75th Hunger Games (SpecialKay & LilyRoseBlack23)


Jun 6, 2012
So this was it, this was what it was like to ride in the big circle at the Hunger Games. She still couldn't believe she had been chosen, it all seemed such a blur, but here she was, standing next to one of the chosen boys from her district. It was a quarter quell year, so 4 had been chosen from each, 2 boys 2 girls. The other couple from her district were riding behind them, two chariots from each district. Raff was the name of the boy next to her, she really didn't know him too well, he was only 14, he seemed very tense standing next to her, but the costumes didn't help any. The stylists for their district had decided to dress them up like pine trees, with a crazy wig on their heads to resemble pine needles that hid her dark flowing mahogany brown hair, her bright green eyes a stark contrast against all the dark green and browns of her costume, and their bodies in nothing but body paint, painted to resemble bark.

It was bad enough knowing she'd have to kill or be killed, but knowing she'd potentially have to kill not one, but three other kids from her very district, made her feel sick to her stomach, but she wanted to win favour with the sponsors, so she put on a happy face, and tried hard not to think about what was to come.
Julian stood in the chariot, it was all so surreal. It had only been a couple days since the reaping when not two but four kids had been pulled from each district, tossed into the ring to fight eachother to the death. Not one but three faces from his district were to be wiped off the face of the planet this year...it was horrible just thinking about it. Ever since the reaping he had been a fan favorite, the pretty hou from district four that the Capitol and every other district began to fall for. The only problem is, no one knew of his survival abilities, being from district four they were known for their fish. They always though that being from district four meant fishing poles...but it was so mch more.

He was adorned in a toga of sorts, one that Poseidon or Neptune would've worn. His body being shown of marvelously, six pack and all. Being the pretty boy he waved his hand as he turned his yea to the side looking into the crowd as he gave them that boyish smile. It wasn't like him to do this...but he had to lay it on thick...or he wouldn't survive. As they arrived at the circle and the chariots pulled to a stop, president snow gave his speech. Julian completely ignored it as he walked off his chariot makin his way towards the tunnels that lead to their rooms, waiting outside as he decided to observe his competition. "Who do I have to face this year..."
She looked around at the others, as they made their way to the tunnels, sizing up her competition. She wasn't scrawny but compared to some of the girls from the career districts, she would have a tough time. She was only 5'3, but having grown up in the forests, around loggers, she was quite resilient, so she had the advantage of looking weak, when in reality that wasn't the case at all. Eyeing one boy in particular, from district 4, the way the toga barely covered everything, she found herself blushing, but quickly averted her eyes, this wasn't the place to be finding someone attractive, well unless she could somehow use it to her advantage in the arena.

Making her way up to their rooms, she waits for her team of stylists to dress her. For the interview she would be wearing lots of green still, but more of a flowy silky sheer green fabrics, just barley covering her private parts, leaving just enough to the imagination to peak people's interest. Her district's mentor had decided, as she was one of the prettiest, most innocent looking girls, that they should play that up, act innocent, provocative, alluring.

As the interviews started, she sat nervously in the front row, her hair done up to accentuate her face. She watched as they did district 12's interviews and kept going over in her head how she needed to act during hers.
Julian smiled at the girl who passed by, he had recognized the girl from district seven before. She was much more innocent and beautiful than the others, but he knew better thank judge a book by its covers. However he knew one thing was important to keep everyone on their toes. As she made her way onto the elevator he smiled. "Hey you district seven."Julian shouted at her with a laugh. "You're quite beautiful this evening."Julian finished with a smile watching the doors close as he watched her reaction. He continued forward boarding the elevator as well as he was shipped up to his dressers and what not. Being dressed in a simple black and white tux he was adorned with the usual. However they made his small trident necklace very obvious on his costum as he smiled. "It's perfect."

Claudius Templesmith clapped as the newest tribute finally left the stage. Movin as he shifted to look at the audience his eyes lighting up as he smiled. "Now for the inal person from district seven. She's young, she's innocent, she's incredibly beautiul! Please welcome...Miss Valeria Redpath!"Claudius shouted at the top of his lungs standing up as he motioned towards the direction she would be coming from. "Please spin for us."Claudius said with a smile as she began to walk towards him.
She tried to keep from blushing as she walked up on the stage, knowing so many eyes were on her, and getting a glimpse of how see through her outfit was, especially with the lights glaring down on it. she gave Claudius a shy but seductive smile, carefully biting at her bottom lip in just the right place, trying to play coy, she spins around, feeling the fabric fly out. She stopped when she felt she'd fall over from being dizzy, and sat down in the chair next to Claudius and smiled out at the audience.
Claudius smiled clapping at her spin. "Ain't she a beauty? Please a round of applause!"Claudius spoke calmly getting the crowd to clap along with him. Adjusting himsel in the seat as he turned to face her he smiled as he looked her over once more. Her smile was quite beautiful to say the least, adjusting his sleeves as he got down into the knit and grit. "We all know district seven is pretty woodsy and what not. Being a girl of your beauty there mus be something back home. Is there a boy the world should know about back home? Someone you find cute maybe? Hell maybe even one here?"
She smiles at the clapping, nodding her head in thanks, playing up a coy attitude, like she couldn't believe they could possibly be clapping for her. Listening to his question, she smiles and choose her words carefully, all the while her eyes skimming the other tributes, her eyes rest on the one from district 4, in a suit with a trident pendant. "Oh Caludius, I'm not a kiss and tell kinda girl. There are some rather cute boys back at home, but choosing is so hard, so many cute boys, so little time" She looks at the district 4 boy, and gives him a seductive smile, trying to play up her roll hoping to get more sponsors from it.
Claudius laughed at her response, she was a spontaneous girl with quite the personality. "Oh I see, so you're that little tease that's in every district? Hear that boys!?"Claudius joked with a laugh as he followed her gaze. "Oh district four Hm? It seems you have competition for that young fellow, it appears that every woman on the face of this planet wants a piece o him."Claudius said with a laugh before shifting to look back at her. "As for another question, the world has all been asking. What do you do in your spare time? They all know your quite the woods woman, but on your spare time. What do you do?"

