ink it?

~Me @ Deviantart
~Me @ FurAffinity
That's really nice.

Before you ink it, you might want to fill her right breast (the one on the left of the picture) a little more to match the fullness of the other. Unless she's supposed to be more natural.

Other than that, excellent work! I'd love to see it inked. Do you color your own work?
I do, though Im still wondering if I should venture further into digital coloring or traditional. I like doing things by hand [laughs]
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