I am glad you can say that, and I agree as my niece is one of the most wonderful people in this world, and a hug from her is special.
The smell of scones on a Saturday morning. The feeling of a nice hot shower. The sweetness of incense.
I find it funny when a friend of mine says that a free America is accepting that other people have opinions that differ from your own. No, it's respecting that other people have opinions other than your own. I don't have to like or accept them.
Snuggling up with a beautiful girl and watching a good movie after a long, hard day. Not talking, not even really watching the movie, just enjoying each other's company, touch, presence.
When one of those awesome 90's songs comes on the radio randomly, and takes me back to like the summer of '97 or somethin' and I get to take a 4 minute stroll down nostalgia lane.
Songs like this:
Or the ultimate nostalgia song for me;
^_^ Ah, Phantom Power. One of the first albums I bought out of my own money back in '98.