Julian smiled understanding her act instantly, his eyes running over her boy as he let out a small gasp. In a joking manner as he gave her a wink as well. His lips curling back to flash his incredibly white teeth as the girls near and all over began to gasp with love.
Seeing Julian react surprised her, he went along with it quite nicely, she made note of it and moved on with the interview, "Oh, you know, the usual things bored girls do in the woods, look for cute boys to lead astray, lots of hiding places in the woods!" She looks again at Julian, seductively, as if she were imagining doing him in the woods, in a secluded clearing. Not wanting to give her skills away, she kept playing up the idea she was a....well a cock tease.
Julian smiled at her newest attraction, replying to the look once more with a smile. Finally he puckered his lips and tossed her a kiss from his hand. Girls in the audience melted and some even fainted atthe simple motion, they were falling head over heels for him. Pressing his thumb and index finger into his whistle be gave that signature whistle of approval that women would get from a men when they asked how sexy they looked.

"Oh really now? You seem to be quite the...troublemaker miss."Claudius teased with a smile, crossing his arms as he looked her in the eyes. "We have time for one more question. Knowing that this is the third quarter quell, and there's double the amoun of tributes this year. How do you intend to win with sub competition?"Claudius asked. Everyone knew there were now double the amount of careers, and Julian was definitely going to get a majority of the sponsors, however...no one knew of just how powerful a fighter he was.
she practically purrs her response, "Oh, well perhaps I'll try and seduce them first, I do love playing with my food." She flashes a big smile at the audience and winks at Julian. Keep them guessing at what she's capable of, how strong she is, with tits and a body as nice as hers, she hoped she could play off that for enough sponsors, get their juices flowing about what kind of action she could give them in the arena.
Julian laughed in response, all the guys in the tributes tapped his shoulders in congratulations for they thought he would be her target. One guy even grabbed hold of his arm forcing it into a jerking motion as he glared at him to force him to stop. He sighed and smiled clappin with the crowd as Claudius spoke.

"Well then, the crowd and all of us will be watching. Thank you for your time! May the odds be ever in your favor!"Claudius shouted standing up as he reached out for her hand bowing as he allowed her to curtsy. He allowed her off the stage as the other tributes progressively began to arrive. Even though Julian was on much earlier, they forced him to go last, as Claudius was ready to grin forth the entrance the world had been waiting for.
SpecialKay said:
Julian laughed in response, all the guys in the tributes tapped his shoulders in congratulations for they thought he would be her target. One guy even grabbed hold of his arm forcing it into a jerking motion as he glared at him to force him to stop. He sighed and smiled clappin with the crowd as Claudius spoke.

"Well then, the crowd and all of us will be watching. Thank you for your time! May the odds be ever in your favor!"Claudius shouted standing up as he reached out for her hand bowing as he allowed her to curtsy. He allowed her off the stage as the other tributes progressively began to arrive. Even though Julian was on much earlier, they forced him to go last, as Claudius was ready to grin forth the entrance the world had been waiting for.

"Well I'm sure everyone's excited about this next tribute, much talks has been circulating about the very handsome Julian Walters, please everyone welcome Julian to the stage." Claudius stood and clapped with the audience as he waited for Julian to take his seat next to him.
Julian smiled giving Valeria a curt nod in the audience as he made his way onto the stage. He could hear the crowd go wild, the ladies screamed his name, and everything of the like. "Should I spin too like all the other pretty girls?"Julian asked with a laugh, spinning his way over to the chairs of which the guests and Claudius sat. Before sitting down he turned to the audience crossin his forearm over his stomach and gave the crowd a bow. He took a seat in the chair readjusting his body to fit nicely as he crossed one leg over his knee and smiled as he looked towards Claudius. "Then we should start the questions, correct?"Julian brought up smiling a bit geekily.
SpecialKay said:
Julian smiled giving Valeria a curt nod in the audience as he made his way onto the stage. He could hear the crowd go wild, the ladies screamed his name, and everything of the like. "Should I spin too like all the other pretty girls?"Julian asked with a laugh, spinning his way over to the chairs of which the guests and Claudius sat. Before sitting down he turned to the audience crossin his forearm over his stomach and gave the crowd a bow. He took a seat in the chair readjusting his body to fit nicely as he crossed one leg over his knee and smiled as he looked towards Claudius. "Then we should start the questions, correct?"Julian brought up smiling a bit geekily.

