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Little Things You Love

Watching videos of Mr. Rogers. They always manage to perk me up

Personally prefer subbed anime to dubbed. Dub jobs sound so weird to me...

When you accidentally make a hilarious joke, and you don't even realise you did till everyone else is laughing their asses off.
You're right, a bad dub can ruin everything, but subbed anime tends to be so fast that I have to remind myself to read fast or else I have to rewind the episode and watch the part again so I won't miss anything. I want to watch anime and not focus on something to read. If I want to read, then I read a manga instead!

Enough with the rant, back to the topic.

What I love is having an asian version of raclette with mini woks.
Finally getting a call back from the comic book store I interviewed at last week. Gonna be turning in my availability so I can start work! So pumped!
Sleep overs with my baby! C:
That feeling when your wheels leave the runway and you're airborne, only to be replaced by that euphoria when you touch down again and begin to taxi back to the hanger, knowing that everything went perfectly in the air.

Being able to sit with someone and not always having to talk. Even if we did sit in silence, together each other's company is enough to bring a smile.
Being able to relax, without having anything on my mind. Being free from all troubles, even if it is for short while - make the most of it ^_^ *thumbs up*
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