Claudius smiled and laughed in al the right places, egging the audience on, "well you seem to be quite the take charge kinda guy, someone used to getting their way?" Claudius laughed heartily. "So the girls really seem to have chosen you as their favourite, I'm sure if Valeria wins the game of seduction with you in the arena, there will be quite a few broken hearts."
Julian edged on a laugh, tilting his head slightly so when she smiled the lights shined brightly against his teeth. "Really? I would never. I'm much more ladiback."Julian teased with a laugh as he extended his arm to show. "See, I'm super lazy."Julian spoke pulling up his sleeve on his coat and shirt to reveal his incredibly toned arm with a laugh as he worked at replacing it. "If Miss Valeria somehow...succeeds...it will be strange. I'm not that easy I hope you should know."Julian said as he heard the thought about the girls and what not selecting him as the favorite. "Me the favorite? Please I couldn't be."Julian joked with a smile. "Even so if she somehow does manage to..."Julian paused finding Valeria in the audience as he winked at her and blew her a kiss continuing as he looked her directly in the eyes. "Steal my heart...I'll still have that special spot for all the ladies who support me."
Claudius grins, "Well I'm sure if you make it as the winner, you'll have a gaggle of girls lined up wanting to fawn over you, they already are now." He smiles out at all the girls in the audience. "So tell me besides your good looks, any other interesting tricks up your sleeve that'll get you through the arena alive?"
Julian listened to his words the girls cheering at being acknowledged as he laughed slightly leaning back into his hair as he places both his feet onto the floor. His chin and lout now placed in the space between his thumb and index finger as he continued to listen to Claudius speak. "Well...I really can't do too much. I'm just a pretty boy from the fishing district."Julian lied, but did so incredibly well. "I could probably try and swim them to death. I don't know how that would work but I'd damn try."Julian laughed at his own remark leaning back as he recalled his actual abilities. When given a trident, or spear like object he could kill nearly anyone, if given a net as well, no one would be able to eat him.
Claudius smiles, "Well I'm sure the idea of you stripped down to your swimming trunks will make a few girls out there swoon. so tell us, when you aren't making pretty girls swoon over you or swimming, what do you do in your spare time?'
"Make girls swoon? Unheard of."Julian joked with a slight chuckle as he heard the next question leaning onto the chair he pondered the question as he looked upwards. "Well recently my father and I have been fishing quite often, you know with fishing poles and what not."Julian said most of it was true, however they utilized tridents where he's from. "Oh, and my mothers taught me how to knit and make nets and what not, it was fun while it lasted...I plan on going home to thank her one day."Julian said with a bright smile.
"Well Julian, I'm sure everyone here hopes the same for you, we'll all be watching closely, to see how well Valeria succeeds in seducing you" claudius grins and smiles out at the audience. "Please everyone one more round of applause for Julian". He smiles and claps loudly, and shows Julian off the stage.

Valeria made sure to smile at all the right moments, it wasn't too hard, Julian was definitely cute, very nice on the eyes, but he couldn't be any more than someone she'd seduce to get through the game.
Julian nodded with a smile. "Thank you Claudius, you were always a joy to be around."Julian comimented standing up as he as about to walk of the stage. However he stopped and looked towards the audience. "One thing before I leave. For each product I receive that will help my survival I will throw one kiss to the audience from wherever I am. To any woman who sends me such a gift, I will win in honor of your assistance to my survival."Julian smiled bowing slightly. "Thank you for your time."Julian turned on his heels instantly and made his way off the stage.
Valeria watched him take his seat again, he could make a powerful ally in the arena, even if ultimately one of them had to die, but she figured he'd ally with the other careers, so she'd have to hope for someone else to ally with. After the interviews she made her way back to her room, catching an elevator, hoping she'd be the only one going up, wanting a few minutes to herself.
Julian nodded as the ending speeches were finished he rushed quickly catching the elevator just as the doors were about to close. Slipping in he realized he was next to Valeria and smiled. "Oh hey! It's you. Great interview, it was a joy to watch..."Julian said pausing as he pressed the button for his floor as the elevator began to spin into action."Though you were a bit of a cock tease."Juliaj finished with a genuine laugh.
Seeing Julian made Valeria's heart race, as much as she was a tease and flirt, she'd never actually slept with a guy. "Oh thanks, you reacted quite nicely, thanks for going along with it." At the mention of being a cock tease she blushed, hoping desperately that the capitol didn't have cameras in the elevators. "Oh ummmm well the audience seemed to enjoy it." She fidgeted a bit, he was even hotter up close, and he smelled divine, it was no wonder he had girls fawning all over him.
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